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Abstract Spatial heterogeneity in the intensity of past disturbances has directly influenced the structure and composition of present‐day forests around the world. In south‐eastern Australia infrequent, high‐intensity wildfires are a major part of the historical disturbance regime. While these fires are often assumed to produce even‐aged stands, spatial heterogeneity in fire intensity due to highly variable topography may lead to more complex forest age structures. Our study describes the influence of disturbance on the age structure and dynamics of a mosaic of tall, open eucalypt forest, cool temperate rainforest and mixed species forest surrounding Bellel Creek in the Central Highlands of Victoria using dendrochronological techniques. We were particularly interested in the impacts of the 1939 Black Friday fire and its effects on forest age structure and subsequent stand development patterns. Within our study site tall open forest displayed two distinct age cohorts: (i) trees that established immediately after the 1939 fire and accounted for the majority of individuals in the forest, and (ii) scattered groups of older trees estimated to be approximately 200–250 years old. Cool temperate rainforest and mixed forest were also dominated by the post‐1939 fire age cohort. However, a greater proportion of trees in these forest types survived the 1939 fire relative to the tall open forest. The impact of the 1939 fire on the growth of surviving trees was highly variable but generally short‐lived. In most cases growth decreased after the 1939 fire, but generally returned to prefire levels within 1–3 years. Non‐fire disturbances were limited to small‐scale branch‐ and tree‐fall events, although the extreme snowstorm of 1977 appears to have caused extensive damage to rainforest communities. Our study demonstrates the opportunities for dendroecological studies to reconstruct historical dynamics and disturbance patterns in Australian forests and provides important insights into variation in landscape‐scale fire impacts and their effect on subsequent forest development patterns.  相似文献   
1. Many invertebrates inhabiting insular aquatic habitats rely on external agents or vectors to disperse. Besides water connections and wind, waterfowl and amphibians are known to mediate passive dispersal of freshwater invertebrates. However, the possibility of dispersal by terrestrial mammals has been largely overlooked. 2. We investigated the potential of both external and internal zoochorous dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Mediterranean wetlands in the Camargue (France). As wild boar frequently visit wetlands for feeding and wallowing purposes, we hypothesized that they may be important passive dispersal vectors of aquatic invertebrates at a local scale. Dried mud was collected from selected ‘rubbing trees’ used by boars to dispose of parasites. Additionally, faecal pellets were collected from different locations in the wetland area. 3. Seventeen freshwater invertebrate taxa including rotifers, cladocerans, copepods and ostracods hatched from sediment obtained from ‘rubbing trees’, while invertebrates hatching from dried faeces (10 taxa) were mainly rotifers. Dispersing invertebrates were collected up to 318 m from a nearest potential dispersal source. Both abundance and richness of invertebrates significantly decreased with dispersal distance. 4. Our results demonstrate that large mammals such as wild boar can act as dispersal vectors of aquatic invertebrates at a local scale in the wetland area of the Camargue and suggest that external transport may be quantitatively more important than internal transport. As wallowing (mud bathing) is common in many terrestrial mammals, this mode of dispersal may be quite widespread.  相似文献   
Late Miocene Carnivora from Chad: Lutrinae (Mustelidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe extensive Late Miocene fossil Lutrinae from Toros-Menalla, Chad. A minimum of four species are present in this fossiliferous area. Such a large number of species, diverse in size and dental morphology, is significant and unique in the fossil record of the subfamily Lutrinae in the Neogene of Africa. Two new taxa are described, Sivaonyx beyi sp. nov. and Djourabus dabba gen. nov. sp. nov. ; the two other species, which are represented by more fragmentary remains, are assigned to Lutrinae indet. aff. Torolutra sp. and Lutrinae indet. aff. Aonyx sp. Sivaonyx beyi is the best known of the species. It is represented by many dental remains and a subcomplete skeleton. Postcranial characters of this species are not particularly specialized. It is interpreted here as a terrestrial predator with poorly developed aquatic adaptations. Fossils of otters are known from ten different localities at Toros-Menalla, each of which yielded a single individual of one or two species. The presence of four morphologically distinct otters in the area is indicative of a palaeoenvironment with a relatively well-developed freshwater system of lakes and/or rivers.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 793–846.  相似文献   
