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1. We studied stress responses and metal exchange (uptake and loss) kinetics in the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. following transplant (in plastic mesh bags) to clean and metal-contaminated river sites and under laboratory conditions. 2. The stress response (estimated on the basis of chlorophyll:phaeophytin ratio) was more pronounced, and the moss took longer to recover, following transplant to heavily contaminated sites. 3. Metal uptake over the 28 day exposure period was predicted well by a two-compartment kinetic model: uptake velocity was initially high and gradually declined, with metal concentration in the moss showing a tendency to reach an equilibrium with metal concentration in the water. Mean uptake rate, time to reach equilibrium and metal concentration in moss at equilibrium all increased with increasing metal concentration in the water. 4. Bioconcentration constants calculated on the basis of our data rank the metals studied in the order Zn < Ni < Co < Cu < Pb < Cd. 5. Following retransplant of mosses to a clean site, metal loss was not predicted well by a passive exchange mode of the above type; instead, two phases (rapid and slow) were apparent. Loss rates during both phases, and proportion of metal load lost during the rapid phase, were proportional to the concentration of metal in the moss at the start of the recuperation trial. 6. We present nomograms to allow estimation of severity of contamination on the basis of metal concentration in moss and duration of transplant.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT In the natural resource and wildlife profession, we face difficulties in the production, diffusion, and transfer of rigorously tested science, especially when facing entrenched management paradigms. We present 3 case studies to illustrate the challenges in changing entrenched management paradigms for endangered species. Here we examine specifically what factors helped or hindered the adoption of management practices through the theoretical framework developed for the dissemination of technologies. An examination of 3 case studies suggests that active communication and advocacy of scientific findings, along with simple, visible results, will aid researchers in the acceptance and adoption of their research. Management agencies that increase openness and communication with outside experts, reduce bureaucratic procedures, and localize decision making increase the likelihood that new scientific ideas will be adopted by the agency. We also suggest adaptive resource management as a strategy for endangered species management may foster many of the characteristics that aid in the adoption of scientific ideas into management activities.  相似文献   
1. The ecology of glacier‐fed streams at temperate latitudes has been intensely studied in recent years, leading to the development of a well‐validated conceptual model on the longitudinal distribution of macroinvertebrate communities downstream of the glacier margin (Freshwater Biology, 2001a; 46 , 1833). However, to our knowledge, the ecology of tropical glacier‐fed streams has not yet been studied. 2. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates and measured environmental variables at nine sites between 4730 and 4225 m altitude along a 4.3 km stretch of a glacier‐fed stream 40 km south of the equator in the Ecuadorian Andes. Our goal was to study the longitudinal distribution of the fauna in relation to environmental factors and to compare this with the conceptual model based on temperate–arctic glacier‐fed streams. 3. Total density of invertebrates differed considerably at the two highest altitude sites; 4600 m?2 at a pro‐glacial lake outlet and only 4 m?2 at a site originating directly from the glacier snout. Otherwise, there was a downstream decrease in density to about 825 m?2 at the three lowest sites. Taxon richness increased with distance from the glacier, very similar to the pattern predicted. A total of 28 taxa were collected; two at the glacier snout, seven at the nearby pro‐glacial lake outlet, 13 at site 2 (<400 m from the glacier) and 20 at the lowest sites. 4. The numerical percentage of Chironomidae (Diptera) decreased downstream from 100 to 44%. The subfamily Podonominae was numerous at the highest sites but became much less important further downstream. The Orthocladiinae were important both in numbers and species at all sites, while Diamesinae were numerous only in the middle of the reach studied and were completely absent from the upper three sites. The limited importance of the Diamesinae, and its replacement by Podonominae, is different from the pattern typically observed in north‐temperate glacier‐fed streams. This could be because of the fact that the genus Diamesa is missing from the Neotropics. 5. Stream temperature and channel stability explained most of the variability in faunal composition and richness, supporting the model. Stability increased systematically downstream while temperature did not. Surprisingly, no classical kryal zone (Tmax < 4 °C) was found, as even the site closest to the glacier snout (50 m) had a Tmax of 15 °C and no site had Tmax < 8 °C. We propose that this might be a general feature of equatorial glacial streams.  相似文献   
