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SUMMARY. 1. The annual cycle of the freshwater sponge, Anheteromeyenia ryderi , was studied in a seepage pond in Connecticut. The adult form of the sponge persisted throughout the year, although some specimens at the edge of the pond degenerated by late summer. During the middle of the winter, adult sponges had a simplified tissue morphology with reduced numbers of flagellated chambers.
2. Gemmules of A. ryderi were also present during all seasons. Gemmule germination occurred during the spring, and some specimens produced new gemmules by late spring.
3. The gemmules of A. ryderi underwent a protracted diapause which was broken under both natural and laboratory conditions by several months exposure to low temperatures (≤5°C).
4. The gemmules of Heteromeyenia tubisperma were also shown to undergo diapause, but in this case diapause was broken by a relatively short cold treatment (1 month).  相似文献   
Abstract Sites of acid-phosphatase activity were found in the differentiating root protophloem of Nymphoides peltata by lead-salt and by azo-dye methods. Different substrates revealed different subcellular locations of the enzyme. The substrates β-glycerophosphate (β-GP) and naphthol ASBI phosphate revealed enzyme activity at similar sites within the sieve element. These sites included plasmodesmata, dictyosomes and small vacuoles in the cytoplasm. The substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP), however, revealed additional sites of acid-phosphatase activity which were not detectable by either naphthol ASBI phosphate or β-GP. For example, the inner region of the wall in mature sieve elements showed conspicuous acid-phosphatase activity only when p-NPP was used as substrate. The significance of the different locations of acid phosphatase within the sieve element is discussed. The convoluted ER, characteristic of immature sieve elements of N. peltata, failed to show acid-phosphatase activity whichever substate was used. By contrast, the stacked ER found in the parietal layer of mature sieve elements showed prominent acid-phosphatase activity regardless of the substrate used. The demonstration of acid-phosphatase activity in the stacked ER, and by both lead-salt and azo-dye methods, suggests that this organelle is a true site of acid-phosphatase activity. The onset of acid-phosphatase activity in the ER in later stages of sieve-element differentiation is compatible with the view that stacked ER plays a role in the final autolysis of the sieve-element protoplast.  相似文献   
To determine if the unique host assemblages in zoos influence blood‐feeding by mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), a sampling programme was conducted in Greenville and Riverbanks Zoos, South Carolina, U.S.A., from April 2009 to October 2010. A total of 4355 female mosquitoes of 14 species were collected, of which 106 individuals of nine species were blood‐fed. The most common taxa were Aedes albopictus (Skuse), Aedes triseriatus (Say), Anopheles punctipennis (Say), Culex erraticus (Dyar & Knab), Culex pipiens complex (L.) and Culex restuans (Theobald). Molecular analyses (cytochrome b) of bloodmeals revealed that mosquitoes fed on captive animals, humans and wildlife, and took mixed bloodmeals. Host species included one amphibian, 16 birds, 10 mammals (including humans) and two reptiles. Minimum dispersal distances after feeding on captive hosts ranged from 15.5 m to 327.0 m. Mosquito–host associations generally conformed to previous accounts, indicating that mosquito behaviour inside zoos reflects that outside zoos. However, novel variation in host use, including new, exotic host records, warrants further investigation. Zoos, thus, can be used as experiment environments in which to study mosquito behaviour, and the findings extrapolated to non‐zoo areas, while providing medical and veterinary benefits to zoo animals, employees and patrons.  相似文献   
The disease control efficacy of quarantine heat treatments developed for fruit fly disinfestation in mangoes cv. Kensington Pride was evaluated in this study. Heat was applied using high humidity (>95% r.h.) hot air (HHHA) at temperatures ranging from 47–49°C. Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, was well controlled in mangoes heated to a core temperature of 46°C, 47°C or 48°C for 24, 10 or 8 min respectively, prior to ripening at 23°C for 16 days. Stem end rot, caused by Dothiorella dominicana and Lasiodiplodia theobromae, was not satisfactorily controlled by these treatments. In a subsequent experiment, fruit were immersed in a hot benomyl (0.5 g a.i. litre“1 at 52°C for 5 min) or unheated prochloraz (0.25 ml a.i. litre1 at 28°C for 30 s) dip before or after the application of HHHA (core temperature of 47°C for 10 min). During storage at 23°C for 15 days, the incidence of stem end rot was reduced by HHHA alone, although immersion in hot benomyl either before or after HHHA treatment greatly improved stem end rot control. HHHA treatment (core temperature of 46.5°C for 10 min) alone reduced the incidence of anthracnose in mangoes stored at 13°C for 14 days prior to ripening at 22°C, although a combination treatment consisting of HHHA and either hot benomyl or unheated prochloraz gave complete control of anthracnose under these storage conditions. HHHA treatment alone gave no control of stem end rot in mangoes stored at 13°C prior to ripening at 22°C. A supplementary hot benomyl treatment was required for acceptable control of this disease in cool-stored mangoes. The development of yellow skin colour in fruit was accelerated by HHHA treatment.  相似文献   
