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NPY receptors are identified in calf frontal cortex and hippocampus membrane preparations by binding of N-[propionyl-3H] neuropeptide Y. Saturation and competition binding data with PYY, NPY-(18–36) and NPY itself fit with a single class of sites: for the radioligand KD = 1.4 ± 0.5 nM, Bmax = 434 ± 180 fmol/mg protein in frontal cortex, KD = 0.7 ± 0.2 nM, Bmax = 267 ± 50 fmol/mg protein in hippocampus. Competition curves of the Y1-subtype selective agonist [Leu31, Pro34]NPY are biphasic in both membrane preparations: high affinity sites (i.e. Y1-subtype) amount to 80% in frontal cortex and 23% in hippocampus. The remaining sites are of the Y2-subtype. Out of 23 Conus venom preparations, 17 inhibit the binding of [3H]NPY in both membrane preparations, but only two of them (from Conus aulicus and C. pennaceus) do so with high potency (ic50 < 5 μg protein/ml). Only one venom preparation (from C. mercator) had weak discriminatory properties (ic50Y2/ic50Y1 = 6). Venom from C. anemone increased the [3H]NPY binding 5-fold and with an ic50 of 15–18 μg protein/ml. This binding occurred to the venom itself and was unrelated to the NPY receptors since it was equally potent when displaced by [Leu31, Pro34]NPY, NPY-(18–36), PYY and NPY. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd  相似文献   
A simple ‘big leaf’ ecosystem gas exchange model was developed, using eddy covariance data collected at an undisturbed tropical rainforest in south-western Amazonia (Brazil). The model used mechanistic equations of canopy biochemistry combined with an empirical stomatal model describing responses to light, temperature and humidity. After calibration, the model was driven using hourly data from a weather station at the top of the tower at the measurement site, yielding an estimate of gross primary productivity (annual photosynthesis) in 1992/1993 of about 200 mol C m?2 year ?. Although incoming photon flux density emerged as the major control on photosynthesis in this forest, at a given PAR CO2 assimilation rates were higher in the mornings than in the afternoons. This was attributable to stomatal closure in the afternoon in response to increasing canopy-to-air vapour pressure differences. Although most morning gas exchange was clearly limited by the rate of electron transport, afternoon gas exchange was generally observed to be very nearly co-limited by both Rubisco activity (Vmax) and electron transport rate. The sensitivity of the model to changes in nitrogen allocation showed that the modelled ratio of Vmax to electron transport (Jmax) served nearly to maximize the annual carbon gain, and indeed, would have resulted in almost maximum annual carbon gain at the pre-industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 concentration of 27 Pa. Modelled gross primary productivity (GPP) was somewhat lower at 27 Pa, being about 160 mol C m?2 year?1. The model suggests that, in the absence of any negative feedbacks on GPP, future higher concentrations of atmospheric CO2 will continue to increase the GPP of this rainforest, up to about 230 mol C m?2 year?1 at 70 Pa.  相似文献   
The morphofunctional aspects of locomotion in Recent phyllocarid crustaceans are presented, based on combined video observations of living specimens of the cosmopolitan nektobenthic Nebalia (Leptostraca, Nebaliidae) and scanning electron microscopy of fixed material. N. bipes is infaunal by day, showing a preference for organic-rich black muds and dim light conditions. Under natural conditions, emergence from sediment and nocturnal swimming activities are controlled by a circadian rhythm. The 1st and 2nd antennae perform the major role in digging. The carapace rostral plate acts as a ram diverting particles and preventing inputs of sediment into the carapace. Superficial burrowing may provide camouflaged shelter against predation. Swimming is accomplished by the combined action of the first four pairs of pleopods (backward metachronal flexion during the power stroke) and the well-articulated abdominal shaft (downward flap). Plumose setae present on both the pleopods and furcal rami (governed by low Reynolds numbers) behave like paddles maximizing the resistance to the water. Clusters of cuticular microscales (3-5 μm) and microdenticles are present on the external surface of the carapace and the trunk segments, respectively. Both show a uniform directional arrangement suggesting functional interpretations in relation to locomotion (e.g., to prevent back slippage during digging, to reduce turbulence in the flow layer close to the body, and/or to serve as mechanoreceptors for the detection of variation in water flow). Key features of functional importance in the locomotion of living leptostracans (natatory pleopods, a highly flexible abdomen, setulate or paddle-like furcal rami) are also recognized in Palaeozoic archaeostracan phyllocarids, suggesting that swimming was accomplished by the same pleopodal movements as described for N. bipes. Comparisons with Recent analogues (Nebaliopsis) suggest that phyllocarids with a free swimming life-style existed among the lower Palaeozoic archaeostracans (e.g., Caryocaris; Ordovician). Asymmetrical cuticular ornament in some archaeostracans indicates burrowing habits. Some Palaeozoic phyllocarids may have been occasional (possibly diurnal) mud dwellers comparable to modern nebaliids.  相似文献   
  • 1 Eddy covariance measurements of CO2 flux, based on four and six week campaigns in Rondôdnia, Brazil, have been used in conjunction with a model to scale up data to a whole year, and thus estimate the carbon balance of the tropical forest ecosystem, and the changes in carbon balance expected from small interannual variations in climatological conditions.
  • 2 One possible source of error in this estimation arises from the difficulty in measuring fluxes under stably stratified meteorological conditions, such as occur frequently at night. Flux may be ‘lost’ because of low velocity advection, caused by nocturnal radiative cooling at sites on raised ground. Such effects may be detected by plotting the net ecosystem flux of CO2, Feco is a function of wind speed. If flux is ‘lost’ then Feco is expected to decline with wind speed. In the present data set, this did not occur, and Feco was similar to the nocturnal flux estimated independently from chamber measurements.
