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We report the characterization of 13 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping assays for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). These assays are based on the 5′‐nuclease reaction and thus facilitate high‐throughput genotyping with minimal optimization time. Because data generated using these markers may be transported and combined across laboratories, SNPs offer the potential to reduce the amount of redundant work being done in mixture and migratory studies of chum salmon.  相似文献   
Genetic patterns were examined in five populations of North American Cleistes with three sources of molecular data: amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), DNA sequencing, and plastid microsatellites. Populations of C. bifaria were sampled in four areas of the south-eastern US: the coastal plains of Florida and North Carolina and the mountains of North Carolina and West Virginia. A population of C. divaricata sympatric with the North Carolina coastal plain C. bifaria was also sampled. Analysis of the three types of molecular data resulted in the same relationships among the five sampled populations. The coastal plain population of C. divaricata was consistently grouped with the C. bifaria populations from the mountains of West Virginia and North Carolina, and the two coastal plain populations of C. bifaria formed a separate group, results not supporting the existing concepts of species relationships. For future studies, greater sampling of C. divaricata populations and more detailed morphological and phenological studies are recommended for better characterization of the diversity within North American Cleistes . © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 145 , 87–95.  相似文献   
In a recent study, Magnani et al. report how atmospheric nitrogen deposition drives stand-lifetime net ecosystem productivity (NEPav) for midlatitude forests, with an extremely high C to N response (725 kg C kg−1 wet-deposited N for their European sites). We present here a re-analysis of these data, which suggests a much smaller C : N response for total N inputs. Accounting for dry, as well as wet N deposition reduces the C : N response to 177 : 1. However, if covariance with intersite climatological differences is accounted for, the actual C : N response in this dataset may be <70 : 1. We then use a model analysis of 22 European forest stands to simulate the findings of Magnani et al. Multisite regression of simulated NEPav vs. total N deposition reproduces a high C : N response (149 : 1). However, once the effects of intersite climatological differences are accounted for, the value is again found to be much smaller, pointing to a real C : N response of about 50–75 : 1.  相似文献   
KEN W. SMITH 《Ibis》2007,149(S2):183-192
Dead wood is important for woodpeckers, providing foraging, roost and nest-sites. In this paper, data from long-term studies of woodpeckers and dead wood in oakwoods in southern England are used to examine the dead wood requirements of the three British resident woodpecker species. Both Great Dendrocopos major and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos minor select dead trees for nest-sites although the former is able to nest in living trees too. On the other hand a smaller fraction of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker nests are in living trees. Green Woodpecker Picus viridis shows no selection for dead nesting trees. Hence the smallest woodpecker species appears to be most dependent on dead and decaying trees for nest-sites. Great and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers show no preference for foraging on dead trees although they both make use of dead branches on living trees. Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers forage on smaller branches higher in the tree than Great Spotted Woodpeckers. There has been a trend for increasing dead wood resources in the study woods with both dead wood on the ground and standing dead trees (snags) increasing in the last 20 years. The levels of dead wood are shown to be the result of continual processes of creation and decay. Around 0.5% of oak Quercus spp., Ash Fraxinus excelsior and Hornbeam Carpinus betulus and 3.4% of the birch Betula spp. trees die each year in the woods resulting in a continuity of new dead snags and fallen trees. There is a high turnover of standing dead snags of oak and birch with 95% and 80% annual survival, respectively. Snags are only suitable for nesting Great Spotted Woodpeckers for a few years after their creation. It is suggested that these stand and dead wood dynamics are likely to provide habitats more favourable for the Great Spotted than the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.  相似文献   