The cellular pathway of sucrose transfer from the endosperm cavity to the starchy endosperm of developing grains of wheat (Triticum turgidum) has been elucidated. The modified aleurone and sub-aleurone cells exhibit a dense cytoplasm enriched in mitochondria and endoplasmic relicilium. Significantly, the sub-aleurone cells are characterized by secondary wall ingrowths. Numerous plasmodesmata interconnect all cells between the modified aleurone and starchy endosperm. The pro-tonophore carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) slowed [14C]sucrose uptake by grain tissue slices enriched in modified aleurone and sub-aleurone cells but had no effect on uptake by the starchy endosperm. The fluorescent weak acid sulphorhodamine G (SRG) was preferentially accumulated by the modified aleurone and sub-aleurone cells, and this uptake was sensitive to CCCP. The combined plasma membrane surface areas of the modified aleurone and sub-aleurone cells appeared to be sufficient to support the in vivo rates of sucrose transfer to the starchy endosperm. Plasmolysis of intact excised grain inhibited [14C]sucrose transfer from the endosperm cavity to the starchy endosperm. The sulphydryl group modifier p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonie acid (PCMBS) decreased [14C]sucrose uptake by the modified aleurone and sub-aleurone cells but had little effect on uptake by the starchy endosperm. In contrast, when PCMBS and [14C]sucrose were supplied to the endosperm cavity of intact excised grain, PCMBS slowed accumulation by all tissues equally. Estimates of potential sucrose fluxes through the interconnecting plasmodesmata were found to be within the published range. It is concluded that the bulk of sucrose is accumulated from the endosperm cavity by the modified aleurone and sub-aleurone cells and subsequently transferred through the symplast to the starchy endosperm.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. The Cow Green dam was completed in the summer of 1970 and invertebrate drift was sampled below the dam and in an adjacent tributary, Maize Beck, on thirty-one occasions between July 1970 and September 1973. Drift was sampled by pumping river water through a filter. The intake was placed in Maize Beck for the first sample and in the Tees for the second, and so on alternately for the rest of the sampling period. Nets were used on ten occasions, nine of these in winter months and once when the pump broke down. A total of ninety-five taxa were recognized, of which eighty-six occurred in Maize Beck and seventy-one in the Tees. The Tees fauna was dominated numerically and in terms of biomass by a large population of micro-crustaceans originating in the reservoir. Hydra and Naididae also formed a large proportion of the Tees drift but contributed little to the biomass. Ephemeroptera were most abundant in Maize Beck samples. Diptera were abundant in drift catches in both streams with simuliid larvae most numerous in Maize Beck and chironomid larvae most numerous in the Tees. The greatest drift densities of the benthic fauna were observed between April and October; the mean number of organisms per 10 m3 were seventy-three in Maize Beck and 144 in the Tees. The mean densities in winter were very low, respectively two and seventeen per 10 m3 in the two rivers. There was no significant difference between the mean levels of the total bottom fauna (numbers and biomass) in the drift in the two rivers during the period April-October, but vrtnter biomass was significantly greater in the Tees. In July 1970 micro-crustaceans represented 29% (14 per 10 m3) of total drift numbers and 3% (0.7 mg wet-weight per 10 m3) of the biomass, whereas in 1973 they represented 99% of both the numbers (37 670 per 10 m3) and weight (2.2 g wet-weight per 10 m3). The relation between benthos and drift was examined. In the drift Plecoptera and Baetidae were more abundant in Maize Beck than in the Tees. Only Chironomidae and Nais spp. were more abundant in the Tees, In the benthos the density of Plecoptera and Baetidae was not significantly different in the two rivers, but all other groups with the exception of Simuliidae occurred at greater densities in the Tees. The proportion of baetids present in the drift was greatest in Maize Beck. No such difference was demonstrated for total fauna. Diel rhythms were observed in baetids and simuhids with densities greater in night catches. Nocturnal peaks of these organisms were less pronounced in the Tees. Chironomid larvae showed no diel changes in abundance. Significant diel changes in the mean weights of individual animals were not detected in baetid nymphs or chironomids. Micro-crustaceans showed no nocturnal peaks of abundance. Preliminary observations on the quality and quantity of seston caught in drift samples between April and October showed great differences between the rivers. In the Tees the bulk ofeach sample consisted of algal filaments derived from the river and micro-crustaceans from the reservoir. In Maize Beck algae were un-common and the sample was composed of peat and mineral particles. Data are presented on seston output at different discharges.  相似文献   
Morphological data, in combination with molecular data, may provide invaluable insights into speciation processes on archipelagos. Land snails offer ample opportunities to evalutate adaptive and non-adaptive speciation scenarios. However, studies investigating processes of differentiation and speciation on the Azores are scarce. The present study comprises a morphometrical analysis of shell and genital characters in a group of Azorean land snails (Pulmonata, Leptaxinae). Geographical isolation appears to be an important mechanism underlying morphological and molecular differentiation in the Azorean Leptaxini, instead of adaptive radiation through ecological differentiation. Nevertheless, we could not exclude the occurrence of ecological speciation on the oldest island (Santa Maria) where two species that markedly differ in shell-shape co-occur.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 166–176.  相似文献   
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