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Reliable estimates of feedstock resources are a prerequisite to the establishment of a biomass based-industry for energy and non food products. Field trials in the European Union (EU) show that Miscanthus spp. can produce high yields. Here we use a model (MISCANMOD) coupled with a GIS environment to estimate the contribution that Miscanthus could make to projected national electricity consumption. We describe the integration of different data sets, transformation procedures, and spatial analyses using GIS to produce energy statistics for the EU-25. Overall, Miscanthus grown on the 10% of arable land which is currently in set-aside could generate 282 TWh yr−1 electricity. This would meet 39% of the EU-25 target of 723 TWh yr−1 of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES) by 2010. As RES targets rise, land available for energy crops is also expected to increase. We consider three additional scenarios where Miscanthus could be grown on 10%, 20% and 35% of all agricultural land and we estimate it could generate respectively 345, 691 and 1209 TWh yr−1 of electrical energy. At a national scale France, Poland and Germany have the highest potentials for Miscanthus production based on agricultural land area (respectively 83, 52, 49 TWh yr−1 when 10% agricultural land is used). Finally, we reduced the scale to the EU NUTS2 (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) regions to examine regional generation capacities. Key regions have been identified where national RES targets are exceeded. These regions could become net exporters of renewable energy.  相似文献   
We report the details and characteristics of a total of 44 novel microsatelllite loci for Bombus spp. Most of them are highly polymorphic in Bombus terrestris, and a high degree of polymorphism is also found where these primers have been tested in 10 other bumblebee species. These markers will therefore be useful for the genetic study of this group.  相似文献   
We combined Eddy‐covariance measurements with a linear perturbation analysis to isolate the relative contribution of physical and biological drivers on evapotranspiration (ET) in three ecosystems representing two end‐members and an intermediate stage of a successional gradient in the southeastern US (SE). The study ecosystems, an abandoned agricultural field [old field (OF)], an early successional planted pine forest (PP), and a late‐successional hardwood forest (HW), exhibited differential sensitivity to the wide range of climatic and hydrologic conditions encountered over the 4‐year measurement period, which included mild and severe droughts and an ice storm. ET and modeled transpiration differed by as much as 190 and 270 mm yr?1, respectively, between years for a given ecosystem. Soil water supply, rather than atmospheric demand, was the principal external driver of interannual ET differences. ET at OF was sensitive to climatic variability, and results showed that decreased leaf area index (L) under mild and severe drought conditions reduced growing season (GS) ET (ETGS) by ca. 80 mm compared with a year with normal precipitation. Under wet conditions, higher intrinsic stomatal conductance (gs) increased ETGS by 50 mm. ET at PP was generally larger than the other ecosystems and was highly sensitive to climate; a 50 mm decrease in ETGS due to the loss of L from an ice storm equaled the increase in ET from high precipitation during a wet year. In contrast, ET at HW was relatively insensitive to climatic variability. Results suggest that recent management trends toward increasing the land‐cover area of PP‐type ecosystems in the SE may increase the sensitivity of ET to climatic variability.  相似文献   
1. This review focuses on direct and indirect interactions between dissolved humic substances (HS) and freshwater organisms and presents novel opinions and hypotheses on their ecological significance. Despite their abundance in freshwaters, the role of HS is still inadequately understood. These substances have been considered too large to be taken up by freshwater organisms. On the contrary, here we present evidence that dissolved HS are indeed taken up and interact directly and/or indirectly with freshwater organisms. 2. We show that dissolved HS exert a mild chemical stress upon aquatic organisms in many ways; they induce molecular chaperones (stress shock proteins), induce and modulate biotransformation enzymes and modulate (mainly inhibiting) the photosynthetic release of oxygen by freshwater plants. Furthermore, they produce an oxidative stress, which may lead to membrane oxidation. HS modulate the multixenobiotic resistance activity and probably other membrane‐bound pumps. This property may lead to the increased bioaccumulation of xenobiotic chemicals. Furthermore, they can modulate the numbers of offspring in a nematode and feminise fish and amphibians. The ecological consequences of this potential remain obscure at present. HS also have the potential to act as chemical attractants (as shown with a nematode). 3. In some macrophytes and algae we show that HS interfere with photosynthesis and growth. For instance, the presence of HS suppresses cyanobacteria more than eukaryotic algae. By applying a quantitative structure activity relationship approach, we show that quinones in the HS interfere with photosynthetic electron transport. We show that even Phragmites leachate can act as a kind of phytotoxin. HS also have the potential to suppress fungal growth, as shown with the water mould Saprolegnia parasitica and force the fungus to respond by spore production. 4. In very soft, humic freshwaters, such as the Rio Negro, Brazil, HS stimulate the uptake of essential ions, such as Na and Ca, at extremely low pH (3.5–4.0) and prevent the ionoregulatory disturbance induced by acid waters, thereby enabling fish to survive in these environments. 