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The Labridae (including wrasses, the Odacidae and the Scaridae) is a species‐rich group of perciform fishes whose members are prominent inhabitants of warm‐temperate and tropical reefs worldwide. We analyse functionally relevant morphometrics for the feeding apparatus of 130 labrid species found on the Great Barrier Reef and use these data to explore the morphological and mechanical basis of trophic diversity found in this assemblage. Morphological measurements were made that characterize the functional and mechanical properties of the oral jaws that are used in prey capture and handling, the hyoid apparatus that is used in expanding the buccal cavity during suction feeding, and the pharyngeal jaw apparatus that is used in breaking through the defences of shelled prey, winnowing edible matter from sand and other debris, and pulverizing the algae, detritus and rock mixture eaten by scarids (parrotfishes). A Principal Components Analysis on the correlation matrix of a reduced set of ten variables revealed complete separation of scarids from wrasses on the basis of the former having a small mouth with limited jaw protrusion, high mechanical advantage in jaw closing, and a small sternohyoideus muscle and high kinematic transmission in the hyoid four‐bar linkage. Some scarids also exhibit a novel four‐bar linkage conformation in the oral jaw apparatus. Within wrasses a striking lack of strong associations was found among the mechanical elements of the feeding apparatus. These weak associations resulted in a highly diverse system in which functional properties occur in many different combinations and reflect variation in feeding ecology. Among putatively monophyletic groups of labrids, the cheilines showed the highest functional diversity and scarids were moderately diverse, in spite of their reputation for being trophically monomorphic and specialized. We hypothesize that the functional and ecological diversity of labrids is due in part to a history of decoupled evolution of major components of the feeding system (i.e. oral jaws, hyoid and pharyngeal jaw apparatus) as well as among the muscular and skeletal elements of each component. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 1–25.  相似文献   
We studied foraging segregation between two different sized colonies of little penguins Eudyptula minor with overlapping foraging areas in pre‐laying and incubation. We used stomach contents and stable isotope measurements of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) in blood to examine differences in trophic position, prey‐size and nutritional values between the two colonies. Diet of little penguins at St Kilda (small colony) relied heavily on anchovy while at Phillip Island (large colony), the diet was more diverse and anchovies were larger than those consumed by St Kilda penguins. Higher δ15N values at St Kilda, differences in δ13C values and the prey composition provided further evidence of diet segregation between colonies. Penguins from each colony took anchovies from different cohorts and probably different stocks, although these sites are only 70 km apart. Differences in diet were not reflected in protein levels in the blood of penguins, suggesting that variation in prey between colonies was not related to differences in nutritional value of the diet. Anchovy is currently the only available prey to penguins throughout the year and its absence could have a negative impact on penguin food supply, particularly at St Kilda where the diet is dominated by this species. While it is difficult to establish whether diet segregation is caused by inter‐ or intra‐colony competition or spatial differences in foraging areas, we have shown that colonies with broadly overlapping foraging ranges could have significant differences in trophic position, diet composition and prey size while maintaining a diet of similar nutritional value.  相似文献   
Chromatin from a uninucleate dinoflagellate, Crypthecodinium cohnii, a binucleate dinoflagellate, Peridinium balticum, and a chromophyte, Olisthodiscus luteus, was examined by nuclease digestion and the results were compared to those from vertebrates. Gel analysis of the products of staphylococcal (micrococcal) nuclease digestion revealed a DNA repeat unit of 220(±5) base pairs for O. luteus and 215(±5) for P. balticum. Limit digestion gave a core particle of 140 base pairs, revealing that these longer repeat sizes are due to longer linker regions. No repeating subunit structure was found upon electrophoresis of digests of C. cohnii nuclei. Examination of the DNA fragments produced by DNAse I digestion of nuclei isolated from P. balticum and O. luteus showed the same ladder of ten base multiples as seen in chromatin from other eukaryotes. Examination of the kinetics of digestion by DNAse II of Peridinium chromatin revealed less susceptibility when compared to DNAse I digestions while 70% of Olisthodiscus chromatin and 35% of C. cohnii chromatin was sensitive to DNAse II. These data, taken together with previous results from Euglena, indicate that while algal chromatin is similar to that of higher eukaryotes in regard to DNAse I and II action, it differs in that the linker DNA is longer. In addition, the Hl-like histone from O. luteus and P. balticum is located in the linker DNA as in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

