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The question of whether there are shape differences between populations of Littorina saxatilis living in different environments is examined by multivariate analyses of 13 morphological characters. Principal component analysis reveals that morphologic differences between populations from habitats with contrasting degrees of wave exposure are mainly due to a general size factor, including shell thickness. Utilizing the group structure among the snails, canonical variate analysis discloses that the main character excluding size that influences subpopulation differentiation is pointedness.  相似文献   
D-Mannose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 6-deoxy-D-galactose, and 2-deoxy-D-galactose inhibit germination of pine pollen (Pinus mugo Turra) probably competitively with a metabolizable sugar. Inhibition by D-mannose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, or 6-deoxy-D-galactose is reversed by transfer of pollen to sucrose medium, if the inhibitors was added before tube growth has started. In contrast, inhibition by 2-deoxy-D-galactose is irreversible except after very short exposures to the inhibitor, in which case the transfer results in reduced growth and germination. Incubation with 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 6-deoxy-n-galactose, or 2-deoxy-D-galactose after tube growth has started, results in irreversible inhibition of growth. If D-mannose is used, growth is resumed if the pollen are transferred to sucrose medium. Addition of D-mannose or lowering of the temperature prior to incubation with the deoxyhexoses protected against the irreversible growth inhibition. Uptake of oxygen and 32P-labelled phosphate is reduced upon addition of either of the inhibitors.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The horizontal distributions of Daphnia longispina and Bosmina tongispina in Lake Kvernavatn (Norway) were investigated twice in 1982. In late spring, when populations were small, the two species inhabited the same areas, and they were evenly distributed from the littoral to the pelagic. At high population densities, during midsummer, the species were spatially segregated, D. longispina being pelagic and B. longispina littoral in distribution.
2. The distribution and feeding of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasteros-teus aculeatus) were also studied. The sticklebacks were apparently forced into littoral areas by larger piscivorous predators in the pelagic and they were consequently restricted to foraging primarily on B. longispina, which formed dense swarms during daytime in summer.
3. We suggest that predation and competition influence the spatial distribution of zooplankton species. The feeding efficiency of fish foraging on high-density zooplankton populations can be reduced by spatial segregation of zooplankton species. Where high local densities occur, due to swarm formation, predation is changed from size-selective feeding to consumption of spatially isolated individuals.  相似文献   
The Kinglet Calyptura Calyptura cristata is one of the most enigmatic bird species in South America, known only from specimens collected in the 19th century and a few recent observations. Knowledge of its biology is scanty and its systematic position is obscure. Traditionally, Calyptura was placed in the Cotingidae, but associated with genera that are now known to fall outside the Cotingidae. In an attempt to clarify its phylogenetic position, sequence data from four nuclear markers were obtained from a 180‐year‐old museum study skin of Calyptura, and incorporated into a comprehensive dataset of tyrant flycatchers, cotingas, manakins and allies. Our analyses demonstrate that Calyptura is most closely related to Platyrinchus and Neopipo and that these three genera constitute a deep branch in the clade containing the Rhynchocyclidae (tody‐tyrants and flatbills) and Tyrannidae (typical tyrant flycatchers). The Calyptura specimen is one of the oldest avian museum specimens from which a substantial amount of nuclear DNA sequence data have been obtained, and highlights the immense value of museum collections for DNA‐based phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   
Luk?evi?s, E., Ahlberg, P.E., Stinkulis, ?., Vasi?kova, J. & Zupi??, I. 2011: Frasnian vertebrate taphonomy and sedimentology of macrofossil concentrations from the Langsēde Cliff, Latvia. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 356–370. The siliciclastic sequence of the Upper Devonian of Kurzeme, Western Latvia, is renowned for abundant vertebrate fossils, including the stem tetrapods Obruchevichthys gracilis and Ventastega curonica. During the first detailed taphonomic study of the vertebrate assemblage from the Ogre Formation cropping out at the Langsēde Cliff, Imula River, abundant vertebrate remains have been examined and identified as belonging to one psammosteid, two acanthodian and three sarcopterygian genera; the placoderm Bothriolepis maxima dominates the assemblage. Besides fully disarticulated placoderm and psammosteid plates, separate sarcopterygian scales and teeth, and acanthodian spines, partly articulated specimens including complete distal segments of Bothriolepis pectoral fins, Bothriolepis head shields and sarcopterygian lower jaws have been found. The size distribution of the placoderm bones demonstrates that the individuals within the assemblage are of approximately uniform age. Distinct zones have been traced within the horizontal distribution of the bones. These linear zones are almost perpendicular to the dominant dip azimuth of the cross‐beds and ripple‐laminae and most probably correspond to the depressions between subaqueous dunes. Concavity ratio varies significantly within the