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Mitochondrial markers are still often used alone to identify evolutionary units, despite widespread evidence for processes such as incomplete lineage sorting or introgressive hybridization that may blur past population history. The combination of mitochondrial DNA data with other sources of information (morphology, nuclear genes) is a powerful tool to reveal when and why mitochondrial markers are potentially misleading. In this study, we evaluate the performance of mtDNA markers to unravel the evolutionary history of Spanish lizards from the Podarcis hispanicus species complex. We first uncover several cases of discordance between morphological and mitochondrial data in delimitation of taxa. To assess the origin of these discordances, we analysed the same populations using several independent nuclear loci. Both morphological and nuclear markers identified the same three evolutionary units in the region, while mitochondrial data revealed four deeply divergent lineages. We suggest here that the most likely scenario to explain this discordance is ancient mitochondrial introgression originating from a fourth evolutionary unit presently absent from the study area. Notably, this resulted in a complete replacement of the original lineage in a large part of the distribution of one of the taxa investigated. We discuss the potential evolutionary scenarios leading to this complete mitochondrial replacement and suggest why the previous studies have failed to recover the correct history of this species complex.  相似文献   
Barthe, Ph. and Bulard, C. 1987. Absorption, distribution, metabolismand leaching of [14C] ABA during culture of apple embryos.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1002–1011. It has been known for some time that dormant embryos, laid flaton damp filter-paper one cotyledon only being in direct contactwith it (C/2M mode of culture), exhibit unequal growth and greeningof their cotyledons. The aim of this work was to investigatewhether this particular mode of culture led to detectable differencesbetween the two cotyledons in the distribution and metabolismof [14C] abscisic acid (ABA). Two different approaches wereused, the material in both cases being dormant embryos of Pyrusmalus L. cv. Golden Delicious cultured at 23°C in darkness.In a first experiment, the embryos were cultured directly inthe C/2M mode and in the presence of 10–2 mol m–3[14C] ABA. In these conditions marked differences in the distributionof radioactivity between the lower (LC) and upper (UC) cotyledonappear after 24 h of culture. After 5 d, amounts of total radioactivitywere four times higher in LC than in UC, and the level of ABAwas three times higher. Metabolism was extremely active in LC,since certain metabolites were found in relative percentages(percentages with respect to the total radioactivity of thecotyledon) equivalent to (esters, glucosides), or even higher(dihydrophaseic acid, DPA) than those found in UC. It is suggestedthat this high level of metabolism in LC limits the availabilityof the transportable molecule, that is to say ABA. In a secondexperiment double culturing was carried out. The embryos werefirst cultured in the presence of 10–2 mol m–3 [14C]ABA in conditions which ensured equal distribution of ABA andits metabolites between the two cotyledons. After 5 d they weretransferred to an ABA-free medium and cultured in the C/2M mode.After 2 d and 5 d of culture, dissymmetry between the two cotyledonswas again noted; UC this time containing greater amounts ofradioactivity than LC. The differences, however, were less markedthan in the first experiment. This dissymmetry is due to leachingof a certain amount of radioactivity from LC, which is onlypartially compensated for by migration from UC. Key words: 14C-ABA distribution, leaching and metabolism, embryo culture, embryo dormancy  相似文献   
Hermaphrodite freshwater snails offer the opportunity to study the evolution of selling and outcrossing. Laboratory studies using genetic markers have shown that selling is possible in all species investigated, although outcrossing seems to be favoured in most. Predominance of outcrossing is promoted by sperm storing for up to several months. Studies using electrophoretic markers also suggest that outcrossing is the main breeding system in natural populations. However, heterozygote deficiencies found in some populations could indicate (partial) selfing. The evolution of self-fertilization and cross-fertilization is driven by numerous forces. Inbreeding depression is thought to select for outcrossing, and has been experimentally investigated in hermaphrodite freshwater snails. Other traits have evolved that prevent selfing. On the other hand, selfing could be selected under low density, or to preserve local adaptation, or when aphallic individuals occur within populations.  相似文献   
  • 1 To test predictions of the river habitat templet and the patch dynamics concept, trends in species traits and species richness of aquatic beetles were related to the spatial-temporal variability of eighteen habitat types in the alluvial floodplain of the French Upper Rhône River. One hundred and twenty species of beetles were used in this analysis.
  • 2 The basic information was obtained either from the literature (for most of the species traits) or from observations made at approximately 500 sampling sites in the Brégnier-Cordon and Jons sections over the past 19 years (for habitat utilization). This information was structured by a fuzzy coding technique and examined by ordination analyses.
  • 3 Analyses of the relationships among nineteen species traits revealed a clear distinction according to traits such as body form (for adults), functional feeding type and food (adults and larvae), attachment to the substrate and dissemination potential (adults and larvae), and patterns of aquatic and/or terrestrial life of adults and larvae. Species traits such as number of descendants per reproductive cycle, and number of reproductive cycles per year or per individual showed less contrast, because these traits are rather homogeneous in aquatic beetles.
  • 4 Analyses of the habitat utilization by the aquatic beetles revealed a vertical gradient that separates interstitial from superficial habitats, and a transverse gradient for the superficial habitats, which extends from the main channel towards permanent oxbow lakes and temporary waters.
  • 5 The significant relationship betweeen species traits and habitat utilization demonstrates that most beetle species use a particular set of habitat types with a particular set of species trait modalities.
  • 6 Species traits of aquatic beetles are homogeneous but evidently very successful and are adapted to many potential conditions of spatial–temporal variability. Because of this homogeneity, observations on aquatic beetles do not support trends of traits in the framework of spatial–temporal variability predicted from the river habitat templet.
  • 7 The observed species richness of aquatic beetles is low in habitat types with a low spatial–temporal variability, increases as spatial variability increases, and tends to be highest at intermediate temporal variability. This pattern matches predictions of the patch dynamics concept.
We investigated the patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in the global population of the commercial mushroom Agaricus bisporus . Through the analysis of RFLP's among 441 isolates from nine countries in North America and Eurasia, we found a total of 140 mtDNA haplotypes. Based on population genetic analysis, there are four genetically distinct natural populations in this species, found in coastal California, desert California, France and Alberta (Canada). While 134 of the 140 mtDNA haplotypes were unique to single geographical regions, two mtDNA haplotypes, mt001 and mt002, were found in almost every population surveyed. These two mtDNA haplotypes also predominate among cultivars used throughout the world for at least the last two decades. These two mtDNA haplotypes are more similar to the cosmopolitan groups of mtDNA haplotypes than to the indigeneous clusters of mtDNA haplotypes from the two Californian regions.  相似文献   
Some new impressions have been observed on the visceral surface of a dorsal shield of Ctenaspis sp. from the Lower Devonian of Spitsbergen. They indicate the probable position of the ophthalmicus profundus and o. lateralis nerves, and of two branchial nerves. The impressions left by the branchial arches are also visible on the same specimen. Furthermore, a median dorsal series of circular impressions previously observed in Seretaspis zychi StensiÖ is compared to similar impressions observed in two osteostracans, and it is suggested that vertebral elements were present in the Heterostraci. Finally, the affinities of the Heterostraci are discussed and it is suggested that they may represent the sister group of the Myopterygii (Cephalaspidomorphi + Gnathostomata).  相似文献   
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