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Cryobanking, the freezing of biological specimens to maintain their integrity for a variety of anticipated and unanticipated uses, offers unique opportunities to advance the basic knowledge of biological systems and their evolution. Notably, cryobanking provides a crucial opportunity to support conservation efforts for endangered species. Historically, cryobanking has been developed mostly in response to human economic and medical needs — these needs must now be extended to biodiversity conservation. Reproduction technologies utilizing cryobanked gametes, embryos and somatic cells are already vital components of endangered species recovery efforts. Advances in modern biological research (e.g. stem cell research, genomics and proteomics) are already drawing heavily on cryobanked specimens, and future needs are anticipated to be immense. The challenges of developing and applying cryobanking for a broader diversity of species were addressed at an international conference held at Trier University (Germany) in June 2008. However, the magnitude of the potential benefits of cryobanking stood in stark contrast to the lack of substantial resources available for this area of strategic interest for biological science — and society at large. The meeting at Trier established a foundation for a strong global incentive to cryobank threatened species. The establishment of an Amphibian Ark cryobanking programme offers the first opportunity for global cooperation to achieve the cryobanking of the threatened species from an entire vertebrate class.  相似文献   
Maximum stomatal conductance to water vapour and CO2 ( g wmax, g cmax, respectively), which are set at the time of leaf maturity, are determined predominantly by stomatal size ( S ) and density ( D ). In theory, many combinations of S and D yield the same g wmax and g cmax, so there is no inherent correlation between S and D , or between S , D and maximum stomatal conductance. However, using basic equations for gas diffusion through stomata of different sizes, we show that a negative correlation between S and D offers several advantages, including plasticity in g wmax and g cmax with minimal change in epidermal area allocation to stomata. Examination of the relationship between S and D in Eucalyptus globulus seedlings and coppice shoots growing in the field under high and low rainfall revealed a strong negative relationship between S and D , whereby S decreased with increasing D according to a negative power function. The results provide evidence that plasticity in maximum stomatal conductance may be constrained by a negative S versus D relationship, with higher maximum stomatal conductance characterized by smaller S and higher D , and a tendency to minimize change in epidermal space allocation to stomata as S and D vary.  相似文献   
Leaf breakdown in streams differing in catchment land use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The impact of changes in land use on stream ecosystem function is poorly understood. We studied leaf breakdown, a fundamental process of stream ecosystems, in streams that represent a range of catchment land use in the Piedmont physiographic province of the south‐eastern United States. 2. We placed bags of chalk maple (Acer barbatum) leaves in similar‐sized streams in 12 catchments of differing dominant land use: four forested, three agricultural, two suburban and three urban catchments. We measured leaf mass, invertebrate abundance and fungal biomass in leaf bags over time. 3. Leaves decayed significantly faster in agricultural (0.0465 day?1) and urban (0.0474 day?1) streams than in suburban (0.0173 day?1) and forested (0.0100 day?1) streams. Additionally, breakdown rates in the agricultural and urban streams were among the fastest reported for deciduous leaves in any stream. Nutrient concentrations in agricultural streams were significantly higher than in any other land‐use type. Fungal biomass associated with leaves was significantly lower in urban streams; while shredder abundance in leaf bags was significantly higher in forested and agricultural streams than in suburban and urban streams. Storm runoff was significantly higher in urban and suburban catchments that had higher impervious surface cover than forested or agricultural catchments. 4. We propose that processes accelerating leaf breakdown in agricultural and urban streams were not the same: faster breakdown in agricultural streams was due to increased biological activity as a result of nutrient enrichment, whereas faster breakdown in urban streams was a result of physical fragmentation resulting from higher storm runoff.  相似文献   
In the United States, industrial management techniques shifted from strong paternalistic controls to absentee forms of ownership in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Tracing the change of industrial management techniques in a mill community that survived through the Gilded Age shows the impact of industrialization on consumerism and health in working-class households. Initial examination of the archaeological record shows that the domestic material world of workers' households became similar to each other while consumer goods increased significantly. We suggest that with the transition of management techniques from minimal paternalism to absenteeism, a trend developed toward homogenization of some everyday material culture. However, living in a marginal geography promoted a countertrend among workers and their families, and alternatives to market-oriented consumption allowed for "insurgent" forms of citizenship. Understanding the historical consequences of industry for workers and their families is relevant for understanding the situation of marginalized labor today.  相似文献   