excavation area. The degree of fragmentation of the bones and disarticulation of the skeletons suggest that the carcasses were reworked and slightly transported before burial. Sedimentological data suggest deposition in a shallow marine environment under the influence of rapid currents. The fossiliferous bed consists of a basal bone conglomerate covered by a cross‐stratified sandstone with mud drapes, which is in turn overlain by ripple laminated sandstone, indicating the bones were buried by the gradual infilling of a tidal channel. All the Middle–Upper Devonian vertebrate bone‐beds from Latvia are associated with sandy to clayey deposits and have been formed in a sea‐coastal zone during rapid sedimentation episodes, but differ in fossil abundance and degree of preservation. □Agnathans, Devonian, facies analysis, fish, fossil assemblage, palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   
Storms can cause Europe-wide reduction in forest carbon sink   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disturbance of ecosystems is a major factor in regional carbon budgets, and it is believed to be partly responsible for the large inter-annual variability of the terrestrial part of the carbon balance. Forest fires have so far been considered as the most important disturbance but also other forms of disturbance such as insect outbreaks or wind-throw might contribute significantly to the largely unexplained inter-annual variability, at least in specific regions. The effect of wind-throw has not yet been estimated because of lack of data on how carbon fluxes are affected. The Gudrun storm, which hit Sweden in January 2005, resulted in ca. 66 million m3 of wind-thrown stem wood on an area of ca. 272 000 ha. Using a model (BIOME-BGC) calibrated to CO2 flux measurements at two sites, the annual net ecosystem productivity during the first year after the storm was estimated to be in the range −897 to −1259 g C m−2 yr−1. This is a much higher loss compared with harvested (clear-cut) forests in Europe, which ranged between ca. −420 and −100 g m−2 yr−1. The reduction in the carbon sink scaled to the whole wind-thrown area was estimated at ca. 3 million tons C during the first year. By historical data on wind-throw in Europe combined with modelling, we estimated that the large Lothar storm in 1999 reduced the European carbon balance by ca. 16 million tons C, this is ca. 30% of the net biome production in Europe. We conclude that the impact of increased forest damage by more frequent storms in future climate change scenarios must be considered and that intermittent large wind-throw events may explain a part of the large inter-annual variability in the terrestrial carbon sink.  相似文献   
Abstract: Cambrian trilobites mainly lived on the sea floor, and up till now few, if any, unequivocally planktonic trilobites have been reported from earlier than the Ordovician. The late Cambrian (Furongian) to late Ordovician olenids are a distinctive group of benthic (sea‐floor dwelling) or nekto‐benthic trilobites. Here we show, however, that one recently described, miniaturized and very spiny olenid species, Ctenopyge ceciliae must have been planktonic (passively drifting or feebly swimming in the upper waters of the sea). This interpretation is based not only upon body form but also on the analysis of its visual system and may be one of the earliest records of the planktonic realm being invaded by trilobites.  相似文献   
Detailed studies of organisms' life cycles are important for understanding population response to climate change. However, in general one cannot make strong inference about the overall population response from such studies, unless the full annual cycle of the species in question is covered. Here, we present a theoretical framework for the understanding of population response to climate change. Owing to the combined effects of demography, intraspecific feedback, and a possible use of environmental cues, environmentally induced changes in survival and/or reproduction do not necessarily lead to a straightforward change in population size. This framework can guide our thinking about how abiotic conditions work their way to the population level. More specifically, it can help us to identify mechanisms that need to be examined when predicting population change in response to expected climate change.  相似文献   
Canine morphology is analysed at seven intervals along the crown in both anteroposterior and lateromedial perspective in seven species of large felids. The puma and the snow leopard have stout, rather conical canines, whereas those of lions, jaguars, and tigers bear substantial resemblance to each other, reflecting their phylogenetic relationships, and are less conical and large. The canines of the leopard are intermediate in morphology between those of the other species, probably reflecting its more generalized diet. The clouded leopard has very large and blade-like canines, which are different from the other analysed species. Canine bending strengths to estimated bite forces appear to differs less among the species than morphology, indicating that the evolution of canines has been constricted with respect to their strength in failure, probably owing to their being equally important for species fitness. However, the clouded leopard again stands out, having a high estimated bite force and rather weak canines in bending about the anteroposterior as well as lateromedial planes compared to the other species. Canine morphology to some extent reflects differences in killing mode, but also appears to be related to the phylogeny. The marked divergence of the clouded leopard is presently not understood.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 573–592.  相似文献   
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