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1. Shallow lakes in the Boreal Transition Zone (BTZ) in Alberta, Canada are naturally productive systems that provide important breeding and moulting habitat for many waterfowl (Anseriformes). To examine the relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors on waterfowl population densities, species richness and community composition, we surveyed 30 shallow lakes and evaluated the relationships among fish communities, lake characteristics and waterfowl in both breeding and moulting habitat. Shallow lakes were either fishless (n = 15), contained only small‐bodied fishes (n = 10) or contained large‐bodied, mostly predatory, fish in addition to small‐bodied fish (n = 5). 2. Environmental factors, including water colour, submerged aquatic vegetation, lake area and potassium, explained 24.3% of the variation in breeding waterfowl communities. Fish assemblage contributed independently to a small but significant proportion (13.4%) of the variation, while 13.8% of the explained variation was shared between environmental factors and fish assemblage. In total, 51.5% of the variation in breeding waterfowl communities was explained. 3. Overall, 55.5% of the total variation in moulting waterfowl communities was explained. Environment alone [especially total phosphorus, lake area, maximum depth and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)] and variation shared by fish and environment similarly accounted for most of the explained variation in moulting waterfowl communities (21.7% and 25.7% respectively), while fish assemblage was only one‐third as important (8.1%). 4. Both breeding and moulting waterfowl densities increased with lake productivity, even in eutrophic and hypereutrophic lakes. Breeding waterfowl density was also twice as great in fishless lakes than in lakes with fish, after accounting for lake area. 5. Certain waterfowl taxa were linked to fishless lakes, especially in the moulting season. Canvasback and moulting ring‐necked ducks were linked to small‐bodied fish lakes, whereas moulting common goldeneye were indicators of large‐bodied fish lakes. Knowledge of fish presence and species composition can therefore help guide conservation and management of waterfowl habitat in western Canada. Our results suggest that management efforts to maintain the most productive waterfowl habitat in the BTZ should focus on smaller, shallow, fishless lakes, particularly given that larger fish‐bearing systems have greater regulatory protection.  相似文献   
The social behavior of 3T3 cells and their polynoma virus-transformed derivative (Py3T3 cells) was examined by time-lapse cinemicrography in order to determine what factors are responsible for the marked differences in the patterns formed by the two cell lines in culture. Contrary to expectations, both cell types have been found to exhibit contact inhibition of cell locomotion. Therefore, the tendency of 3T3 cells to form monolayers and of Py3T3 cells to form crisscrossed multilayers cannot be explained on the basis of the presence versus the absence of contact inhibition. Morevover, with the exception of cell division control, the social behavior of the two cell types is qualitively similar. Both exhibit cell underlapping and, after contact between lamelliopodia, both show inhibition of locomotory activity and adhesion formation. Neither cell type was observed to migrate over the surface of another cell. The two cell types do show quantitative differences in the frequency of underlapping, the frequency with which contact results in inhibition of locomotion, and the proportion of the cell margin that adheres to the substratum. The increased frequency pf Py3T3 underlapping is correlated with the reduced frequency of substratum adhesions, which in turn favors underlapping. On the basis of these observations, it is concluded that the differences in culture patterns are the result of differences in the shapes of the individual cells, such that underlapping, and hence crisscrossing, is favored in Py3T3 cell interactions and discouraged in 3T3 cells.  相似文献   
Studies were made on the structure of cell walls in Avena coleoptilesegments incubated in sucrose and buffer without IAA (indoleaceticacid), with 8 p.p.m. IAA, and with 8 p.p.m. IAA+o·2 or0·3 M mannitol respectively. Examination in electronand polarizing microscopes revealed no difference in the structureof walls from segments grown in IAA and in IAA+mannitol. Measurementsof the weight of wall material showed that in the presence ofmannitol, wall deposition was inhibited. Measurements on theuptake of oxygen by segments showed that mannitol eliminateda respiratory stimulus produced by IAA. It is suggested thatnew wall material is only deposited on cell walls which arebeing thinned by elongation, and that the respiratory stimulusproduced by IAA and eliminated by mannitol may be in part amanifestation of metabolism involved in the synthesis of newwall material. Wall extension does not appear to be dependenton deposition of new material.  相似文献   
Despite the significant progress in the identification of essential components of the nuclear transport machinery, some events of this process are still unclear. Particularly, functional information about the release of nuclear-exported macromolecules at the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear pore complex and their subsequent trans-cytoplasmic movement is lacking. Recently, we identified a cytoplasmic GTPase, designated NIG (NSP-interacting GTPase), which may play a relevant role in these processes. NIG interacts in vivo with the geminivirus NSP and promotes the translocation of the viral protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where it is redirected to the cell surface to interact with the viral movement protein, MP. Here we position the NIG function into the mechanistic model for the intracellular trafficking of viral DNA and discuss the putative role of NIG in general cellular nucleocytoplasmic transport of nucleic acid-protein complexes.Key words: geminivirus, NIG, NSP, nucleocytoplasmic trafficking, transport activity  相似文献   
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