  • 3 The model suggests that in 1992/3, the Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) was 203.3 mol C m?2 y?1 and ecosystem respiration was 194.8 mol C m?2 y?1, giving an ecosystem carbon balance of 8.5 mol C m?2 y?1, equivalent to a sink of 1.0 ton C ha?1 y?1. However, the sign and magnitude of this figure is very sensitive to temperature, because of the strong influence of temperature on respiration.
  • 4 The model also suggests that the effect of temperature on the net carbon balance is strongly dependent on the partial pressure of CO2.
Abstract The natural abundance of the stable isotope 15N was measured in different vegetation components and in the soil of a northern Australian savanna. Most of the vegetation was found to be 15N-depleted compared to atmospheric N2. Herbaceous legumes, perennial grasses, tree legumes, non-legume trees and annual grasses exhibited mean δ15N of ? 1.7, ? 0.8, ? 0.7, 0.0 and + 0.3‰, respectively. These results are in good agreement with previous studies. Legumes exhibit slightly negative values, indicating that they are likely to be nitrogen-fixing plants. Non-legume plants have a δ15N close to zero, which could equally result from non-symbiotic fixation, soil organic matter mineralization, or fresh root litter mineralization. In contrast, soil organic matter was 15N-enriched. Values of δ15N increased with depth and were + 2.5, + 5.2 and +6.1‰ in the 0–10, 10–20 and 20–40cm layers, respectively. Soil organic matter δ15N shows a typical profile of mature soils.  相似文献   
Lake Bunyonyi was formed about 18,000 years B.P. by a volcanic eruption which blocked a steep-sided valley. Earlier this century fish were introduced into the lake but recently there have been mass fish deaths. Although the thermocline was inconspicuous, density profiles showed the lake to the stratified and chemical evidence suggested stratification was for many years. The water was clear with little plankton and the epilimnioncontained low concentrations of dissolved mineral ions. The hypolimnion was anoxic and had a relatively high mineral ion concentration. The mass fish deaths were attributed to a violent shallow mixing, probably caused by wind, but mixing was insufficient to remineralize the epilimnion.  相似文献   
The results of these studies indicate that the first diatom flora developed at the 13-meter level. The flora at 12 meters increased. At the 11- and 9-meter levels the lake became increasingly eutrophic. Both plankton and benthic forms were present. At the 8- and 7-meter levels the lake was in a transitional stage from lake to bog conditions. From 6 meters to the surface bog conditions were present.  相似文献   
Claoxylon and Micrococca are the only Euphorbiaceae genera that have rough dried leaves (fresh ones are smooth) because of protruding styloid (needle-like) crystals more or less perpendicular to the leaf surface, which perforate the epidermis and cuticle. A broad leaf anatomical study of the subtribes Claoxylinae, the monogeneric Lobaniliinae, and Mercurialis of the Mercurialinae (95 of a possible 235 species in all six genera) showed that styloids are present in Claoxylon , Discoclaoxylon , Erythrococca , Lobanilia , and Micrococca , and lacking in Claoxylopsis and Mercurialis . Contrary to Claoxylon , the dried leaves of Discoclaoxylon , Erythrococca , Lobanilia , and Micrococca are not rough, because the styloids do not perforate the epidermis during drying and therefore herbarium leaves generally remain smooth. The presence of styloids supports a clade in a recent molecular phylogenetic study that unites subtribes Claoxylinae and Lobaniliinae as Claoxylinae s.l. Mercurialis (no styloids) is sister to all other taxa (with styloids) in the monophyletic Claoxylinae s.l. The styloids form a synapomorphy for a monophyletic part of the Claoxylinae ( Claoxylon , Discoclaoxylon , Erythrococca , Lobanilia , and Micrococca ). Other leaf anatomical notes are provided, together with an overview of the occurrence of styloids, stomata, and druse crystals for most species in the Claoxylinae. The indumentum ranges from (virtually) absent to a sparse or dense tomentum of straight and thick- or thin-walled unicellular hairs (most common), curly hairs, or two-armed hairs ('Malpighiaceous hairs'). The last two hair types probably form diagnostic characters for species groups within the genus Claoxylon .  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 445–457.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The systematics of the green algal class Ulvophyceae have been difficult to resolve with ultrastructural and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Therefore, we investigated relationships among ulvophycean orders by determining the distribution of two discrete genetic characters previously identified only in the order Dasycladales. First, Acetabularia acetabulum uses the core translation GTPase Elongation Factor 1α (EF-1α) while most Chlorophyta instead possess the related GTPase Elongation Factor-Like (EFL). Second, the nuclear genomes of dasycladaleans A. acetabulum and Batophora oerstedii use a rare non-canonical genetic code in which the canonical termination codons TAA and TAG instead encode glutamine. Representatives of Ulvales and Ulotrichales were found to encode EFL, while Caulerpales, Dasycladales, Siphonocladales, and Ignatius tetrasporus were found to encode EF-1α, in congruence with the two major lineages previously proposed for the Ulvophyceae. The EF-1α of I. tetrasporus supports its relationship with Caulerpales/Dasycladales/Siphonocladales, in agreement with ultrastructural evidence, but contrary to certain small subunit rRNA analyses that place it with Ulvales/Ulotrichales. The same non-canonical genetic code previously described in A. acetabulum was observed in EF-1α sequences from Parvocaulis pusillus (Dasycladales), Chaetomorpha coliformis , and Cladophora cf. crinalis (Siphonocladales), whereas Caulerpales use the universal code. This supports a sister relationship between Siphonocladales and Dasycladales and further refines our understanding of ulvophycean phylogeny.  相似文献   
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