Debt for Sale:. Social History of the Credit Trap . Brett Williams. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. 145 pp.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT We have devised a two step method for the synchronous induction of telotrochs in the peritrich ciliate, Vorticella convallaria. The method is easy, reliable, and allows us to study the earliest events of telotroch formation at the ultrastructural, biochemical, and molecular levels. The steps involved are: (1) excising the cell body from the stalk in a large population (7.4 times 104 cells) of EDTA-treated, attached cells by the application of monocalcium phosphate monohydrate solution at pH 3.2, (2) rinsing and suspending the isolated cell bodies in inorganic medium. Within 90 min, 80% of the population forms telotrochs. Analysis of factors that are important for maximum stalk excision and transformation shows that the population must not be older than 2 d and the most effective concentration of monocalcium phosphate is 4.8 mM for a 20 min exposure. The most effective monocalcium phosphate is in the monohydrated form. A pH value of 3.2, produced by the addition of hydrochloric acid in the presence or absence of calcium is not sufficient to initiate stalk excision and telotroch formation. This observation leads us to conclude that stalk excision is dependent on monocalcium phosphate or its hydrolysis products.  相似文献   
It is argued that groups of similarly coloured species of coccinellids are Müllerian mimicry rings. This is based on a synthesis of the literature about the nature of their biology and aposematic colour patterns, their highly developed chemical defence and the responses of bird predators to them. The system of multiple mimicry ‘rings’ is illustrated for the Dutch coccinellid fauna. Some polymorphic species, including Adalia, exhibit red forms and black melanic forms which are apparently components of different putative mimicry rings. A similar reasoning is put forward with regard to the orange and the black forms of the soldier beetle Cuntharis livida. Hypotheses involving spatial variation in comimics, as have been developed to account for some other cases of polymorphic Miillerian mimicry, predict that sympatric polymorphic species exhibiting similar sets of phenotypes will show parallels in their geographical variation. This is tested for A. bipunctata and A. decempunctata in The Netherlands. On this local scale there is no parallel variation; A. bipunctata exhibits marked geographical differentiation whereas A. decempunctata shows a general uniformity in morph frequency. Observations on their population biology show that only in A. bipunctata is there a major spring period of adult reproduction on shrubs exposed to direct sunshine. Previous work has demonstrated an influence of thermal melanism in this period of the life cycle. It is suggested that local responses in species such as A. bipunctata may reflect a partial ‘escape’ from stabilizing aposematic selection. The basis of a steep cline found in C. livida, which opposes one in A. bipunctata, is unknown and unlikely to be related to mimicry. There is some evidence that the polymorphism is influenced by non-random mating. When species and communities of coccinellids are considered on a wide geographical scale many observations about their colour patterns and spatial variation, especially those of Dobzhansky, support an interaction between selection favouring mimetic resemblance and forms of climatic selection, especially thermal melanism. The polymorphism in Adalia is discussed in relation to a system of multiple mimicry rings and to Thompson's recent theoretical treatment of the maintenance of some polymorphisms for warning coloration by a balance between aposematic and apostatic selection. This becomes more tenable in coccinellids because of evidence that bird predators show a variable response to them. Frequency-independent selection arising from thermal melanism can provide the basis of spatial variation in equilibrium points. An alternative to such a hypothesis is one in which differences in unpalatability between species of coccinellids are emphasized (after experiments of Pasteels and colleagues). Some less unpalatable species such as Adalia may have responded to periods of prolonged disruptive selection acting in a frequency-dependent way to promote polymorphic mimicry associated with different modal colour patterns and intermediate in nature between classical Batesian and Müllerian mimicry. The likely occurrence of a supergene controlling polymorphism in some coccinellids is consistent with such an explanation.  相似文献   
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