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A new nothosubspecies Cirsium  ×  vivantii is described after a molecular and morphological characterization of eight individuals collected in two separate valleys of the French central Pyrenees. Both hypervariable Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers and nuclear rDNA (ITS) and plastid ( trn L-F, TRNT-L) DNA sequences were analysed. The profiles of these hybrid samples were compared to those of 43 individuals belonging to their presumed parental taxa C. carniolicum ssp. rufescens and C. palustre . A total of 133 AFLP bands were scored from three primer-pair combinations. All 130 AFLP bands that amplified in the hybrid samples were present in either C. carniolicum ssp. rufescens , C. palustre or both taxa, supporting the participation of these plant genomes in the resulting hybrids. Several Additive Polymorphic Sites (APS) detected in the ITS sequences of the hybrid samples also confirmed their derived origins from ribotypes of the two parental taxa. The lack of exclusive AFLP markers and the nonconcerted evolution of rDNA polymorphisms towards either of the parental ribotypes indicated their recent origin. Plastid trn T-L sequences were used to identify C. palustre as the maternal parent of six of these hybrid individuals; either parent could have acted as the plastid genome donor for the other two individuals. The morphological study revealed that all hybrid individuals were morphologically intermediate between their parents showing largely lobed and less spiny basal leaves as in C. carniolicum ssp. rufescens and decurrent leaf bases and pinkish corollas as in C. palustre .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 421–434.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We determined the in vitro effect of the azol-derivative antifungal ketoconazole (KZ) on the morphology, growth, and development of teleost fish parasite Ichthyophonus sp. The KZ was delivered to culture medium using liposomes (L) or a lipid emulsion (E) at five different doses (i.e. 5, 50, 100, 200, and 400 μg/ml) for both L and E formulations. Controls consisted of Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 10% foetal bovine serum (MEM-10) alone (C-MEM) or containing amounts of L or E equivalent to those used in the KZ100 and KZ400 treatments (i.e. 100L, 400L, 100E, and 400E, respectively). Morphological alterations, such as a decrease in the number of dividing spores and nuclei, and condensation or even destruction of the cytoplasm, were observed using light and electron microscopy in the MEM-cultured organisms receiving KZ formulations, especially with KZ400L preparations, at both 7- and 14-d postinoculation. The KZ treatments also demonstrated a statistically significant inhibition of Ichthyophonus growth in MEM. These treatments also had an inhibitory effect on subsequent Ichthyophonus germination in Earle's fish saline agar (EFSA) medium, which was more evident for L formulations when the organism was treated for 7 d and for E formulations at 14 d. Our results endorse the potential use of KZ for the treatment for ichthyophonosis and provide support to proceed to in vivo assays.  相似文献   
Accelerating taxonomic knowledge and making accurate species identifications are critically important given the current biodiversity crisis, particularly in biodiversity hotspots such as Mesoamerica. Objective species delimitation that reduces investigator‐driven bias is fundamental to the establishment of appropriate conservation strategies, above all in managed species. Previous morphological and molecular studies on three managed stingless bee species of the genus Scaptotrigona distributed in Mexico (S. mexicana, S. pectoralis and S. hellwegeri) suggested that both S. mexicana and S. hellwegeri are cryptic species complexes. Herein we tested species delimitation by analysing sequence information of five markers (two mitochondrial: cox1 and 16S, and three nuclear: ITS1, EF1‐α, ArgK) within a Bayesian coalescent framework to test the putative species. We obtained two different hypotheses using a Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent (GMYC) model: four (cox1) and six (16S) species. After the species validation step with the Bayesian species‐delimitation analysis (BPP), we suggest that only S. mexicana is a complex of two species with different distribution (along the Pacific and the Atlantic coasts, respectively). We highly recommend avoiding colony exchange between geographical regions in order to conserve the genetic integrity of both taxa.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Cortical morphogenesis during excystment in Histriculus similis has been studied by light microscopy of preparations impregnated with silver proteinate (protargol). This morphogenesis shows clear differences from cortical morphogenesis during division. The oral, paroral, and fronto-ventro-transverse primordia originate from an extensive field of kinetosomes. The marginal cirral primordia and the dorsal bristle primordia appear at an early stage of morphogenesis. The left marginal cirral primordium originates from the oral primordium.  相似文献   