The Chilotan Archipelago and surrounding areas of north‐western Patagonia (41°–43°S, 72°–74°W) offer a unique opportunity to study the interplay between the recent genetic and paleoenvironmental evolution on temperate rainforest environments. Previous studies in this region have postulated that land biota persisted west of the Patagonian ice sheet, in ice‐free low‐elevation regions of the mainland, and the north‐western portion of Isla Grande de Chiloé during Quaternary ice ages. In this study, we analysed the phylogeographical structure (Cytochrome b) of the iguanid lizard Liolaemus pictus to estimate their genetic structure in response to glacial–interglacial cycles and colonization routes. We found that populations from the mainland and Isla Grande de Chiloé do not share haplotypes and, thus, are divergent haplogroups. This divergence might reflect an ancient isolation, much older than the last glaciation. Moreover, the existence of four divergent haplogroups among L. pictus populations in the mainland suggests the persistence of multiple isolated populations during the last glaciation. Our results also indicate that the colonization of small islands occurred from several source sites, located both in the mainland and in Isla Grande de Chiloé, after the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   
Abstract: The endangered Florida Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) is endemic to the Lower Florida Keys. In recent years, habitat fragmentation and restricted dispersal have resulted in small, isolated herds on some islands. Recovery biologists proposed translocations to increase the island herds that had declined or remained low; however, efficacy of Key deer translocations had yet to be evaluated. Our objective was to evaluate survival, ranges, reproduction, and dispersal of translocated deer. During 2003–2005, we translocated 39 adult or yearling deer to Sugarloaf (approx. 19 km from trap site; 10 M, 14 F) and Cudjoe (approx. 15 km from trap site; 6 M, 9 F) keys. We kept deer in large, high-fenced holding pens (Sugarloaf = 7.7 ha, Cudjoe = 10.7 ha) on the destination islands for 3–6 months (i.e., soft release). We observed low mortality (n = 6 mortalities) of translocated deer with average annual survival (S) of 0.796 for both sexes. We found translocated deer had larger seasonal ranges than did resident deer (i.e., those located on Big Pine and No Name keys). In evaluating effects of acclimation period on ranges and dispersal, we found no difference in 95% ranges or 50% core areas ≤4 month postrelease versus 4–8 months postrelease. We found, however, postrelease dispersal distances were dependent on time kept in pen. Only 2 of 39 (5%) translocated deer left the destination islands by the end of the study. With high survival and low dispersal indicating success, we credit soft release translocation in establishing deer herds on Sugarloaf and Cudjoe keys. Our data support translocations as an effective strategy for creating sustainable outer-island Key deer herds.  相似文献   
Abstract A number of studies on mammalian species that have adapted to urban areas suggest survival may be higher for urban populations than rural populations. We examined differences in fatalities between an urban and rural population of fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). We radiocollared (n = 50 rural, n = 78 urban) fox squirrels during approximately 2 years. We found monthly survival of rural fox squirrels (Ŝ = 0.936) was lower than urban fox squirrels (Ŝ = 0.976) over the same 12-month period. Nonetheless, when comparing a 24-month period of survival data on urban squirrels with an 18-month period on the rural squirrels (periods overlapped for 12 months), survival rates were more similar between urban (Ŝ = 0.938) and rural squirrels (Ŝ = 0.945). Our data suggest that sex and season may influence survival of urban squirrels and not rural squirrels. We also found that cause of fatalities differed between the urban and rural squirrels, with >60% of fatalities on the rural site caused by predation. In contrast, <5% of the fatalities on the urban site were caused by predation and >60% of urban fox squirrel fatalities were caused by motor vehicle collisions. This study illustrates the need to advance our ability to understand, predict, and mitigate effects of urbanization on wildlife resources.  相似文献   
An artificial membrane system was adapted to feed Ornithodoros turicata (Ixodida: Argasidae) larvae from a laboratory colony using defibrinated swine blood. Aspects related to larval feeding and moulting to the first nymphal instar were evaluated. A total of 55.6% of all larvae exposed to the artificial membrane in two experimental groups fed to repletion and 98.0% of all fed larvae moulted. Mortality rates of first instar nymphs differed significantly depending on the sorting tools used to handle engorged larvae (χ2 = 35.578, P < 0.0001): engorged larvae handled with featherweight forceps showed significantly higher mortality (odds ratio = 4.441) than those handled with a camel‐hair brush. Differences in the physical properties of the forceps and camel‐hair brush may affect the viability of fragile soft tick larvae even when care and the same technique are used to sort them during experimental manipulations. The current results represent those of the first study to quantify successful feeding to repletion, moulting and post‐moulting mortality rates in O. turicata larvae using an artificial membrane feeding system. Applications of the artificial membrane feeding system to fill gaps in current knowledge of soft tick biology and the study of soft tick–pathogen interactions are discussed.  相似文献   
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