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Stable carbon isotope ratios have been successfully used to assess modern animal diets and to reconstruct prehistoric diets of animals and humans (Vogel & van der Merwe, 1977; van der Merwe & Vogel, 1978; Burleigh & Brothwell, 1978; Vogel, 1978a; DeNiro & Epstein, 1978; Tieszen et al., 1979; Tieszen & Imbamba, 1980; Chisholm, Nelson & Schwarcz, 1982; Tauber, 1981). We have used 13C/12C ratio measurements of bone collagen to study the diets of African elephants in twelve wildlife refuges. These represent most of the habitats in which elephants live, including such diverse plant communities as primary rain forest, savanna woodland and desert. The δ13C values were found to have a simple linear relationship with tree density in most cases. When translated into relative amounts of dietary browse (C3 plants) and graze (C4 plants), the grass content is seen to be systematically under-represented, presumably due to inefficient metabolism. This does not affect the relationship between elephant diet and tree density, which has implications for the study of elephant-woodland interactions, and for reconstructions of past African environments.  相似文献   
We present a cladistic analysis of the Cirripedia Thoracica using morphological characters and the Acrothoracica and Ascothoracida as outgroups. The list of characters comprised 32 shell and soft body features. The operational taxonomic units (OTUs) comprised 26 well-studied fossil and extant taxa, principally genera, since uncertainty about monophyly exists for most higher ranking taxonomic units. Parsimony analyses using PAUP 3.1.1 and Hennig86 produced 189 trees of assured minimal length. We also examined character evolution in the consensus trees using MacClade and Clados. The monophyly of the Balanomorpha and the Verrucomorpha sensu stricto is confirmed, and all trees featured a sister group relationship between the ‘living fossil Neoverruca and me Brachylepadomorpha. In the consensus trees the sequential progression of ‘pedunculate‘sister groups up to a node containing Neolepas also conforms to current views, but certain well-established taxa based solely on plesiomorphies stand out as paraphyletic, such as Pedunculata (= Lepadomorpha); Eolepadinae, Scalpellomorpha and Chthamaloidea. The 189 trees differed principally in the position of shell-less pedunculates, Neoverruca, the scalpelloid Capitulum, and the interrelationships within the Balanomorpha, although the 50% majority rule consensus tree almost fully resolved the latter. A monophyletic Sessilia comprising both Verrucomorpha and Balanomorpha appeared among the shortest trees, but not in the consensus. A tree with a monophyletic Verrucomorpha including Neoverruca had a tree length two steps longer than the consensus trees. Deletion of all extinct OTUs produced a radically different tree, which highlights the importance of fossils in estimating cirripede phylogeny. Mapping of our character set onto a manually constructed cladogram reflecting die most recent scenario of cirripede evolution resulted in a tree length five steps longer than any of our shortest trees. Our analysis reveals that several key questions in cirripede phylogeny remain unsolved, notably the position of shell-less forms and the transition from ‘pedunculate‘to ‘sessile‘barnacles. The inclusion of more fossil species at this point in our understanding of cirripede phylogeny will only result in even greater levels of uncertainty. When constructing the character list we also identified numerous uncertainties in the homology of traits commonly used in discussing cirripede evolution. Our study highlights larval ultrastructure, detailed studies of early ontogeny, and molecular data as the most promising areas for future research.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Expression of a 21 kDa determinant (Pbs21), first detected on the surface of ookinetes, and of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) was studied by immunofluorescence and Western blots during the developmental cycle of Plasmodium berghei in the mosquito A nopheles stephensi . The expression of Pbs21 was predominantly localised on the ookinete surface one day after the infectious blood meal, and thereafter reactivity declined to a minimum on days 2 and 3, the time of onset of oocyst development. A gradual increase in fluorescence was observed on the oocysts from day 6 that was retained until day 17 post-infection. In contrast, sporozoites released from oocysts or salivary glands showed little or no antibody labelling with anti-Pbs21. Circumsporozoite protein was not detectable in any rnidgut preparations until 5–6 days after feeding, when reactivity was observed against immature oocysts. Expression then continued and increased throughout oocyst and sporozoite development. Western blots confirmed that Pbs21 was expressed minimally during the oocyst development but was not detectable in sporozoites. Co-localisation of anti-Pbs21 and anti-CSP monoclonal antibodies to the 50 kDa and 60 kDa bands in Western blots of sporozoite suggests immunological cross-reactivity between the CSP and the anti-21 kDa antibodies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT An assessment on the biological control potential with the fish muddy loaches (Misgurnus mizolepis) was conducted against naturally bred Culex pipiens pollens larvae in four ponds (A, B, C and D) in Busan from July through September, 2001. Predation of the fish at 3 different release rates of 4,5, and 6 fish/m2 resulted in mostly over 90% mosquito control from the first week after treatment through the end of the survey period for 11 weeks. There were no significant difference among the release rates of fish at the 5% level of probability. However, substantial controls of 43.0% and 25.9% were obtained from pond C during the 3rd and 7th weeks after the fish introduction, respectively. The results of those two weeks showed a lower biological control by the introduced larvivorous fishes. This might be due to the presence of heavy organic matters including aquatic weeds and/or severely polluted water from sewage in pond C. The aquatic weeds covered the pond's water surface which may have affected the deterioration of mosquito preying in favor of aquatic weeds. Also, the fishes were observed to avoid severely contaminated sewage water in some parts of ponds A and C where more mosquito larvae were found.  相似文献   
