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The accord between symmetries of flower shape (external contours) and nectar guides (internal contours) was examined using the bulbous flora of South Africa, and in the general floras of Britain, Alpine Colorado, Canadian Arctic and Israel. It was found that radially symmetrical flowers have radially symmetrical nectar guides whereas bilaterally symmetrical flowers have bilaterally symmetrical nectar guides. It is suggested that the complementarity between the external and the internal contours of the flower increases the probability that, and efficiency with which, a bee moves into the flower's centre and towards the sporophylls and access to floral rewards, regardless of the flower's form and the bee's previous experience. Patterns of coloration of tepals against background and nectar guides against tepals also accord with behavioural and sensory characteristics of pollinators. It is suggested that the complementarity of contours is probably constrained by floral development, but patterns of coloration of tepals against background and nectar guides against tepals is constrained by pollinators' sensory physiology.  相似文献   
1. To correctly interpret chironomid faunas for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, it is essential that we improve our understanding of the relative influence of ecosystem variables, biotic as well as physicochemical, on chironomid larvae. To address this, we analysed the surface sediments from 39 shallow lakes (29 Norfolk, U.K., 10 Denmark) for chironomid head capsules, and 70 chironomid taxa (including Chaoborus) were identified. 2. The shallow lakes were selected over large environmental gradients of aquatic macrophytes, total phosphorus (TP) and fish communities. Redundancy analysis (RDA) identified two significant variables that explained chironomid distribution: macrophyte species richness (P < 0.001) and TP (P < 0.005). Generalised linear models (GLM) identified specific taxa that had significant relationships with both these variables. Macrophyte percentage volume infested (PVI) and species richness were significant in classifying the lake types based on chironomid communities under twinspan analysis, although other factors, notably nutrient concentrations and fish communities, were also important, illustrating the complexities of classifying shallow lake ecosystems. Lakes with plant species richness >10 all had relatively diverse (Hill’s N2) chironomid assemblages, and lakes with Hill’s N2 >10 all had TP <250 μg L−1 and total fish densities <2 fish per m2. 3. Plant density (PVI), and perhaps more importantly species richness, were primary controls on the distribution of chironomid communities within these lakes. This clearly has implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions using zoobenthos remains (i.e. chironomids) and suggests that they could be used to track changes in benthic/pelagic production and could be used as indicators of changing macrophyte habitat. 4. Measuring key biological gradients, in addition to physicochemical gradients, allowed the major controls on chironomid distribution to be assessed more directly, in terms of plant substrate, food availability, competition and predation pressure, rather than implying indirect mechanisms through relationships with nutrients. Many of these variables, notably macrophyte abundance and species richness, are not routinely measured in such studies, despite their importance in determining zoobenthos in temperate shallow lakes. 5. When physical, chemical and ecological gradients are considered, as is often the case with palaeo‐reconstructions rather than training sets chosen to maximise one gradient, complex relationships exist, and attempting to reconstruct a single trophic variable quantitatively may not be appropriate or reliable.  相似文献   
During the last half century or more, studies of diving physiologyand biochemistry made great progress in mechanistically explainingthe basic diving response of aquatic mammals and birds. Keycomponents of the diving response (apnea, bradycardia, peripheralvasoconstriction, redistribution of cardiac output) were foundin essentially all species analyzed and were generally takento be biological adaptations. By the mid 1970s, this approachto unravelling the diving response had run 'out of steam' andwas in conceptual stasis. The breakthrough which gave renewalto the field at this time was the development of microprocessorbased monitoring of diving animals in their natural environments,which led to a flurry of studies mostly confirming the basicoutlines of the diving response based upon laboratory studiesand firmly placing it into proper biological context, underliningits plasticity and species specificities. Now towards the endof the millenium, despite ever more detailed field monitoringof physiology, behaviour and ecology, mechanistic studies areagain approaching a point of diminishing returns. To avoid anotherconceptual stasis, what seems required are new initiatives whichwe