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1. Long distance dispersal (LDD), or movements far beyond the occupied habitat borders, maintains the integrity of metapopulations in fragmented landscapes. Recent studies on butterflies increasingly reveal that LDD exists even in species that were long regarded as sedentary. Mark–recapture (MR) studies covering larger study areas typically reveal movements among distant colonies. 2. We studied dispersal of the EU‐protected, regionally endangered Euphydryas aurinia Rottemburg butterfly in the Czech Republic, using two complementary MR approaches. The single system study was carried out for eight seasons within 30 habitat patches covering 28 ha. The multiple populations study was carried out for a single season, but covering almost all Czech colonies of the species (82 colonies, 110 distinct patches, total area 324 ha within ca 1500 km2). 3. Single system mean lifetime movements were consistently higher for males, but slopes of dispersal kernel power functions were shallower for females, implying that higher proportions of females crossed distances of several kilometres. 4. The multiple populations study allowed detection of 51 lifetime movements exceeding 5 km (41 males, 10 females) and 14 movements exceeding 10 km (13 males, 1 female). Both mean lifetime movements and slopes of the dispersal kernels varied among systems, with no consistent pattern between sexes. All Czech Republic populations are within 0.1% movement probability of both sexes, whereas 1% movement probability delimits three separate management units. 5. Dispersal predictions from local data underestimate total mobility, warning against the use of local MR data for extrapolating long‐distance movements. Local dispersal data, however, remain useful for analysing finer details of insect mobility.  相似文献   
Based on a comparative molecular study of scarab chafers we matched adult and larval instars to identify and describe unknown larvae of Sericini. Here, we use for the first time a two‐fold DNA taxonomy approach based on: (i) mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers of a local sample (from Nepal) of adults and larvae, in combination with character and tree‐based species delimitation methods; and (ii) a global search of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) sequences with GenBank data. In the latter analysis we used a sequence of a specimen that resulted in the first analysis conspecific with the larvae of Maladera affinis (Blanchard) as the query sequence in GenBank, and checked in a minimum evolution tree whether larva–adult matches from the local approach were altered through interference with other taxa of the worldwide database. Both approaches unambiguously identified the unknown larvae as belonging to M. affinis and Maladera cardoni (Brenske). Based on this robust framework of taxonomic identification we could associate names to the larval morphology of the third larval instar of these two Nepalese Maladera species, which are both known for their economical importance in agriculture. They are described here in detail and are compared with known related taxa, especially with Maladera castanea (Arrow).  相似文献   
Much attention has been devoted to understanding the evolution of egg mimicry in avian brood parasites. The majority of studies have been based on human perception when scoring the mimicry of the parasitic egg. Surprisingly, there has been no detailed study on the recognition and sensitivity towards differently coloured parasitic eggs. We investigated effect of different colours of the experimental eggs measured by ultraviolet (UV)-visible reflectance spectrophotometry on rejection behaviour in the song thrush ( Turdus philomelos ). We carried out a set of experiments with four blue model eggs representing mimetic eggs, whereas six other colours represented nonmimetic eggs. Our results revealed that two colours originally designed as a mimetic were rejected at a high rate, whereas one group of the nonmimetic was accepted. A multiple regression model of absolute differences between song thrush and experimental eggs on rejection rate showed that the level of mimicry in the UV and green parts of the colour spectrum significantly influenced egg rejection in the song thrush. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed study showing that different colour perception by the birds can affect their responses towards the parasitic egg. These findings suggest that the combination of UV and visible ranges of the spectra plays a major role in the evolution of discrimination processes, as well as in the evolution of the mimicry of the parasitic egg.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 269–276.  相似文献   
Phylogeographical studies are typically based on haplotype data, occasionally on nuclear markers such as microsatellites, but rarely combine both. This is unfortunate because the use of markers with contrasting modes of inheritance and rates of evolution might provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of a species' history. Here we present a detailed study of the phylogeography of the greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum , using 1098 bp of the mitochondrial ND2 gene from 45 localities from across its Palaearctic range to infer population history. In addition, we re-analysed a large microsatellite data set available for this species and compared the results of both markers to infer population relationships and the historical processes influencing them. We show that mtDNA, the most popular marker in phylogeography studies, yielded a misleading result, and would have led us to conclude erroneously that a single expansion had taken place in Europe. Only by combining the mitochondrial and microsatellite data sets are we able to reconstruct the species' history and show two colonization events in Europe, one before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and one after it. Combining markers also revealed the importance of Asia Minor as an ancient refugium for this species and a source population for the expansion of the greater horseshoe bat into Europe before the LGM.  相似文献   