The uptake of nitrogen and its distribution between shoots and between organs within shoots in wheat (Triticum aestivum) was studied from the start of stem elongation to 28 days after anthesis in a glasshouse experiment with eight nitrogen levels between 0·1 and 12·8 mequiv./litre. There was no net uptake of nitrogen in plants supplied with 0·8 mequiv./litre or less; with more nitrogen the absorption increased linearly. Twenty to 44% of the total plant nitrogen was absorbed after anthesis, this fraction increasing with nutrient supply. The nitrogen allotted to the main shoot decreased until the onset of anthesis and increased thereafter at the expense of the tillers, except with 12·8 mequiv./litre, where nitrogen percentage in the main shoot decreased also after anthesis. Raising nitrogen supply increased the proportion of plant nitrogen recovered in the tillers. Nitrogen accumulated in the ear after emergence and by the 28th day after anthesis it contained between 52% and 73% of the total plant nitrogen. The ear of the main shoot had a higher proportion of shoot nitrogen than that of the tillers. The fraction of ear nitrogen supplied by retranslocation decreased from almost 100% with 0·8 mequiv. N/litre or less to nil with 12·8 mequiv./litre. Increasing nitrogen application decreased the fraction of total nitrogen allocated to the ear.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Application of the triple stain of Grosso (methyl green-pyronin-orange G) to the exconjugants of different species of ciliates produces a differential coloration of their nuclei. Both the old macronucleus or its remnants and the micronuclei bind methyl green whereas the newly developing macronucleus (macronuclear anlage) has a selective affinity for the orange G present in the mixture. This finding holds true not only for hypotrichous ciliates, whose macronuclear anlagen are involved in the formation of polytene chromosomes, but also for other ciliates not included in the order Hypotrichida. Such a reaction of the new macronuclei apparently results from the presence of non-histone (acidic) proteins associated with the nucleic acids.
The staining method is fully described to provide a more general application.  相似文献   
The cumacean family Bodotriidae includes 382 species in 31 genera grouped in three subfamilies: Bodotriinae, Mancocumatinae and Vaunthompsoniinae. Generic diagnoses are based on few characters that often have overlapping states among genera, complicating the understanding of the relationships within the group. The goals of this study are to illuminate the phylogenetic relationships among the genera of the Bodotriidae using morphological characters and to review the systematics of the family. For this purpose, all species within each genus were studied from the literature to code all the variability of genera for 109 variable morphological characters. Phylogenetic analyses show that there is independent reduction of the pleopods in two clades from a plesiomorphic state of five pairs, while the number of exopods of peraeopods has been reduced gradually in more derived groups of bodotriids. The subfamily Bodotriinae is the most derived and the Vaunthompsoniinae the most basal, and is paraphyletic with the Mancocumatinae embedded within it. No discriminatory characters were found between the subfamilies Mancocumatinae and Vaunthompsoniinae and they are not clearly separated in the phylogeny. Mancocumatinae is synonymized with Vaunthompsoniinae and all the genera of the former Mancocumatinae should be included within Vaunthompsoniinae. Analyses of character evolution justify a few other taxonomic changes. All genera were redescribed based on all the coded characters and a complete list of all valid species for each genus is included. Finally, dichotomous keys for identification to genus level are provided.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 1–58.  相似文献   
Several methods based on population biology, biogeography, ecology, and genetics have been traditionally used for the identification of units for conservation below the species level. We use a combination of two methods based on population genetic structure estimators and on probabilities of loss of rare alleles to identify the Relevant Genetic Units for Conservation (RGUCs). The aims were to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of the endemic steppe plant Boleum asperum (Brassicaceae), and to determine how many and which populations significantly represent the total genetic diversity and the rarest allelic variation. Despite the high amplified fragment length polymorphism genetic diversity values detected in B. asperum ( h T = 0.744), caused probably by its hexaploidy and allogamy, moderate spatial genetic differentiation was detected among populations (< 20%) and geographical ranges (> 13%), suggesting the existence of an ancestral continuous distribution range that was fragmented into separate 'islands' in more recent historical times. Five RGUCs, accounting for the 85.10% of the total genetic variation and representative of the entire geographical distribution of the species, were selected for in situ conservation. Ex situ conservation is proposed to complement the preservation of B. asperum . This method of objective selection of populations may be applied to other candidate taxa for conservation with prior adjustment of the threshold values of diversity required for effective protection of each particular species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 341–354.  相似文献   
Plant growth-regulating activity in a series of phenoxyacetaldehyde derivatives has been assessed in a number of tests. Metabolic experiments using labelled 14C compounds are discussed.  相似文献   
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