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The RBEs of high-energy neutrons given in 9 or 12 fractions for cervical spinal cord injury in rhesus monkeys was determined using photons at 2.2 Gy per fraction as the reference radiation. Because the dose-response functions were not parallel, the RBE was not constant but rather increased with dose or, equivalently, with the probability of myelopathy. This required the development of a novel method of determining the RBE versus level of response. The RBE is presented as a function of probability of myelopathy from 0.1 to 99%. At a 50% incidence of myelopathy, the RBE (+/- 1 SE) was 5.22 +/- 0.15. A difference in the histopathology of lesions induced by photon and neutron treatments was observed.  相似文献   
Haplogloia andersonii (Farlow) Levring is an anti-tropical species that occurs on cold and warm-temperate Pacific coasts of both Americas. In its habit it resembles the subantarctic species Chordaria linearis (Hooker et Harvey) Cotton. Culture studies show that the species differ in morphology and ecophysiology of their microscopic gametophytes and in gamete behavior. Details of sporophyte anatomy are presented that also allow the distinction of field plants. In South America, H. andersonii occurs only on the Pacific coast, from central Perú (14°S) to southern Chile (50°S). Chordaria linearis occurs on the Pacific coast from Chiloé Island (43°S) to Cape Horn (56°S). In the shared area the species may co-occur. On the Atlantic coast, C. linearis was newly collected at a locality in northern Patagonia (41°S). In addition, C. linearis occurs in Antarctica. Haplogloia moniliformis Richer, recently described from Macquarie Island, is probably synonymous with Chordaria linearis.  相似文献   
Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) songs are composed largely of pure-tonal sounds. This paper investigates the role that learning plays in the development of the tonal structure of song sparrow songs, as well as the role that tonal quality plays in determining the suitability of songs as models for learning. 20 birds were trained with both normal pure-tonal songs and modified songs that included harmonic overtones. The harmonic-modified songs were obtained from birds singing in a helium atmosphere, the result of which is to perturb vocal tract resonances and thus alter a song's tonal quality. Subjects learned equally well from normal and harmonic models. Birds that learned material from harmonic models reproduced some of this material with harmonic overtones, but the majority of notes learned from harmonic models were subsequently reproduced as pure-tonal copies. Thus, the tonal structure of songs does not influence young song sparrows in their selection of song models, but there is a strong tendency to reproduce songs in a pure-tonal fashion, even if learned from harmonic models.  相似文献   
The effect of thrips resistance in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) – previously shown to result in impeded thrips population development (Maris PC, Joosten NN, Goldbach RW & Peters D (2003a) Restricted spread of Tomato spotted wilt virus in thrips‐resistant pepper. Phytopathology 93: 1223–1227. Maris PC, Joosten NN, Goldbach RW & Peters D (2003b) Spread of Tomato spotted wilt virus and population development of Frankliniella occidentalis in pepper resistant to thrips. Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology Netherlands Entomological Society (NEV) Amsterdam 14: 95–101.) – on thrips’[Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)] reproduction, mortality, host preference, and behaviour was investigated. Reproduction, studied by oviposition and larval survival, was negatively affected by the thrips‐resistant (TR) phenotype, whereas the offspring's developmental rate did not differ on TR and the thrips‐susceptible (TS) phenotype. While thrips’ behaviour was hardly affected by thrips resistance, a significant preference for TS plants over the TR plants was found in different tests. When released on either a TR or a TS plant, thrips dispersed at significantly higher rates from the TR plants, demonstrating that not only an impeded reproduction, but also a reduced residence time adds to the reported lower thrips numbers on TR plants.  相似文献   
This paper considers the operation of component placement equipment for the assembly of printed circuit boards (PCBs) in a medium-volume, medium-variety manufacturing environment. It focuses on the setup management and operational planning issues associated with productive use of these expensive resources. The concept of replanning is introduced to adapt to changes in the production environment by explicitly considering the initial state of the system. The partial setup strategy is suggested as a means of efficient adaptation and as a strategy that subsumes other setup strategies encountered in practice and the literature. These concepts are applied to the optimization of a single-placement machine producing multiple products. The results of using partial setups are compared with other commonly used strategies. Experimental results suggest significant gains at the singlemachine level. Future research is being pursued to improve the solution procedures and extend these replanning concepts to the line level.  相似文献   
