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巨噬细胞迁移抑制因子(macrophage migration inhibitory factor, MIF)是一种广泛表达的多效性细胞因子,参与多种炎症和免疫疾病的过程并在其中发挥重要作用,是许多疾病的生物标志物或治疗靶点。MIF基因在系统发育中高度保守,在其启动子区有多种不同转录因子的特定结合位点,借此调节MIF的表达。MIF在细胞内外均发挥作用,且MIF是组成型表达。因此,研究调控MIF基因表达和刺激MIF分泌的相关因素具有重要意义。本文通过对MIF基因和MIF启动子上的结合位点的简述,对影响MIF基因表达的相关因素进行总结和归类。根据与MIF基因结合的方式,可分为:(1)与MIF基因启动子特定位点结合,改变转录活性;(2)与MIF CATT5-8微卫星重复序列结合,改变高表达MIF等位基因;(3)非编码RNA调控MIF表达;(4)影响MIF分泌的相关因素。通过对这4类调控MIF基因表达的相关因素的综述,进而认识MIF基因表达的调控机制和影响因素,以期对其治疗相关疾病提供理论基础。  相似文献   
橘小实蝇成虫肠道可培养细菌群落结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究橘小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis) 3个种群(实验室正常喂养种群、实验室无菌糖水喂养种群和野生种群)成虫肠道可培养细菌的群落结构组成。【方法】利用16S rRNA基因的聚合酶链式反应-变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)分析技术,结合菌落形态观察和生理生化特征鉴定细菌种类。【结果】从橘小实蝇3个种群成虫肠道600株可培养细菌得到53种不同细菌遗传型,分属于肠杆菌科(Enterobacteriaceae)、肠球菌科(Enterococcaceae)和芽孢杆菌科(Bacillaceae)等3个科。其中肠杆菌科是肠道可培养细菌最优势的细菌种类。同样以序列相似性大于97%的菌株归为相同的细菌种类为标准,找到了橘小实蝇3个种群可培养细菌的共有菌种,结合菌落形态观察和生理生化特征鉴定,确定共有菌种为肠杆菌属5株,克雷伯氏菌属2株,柠檬酸杆菌属1株,泛菌属1株,肠球菌属2株,以及芽孢杆菌属4株。【结论】通过研究橘小实蝇成虫肠道可培养细菌群落结构组成,可为探讨肠道菌群对寄主的生理功能和生态学意义奠定基础,最终为利用微生物防治此类害虫提供新思路。  相似文献   
【目的】分析大熊猫肠道中芽孢杆菌的种类、纤维素分解能力、抗微生物作用和常用抗生素药物敏感性。【方法】利用芽孢耐高温特性分离菌株,基于16S r RNA基因序列构建系统发育树,通过测量芽孢杆菌在刚果红纤维素培养基上的分解圈分析其纤维素分解能力,采用牛津杯法测定芽孢杆菌的抑菌能力,结合软件分析抑菌能力和进化树之间的关系,通过PCR调查芽孢杆菌的抗菌肽分布规律,最后通过药敏试验检测芽孢杆菌是否对常用抗生素敏感。【结果】共分离得到21株芽孢杆菌;进化树显示,这些芽孢杆菌分为6个类别(Category);羧甲基纤维素钠水解结果显示,所有菌株均能分解纤维素;大部分芽孢杆菌菌株对3种肠道病原菌有较强的抑制能力,聚类分析表明,菌株的抗菌能力与基于16S r RNA基因的分类有一定的关联性;66.67%(14/21)的菌株中可以检测到2个或3个抗菌肽基因;药敏试验结果显示,菌株整体药物耐受率低,仅为7.54%(19/264),但仍有少数菌株对抗生素耐受。【结论】分离菌株种类丰富,分布平均,且均具有纤维素分解能力。21株菌株都含有抗菌肽基因,代谢产物对3种肠道病原菌具有明显抑制作用。常用抗生素耐受性低,对规范临床用药具有指导性。  相似文献   
Heterochromatin is widespread in eukaryotic genomes and has diverse impacts depending on its genomic context. Previous studies have shown that a protein complex, the ASI1‐AIPP1‐EDM2 (AAE) complex, participates in polyadenylation regulation of several intronic heterochromatin‐containing genes. However, the genome‐wide functions of AAE are still unknown. Here, we show that the ASI1 and EDM2 mostly target the common genomic regions on a genome‐wide level and preferentially interacts with genetic heterochromatin. Polyadenylation (poly(A) sequencing reveals that AAE complex has a substantial influence on poly(A) site usage of heterochromatin‐containing genes, including not only intronic heterochromatin‐containing genes but also the genes showing overlap with heterochromatin. Intriguingly, AAE is also involved in the alternative splicing regulation of a number of heterochromatin‐overlapping genes, such as the disease resistance gene RPP4. We provided evidence that genic heterochromatin is indispensable for the recruitment of AAE in polyadenylation and splicing regulation. In addition to conferring RNA processing regulation at genic heterochromatin‐containing genes, AAE also targets some transposable elements (TEs) outside of genes (including TEs sandwiched by genes and island TEs) for epigenetic silencing. Our results reveal new functions of AAE in RNA processing and epigenetic silencing, and thus represent important advances in epigenetic regulation.  相似文献   