Nematode diversity may seriously be underestimated when taking into account cryptic speciation. Thoracostoma trachygaster is commonly found in kelp holdfasts along the California coastline and was recently shown to consist of at least two distinct molecular clades (I and II). Here, we provide detailed morphological analysis of both clades, based on measurements taken from video vouchers of respectively eight and 16 individuals from the previous study, as well as 80 newly collected specimens from four Californian beaches. The latter were vouchered, measured, and then subjected to molecular analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) gene, and the ribosomal D2D3 and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. This integrative approach shows that the three molecular clades are phylogenetically and morphologically distinct species, but a combination of morphological characters is needed to distinguish them. Two new species, Thoracostoma fatimae sp. nov. and Thoracostoma igniferum sp. nov. , are identified and described. The spicule length of T. fatimae sp. nov. is significantly shorter than that of T. trachygaster. Thoracostoma igniferum sp. nov. can be distinguished by the irregular posterior edge of the cephalic capsule and the two internal subdorsal tropis‐like projections in the wall of the cephalic capsule, which are lacking in T. fatimae sp. nov. and T. trachygaster. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 18–35.  相似文献   
1. A 7‐year study was conducted in three hydrologically distinct sections within the highly regulated, lowland Campaspe River to investigate the influence of hydrology on temporal and spatial patterns in fish composition, abundance and recruitment. One section had 6 months, one section 2 months and one section no months of increased flow due to storage releases. The fish fauna of the less regulated, nearby Broken River served as a reference to which that of the Campaspe River was compared for the last 3 years of the study to allow insight into the relative effects of hydrology, barriers to movement and other environmental characteristics. The study included one high‐flow year, a moderate‐flow year and five low‐flow years. 2. A total of 16 fish species – 10 native and six alien – were caught in the Campaspe River, although of the native species, only three are considered to have self‐sustaining populations. The remaining species are either itinerants or a result of stocking. Alien species comprised approximately 64% of the total biomass of all fish caught. 3. Overall composition of the fish fauna did not differ significantly by year, but did by section of river. Species richness and the abundance of most of the dominant species also differed significantly by river section, but there was little inter‐annual variation in the abundance of any species, except for European perch and for common carp; the latter showing an increase in abundance following a high‐flow event during the spring of 2000 as a result of recruitment. 4. Overall faunal composition was not influenced by hydrology. However, multiple regression indicated that species richness, abundance of the dominant species and abundance of young‐of‐year (YOY) of golden perch, European perch and common carp all were influenced significantly by hydrological variables. The nature of the relationships was dependent on river section and hydrological season (‘winter’ or ‘spring/summer’). Of note was the result that the total abundance of fish and that of YOY common carp were significantly positively related to the number of spells above the threshold for movement upstream through the lower two weirs in the Campaspe River. Only one significant relationship between hydrological and fish‐related variables was found for the upper river section, whereas seven and five were found for the lower and middle sections respectively. 5. Comparisons with fish collected in the Broken River over 3 years suggest that the fauna of the Broken River is in a more natural state than that of the Campaspe River. Since the two rivers do not differ substantially in water quality, and since both contain significant weirs, which act as barriers to movement of fish, flow regulation is most likely to be the major reason for the poor state of the fauna in the Campaspe River.  相似文献   
