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1. Recent studies have shown that ultraviolet (UV) radiation (280–400 nm) has increased by ≈ 8% in temperate regions over the past decade, but little effort has been devoted to understanding the ecological effects on temperate ecosystems. This research examined the effects of artificial ultraviolet-B (UVB; 280–320 nm) radiation on the drift response of immature stream insects in laboratory microcosms.
2. Two experiments involved natural populations of stream invertebrates, collected from the Cache la Poudre River (September 1994) and the Arkansas River (October 1995) in Colorado. UVB lamps were turned on from 10.00 to 14.00 h each day, and drifting animals were collected on days 1, 3, 5 and 7 during the exposure period. Levels of artificial UVB used in these experiments were similar to levels that stream organisms experience during clear, mid-day conditions at Fort Collins, Colorado (longitude 105°30'; latitude 40°35').
3. Drift was significantly higher in microcosms exposed to UVB than in controls and was dominated by Baetis sp. (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), Trichoptera (caddisflies) and Simulium sp. (Diptera: Simuliidae). The increased drift of some stream invertebrates in UVB-exposed streams may be a behavioural response and/or a result of injury.
4. Stream organisms may be particularly sensitive to predicted increases in UV radiation, because streams are generally shallow with clear water. As a result of this potential sensitivity, we recommend that research be directed to understanding the ecological effects of UV radiation on these habitats.  相似文献   
The effects of fire on soil‐surface carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux, FS, and microbial biomass carbon, Cmic, were studied in a wildland setting by examining 13‐year‐old postfire stands of lodgepole pine differing in tree density (< 500 to > 500 000 trees ha?1) in Yellowstone National Park (YNP). In addition, young stands were compared to mature lodgepole pine stands (~110‐year‐old) in order to estimate ecosystem recovery 13 years after a stand replacing fire. Growing season FS increased with tree density in young stands (1.0 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in low‐density stands, 1.8 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in moderate‐density stands and 2.1 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in high‐density stands) and with stand age (2.7 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 in mature stands). Microbial biomass carbon in young stands did not differ with tree density and ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 mg C g?1 dry soil over the growing season; Cmic was significantly greater in mature stands (0.5–0.8 mg C g?1 dry soil). Soil‐surface CO2 efflux in young stands was correlated with biotic variables (above‐ground, below‐ground and microbial biomass), but not with abiotic variables (litter and mineral soil C and N content, bulk density and soil texture). Microbial biomass carbon was correlated with below‐ground plant biomass and not with soil carbon and nitrogen, indicating that plant activity controls not only root respiration, but Cmic pools and overall FS rates as well. These findings support recent studies that have demonstrated the prevailing importance of plants in controlling rates of FS and suggest that decomposition of older, recalcitrant soil C pools in this ecosystem is relatively unimportant 13 years after a stand replacing fire. Our results also indicate that realistic predictions and modeling of terrestrial C cycling must account for the variability in tree density and stand age that exists across the landscape as a result of natural disturbances.  相似文献   
1. To correctly interpret chironomid faunas for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, it is essential that we improve our understanding of the relative influence of ecosystem variables, biotic as well as physicochemical, on chironomid larvae. To address this, we analysed the surface sediments from 39 shallow lakes (29 Norfolk, U.K., 10 Denmark) for chironomid head capsules, and 70 chironomid taxa (including Chaoborus) were identified. 2. The shallow lakes were selected over large environmental gradients of aquatic macrophytes, total phosphorus (TP) and fish communities. Redundancy analysis (RDA) identified two significant variables that explained chironomid distribution: macrophyte species richness (P < 0.001) and TP (P < 0.005). Generalised linear models (GLM) identified specific taxa that had significant relationships with both these variables. Macrophyte percentage volume infested (PVI) and species richness were significant in classifying the lake types based on chironomid communities under twinspan analysis, although other factors, notably nutrient concentrations and fish communities, were also important, illustrating the complexities of classifying shallow lake ecosystems. Lakes with plant species richness >10 all had relatively diverse (Hill’s N2) chironomid assemblages, and lakes with Hill’s N2 >10 all had TP <250 μg L−1 and total fish densities <2 fish per m2. 3. Plant density (PVI), and perhaps more importantly species richness, were primary controls on the distribution of chironomid communities within these lakes. This clearly has implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions using zoobenthos remains (i.e. chironomids) and suggests that they could be used to track changes in benthic/pelagic production and could be used as indicators of changing macrophyte habitat. 