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We provide the first evidence of a small-headed fly planidium (first instar larva; Diptera: Acroceridae) associated with a whirligig mite (Acari: Acariformes: Prostigmata: Anystina: Anystidae) in Baltic amber. This fossil is surprising as parasitic nematodes are the only metazoans known to successfully attack acariform mites, and Acroceridae are believed to be host-restricted parasitoids of spiders. The fossil corroborates a previously published, but widely dismissed, paper that first reported parasitism of parasitengone mites by acrocerid planidia. The possible natural history implications of this find are discussed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 9–13.  相似文献   
Defining species accurately is a critical need in fundamental disciplines such as ecology and evolutionary biology and in applied arenas such as pest management. The validity of species designations depends on agreement of different methods of species diagnosis for unique biological species. The Bactrocera dorsalis complex of fruit flies provide an excellent opportunity for such a test of the congruence of different techniques (e.g. morphological, molecular, host-plant based, chemotaxonomy) used for species diagnosis. The complex contains a large number of closely-related species, is distributed over a wide geographical range in South-east Asia and considerable information has been compiled on some species. In the present study, the morphological and biological species boundaries were compared using new data from morphometric analyses of reproductive and body parts, together with a review of data on morphology, chemistry of male pheromones that are important in courtship and mating, molecular analyses, and endemic rainforest host plants. For the populations studied ( Bactrocera carambolae , Bactrocera dorsalis , Bactrocera occipitalis , Bactrocera papayae , Bactrocera philippinensis , Bactrocera kandiensis and Bactrocera invadens ) there appears to be significant congruence between the morphological and biological species boundaries.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 217–226.  相似文献   
An artificial intergeneric hybrid derived from sexual hybridization between Arabidopsis thaliana (female) and Pachycladon cheesemanii (male) is characterized and formally named as ×Pachydopsis hortorum. A hybrid origin for ×Pachydopsis is supported by a chromosome number of 2n = 15, with this comprising haploid gametes from A. thaliana (n = 5) and P. cheesemanii (n = 10). DNA fingerprinting using amplified fragment length polymorphism data also confirmed the parentage of the hybrid, as it comprised the additive total of all of the fragments scored for P. cheesemanii and most of those scored for A. thaliana. ×Pachydopsis is a robust perennial herb with numerous leafy rosettes and long inflorescences like P. cheesemanii, and floral parts that are intermediate between the parents. ×Pachydopsis produces sterile pollen. Female function of ×Pachydopsis is partially normal, with the pollen of A. thaliana and several species of Pachycladon readily germinating on the stigma, and pollen tubes growing down the style and transmission tissue into the ovary. No seed was formed from these pollinations, although one embryo developed but subsequently aborted at the torpedo stage. Colchicine was used to induce polyploid inflorescences, and these were confirmed by the size and density of the stomata and pollen diameter. Flowers from the polyploid inflorescences of ×Pachydopsis were backcrossed with A. thaliana Landsberg erecta and 11 seeds were produced. Four backcross hybrid plants were raised and two of these had a chromosome number of 2n = 20, consistent with a haploid gamete (n = 15) from polyploid × Pachydopsis being fertilized by a haploid pollen gamete (n = 5) from A. thaliana Landsberg erecta. Polyploid × Pachydopsis flowers backcrossed with P. cheesemanii and crossed with P. novae‐zelandiae did not produce any seeds. The partially fertile intergeneric hybrid described here between Arabidopsis and Pachycladon is remarkable in that, although the two genera occur in an Arabidopsoid clade, they are separated by a reasonable phylogenetic distance. This relationship suggests that Pachycladon and ×Pachydopsis have the potential to be employed in the study of evolutionary and ecological processes using the wide array of Arabidopsis resources. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 533–544.  相似文献   
1. Analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA (microsatellites) in 379 individuals, collected from 15 localities in northern Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG), demonstrated that wild redclaw crayfish ( Cherax quadricarinatus ) populations consist of two highly divergent Australian lineages and two PNG lineages.
2. The disjunction between the two Australian lineages occurs over a distance of approximately 200 km in the south-western corner of the Gulf of Carpenteria. These data conflict with an earlier study that detected no significant differentiation in 23 variable allozyme loci in redclaw sampled from northern Australia, but concur broadly with the previous recognition of two morphologically distinct species ( C. quadricarinatus and C. bicarinatus ) across northern Australia, and a third species in PNG ( C. albertsii ).