Plants may be more sensitive to carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment at subambient concentrations than at superambient concentrations, but field tests are lacking. We measured soil‐water content and determined xylem pressure potentials and δ13C values of leaves of abundant species in a C3/C4 grassland exposed during 1997–1999 to a continuous gradient in atmospheric CO2 spanning subambient through superambient concentrations (200–560 µmol mol2?1). We predicted that CO2 enrichment would lessen soil‐water depletion and increase xylem potentials more over subambient concentrations than over superambient concentrations. Because water‐use efficiency of C3 species (net assimilation/leaf conductance; A/g) typically increases as soils dry, we hypothesized that improvements in plant‐water relations at higher CO2 would lessen positive effects of CO2 enrichment on A/g. Depletion of soil water to 1.35 m depth was greater at low CO2 concentrations than at higher CO2 concentrations during a mid‐season drought in 1998 and during late‐season droughts in 1997 and 1999. During droughts each year, mid‐day xylem potentials of the dominant C4 perennial grass (Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng) and the dominant C3 perennial forb (Solanum dimidiatum Raf.) became less negative as CO2 increased from subambient to superambient concentrations. Leaf A/g—derived from leaf δ13C values—was insensitive to feedbacks from CO2 effects on soil water and plant water. Among most C3 species sampled—including annual grasses, perennial grasses and perennial forbs—A/g increased linearly with CO2 across subambient concentrations. Leaf and air δ13C values were too unstable at superambient CO2 concentrations to reliably determine A/g. Significant changes in soil‐ and plant‐water relations over subambient to superambient concentrations and in leaf A/g over subambient concentrations generally were not greater over low CO2 than over higher CO2. The continuous response of these variables to CO2 suggests that atmospheric change has already improved water relations of grassland species and that periodically water‐limited grasslands will remain sensitive to CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   
  • 1 Gastrophysa viridula Degeer (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the pathogenic rust fungus Uromyces rumicis (Schum.) Wint. both occur on leaves of Rumex crispus L. and R.obtusifolius L. Individual stages of beetle development, and egg laying, were compared on healthy and infected leaves of each plant species in the laboratory. Oviposition choice was investigated in the field and laboratory.
  • 2 Beetles reared on infected leaves of each species had greater larval mortality and slower development than those reared on healthy leaves. Although larvae feeding on infected leaves consumed up to 2.5 times more dry weight than those reared on healthy leaves, they had a lower relative growth rate and pupated at a lower weight. These changes were consistent with the reduced nutritive quality of rust-infected Rumex leaves.
  • 3 Fecundity of beetles reared on infected leaves of both species was considerably reduced. Eggs laid by beetles feeding on infected R.crispus leaves also had a reduced viability.
  • 4 The beetle developed consistently poorer on healthy R.crispus than on healthy R.obtusifolius throughout its life-cycle. Differences in larval performance were greater between host species than between infected and healthy leaves.
  • 5 Oviposition was similar on infected and healthy R.crispus in both the laboratory and field. However, adults consumed less, and laid fewer eggs on infected than on healthy R.obtusifolius. The pattern of egg laying on different aged leaves was affected by rust infection: a greater proportion of eggs was laid on the older, infected leaves, than on the equivalent aged leaves on the healthy plants. Few larvae survived from eggs laid on rusted leaves in the field.
Stimulation of the rate of photosynthesis at 2·0 kPaO2 in comparison with 21 kPa O2 and carbohydrate accumulationover 4h were measured during exposure of sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.) and rape (Brassica napus L.), grown at 30 °Cand 13 °C, to temperatures between 7 °C and 35 °C.The effect of reducing source: sink ratio by shading on theresponse of photosynthetic rate to temperature was also determined.Stimulation of photosynthesis by 2·0 kPa O2 in comparisonwith 21 kPa O2 decreased over 4 h at cool temperatures in sunflowerplants grown at 30 °C but not in rape grown at 30 °C.Stimulation did not decrease over 4 h in plants grown at 13CC. Sucrose was the main carbohydrate accumulated over 4 h;its accumulation increased with decreasing temperature. Starchaccumulation either decreased or remained the same with decreasingtemperature. In plants grown at 30 °C more carbohydrateaccumulated between 8 °C and 21 °C in sunflower thanin rape, but more carbohydrate accumulated at 30 °C in rapethan in sunflower. In plants grown at 13 °C much less carbohydrateaccumulated between 13 °C and 23 °C than in plants grownat 30 °C. Photosynthetic rate in plants grown at 30 °Cexposed to between 20 °C and 35 °C over 32 h (14 h light-10h dark-8 h light), declined over 32 h at 20 °C and 25 °Cin sunflower and at 20 °C in rape. This fall over 32 h,especially at 20 °C in sunflower, was significantly reducedby shading the rest of the plant. Shading had little effecton photosynthetic rate above 25 °C. The work confirms thatlow temperature imposes a sink-limitation on photosynthesiswhich occurs at higher temperatures in sunflower than in rape.This limitation may be relieved by decreasing the source:sinkratio. Key words: Sunflower, rape, photosynthesis, carbohydrates, sink demand, temperature  相似文献   
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