4. Measuring key biological gradients, in addition to physicochemical gradients, allowed the major controls on chironomid distribution to be assessed more directly, in terms of plant substrate, food availability, competition and predation pressure, rather than implying indirect mechanisms through relationships with nutrients. Many of these variables, notably macrophyte abundance and species richness, are not routinely measured in such studies, despite their importance in determining zoobenthos in temperate shallow lakes. 5. When physical, chemical and ecological gradients are considered, as is often the case with palaeo‐reconstructions rather than training sets chosen to maximise one gradient, complex relationships exist, and attempting to reconstruct a single trophic variable quantitatively may not be appropriate or reliable.  相似文献   
1. The extent to which individuals are parasitised is a function of exposure to parasites and the immune response, which in ectotherms may be associated with temperature. 2. We test the hypothesis that seasonal variation in ectoparasite burden is driven by temperature using an extensive mark‐release‐recapture study of adult Coenagrion puella (L.) (Zygoptera) as a model system. Mite counts were taken both at capture and on a subset of subsequent recaptures over two entire, consecutive breeding seasons. 3. Emergence date was the most significant factor in determining individual differences in mite burden, and mean counts for individuals emerging on the same days showed strong unimodal relationships with time of season. Subsequent recounting of mites on a subset of individuals showed that patterns of loss of mites were similar between seasons. 4. While temperature did not significantly affect mite burdens within seasons and ectoparasite prevalence was very similar across the two seasons, intensity of infection and rate of mite gain in unparasitised individuals were significantly higher in the cooler season. 5. We demonstrate that, while temperature may modulate the invertebrate immune response, this modulation does not manifest in variations in mite burdens in natural populations.  相似文献   
During the last half century or more, studies of diving physiologyand biochemistry made great progress in mechanistically explainingthe basic diving response of aquatic mammals and birds. Keycomponents of the diving response (apnea, bradycardia, peripheralvasoconstriction, redistribution of cardiac output) were foundin essentially all species analyzed and were generally takento be biological adaptations. By the mid 1970s, this approachto unravelling the diving response had run 'out of steam' andwas in conceptual stasis. The breakthrough which gave renewalto the field at this time was the development of microprocessorbased monitoring of diving animals in their natural environments,which led to a flurry of studies mostly confirming the basicoutlines of the diving response based upon laboratory studiesand firmly placing it into proper biological context, underliningits plasticity and species specificities. Now towards the endof the millenium, despite ever more detailed field monitoringof physiology, behaviour and ecology, mechanistic studies areagain approaching a point of diminishing returns. To avoid anotherconceptual stasis, what seems required are new initiatives whichwe anticipate may arise from two differing approaches. The firstis purely experimental, relying on magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) to expand the framework of theoriginal "diving response" concept. The second—evolutionarystudy of the diving response—is synthetic, linked to bothfield and laboratory studies. To date the evolution of the divingresponse has only been analyzed in pinnipeds and from thesestudies two kinds of patterns have emerged. (1) Some physiologicaland biochemical characters, required and used in diving animals,are highly conserved not only in pinnipeds but in all vertebrates;these traits are necessarily similar in all pinnipeds and includediving apnea, bradycardia, tissue specific hypoperfusion, andhypometabolism of hypoperfused tissues. (2) Another group offunctionally linked characters are more malleable and include(i) spleen mass, (ii) blood volume, and (iii) hemoglobin (Hb)pool size. Increases in any of these traits improve diving capacity.Assuming that conserved physiological function means conservedsequences in specific genes and their products (and that evolvingfunction requires changes in such sequences), it is possibleto rationalize both above trait categories in pinniped phytogeny.However, it is more difficult for molecular evolution theoryto explain how complex regulatory systems like those involvedin bradycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction remain the samethrough phylogenetic time than it is to explain physiologicalchange driven by positive natural selection.  相似文献   