3. The inferred timing and patterns of divergence evident in the molecular data presented here closely align with a similar pattern reported in a co-distributed freshwater decapod crustacean, and broadly reflect patterns in some vertebrate taxa with similar distributions across northern Australia and PNG.
4. These congruent patterns most probably reflect periodic Plio-Pleistocene land and freshwater connections between Australia and New Guinea.  相似文献   
  • 1 Despite significant concern about drought impacts in Australia, there have been no broad‐scale studies of drought effects on river health. A severe and prolonged drought has been acting on many streams in south eastern Australia over the past decade. EPA Victoria has undertaken rapid bioassessment (RBA) of over 250 stream reference sites since 1990, providing an opportunity for a before‐after‐control‐impact investigation of drought related changes to macroinvertebrate indices and water quality. This study uses data from 1990 to 2004 to critically evaluate the effectiveness of using RBA methods and indices, which were designed for assessment of human impacts, for monitoring streams during drought.
  • 2 Reference stream sites across Victoria (those with minimal anthropogenic disturbances and repeatedly sampled) were classified as being ‘in drought’ or ‘not in drought’ using the Bureau of Meteorology’s rainfall deficiency definition. Four biological indices (SIGNAL, EPT, Family Richness and AUSRIVAS) were calculated for combined autumn and spring samples for edge and riffle habitats for the selected sites.
  • 3 General linear models and paired t‐tests were used to detect drought related changes to index and water quality values at state‐wide and bioregional scales. Changes in taxa constancy were examined to determine which taxa were sensitive to or benefited from drought conditions. Frequency of site failure against biological objectives specified in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria) (herein termed ‘SEPP WoV’) before and during drought was also examined to detect changes in a management context.
  • 4 Few significant changes in index values were detected for riffle habitat samples. Rates of failure against biological objectives were similar before and during drought for riffle samples. In contrast, edge habitat AUSRIVAS and SIGNAL scores were significantly reduced at the state‐wide scale and most indices showed significant declines in the lower altitude forests, and foothills and coastal plains bioregions.
  • 5 Generally, more pollution tolerant, lentic taxa replaced sensitive and flow‐requiring taxa in edge samples during drought. In contrast, there were few reductions in the taxa of riffle samples during drought. However, many pool preferring, but pollution sensitive taxa occurred more frequently in riffle areas. Hence, the riffle community began to resemble that of pools and edges. This was attributed to decreased flow and increased ‘lentic’ habitat opportunities in riffles.
  • 6 Detection of a drought effect was confined to the edge habitat and site failure could be assigned to drought and anthropogenic impacts, in conjunction or alone. The riffle sampling protocol was resistant to detection of drought effects as samples were only taken when sufficient water was present within this habitat. Therefore, biological changes at sites not meeting policy objectives for riffle habitats can be attributed to anthropogenic rather than drought impacts.
Abstract.  Apple fruit moth Argyresthia conjugella is a specialist seed predator of rowan Sorbus aucuparia . Large-scale synchronous fluctuation of seed production in rowan (i.e. named masting) drives the apple fruit moth to seek alternative host plants such as apple, during years when rowan berries are not available for oviposition. The role of plant volatile compounds in the attraction of gravid apple fruit moth females is studied in a laboratory wind tunnel. Volatiles from rowan branches with green berries stimulate female moths to fly upwind and to land at the odour source. By contrast, females are not attracted to rowan branches without green berries, and they are not attracted to apple, demonstrating that the chemical stimulus from rowan berries is required for attraction. Attraction to synthetic compounds identified from rowan, anethole and 2-phenyl ethanol confirms the role of plant volatiles in host finding. These two compounds, however, show a discrepant behavioural effect in wind tunnel and field tests. Field traps baited with 2-phenyl ethanol capture female moths but anethole does not produce significant captures. Wind tunnel tests produce the opposite results: moths fly upwind towards the anethole lure, whereas 2-phenyl ethanol is not attractive at all. Wind tunnel attraction to 2-phenyl ethanol is achieved by adding odour from a rowan branch without berries, which is not attractive on its own. This finding demonstrates that interaction with the background odour contributes to the behavioural effect of plant volatile stimuli in the field.  相似文献   