5. We discuss whether or not HS are directly utilised by aquatic microorganisms or via exoenzymes, which may be washed in from the terrestrial catchment. There is accumulating evidence that the quality of the HS controls microbial growth. In total, net‐heterotrophy may result from HS‐mediated suppression of primary production by the quinone structures and/or from HS‐mediated support of microbial growth. As there is also evidence that HS have the potential to support photoautotrophic growth and suppress microbial growth, the opposite community effect could result. Consequently, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has to be chemically characterised, rather than simply measuring bulk DOC concentration. 6. In sum, dissolved HS interact with freshwater organisms in a variety of ways in unenriched humic lakes. In addition to the well known effects of HS on light regime, for example, and the direct and indirect supply with carbon (energy), other interactions may be much more subtle. For instance, HS may induce internal biochemical stress defence systems and have the potential to cause acclimatisation and even adaptation. We are just at the beginning of understanding these interactions between dissolved HS and freshwater organisms.  相似文献   
An antitropical distribution represents an intriguing disjunction, in which a given species or sister lineages occupy regions north and south of the tropics but are absent from the intervening areas. Solenogyne mikadoi endemic to the Ryukyu Archipelago is regarded as an Australian element. Testing the phylogenetic relationship with Australian congeners and discussing the onset timing and causes of the disjunction would potentially enhance the understanding of antitropical distribution. A nuclear ribosomal DNA phylogeny was reconstructed using Bayesian and most parsimonious criteria with allied genera. Solenogyne was monophyletic and clustered with Lagenophora huegelii endemic to Australia, indicating the antitropical distribution and Australian origin of Solenogyne. Multispecies coalescent analysis based on nuclear ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA indicated the divergence of S. mikadoi and Australian congeners in the Plio‐Pleistocene. Phylogenetic network analyses suggested that the ancestral lineage of S. mikadoi first colonized the southernmost island in the archipelago and then dispersed northward. The migration to the archipelago likely followed the flourishing of Solenogyne in open vegetation communities that radiated in south‐eastern Australia during the late Pliocene. This disjunction might arise through long‐distance dispersal across the tropics or, alternatively, through extinction in the tropics as a result of unsuitably high temperatures during climate oscillation and/or competitions from diverse tropical flora surviving since the early Tertiary. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 197–217.  相似文献   
Nematode diversity may seriously be underestimated when taking into account cryptic speciation. Thoracostoma trachygaster is commonly found in kelp holdfasts along the California coastline and was recently shown to consist of at least two distinct molecular clades (I and II). Here, we provide detailed morphological analysis of both clades, based on measurements taken from video vouchers of respectively eight and 16 individuals from the previous study, as well as 80 newly collected specimens from four Californian beaches. The latter were vouchered, measured, and then subjected to molecular analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) gene, and the ribosomal D2D3 and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. This integrative approach shows that the three molecular clades are phylogenetically and morphologically distinct species, but a combination of morphological characters is needed to distinguish them. Two new species, Thoracostoma fatimae sp. nov. and Thoracostoma igniferum sp. nov. , are identified and described. The spicule length of T. fatimae sp. nov. is significantly shorter than that of T. trachygaster. Thoracostoma igniferum sp. nov. can be distinguished by the irregular posterior edge of the cephalic capsule and the two internal subdorsal tropis‐like projections in the wall of the cephalic capsule, which are lacking in T. fatimae sp. nov. and T. trachygaster. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 18–35.  相似文献   
1. Winter conditions shape plankton dynamics and community composition in temperate regions, but their effect on dynamics and genetic composition of cyclical parthenogens like Daphnia is largely unclear. 2. For 5 years, we studied the dynamics, hatching from resting eggs and genetic structure of a D. galeata × longispina hybrid complex in a dimictic, temperate reservoir. Our main hypothesis was that higher spring densities and an earlier population peak will be observed after warmer winters, with a lower genetic diversity because of a lower contribution of resting eggs to population growth. 3. The study period could clearly be categorised into cold‐winter years (n = 3) and warm‐winter years (n = 2). Daphnia densities at the end of spring overturn were ~10‐fold lower after cold winters than after warm ones, but no pattern emerged concerning the timing and the height of the population peak in early summer. 4. Hatching intensity from resting eggs was higher and contributed up to 8.5% to Daphnia abundance in a cold‐winter year compared to a negligible contribution in a warm‐winter year. Consistent with this finding, new multilocus genotypes (MLGs) adding to the overwintering stock after the end of spring overturn and presumably originating from resting eggs increased genetic diversity and attained high frequencies within the population only after a cold winter. New MLGs were recorded also after warm winters, but they never gained dominance and no shift in genetic diversity was observed. However, genetic diversity was not generally reduced after warm winters. 5. Our results confirm earlier findings that winter conditions have only a limited effect on the main growth phase and the peak of Daphnia during late spring and early summer. However, winter conditions determine the contribution of resting eggs to the population development, which may profoundly alter the genetic composition of the population compared to the previous season.  相似文献   
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