anticipate may arise from two differing approaches. The firstis purely experimental, relying on magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) to expand the framework of theoriginal "diving response" concept. The second—evolutionarystudy of the diving response—is synthetic, linked to bothfield and laboratory studies. To date the evolution of the divingresponse has only been analyzed in pinnipeds and from thesestudies two kinds of patterns have emerged. (1) Some physiologicaland biochemical characters, required and used in diving animals,are highly conserved not only in pinnipeds but in all vertebrates;these traits are necessarily similar in all pinnipeds and includediving apnea, bradycardia, tissue specific hypoperfusion, andhypometabolism of hypoperfused tissues. (2) Another group offunctionally linked characters are more malleable and include(i) spleen mass, (ii) blood volume, and (iii) hemoglobin (Hb)pool size. Increases in any of these traits improve diving capacity.Assuming that conserved physiological function means conservedsequences in specific genes and their products (and that evolvingfunction requires changes in such sequences), it is possibleto rationalize both above trait categories in pinniped phytogeny.However, it is more difficult for molecular evolution theoryto explain how complex regulatory systems like those involvedin bradycardia and peripheral vasoconstriction remain the samethrough phylogenetic time than it is to explain physiologicalchange driven by positive natural selection.  相似文献   
The Physiological Mechanisms of Acclimatization in Tropical Reef Corals   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
SYNOPSIS. The ability of scleractinian corals to survive changesthat are predicted in the global environment over the next centurywill lie in their physiological mechanisms of acclimatization.Corals display rapid modifications in behavior, morphology andphysiology enabling them to photoacclimate to changing lightconditions, a scenario that demonstrates considerable biologicalflexibility. Here we argue that the acclimatization mechanismsin corals are fundamentally similar to those exhibited by otherinvertebrate taxa. We discuss protein metabolism as a mechanismunderlying acclimatization responses in reef corals, and explorethe relationship between protein turnover, metabolic rate, growthrate, and acclimatization capacity. Our preliminary analysessuggest that corals with low growth rates (µCa/mgN/h)and high metabolic rates (µO2/cm2/hr), such as the massivespecies, acclimatize more effectively than those with high growthrates and low metabolic rates, a feature that is characteristicof branching species. We conclude that studies of protein turnover,combined with temporally relevant investigations into the dynamicaspects of coral dinoflagellate symbioses will provide considerableinsight into why corals exhibit such a high level of variationin response to the same environmental challenge. Furthermore,a more detailed understanding of acclimatization mechanismsis essential if we are to predict how a coral assemblage willrespond to present and future environmental challenges.  相似文献   
Leaf water potentials in the mistletoe, Ileostylus micranthusgrowing outdoors decreased rapidly during the early part ofthe day but remained relatively steady in the early afternoondespite increases in atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (vpd).Minimum water potentials of the mistletoe were relatively constant.They were held at values lower than those of hosts when thelatter maintained high water potentials but approached or evenexceeded those of hosts when they developed low water potentials.In contrast, cut shoots of Ileostylus usually maintained higherwater contents and leaf water potentials than those of its hostswhen both were desiccated separately in the laboratory. Pressure-volumeanalyses indicated that Ileostylus had lower water potentialat full turgor, a lower water potential but higher relativewater content at turgor loss, and a higher bulk modulus of elasticitythan the following four hosts: the native Kunzea ericoides andCoprosmapropinqua, and the introduced Ribes sanguineum and Teline monspessulana.Water potential at turgor loss (tlp) was strongly correlatedwith the minimum field water potential of both mistletoes andhosts. When tlpof mistletoe and host is similar (as on Kunzeaand Ribes) field water potentials are also similar, but whentlpis lower in the mistletoe (as on Coprosma and Teline), thefield water potential of the mistletoe is lower than that ofits host. Consequently, I. micranthus is likely to be more frequenton hosts that maintain high field water potentials than on hoststhat develop low water potentials. Copyright 1999 Annals ofBotany Company Water relations, water potential, osmotic potential, pressure-volume, Ileostylus micranthus , mistletoe, New Zealand.  相似文献   
