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Last instar larvae of Pyrrhalta annulicornis, P. fuscipennis, P. humeralis, P. lineola and P. maculicollis are described and illustrated for the first time in Korea. Their taxonomic remarks, tubercle patterns and a key are also given.  相似文献   
Spatial patterns of entomopathogenic and other free‐living nematode populations were analyzed at the landscape scale. Free‐living bacterial feeder populations can be classified into trophic groups based on their functional and life history characteristics. Differences in life history traits were hypothesized to result in different spatial structures of populations. Spatial autocorrelations (Moran's I index) and exponential variogram models were calculated and estimated for each trophic group, including entomopathogenic nematodes, and comparisons were made among them. Spatial autocorrelation results showed that the spatial structure of entomopathogenic nematode populations is similar to that of relatively r‐selected free‐living bacterial feeders, which share several life history traits with entomopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   
Silkworm pupae have much potential and many applications as a natural medicine to promote human health. However, their chemical components have not been fully characterized or understood. HPLC analysis was conducted to determine the content ratio (%) of individual amino acids in total protein of the pupae. It showed that glutamic acid (18.3%), histidine (14.6%) and alanine (10.2%) are the most common amino acids in silkworm pupae. Fatty acid composition of silkworm pupae oil was revealed by high‐pressure liquid chromatography and gas chromatography – mass spectroscopy analyses. They contain a high ratio of essential fatty acids, [α‐linolenic acid (ω‐3 fatty acid]+ linoleic acid) (49.0%), and also contain non‐essential fatty acids, oleic acid (19.9%), palmitoleic acid (2.5%), palmitic acid (19.7%), stearic acid (8.6%), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (0.3%). In addition, they also contain antioxidants, quercetin diglucoside and nutritionally important riboflavin (vitamin B2). This study suggests that silkworm pupae are a nutritionally valuable food product and are applicable as cosmetic components with essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins. The animal experiment showed that alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity was significantly higher in the liver of mice orally administered with 0.5 mg/mL of silkworm extract and alcohol than with commercial Dawn808? and alcohol, indicating that silkworm pupae extracts have alcohol detoxification activity.  相似文献   
DNA was extracted from surface-sterilized salt of different geological ages (23, 121, 419 million years of age, MYA) to investigate haloarchaeal diversity. Only Haloarcula and Halorubrum DNA was found in 23 MYA salt. Older crystals contained unclassified groups and Halobacterium . The older crystals yielded a unique 55-bp insert within the 16S rRNA V2 region. The secondary structure of the V2 region completely differed from that in haloarchaea of modern environments. The DNA demonstrates that unknown haloarchaea and the Halobacterium were key components in ancient hypersaline environments. Halorubrum and Haloarcula appear to be a dominant group in relatively modern hypersaline habitats.  相似文献   


In August 2006 a major epidemic of bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV8) started off in North-West Europe. In the course of 2007 it became evident that BTV8 had survived the winter in North-West Europe, re-emerged and spread exponentially. Recently, the European Union decided to start vaccination against BTV8. In order to improve the understanding of the epidemiological situation, it was necessary to execute a cross-sectional serological study at the end of the BT vector season. Cattle were the target species for cross-sectional serological studies in Europe at the end of 2006 and 2007. However, there was no information on the BTV8-seroprevalence in sheep and goats.


On the basis of our cross-sectional study, the estimated seroprevalence of BTV8-exposed locations in the Netherlands in 2006 was 0% for goats (95% confidence interval: 0 – 5.6%) and 7.0% for sheep (95% confidence interval: 3.5 – 12.9%). The estimated seroprevalence of BTV-8 exposed locations in 2007 was 47% for goats (95% confidence interval: 36 – 58%) and 70% for sheep (95% confidence interval: 63 – 76%). There was a wide range in within-location seroprevalence in locations with goats and sheep (1 – 100%). A gradient in seroprevalence was seen, with the highest level of seroprevalence in the southern Netherlands, the area where the epidemic started in 2006, and a decreasing seroprevalence when going in a northern direction.