Evidence for the indirect effects of pesticides on farmland birds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Indirect effects of pesticides, operating through the food chain, have been proposed as a possible causal factor in the decline of farmland bird species. To demonstrate such a link, evidence is needed of (1) an effect of food abundance on breeding performance or survival; (2) an effect of breeding performance or survival on population change; and (3) pesticide effects on food resources, sufficient to reduce breeding performance or survival, and hence to affect the rate of population change. Evidence under all three categories is only available for one species, the Grey Partridge Perdix perdix , although data showing effects of pesticides on food resources and relationships between food resources and breeding performance are also available for some other species. This paper reports on recent work investigating the effects of pesticides on Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and Skylark Alauda arvensis during the breeding season. The probability of brood reduction in Yellowhammer was affected by the proportion of the foraging area around the nest which was sprayed with insecticide. No significant effects of pesticides were recorded on Skylark chick condition or growth rate, but sample sizes were small. Invertebrate food abundance affected chick condition (Skylark) and the number of chicks fledging (Yellowhammer and Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra ; relationship for the latter derived from re-analysis of data from an earlier study). Other recent work is briefly reviewed and the current evidence for the indirect effects of pesticides is summarized. Significant knowledge gaps are identified and some of the issues involved in resolving these are discussed.  相似文献   
The Labridae (including wrasses, the Odacidae and the Scaridae) is a species‐rich group of perciform fishes whose members are prominent inhabitants of warm‐temperate and tropical reefs worldwide. We analyse functionally relevant morphometrics for the feeding apparatus of 130 labrid species found on the Great Barrier Reef and use these data to explore the morphological and mechanical basis of trophic diversity found in this assemblage. Morphological measurements were made that characterize the functional and mechanical properties of the oral jaws that are used in prey capture and handling, the hyoid apparatus that is used in expanding the buccal cavity during suction feeding, and the pharyngeal jaw apparatus that is used in breaking through the defences of shelled prey, winnowing edible matter from sand and other debris, and pulverizing the algae, detritus and rock mixture eaten by scarids (parrotfishes). A Principal Components Analysis on the correlation matrix of a reduced set of ten variables revealed complete separation of scarids from wrasses on the basis of the former having a small mouth with limited jaw protrusion, high mechanical advantage in jaw closing, and a small sternohyoideus muscle and high kinematic transmission in the hyoid four‐bar linkage. Some scarids also exhibit a novel four‐bar linkage conformation in the oral jaw apparatus. Within wrasses a striking lack of strong associations was found among the mechanical elements of the feeding apparatus. These weak associations resulted in a highly diverse system in which functional properties occur in many different combinations and reflect variation in feeding ecology. Among putatively monophyletic groups of labrids, the cheilines showed the highest functional diversity and scarids were moderately diverse, in spite of their reputation for being trophically monomorphic and specialized. We hypothesize that the functional and ecological diversity of labrids is due in part to a history of decoupled evolution of major components of the feeding system (i.e. oral jaws, hyoid and pharyngeal jaw apparatus) as well as among the muscular and skeletal elements of each component. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 1–25.  相似文献   
Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) are group-living birds found across much of mainland Australia. Adults commonly remain in a breeding territory until death. Young of the year either remain on the natal (birth) site or are forced by their parents to disperse. Observational studies in south-eastern Australia suggest that most dispersing juveniles settle within 7 km of their natal territory. Therefore, despite potential for considerable gene flow (via flight), social organization predisposes magpies towards local population structuring. In this study, we measured genetic variation at both nuclear (allozyme) and mitochondrial loci and found evidence of substantial gene flow over very large distances (up to 1599 km). Thus, some juvenile magpies may disperse much greater distances than was previously thought. For mtDNA, geographic and genetic distance were strongly correlated, consistent with a pattern of isolation by distance. Therefore, although female gene flow is substantial it is apparently geographically restricted over large distances, in approximately a stepping-stone fashion. We conclude that a strong relationship between gene flow and geographic distance can develop even over large distances if populations have experienced no major historical disturbances to gene flow.  相似文献   
Pollen and orbicule morphology of 35 Dioscorea L. species is described based on observations with light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pollen and orbicule characters are critically evaluated and discussed in the context of existing hypotheses of systematic relationships within the genus. Pollen is mostly bisulcate (sometimes monosulcate) with a perforate, microreticulate or striate sexine. Our results indicate that pollen data may be significant at sectional rank. The close relationship between sections Asterotricha and Enantiophyllum proposed by Burkill and Ayensu is supported by pollen morphology as all species investigated share bisulcate, perforate pollen with small perforations and a high perforation density. Macromorphological differences between the two compound-leaved sections Botryosicyos and Lasiophyton are also supported by pollen morphology; pollens of these two sections have very different perforation patterns. Orbicules in Dioscorea are mostly spherical and possess a smooth or spinulose surface. The latter is often correlated with a striate sexine.  相似文献   
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