Contribution of intercellular reflectance to photosynthesis in shade leaves   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The potential contribution of intercellular light reflectance to photosynthesis was investigated by infiltrating shade leaves with mineral oil. Infiltration of leaves of Hydrophyllum canadense and Asarum canadense with mineral oil decreased adaxial leaf reflectance but increased transmittance. As a result of the large increase in transmittance, infiltration caused a decrease in absorptance of 25% and 30% at 550 and 750 nm, respectively. Thus, intercellular reflectance increased absorptance in these species by this amount. In a comparison of sun and shade leaves of Acer saccharum and Parthenocissus quinquefolia, oil infiltration decreased absorptance more in shade than in sun leaves. This difference suggests that the higher proportion of spongy mesophyll in shade leaves may increase internal light scattering and thus absorptance. The importance of the spongy mesophyll in increasing internal reflectance was also evident in comparisons of the optics of Populus leaves and in the fluorescence yield of oil-infiltrated leaves of several sun and shade species. Oil infiltration decreased the quantum yield of fluorescence (Fo) by 39–52% for shade leaves but only 21–25% for sun leaves. We conclude that the greater proportion of spongy parenchyma in shade leaves increased intercellular light scattering and thus absorptance. Direct measurements with fibre-optic light probes of the distribution of light inside leaves of Hydrophyllum canadense confirmed that oil infiltration decreased the amount of back-scattered light and that most of the light scattering for this species occurred from the middle of the palisade layer to the middle of the spongy mesophyll. We were not, however, able to assess the potential contribution of reflectance from the internal abaxial epidermis to total internal light scattering in these experiments. Using a mathematical model to compare the response of net photosynthesis (O2, flux) to incident irradiance for control leaves of H. canadense and theoretical leaves with no intercellular reflectance, we calculated that intercellular reflectance caused a 1.97-fold increase in photosynthesis at 20 μmol m?2s?1 (incident photon flux density). This enhancement of absorption and photosynthesis by inter-cellular reflectance, without additional production and maintenance of photosynthetic pigments, may maintain shade leaves above the photosynthetic light compensation point between sunflecks and maintain the light induction state during protracted periods of low diffuse light.  相似文献   
The extent and effect of inbreeding in natural populations remain largely undetermined. Pikas Ochotona princeps have been considered a likely candidate for close inbreeding in natural populations due to observations of frequent juvenile philopatry (colonization of natal home range or neighbouring home range) and high levels of spatial overlap and social tolerance between neighbouring individuals of the opposite sex. A 4-year investigation of inbreeding in pikas, however, has revealed that dispersal and mating patterns are uncoupled in this species, i.e. explained by different hypotheses. DNA fingerprinting analysis revealed that band-sharing scores between mated pairs, identified via parentage analysis, were not commensurate with band-sharing among known first-order relatives, but were similar to scores for a small sample of known second-order relatives (i.e. half-siblings, grandparent-grandchild pairs). Band-sharing scores between mated pairs were then compared with those between potential mated pairs within the population to assess whether mating was random or nonrandom with respect to genetic similarity. The results of Monte Carlo randomization tests show that pikas mated with individuals with intermediate genetic similarity in greater proportion than would be expected by chance. These data suggest mate choice in pikas may be based upon intermediate levels of relatedness.  相似文献   
1. Constant-power heat-balance sap flow gauges were used to compare sap flow in vertical and lateral roots of Grevillea robusta trees growing without access to ground water at a semiarid site in Kenya.
2. Reversal of sap flow occurred when root systems crossed gradients in soil water potential. Measurement of changes in the direction of flow was possible because of the symmetrical construction of the sap flow gauges; gradients in temperature across the gauges, and thus computed rates of sap flow, changed sign when reverse flow occurred.
3. Reverse flow in roots descending vertically from the base of the tree occurred, while uptake by lateral roots continued, when the top of the soil profile was wetter than the subsoil. The transfer of water downwards by root systems, from high to low soil water potential, was termed 'downward siphoning'; this is the reverse of hydraulic lift.
4. Downward siphoning was induced by the first rain at the end of the dry season and by irrigation of the soil surface during a dry period.
5. Downward siphoning may be an important component of the soil water balance where there are large gradients in water potential across root systems, from a wet soil surface downwards. By transferring water beyond the reach of shallow-rooted neighbours, downward siphoning may enhance the competitiveness of deep-rooted perennials.  相似文献   
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