Abstract.  The Cetoniidae, the showiest of scarabs, comprises some 3900 species in 515 genera, distributed worldwide except for subpolar areas and some offshore New Zealand islands. Parsimony analysis of 76 larval and adult characters and 42 terminal taxa supports the monophyly of Cetoniidae (sensu Krikken, 1984 ), but not of the traditionally considered subfamilies Cetoniinae and Trichiinae (sensu Krikken, 1984 ). In the study taxon, larval characters are shown to be more informative than those of adults for deeper phylogeny. The evolution of some larval characters (head and legs) in relation to feeding habits is discussed on the basis of phylogenetic analysis. The results show an evolutionary shift from wood associations to a higher ecological plasticity that allows the larvae to feed on wide sources of organic matter (including compost, dung, gopher burrows, packrat middens, ant debris piles, etc.).  相似文献   
Estimates of the population density of elusive animals based on counts of dung deposits are often inaccurate. We report a refinement of this technique for territorial ungulates which exploits variation in pellet characteristics between individuals. In a study of Kirk's dik‐dik ( Madoqua kirki ) we found that pellet size and shape were less variable within individuals than between individuals. These findings were used to census a Kenyan population entirely on the basis of uniquely identifiable pellet groups, without any prior knowledge of the identity and location of individuals. The estimates were later compared with the results of an extensive capture and radio telemetry study. Population density estimated by the pellet‐matching method and by telemetry differed by less than 5%. In addition, only one border of 18 territories was incorrectly assigned, and only one territory was not detected. This represents a significant improvement in accuracy over indiscriminate dung counting techniques. We suggest that this method may also provide an accurate and non‐intrusive way of estimating population density in other solitary ungulates.  相似文献   
Most ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) possess chemical protection against predators and signal its presence by less or more conspicuous coloration, which can be considered as a warning. Most ladybirds possess a dotted pattern, althougn the number, shape, and size of the spots, as well as their colour, varies considerably. Almost all ladybirds have a characteristic general appearance (body shape). We considered these traits to be used in ladybird recognition by avian predators. In the present study, we compared the reactions of avian predators ( Parus major ) caught in the wild, to four differently coloured ladybird beetles ( Coccinella septempunctata , Exochomus quadripustulatus , Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata , and Cynegetis impunctata ) and two artificial modifications of C. septempunctata ; the first was deprived of their elytral spotted pattern by painting it brown, the other had their elytra removed (i.e. altering their general ladybird appearance). Ladybirds with a spotted pattern were attacked less frequently than unspotted ones. Ladybirds with removed elytra were attacked much more often than any ladybird with a preserved general appearance. The results obtained in the present study suggest the high importance of the spotted pattern as well as general appearance in the ladybird recognition process. Additional experiments with naïve birds (hand-reared P. major ) demonstrated the innateness of the aversion to two differently spotted ladybird species ( C. septempunctata and Scymnus frontalis ).  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 234–242.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic activities have weakened biogeographical barriers to dispersal resulting in the global spread and establishment of an increasing number of non‐native species. We examine the broad‐scale consequences of this phenomenon based on an analysis of compositional similarity across urban floras in the northeastern United States and Europe. We test the prediction that homogenization of species composition is uniquely defined within vs. between continents based on the time and place of origin of non‐native species. In this case, for archaeophytes and neophytes in Europe (introduced before and after ad 1500, respectively) and non‐native species originating from within and outside the United States. More species in urban floras were shared within than between continents. Within Europe, archaeophytes shared more species across urban floras compared with neophytes; strong associations were not observed for non‐native species across US urban floras. Between the two continents, non‐native species in the United States that originated from outside the United States shared species primarily with archaeophytes but also with European natives and neophytes. These results suggest that the direction of biotic interchange was unidirectional with species moving primarily from Europe to the United States with archaeophytes playing a primary and non‐native species originating from outside the two continents a secondary role as a homogenizing source. Archaeophytes, based on combination of biogeographical, evolutionary, and ecological factors in association with a long history of anthropogenic influence, appear to have played a prominent role in the continental and intercontinental homogenization of species composition. This suggests that the uniform homogenization of the Earth's biota is not imminent and is presently directed by a combination of biogeographically defined anthropogenic and historical factors.  相似文献   
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