The response of Japanese beech (Fagus japonica Maxim.) sprouts to canopy gaps in natural beech forest in central Japan was studied using two contrasted gaps in which tree-ring chronologies of regenerating stems were analyzed. The gaps were created by uprooting of a single Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata stem (diameter: 50 cm; gap size: 40 m2; 23 years old) and by concurrent uprootings of four F. japonica stools (gap size: 180 m2; 30 years old). Japanese beech sprouts emerged before and after the gap formation and dominated stem populations in both gaps. In gaps, growth of F. japonica sprouts was equal or lower than growth of stems of seed origin, but most sprouts (F. japonica, Acer mono var. marmoratum) appeared a few years before emergence of seedlings. The small gap created by single stem fall was dominated by some beech sprouts from stools adjacent to the gap. The multiple gap was not closed by beech sprouts from stools surrounding the gap, but some dominant beech stems were resprouts from the uprooted beech stools. The existence of a sprout bank under the canopy may play an important role in the closing process of gaps in natural Japanese beech forest.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES--To investigate and quantify the extent to which variations in guidelines influence assessment of control of hypertension. DESIGN--Cross sectional study. Selected patients had hypertension assessed as controlled or uncontrolled with guidelines from New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Britain, and the World Health Organisation. SETTING--18 general practices in Oxfordshire. SUBJECTS--876 patients with diagnosed hypertension and taking antihypertensive drugs. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Proportion of patients with controlled hypertension according to each set of guidelines. RESULTS--The proportion of patients with controlled hypertension varied from 17.5% to 84.6% with the different guidelines after adjustment for the sampling method. All five sets of guidelines agreed on the classification for 31% (277) of the patients. The New Zealand guidelines calculate an absolute risk of a cardiovascular event. When this was taken as the standard half of the patients with uncontrolled hypertension by the United States criteria would be treated unnecessarily and 31% of those classified as having controlled hypertension by the Canadian guidelines would be denied beneficial treatment. CONCLUSIONS--Hypertension guidelines are inconsistent in their recommendations and need to make clear the absolute benefits and risks of treatment.  相似文献   
Summary Human corneal fibroblasts were infected with a retroviral delivery vector containing the E6 and E7 genes from human Papilloma virus type 16 in order to produce cell lines that have an expanded lifespan in culture. Morphologically, some of the trasfected corneal fibroblast lines appeared to have the normal spindle-shape morphology of diploid fibroblasts, whereas other lines appeared to have a more elongated morphology. All the cell lines were anchorage-dependent. Cells that had a normal morphology grew at a rate similar to normal diploid human corneal fibroblasts and had a population doubling time of 48 h. All E6/E7 expressing cell lines, regardless of morphology, produce types I, III, and V collagen, at levels similar to those observed in the parent corneal diploid fibroblast. These corneal fibroblast lines will be a usefulin vitro system to study collagen expression and fibril formation, as well as normal stroma development. These results also demonstrate that the use of E6/E7 genes to expand a cell’s lifespan can be a powerful tool because it does not appear to alter either the growth rate of the cell or collagen expression.  相似文献   
The allometry of algal respiration   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
For 30 years, study after study has shown that respiration ratesincrease as {small tilde}0.75 of body size for organisms rangingfrom protozoans to mammals. However, a number of studies suggestedthat the respiration-size relationship for algae may be a rareexception to this general rule. Algal respiration may be almostproportional to cell size, such that the slope of the respiration-sizerelationship is closer to unity. The present study examinedthe effect of cell size and taxon on phytoplankton respiration,using data collected from the literature. To this end, we collecteda data set of 178 observations of algal respiration and cellsize representing six divisions-chlorophytes. chrysophytes,cyanophytes, euglenophytes, pyrrophytes and rhodophytes. Therelationship between respiration (R, in p1 O2 cell–1 h–1)and cell carbon content (C, in pg C cell–1) is describedas R = 0.030C0 93 and the exponent is significantly >3/4.When we expressed cell size in terms of volume, the exponentdecreased to 0.88 but this is still significantly >3/4. Amongthe six divisions studied, chlorophytes, euglenophytes and rhodophytesseemed to differ significantly in their respiration-size relationshipfrom other taxa. However, euglenophytes and rhodophytes havesuch small size ranges that no meaningful relationships canbe developed for those groups alone. The chlorophyte respiration-sizerelationship has obvious patterns in its residuals which mayindicate that significant sources of error were not controlledin these heterogeneous data. Thus, for the present, the generalmodel seems most appropriate for the prediction of respirationrates of phytoplankton.  相似文献   
Surface exclusion is the mechanism by which F plasmids prevent the redundant entry of additional F plasmids into the host cell during exponential growth. This mechanism is relaxed in cells that are in stationary phase. Using genetically marked F' plasmids and host strains, we extend this finding to Escherichia coli populations during extended nonlethal selection in bacterial lawns. We show that a high level of redundant transfer occurs between these nongrowing cells during the selection. This result has implications for the mechanism of adaptive mutagenesis.  相似文献   
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