The effects of α-MSH and cAMP on melanosomes in Cloudman S91 melanoma cells were investigated by modern stereological techniques. Cells were cultured for 4 days in medium containing α-MSH or cAMP harvested at 24 hour intervals; some were frozen for melanin assay and the reminder embedded in Epon for light and electron microscopy. Cellular and melanosomal parameters were estimated by new stereological probes. We found that both stimulators induced increases in nuclear volume, cell volume, and the volume fractions and volumes of premelanosomes (VVpm,cellVpm) and mature melanosomes (VVmm,cellVmm) and the number of mature melanosomes (Nmm). Both stimulators also caused declines in the volume of individual mature melanosomes (Vimm) the melanin content per mature melanosome unit volume and the melanin content per individual mature melanosome. The increases in the volume of individual premelanosomes and the number of premelanosomes were only induced by cAME The effect cAMP on some parameters occurred 24 hours prior to α-MSH and was more marked. The response of premelanosomes to the stimulators was more sensitive than mature melanosomes. These results suggest that both stimulators enchanced melanogenesis by increasing the VVpm,cellVVmm,cellVpm, Vmm and Nmm. The melanogenic level did not depend on the Vimm and melanin concentration in melanosomes. The maturation of premelanosomes was involved in melanogenesis induced by both stimulators, but, de novo synthesis and enlargement of premelanosomes were only stimulated by cAME It imply that exogenous cAMP may affect melanosomes, and hence melanogenesis in quantitatively or qualitatively different ways to α-MSH.  相似文献   
Climate change has led to an advance in phenology in many species. Synchrony in phenology between different species within a food chain may be disrupted if an increase in temperature affects the phenology of the different species differently, as is the case in the winter moth egg hatch–oak bud burst system. Operophtera brumata (winter moth) egg hatch date has advanced more than Quercus robur (pedunculate oak) bud burst date over the past two decades. Disrupted synchrony will lead to selection, and a response in phenology to this selection may lead to species genetically adapting to their changing environment. However, a prerequisite for such genetic change is that there is sufficient genetic variation and severe enough fitness consequences. So far, examples of observed genetic change have been few. Using a half-sib design, we demonstrate here that O. brumata egg-hatching reaction norm is heritable, and that genetic variation exists. Fitness consequences of even a few days difference between egg hatch and tree bud opening are severe, as we experimentally determined. Estimates of genetic variation and of fitness were then combined with a climate scenario to predict the rate and the amount of change in the eggs' response to temperature. We predict a rapid response to selection, leading to a restoration of synchrony of egg hatch with Q. robur bud opening. This study shows that in this case there is a clear potential to adapt – rapidly – to environmental change. The current observed asynchrony is therefore not due to a lack of genetic variation and at present it is unclear what is constraining O. brumata to adapt. This kind of model may be particularly useful in gaining insight in the predicted amount and rate of change due to environmental changes, given a certain genetic variation and selection pressure.  相似文献   
1. Periphyton chlorophyll a was measured at weekly or 2 weekly intervals from October 1992 to March 1994 at four sites in a Swiss prealpine gravel bed river that was frequently disturbed by unpredictable spates.
2. To evaluate the dominant processes that control periphyton biomass, measured data were compared with a set of simulations from an empirical dynamic periphyton model. Different combinations of process hypotheses were systematically activated and deactivated in order to assess their importance.
3. The simplest model leading to an acceptable agreement with measured data employs a biomass-dependent growth rate, a detachment rate directly proportional to discharge and biomass, and a catastrophic loss rate during bed moving spates. Terms describing light or temperature dependence had a minor effect on the model fit.
4. The model describes the temporal pattern of the periphyton biomass as a series of growth curves periodically truncated by spates. Within the uncertainties of the measurements, mainly caused by the spatial heterogeneity of periphyton, the biomass recovered along deterministic trajectories.
5. Sensitivity analyses with respect to model parameters and model structure showed that site-specific model parameters could not be unequivocally determined, and that the model yields similar results with slightly different formulations of processes. This indicates that the data base with respect to periphyton biomass was too small for a unique identification of model details but that the main conclusions on the significance of processes did not depend on arbitrary choices of the model formulation.  相似文献   
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