There is a much higher estimated seroprevalence of locations with goats exposed to BTV8 than can be inferred from the rather low number of reported clinical outbreaks in goats. This is probably due to the fact that clinical signs in infected goats are far less obvious than in sheep. The wide range in within-location seroprevalence observed means that the proportion of animals protected in 2008 by a natural infection in 2006 and/or 2007 can differ highly between flocks. This should be taken into account when vaccinating animals.


In the recent past, the introduction of Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) followed by between-herd spread has given rise to a number of large epidemics in The Netherlands and Belgium. Both these countries are pork-exporting countries. Particularly important in these epidemics has been the occurrence of substantial "neighborhood transmission" from herd to herd in the presence of base-line control measures prescribed by EU legislation. Here we propose a calculation procedure to map out "high-risk areas" for local between-herd spread of CSFV as a tool to support decision making on prevention and control of CSFV outbreaks. In this procedure the identification of such areas is based on an estimated inter-herd distance dependent probability of neighborhood transmission or "local transmission". Using this distance-dependent probability, we derive a threshold value for the local density of herds. In areas with local herd density above threshold, local transmission alone can already lead to epidemic spread, whereas in below-threshold areas this is not the case. The first type of area is termed 'high-risk' for spread of CSFV, while the latter type is termed 'low-risk'.


As we show for the case of The Netherlands, once the distance-dependent probability of local transmission has been estimated from CSFV outbreak data, it is possible to produce a map of the country in which areas of high-risk herds and of low-risk herds are identified. We made these maps even more informative by estimating border zones between the two types of areas. In these border zones the risk of local transmission of infection to a nearby high-risk area exceeds a certain level.


The risk maps provide an easily understandable visualization of the spatial heterogeneities in transmission risk. They serve as a tool for area-specific designs of control strategies, and possibly also for spatial planning of areas where livestock farming is allowed. Similar risk maps can in principle be constructed for other highly-transmissible livestock infections that spread via neighborhood transmission.
1. A series of experiments examined growth of Daphnia magna on three algal diets ( Rhodomonas minuta , Scenedesmus acutus and Synechococcus sp.) at varying physiological states [nitrogen and phosphorus (P) limitations] to test whether variation in algal fatty acid and/or elemental composition can predict Daphnia growth.
2. These algae differed widely in their essential fatty acid (EFA) composition while phosphorus (P) or nitrogen limitation had only a small influence on their ω3-polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content.
3. Individually, algal ω3-PUFA content explained 69% of the variation in the normalised growth of D. magna, while algal phosphorus content explained 11% of the variation. Quantitative models for D. magna growth used both algal ω3-PUFA content and algal C : P ratio as food quality indices. Together, algal ω3-PUFA content and C : P ratio explained 70% of the variation in the normalised growth rate of D. magna .
4. Our results indicate that EFA influenced algal food quality much more strongly than P. The EFA and mineral P impacts appear to be independent.  相似文献   
The effects of root age, temperature, and soil water statuson root hydraulic conductivity (LP) were investigated for twocactus species, Ferocactus acanthodes and Opuntia ficus-indica.The volumetric flux density of water was measured for excisedroot segments, either using negative hydrostatic pressures appliedto the proximal end or using reverse flow of water from theroot to the soil. For both species, LP at 20 ?C increased withroot age, average values reaching a maximum of 3.9 ? 10–7m s–1 MPa–1 for F. acanthodes and 5.2 ? 10–7m s–1 MPa–1 for O.ficus-indica at 11 to 17 weeksof age; LP subsequently declined with increasing root age forboth species. LP was maximal at a temperature of about 10 ?Cfor the youngest roots (1–3 weeks), this optimum shiftingto 40 ?C for 8-week-old roots of both species. For older roots(up to 1.5-years-old), LP increased with temperature from 0?C to 50 ?C, with a Q10 of 1.3 between 20 ?C and 30 ?C. At asoil water potential (soil) of –0.016 MPa, root LP wasindependent of the direction of water flow for both species.Depending on root age, LP declined 45- to 500-fold for F. acanthodesand 90- to 800-fold for O.ficus-indica as soil was reduced from–0.016 to –1.06 MPa, consistent with a rectifier-likebehaviour with respect to water movement between soil and roots.Incorporation of such responses into water uptake models shouldlead to a better understanding of root function. Key words: Ferocactus acanthodes, Opuntia ficus-indica, water potential, tension, reverse flow  相似文献   
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