“Pure tones” are a distinctive acoustic feature of many birdsongs. Recent research on songbird vocal physiology suggests that such tonal sounds result from a coordinated interaction between the syrinx and a vocal filter, as demonstrated by the emergence of harmonic overtones when a bird sings in helium. To investigate the communicative significance of vocal tract filtration in the production of birdsong, we used field playback experiments to compare the responses of male swamp sparrows Melospiza georgiana to normal songs and those same songs recorded in helium. We also measured responses to pure tone songs that had been shifted upward in frequency to match the average spectra of those songs with added harmonics. Male sparrows were significantly more responsive to the playback of normal songs than to either helium songs with added harmonics or frequency- shifted pure tone songs. Songs with harmonics retained a high degree of salience, however. We conclude that explanations for the occurrence of tonal sounds in birdsongs must consider perceptual attributes of songs as communicative signals, as well as problems of song production and transmission.  相似文献   
A series of N, N– disubstituted piperazines and homopiperazines were prepared and evaluated for binding to natural α4β2* and α7* neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) using whole brain membrane. Some compounds exhibited good selectivity for α4β2* nAChRs and did not interact with the α7* nAChRs subtype. The most potent analogs were compounds 8-19 (Ki = 10.4 μM), 8–13 (Ki = 12.0 μM), and 8–24 (Ki = 12.8 μM). Thus, linking together a pyridine π-system and a cyclic amine moiety via a homopiperazine ring affords compounds with low affinity but with good selectivity for α4β2* nAChRs.  相似文献   
Six microsatellite loci were identified and characterized in the eastern form of the widespread and commercially important giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). The loci were detected by randomly screening for dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeat units within a partial genomic library developed for the species. In a sample of 29 prawns, number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus ranged from 12 to 18 and from 0.66 to 0.90, respectively. These markers provide powerful tools for the conservation and management of wild stocks, the improvement of cultured stocks of M. rosenbergii, and for investigating evolutionary processes underlying genetic divergence among populations.  相似文献   
  • 1 Despite significant concern about drought impacts in Australia, there have been no broad‐scale studies of drought effects on river health. A severe and prolonged drought has been acting on many streams in south eastern Australia over the past decade. EPA Victoria has undertaken rapid bioassessment (RBA) of over 250 stream reference sites since 1990, providing an opportunity for a before‐after‐control‐impact investigation of drought related changes to macroinvertebrate indices and water quality. This study uses data from 1990 to 2004 to critically evaluate the effectiveness of using RBA methods and indices, which were designed for assessment of human impacts, for monitoring streams during drought.
  • 2 Reference stream sites across Victoria (those with minimal anthropogenic disturbances and repeatedly sampled) were classified as being ‘in drought’ or ‘not in drought’ using the Bureau of Meteorology’s rainfall deficiency definition. Four biological indices (SIGNAL, EPT, Family Richness and AUSRIVAS) were calculated for combined autumn and spring samples for edge and riffle habitats for the selected sites.
  • 3 General linear models and paired t‐tests were used to detect drought related changes to index and water quality values at state‐wide and bioregional scales. Changes in taxa constancy were examined to determine which taxa were sensitive to or benefited from drought conditions. Frequency of site failure against biological objectives specified in the State Environment Protection Policy (Waters of Victoria) (herein termed ‘SEPP WoV’) before and during drought was also examined to detect changes in a management context.
  • 4 Few significant changes in index values were detected for riffle habitat samples. Rates of failure against biological objectives were similar before and during drought for riffle samples. In contrast, edge habitat AUSRIVAS and SIGNAL scores were significantly reduced at the state‐wide scale and most indices showed significant declines in the lower altitude forests, and foothills and coastal plains bioregions.
  • 5 Generally, more pollution tolerant, lentic taxa replaced sensitive and flow‐requiring taxa in edge samples during drought. In contrast, there were few reductions in the taxa of riffle samples during drought. However, many pool preferring, but pollution sensitive taxa occurred more frequently in riffle areas. Hence, the riffle community began to resemble that of pools and edges. This was attributed to decreased flow and increased ‘lentic’ habitat opportunities in riffles.
  • 6 Detection of a drought effect was confined to the edge habitat and site failure could be assigned to drought and anthropogenic impacts, in conjunction or alone. The riffle sampling protocol was resistant to detection of drought effects as samples were only taken when sufficient water was present within this habitat. Therefore, biological changes at sites not meeting policy objectives for riffle habitats can be attributed to anthropogenic rather than drought impacts.
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