A recently discovered fossil land tortoise (Testudines: Testudinidae) is described from the Pleistocene of Bermuda. Its morphology is sufficiently well preserved to allow assignment to the extinct North American genus Hesperotestudo. However, several features of this tortoise are unique and it is named Hesperotestudo bermudae sp. nov. A review of the phylogenetic relationships of the better known genera of the Testudinidae suggests that the affinities of Hesperotestudo lie with other North American tortoises (Gopherus) and not with Geochelone or other testudinines; thus, Hesperotestudo is reassigned to the Xerobatinae. This is at least the fifth documentation of a testudinid dispersing over open ocean to an oceanic island (the first for Hesperotestudo) and it corroborates the hypothesis that members of this family are well suited to over-water dispersal.  相似文献   
1. Return of large‐bodied zooplankton populations is of key importance for creating a shift from a turbid to a clear‐water state in shallow lakes after a nutrient loading reduction. In temperate lakes, recovery is promoted by submerged macrophytes which function as a daytime refuge for large zooplankton. However, recovery of macrophytes is often delayed and use of artificial plant beds (APB) has been suggested as a tool to enhance zooplankton refuges, thereby reinforcing the shift to a clear‐water state and, eventually, colonisation of natural plants. 2. To further evaluate the potential of APB in lake restoration, we followed the day–night habitat choices of zooplankton throughout summer in a clear and a turbid lake. Observations were made in the pelagic and littoral zones and in APB in the littoral representing three different plant densities (coverage 0%, 40% and 80%). 3. In the clear lake, the zooplankton (primarily Daphnia) were mainly found in the pelagic area in spring, but from mid‐May they were particularly abundant in the APB and almost exclusively so in mid‐June and July, where they appeared in extremely high densities during day (up to 2600 ind. L−1). During night Daphnia densities were overall more equally distributed between the five habitats. Ceriodaphnia was proportionally more abundant in the APB during most of the season. Cyclopoids were more abundant in the high APB during day but were equally distributed between the five habitats during night. 4. In the turbid lake, however, no clear aggregation was observed in the APB for either of the pelagic genera (Daphnia and Bosmina). This may reflect a higher refuge effect in the open water due to the higher turbidity, reduced ability to orient to plant beds and a significantly higher fish density (mainly of roach, Rutilus rutilus, and perch, Perca fluviatilis) in the plant beds than in the clear lake. Chydorus was found in much higher proportions among the plants, while cyclopoids, particularly the pelagic Cyclops vicinus, dominated in the pelagic during day and in the pelagic and high density plants during night. 5. Our results suggest that water clarity is decisive for the habitat choice of large‐bodied zooplankton and that introduction of APB as a restoration measure to enhance zooplankton survival is only a useful tool when water clarity increases following loading reduction. Our results indicate that dense APB will be the most efficient.  相似文献   
Abstract Brief exposure to low (0oC) or high (40oC) temperature elicits a protective response that prevents injury when the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart, is subjected to more severe cold (-10oC) or heat (45oC). Both the low and high temperature responses were found in all developmental stages of the fly, but were most pronounced in the pupal and pharate adult stages. The protective responses generated by brief exposure to 0 or 40oC appear similar in that both result in a rapid acquisition of cold or heat tolerance and a loss of protection after the flies are returned to 25oC. The protection generated by chilling is obvious within 10 min of exposure to 0oC while a 30 min exposure to 40oC is required to induce the high temperature protection. High temperature protects against cold shock injury within a narrow range (around 36oC) but we have no evidence that low temperature can protect against heat injury. We previously demonstrated that the rapid increase in cold tolerance correlates with concomitant increases in glycerol concentration, but in this study we found no significant elevation in glycerol in heat-shocked flies. Thus the physiological and biochemical bases for the rapid responses to cold and heat appear to be different.  相似文献   
Abstract: The supposed vestige of a cephalopod gladius from Turonian platy limestones at Vallecillo, north‐east Mexico, named Palaeoctopus pelagicus by Fuchs et al. in 2008, is reinterpreted and shown to be a gular plate of a coelacanth fish, possibly of the genus Megacoelacanthus. In addition to the gular plate, two extrascapulars and fin rays of all fins are preserved on one slab and its counterpart. This is the first record of a coelacanth from these lower Turonian strata at Vallecillo, which are rich in fish.  相似文献   
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