Leaf water potentials in the mistletoe, Ileostylus micranthusgrowing outdoors decreased rapidly during the early part ofthe day but remained relatively steady in the early afternoondespite increases in atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (vpd).Minimum water potentials of the mistletoe were relatively constant.They were held at values lower than those of hosts when thelatter maintained high water potentials but approached or evenexceeded those of hosts when they developed low water potentials.In contrast, cut shoots of Ileostylus usually maintained higherwater contents and leaf water potentials than those of its hostswhen both were desiccated separately in the laboratory. Pressure-volumeanalyses indicated that Ileostylus had lower water potentialat full turgor, a lower water potential but higher relativewater content at turgor loss, and a higher bulk modulus of elasticitythan the following four hosts: the native Kunzea ericoides andCoprosmapropinqua, and the introduced Ribes sanguineum and Teline monspessulana.Water potential at turgor loss (tlp) was strongly correlatedwith the minimum field water potential of both mistletoes andhosts. When tlpof mistletoe and host is similar (as on Kunzeaand Ribes) field water potentials are also similar, but whentlpis lower in the mistletoe (as on Coprosma and Teline), thefield water potential of the mistletoe is lower than that ofits host. Consequently, I. micranthus is likely to be more frequenton hosts that maintain high field water potentials than on hoststhat develop low water potentials. Copyright 1999 Annals ofBotany Company Water relations, water potential, osmotic potential, pressure-volume, Ileostylus micranthus , mistletoe, New Zealand.  相似文献   
Pollen and orbicule morphology of 35 Dioscorea L. species is described based on observations with light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pollen and orbicule characters are critically evaluated and discussed in the context of existing hypotheses of systematic relationships within the genus. Pollen is mostly bisulcate (sometimes monosulcate) with a perforate, microreticulate or striate sexine. Our results indicate that pollen data may be significant at sectional rank. The close relationship between sections Asterotricha and Enantiophyllum proposed by Burkill and Ayensu is supported by pollen morphology as all species investigated share bisulcate, perforate pollen with small perforations and a high perforation density. Macromorphological differences between the two compound-leaved sections Botryosicyos and Lasiophyton are also supported by pollen morphology; pollens of these two sections have very different perforation patterns. Orbicules in Dioscorea are mostly spherical and possess a smooth or spinulose surface. The latter is often correlated with a striate sexine.  相似文献   
  • 1 Despite significant concern about drought impacts in Australia, there have been no broad‐scale studies of drought effects on river health. A severe and prolonged drought has been acting on many streams in south eastern Australia over the past decade. EPA Victoria has undertaken rapid bioassessment (RBA) of over 250 stream reference sites since 1990, providing an opportunity for a before‐after‐control‐impact investigation of drought related changes to macroinvertebrate indices and water quality. This study uses data from 1990 to 2004 to critically evaluate the effectiveness of using RBA methods and indices, which were designed for assessment of human impacts, for monitoring streams during drought.
  • 2 Reference stream sites across Victoria (those with minimal anthropogenic disturbances and repeatedly sampled) were classified as being ‘in drought’ or ‘not in drought’ using the Bureau of Meteorology’s rainfall deficiency definition. Four biological indices (SIGNAL, EPT, Family Richness and AUSRIVAS) were calculated for combined autumn and spring samples for edge and riffle habitats for the selected sites.
  • 3 General linear models and paired t‐tests were used to detect drought related changes to index and water quality values at state‐wide and bioregional scales. Changes in taxa constancy were examined to determine which taxa were sensitive to or benefited from drought conditions. Frequency of site failure against biological objectives specified in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria) (herein termed ‘SEPP WoV’) before and during drought was also examined to detect changes in a management context.
  • 4 Few significant changes in index values were detected for riffle habitat samples. Rates of failure against biological objectives were similar before and during drought for riffle samples. In contrast, edge habitat AUSRIVAS and SIGNAL scores were significantly reduced at the state‐wide scale and most indices showed significant declines in the lower altitude forests, and foothills and coastal plains bioregions.
  • 5 Generally, more pollution tolerant, lentic taxa replaced sensitive and flow‐requiring taxa in edge samples during drought. In contrast, there were few reductions in the taxa of riffle samples during drought. However, many pool preferring, but pollution sensitive taxa occurred more frequently in riffle areas. Hence, the riffle community began to resemble that of pools and edges. This was attributed to decreased flow and increased ‘lentic’ habitat opportunities in riffles.
  • 6 Detection of a drought effect was confined to the edge habitat and site failure could be assigned to drought and anthropogenic impacts, in conjunction or alone. The riffle sampling protocol was resistant to detection of drought effects as samples were only taken when sufficient water was present within this habitat. Therefore, biological changes at sites not meeting policy objectives for riffle habitats can be attributed to anthropogenic rather than drought impacts.
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