The arms race between fungal pathogens and plant hosts involves recognition of fungal effectors to induce host immunity. Although various fungal effectors have been identified, the effector functions of ribonucleases are largely unknown. Herein, we identified a ribonuclease secreted by Verticillium dahliae (VdRTX1) that translocates into the plant nucleus to modulate immunity. The activity of VdRTX1 causes hypersensitive response (HR)‐related cell death in Nicotiana benthamiana and cotton. VdRTX1 possesses a signal peptide but is unlikely to be an apoplastic effector because its nuclear localization in the plant is necessary for cell death induction. Knockout of VdRTX1 significantly enhanced V. dahliae virulence on tobacco while V. dahliae employs the known suppressor VdCBM1 to escape the immunity induced by VdRTX1. VdRTX1 homologs are widely distributed in fungi but transient expression of 24 homologs from other fungi did not yield cell death induction, suggesting that this function is specific to the VdRTX1 in Vdahliae. Expression of site‐directed mutants of VdRTX1 in N. benthamiana leaves revealed conserved ligand‐binding sites that are important for VdRTX1 function in inducing cell death. Thus, VdRTX1 functions as a unique HR‐inducing effector in V. dahliae that contributes to the activation of plant immunity.  相似文献   
时启龙  江洪  陈健  张倩倩 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5621-5629
对亚热带地区6种典型树种幼苗在不同模拟酸雨梯度下的光谱响应特征进行了研究。结果表明,针叶树种和阔叶树种对酸雨敏感性具有明显差异。针叶树种马尾松、杉木和香榧对酸雨敏感性高于阔叶树种刨花楠、香樟和杨梅。针叶树种内部,马尾松和杉木叶绿素含量随酸雨浓度变化的幅度明显高于香榧;而阔叶树种内部,刨花楠、香樟和杨梅三者之间无显著差别。马尾松、香樟和香榧不能承受长时间高浓度酸雨胁迫,叶绿素含量呈先增加后减少趋势,杉木则先减少后增加,杨梅能承受长时间高浓度酸雨胁迫,pH值2.5处理下叶绿素含量高于pH值5.6处理。刨花楠4期试验中叶绿素含量变化无明显规律。各受试植物光谱反射率红边位置与其叶绿素含量变化规律基本一致。针叶树种马尾松和香榧主要表现为"蓝移",杉木则先"蓝移"后"红移",表现出对高浓度酸雨长时间的抗性;阔叶树种香樟先"红移"后"蓝移",对高浓度模拟酸雨表现出先促进后抑制现象,杨梅光谱反射率一阶导数曲线比较平缓,无明显"红移"和"蓝移"现象,刨花楠则"红移"和"蓝移"交替出现,与其叶绿素含量变化相一致,对酸雨敏感性不明显。  相似文献   
目的:弗氏链霉菌(Streptomyces fradiae)作为氨基糖苷类抗生素新霉素的主要生产菌株,其新霉素B具有抗菌活性强、抗癌、抗HIV等作用,提高新霉素B的效价具有重要意义.方法:在满足微生物正常生长所需盐离子的条件下,通过盐增强培养的方式向培养基中添加不同种类、浓度无机盐来改变细胞壁附近的理化特性、渗透压以及...  相似文献   
As one of the most important daily motor activities, human locomotion has been investigated intensively in recent decades. The locomotor functions and mechanics of human lower limbs have become relatively well understood. However, so far our understanding of the motions and functional contributions of the human spine during locomotion is still very poor and simultaneous in-vivo limb and spinal column motion data are scarce. The objective of this study is to investigate the delicate in-vivo kinematic coupling between different functional regions of the human spinal column during locomotion as a stepping stone to explore the locomotor function of the human spine complex. A novel infrared reflective marker cluster system was constrncted using stereophotogrammetry techniques to record the 3D in-vivo geometric shape of the spinal column and the segmental position and orientation of each functional spinal region simultaneously. Gait measurements of normal walking were conducted. The preliminary results show that the spinal column shape changes periodically in the frontal plane during locomotion. The segmental motions of different spinal functional regions appear to be strongly coupled, indicating some synergistic strategy may be employed by the human spinal column to facilitate locomotion. In contrast to traditional medical imaging-based methods, the proposed technique can be used to investigate the dynamic characteristics of the spinal column, hence providing more insight into the functional biomechanics of the human spine.  相似文献   
南京农业大学微生物学虚拟仿真实验教学模式的探索   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
借助虚拟仿真技术构建的虚实结合的虚拟仿真实验,是提高学生实践动手能力的有力补充和有效途径。本文通过对微生物学实验教学现状的分析,探讨南京农业大学微生物学虚拟仿真实验教学模式建设的意义,重点阐述建设思路、建设方案及教学特点。该仿真实验教学体系主要从基础微生物学和应用微生物学两大模块进行构建,同时将本校的污水生物处理技术、食用菌资源调查与利用等科研成果转化为教学资源,以丰富实验教学内容。  相似文献   
Mc Graw-Hill Education出版的Prescott’s Microbiology从1990年第1版至今已有近26年,历经了两代作者更替,迄今已出版了10版。该书是在国际上使用较为广泛的微生物学教材,其内容和版本每三年更新一次,力求及时反映学科前沿水平的新知识、新技术。其内容丰富,精深广博;版式编排设计以读者(学生)需求为本;编排合理,结构灵活;图片精美,设计感强;配套教学资源系统完善。对该教材进行深入的研究,了解其体系、知识结构和内容等,对加强我国高校教材建设具有重要借鉴作用。  相似文献   
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