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The breeding cycles of two species of sandy beach whelk (Bulliadigitalis and B. pura) are presented and compared with a thirdspecies (B. rhodostoma). In all three species, egg maturationand copulation occur in spring while summer marks the depositionand spawning of egg capsules. B. digitalis and B. pura migrateoffshore to lay their eggs, the juveniles of both species restrictingthemselves to beyond the breaker zone. Newly hatched snailsof B. rhodostoma appear in the intertidal towards late summer.The discovery of a penis-like structure on females of B. rhodostomais investigated. The pseudopenis was also found on B. pura butnever on B. digitalis. The possibility of a sex-change was eliminatedon the histological investigation of the gonads of a range ofsnails and the examination of sex-ratios over a period of fivemonths. General trends in reproductive behaviour are also discussed. (Received 18 March 1984;  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. An actograph is described for recording the behaviour of small insects, by using a standing-wave radar system in an enclosed metal cabinet. Experiments show that the system produces an output frequency dependent only on the speed of movement of the subject. By filtering the signal electrically into components below and above 5 Hz, walking and flying of adult Musca domestica could be separately recorded. Each filter is followed by a level-comparator with hysteresis. Activity causing signal to cross the hysteresis-band is recorded as an event on a digital counter, and also integrated or summed to be displayed as a stepped-integral or bar-chart of total distance covered by the subject in each counting period. The energy-density of the radar can be kept very low, so that possible influence on the subject is minimal. The detector is remote from the box containing the subject, giving great flexibility in container design, so that the apparatus is ideally suited to the study of environmental factors.  相似文献   
The presence of the internal parasite (Aphidius matricariae) of the aphid Myzus persicae can be identified by electrophoresis, and staining of several enzyme systems, of which malate dehydrogenase is recommended as the most reliable. It is suggested that the technique could be extended to other small insects, and that pest populations can be screened for percentage parasitism as an adjunct to insecticide and integrated control field trials.  相似文献   
Plant growth rate has frequently been associated with herbivore defence: a large investment in quantitative defence compounds occurs at the expense of growth. We tested whether such a relationship also holds for growth rate and pathogen resistance. For 15 radish (Raphanus sativus L.) cultivars, we determined the potential growth rate and the resistance to fungal wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. We subsequently aimed to explain a putative negative relationship between growth rate and resistance based on plant chemical composition. Both growth rate and resistance level varied greatly among cultivars. Moreover, there was a strong negative correlation between growth rate and resistance, i.e. there are costs associated with a high resistance level. Roots of slow-growing, resistant cultivars have a higher biomass density. Using pyrolysis mass spectrometry. we part1y explained variation in both growth rate and resistance in terms of the same change in chemical composition. Leaves of slow-growing, resistant cultivars contained more cell wall material. Surprisingly, roots of slow-growing, highly resistant cultivars contained significantly less cell wall material, and more cytoplasmic elements (proteins). We speculate that this higher protein concentration is related to high construction and turn-over costs and high metabolic activity. The latter in turn is thought to be responsible for a rapid and adequate resistance reaction, in which phenols may be involved.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The organic geochemistry of Coniston Water, a low productivity lake, has been investigated.
2. The relative inputs of the various known sources to different compound classes suggest terrestrial higher plants as the major source of sedimentary organic matter.
3. Early lipid diagenesis, proceeding in the bottom sediments as a result of microbial activity, produces relatively rapid changes, with shorter chain and unsaturated compounds being preferentially degraded.
4. Free and bound (acid liberated) lipids exhibit significant differences in composition, related to their respective sources and stability towards degradation.
5. The lipid composition of an aquatic higher plant, growing in the margins of the lake, has been determined; comparison with the sedimentary lipids reveal it not to be a significant source.  相似文献   
The use of fossil fuel is predicted to cause an increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration, which will affect the global pattern of temperature and precipitation. It is therefore essential to incorporate effects of temperature and water supply on carbon partitioning of plants to predict effects of elevated [CO2] on growth and yield of Triticum aestivum. Although earlier papers have emphasized that elevated [CO2] favours investment of biomass in roots relative to that in leaves, it has now become clear that these are indirect effects, due to the more rapid depletion of nutrients in the root environment as a consequence of enhanced growth. Broadly generalized, the effect of temperature on biomass allocation in the vegetative stage is that the relative investment of biomass in roots is lowest at a certain optimum temperature and increases at both higher and lower temperatures. This is found not only when the temperature of the entire plant is varied, but also when only root temperature is changed whilst shoot temperature is kept constant. Effects of temperature on the allocation pattern can be explained largely by the effect of root temperature on the roots' capacity to transport water. Effects of a shortage in water supply on carbon partitioning are unambiguous: roots receive relatively more carbon. The pattern of biomass allocation in the vegetative stage and variation in water-use efficiency are prime factors determining a plant's potential for early growth and yield in different environments. In a comparison of a range of T. aestivum cultivars, a high water-use efficiency at the plant level correlates positively with a large investment in both leaf and root biomass, a low stomatal conductance and a large investment in photosynthetic capacity. We also present evidence that a lower investment of biomass in roots is not only associated with lower respiratory costs for root growth, but also with lower specific costs for ion uptake. We suggest the combination of a number of traits in future wheat cultivars, i.e. a high investment of biomass in leaves, which have a low stomatal conductance and a high photosynthetic capacity, and a low investment of biomass in roots, which have low respiratory costs. Such cultivars are considered highly appropriate in a future world, especially in the dryer regions. Although variation for the desired traits already exists among wheat cultivars, it is much larger among wild Aegilops species, which can readily be crossed with T. aestivum. Such wild relatives may be exploited to develop new wheat cultivars well-adapted to changed climatic conditions.  相似文献   
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