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Although studied for 35 years, knowledge of the reproductive biology of the King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus remains incomplete. The chick requires more than 12 months of care, which extends the breeding cycle, including moult, to more than one year, i.e. the King Penguin is neither annual nor biennial. In an attempt to resolve ambiguities in the literature and to elucidate the long-term breeding strategy of the species, we studied breeciing frequency at the individual level, considering the decision to breed in relation to breeding history over the previous few years. Although adult birds attempted to breed annually (0.83 breeding attempts per year), successful rearing occurred, at best, every two years only (maximum of 0.41 fledged chick per pair). Comparing successive years, the number of breeding birds in the colony was stable but the number of fledged chicks varied from 29 to 278 over eight years. These results suggest that King Penguins adopt (as individuals) an opportunistic reproductive strategy, in that they usually lay an egg every year, even when failure is certain. Nevertheless, the decision to breed was not entirely blind, and we identified groups of birds that invested differentially in breeding attempts. The decision to breed was related to the previous breeding frequency, i.e. 81% of the birds that had bred continuously in the past started a new breeding attempt, but only 67% of birds that had missed a year did so. In intermittent breeders, birds that had bred frequently, more often started a new breeding attempt than birds that had largely missed years (71% versus 57%, respectively). Classes of breeders could correspond to age classes, to birds of different breeding quality or to alternative breeding strategies coexisting in the species. Testing the hypothesis that reproductive effort increases with age should be possible in future.  相似文献   
Weather conditions, and how they in turn define and characterize regional climatic conditions, are a primary limit on global species diversity and distribution, and increasing variability in global and regional climates have significant implications for species and habitat conservation. A Capture–Mark–Recapture study revealed that badger (Meles meles) life history parameters interact in complicated ways with annual variability in the seasonality of temperature and rainfall, both in absolute and in phenological terms. A strong predictive relationship was observed between survival and both temperature and late‐summer rainfall. This link at the population dynamics level was related to individual body‐weight increases observed between summer and autumn. In addition, fecundity was correlated with spring rainfall and temperature. We investigated and confirmed that relationships were consistent with observed variation in the intensity of a parasitic infection. Finally, fecundity during any given year correlated with conditions in the preceding autumn. Badger survival also correlated with late winter weather conditions. This period is critical for badgers insofar as it coincides with their peak involvement in road traffic accidents (RTAs). RTA rate during this period was linked strongly to temperature, underlining the intricate ways in which a changing climate might interact with anthropogenic agents to influence species' population processes. Equinoctial conditions produced significant population driver effects. That is, while summers will always be relatively warm compared with winters, spring and autumn weather can be more variable and functionally delimit the ‘productive’ vs. nonproductive period of the year in terms of badger behavioural and physiological cycles. This study highlights how appropriately informed conservation strategies, mindful of trends in climatic conditions, will become ever‐more essential to ensure the survival of many species globally.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Hydroxyproline (HP) can be quantified by the sensitive colorimetric procedure of Kivirikko et al. (1967). Without preliminary hydrolysis, only the free imino acid (I) can be detected. After hydrolysis in 6 N HCl at 120 C for 15 hr, also the peptide-bound (II) and polypeptide-bound (III) is detected. Cells grown in 2% (w/v) proteose peptone supplemented with 0.4% yeast (w/v) extract (PPY) contained 0.01 mg HP/mg cellular proteins. Over 95% was in the I or II form (soluble in cold 20% trichloro acetic acid). Cells grown in a chemically defined medium (DM), contained less than 0.34 μg/mg cellular proteins. Whereas the DM does not contain any HP, the PPY medium is rich in HP (0.032 mg/mg proteose peptone). In conclusion, the HP found in the cells grown on PPY is a “contaminant'’from this medium. No endogenous production of HP was demonstrated.  相似文献   
Although vast areas in tropical regions have weathered soils with low potassium (K) levels, little is known about the effects of K supply on the photosynthetic physiology of trees. This study assessed the effects of K and sodium (Na) supply on the diffusional and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in Eucalyptus grandis leaves. A field experiment comparing treatments receiving K (+K) or Na (+Na) with a control treatment (C) was set up in a K‐deficient soil. The net CO2 assimilation rates were twice as high in +K and 1.6 times higher in +Na than in the C as a result of lower stomatal and mesophyll resistance to CO2 diffusion and higher photosynthetic capacity. The starch content was higher and soluble sugar was lower in +K than in C and +Na, suggesting that K starvation disturbed carbon storage and transport. The specific leaf area, leaf thickness, parenchyma thickness, stomatal size and intercellular air spaces increased in +K and +Na compared to C. Nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations were also higher in +K and +Na than in C. These results suggest a strong relationship between the K and Na supply to E. grandis trees and the functional and structural limitations to CO2 assimilation rates.  相似文献   
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