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The foraging behaviour of the Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus was studied during summer and autumn in the western Italian Alps. We assessed feeding times, feeding rates and foraging techniques associated with different foraging habitats. The Alpine Chough is mainly a ground surface feeder, stays for a rela-tively short time at a feeding site (on average 2.1 min) and feeds quickly (on average 9.2 items/min). In contrast, the Chough is almost exclusively an undersurface feeder (digger and prober), stays at a feeding site twice as long as the Alpine Chough (5.4 min) and feeds four times as slowly (2.2 items/min). These differences suggest that the degree of actual ecological overlap is almost as low as possible for two species using the same Alpine pastures as foraging sites. Interspecific coexistence has occurred through a clear differentiation of foraging strategies and diets. The foraging efficiency (in terms of feeding rate)of the Alpine Chough was always higher than that of the Chough in all habitats where they occurred together. The Alpine Chough was more variable in the use of foraging techniques and more diversified in the use of foraging habitats than the Chough. In both species, juveniles fed less efficiently than adults; the foraging behaviour of the Chough is probably more difficult to learn than that of the Alpine Chough. Other data have also shown that the Alpine Chough is more opportunistic than the Chough in using seasonally available food. Considering the above, we suggest that the foraging behaviour of the Alpine Chough is more flexible and, perhaps, better adapted to the high mountain Alpine environment than that of the Chough. Two hypotheses concerning the ultimate reason why the Alpine Chough and the Chough have evolved divergent beak morphology are discussed.  相似文献   
ANTONIO ROLANDO  PAOLA LAIOLO 《Ibis》1997,139(2):388-395
The diets of the Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus coexisting in the western Italian Alps have been compared by faecal analyses. A total of 1581 fresh droppings (405 of the Chough and 1176 of the Alpine Chough) were collected in the pastures of the Rhêmes Valley, Aosta, Italy, from June to November 1992 and analysed in the laboratory, and a mean volume percentage for each item was calculated. Both species were omnivorous, including animal, vegetable and mineral dietary fractions. There was no overlap in the vegetable part of the diet since the Chough fed virtually exclusively on Yellow Gagea Gagea fistulosa bulbs (dug out from the soil), which were not taken at all by the Alpine Chough. Conversely, the Alpine Chough fed on berries and hips from September to November, but these were virtually ignored by the Chough. Even though animal items were collected by both species, their preferences were different. In June, Alpine Choughs largely collected cranefly (Tipula) larvae whilst Choughs mainly fed on Lepidoptera larvae. From July onward, Alpine Choughs mainly consumed grasshoppers while Choughs also collected Tipula pupae, Lepidoptera and fly (Bibionidae) larvae and beetles (Scarabaeidae and Staphylinidae). Interspecific morphological and behavioural differences may be partly responsible for the segregation observed. Chemical composition and caloric contents of the food items suggest that the balance between costs of collecting and benefits of consuming may also contribute to diet differentiation. Both species took a broad spectrum of food, and there was no clear indication that the different population densities of the two Choughs in the Alps were directly correlated with diet, even though some data suggest that during autumn the Alpine Chough might have a diet better adapted to the high mountain environment than the Chough.  相似文献   
Propagation in vitro of rat tibial osteoblasts (ROB) is accompanied by increased expression of the early osteogenic marker alkaline phosphatase (AP) and maturation of the osteogenic phenotype. In order to establish the pattern of the integrin expressed in ROB during progression to the mature osteoblastic phenotype, we have used biosynthetic, immunoblotting and immuno-histochemical assays. We immunoprecipitated from osteoblasts, expanded for 1.5- and 7.5-doubling, α5β1, αvβ3, α3β1, α6β1 and α1β1 integrin heterodimers; furthermore β5, α2 and α4 chains were detected by immunoblots and indirect immunofluorescence. αv, α1, α6 subunits in most cells, and β3 and β1 subunits in a minority, were found to be associated with adhesion plaques in osteoblasts of 1.5-, 4.5- and 7.5-doubling grown in the presence of FCS, while all other subunits stained diffusely all the cells. Adhesion to fibronectin (FN), laminin (LN), collagen type I (COL I) and III (COL III) by ROB at different doubling (1.5–11) was dependent on substratum concentration, and after 2.5h at 55nm 60% of the cells adhered to all substrata. Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS) containing peptides inhibited adhesion of cells differentially, according to substratum; no dependence on extent of progation in vitro was observed. In conclusion, ROB cultured in vitro for 1.5- to 11-doubling had an unchanged pattern of expression of integrin subunits, heterodimer association and cellular distribution. Adhesion specificity and affinity were also unchanged. These results suggest that the phenotypic maturation, detected as an increase in AP expression, is not accompanied by major changes in the potential for cell—matrix interactions, and does not correspond to changes in the type of integrin subunits expressed by osteoblasts.  相似文献   
Biofuels are an important alternative, renewable source of energy in the face of the ongoing depletion of fossil fuels. Cheese whey is a dairy industry waste characterized by high lactose concentration, which represents a significant environmental problem. Bio-ethanol production by cheese whey could be an effective nonvegetable source for renewable energy production. Here, we report the isolation of a mixed microbial population, able to produce ethanol as main fermentation product from fermenting whey. The microbial consortium has been used to perform a batch fermentation of crude whey in both anoxic and hypoxic conditions. Maximum ethanol concentrations achieved in this study was obtained using the mixed culture in hypoxic conditions, grown at pH 4 and 30°C, with ethanol production yield of 60 g/L. Our research has pointed out an alternative way to both dispose and valorize cheese whey, a dairy by-product that could cause water pollution and harm to the environment if not properly treated.  相似文献   
PAOLA LAIOLO  ANTONIO ROLANDO 《Ibis》2001,143(3):602-616
We estimated the magnitude of intraspecific geographic variation in the Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus from the analysis of external measurements of museum specimens collected throughout the Palearctic ranges of the species. By means of univariate and multivariate techniques we tested the importance of climatic and geographic factors as potential agents that might have shaped Red-billed and Alpine Chough morphology, discussing the dynamics of the interplay between natural selection, gene flow and phylogenetic constraints. Both species exhibited concordance in character differentiation. Bergmann's rule offered a valid explanation of Red-billed and Alpine Chough body size variation with the largest birds being found at higher elevation, or in colder and more arid regions. Shape was also important. The extremities of the body (bill and tarsus) were longer in warmer areas, in line with Allen's rule. In the Alpine Chough, temperature seemed to be the most important cause of body trait variation, whilst in the Red-billed Chough geographic distance among populations (a measure of geographic isolation) and altitude were also significant. In this paper we critically evaluate the validity of subspecific categories quoted in the literature, given that most variation appeared to be clinal.  相似文献   
Abstract An important aspect of arid regions is the spatial heterogeneity resulting from differences among plant communities. There are process differences among different vegetation patches increasing variability in the functioning of the ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to estimate granivory, by studying variation of seed removal rates among patches at the local scale and variation according to seed type. We carried out experiments during four seasons in three plant communities in the Monte Desert, Argentina: ‘peladal’, mesquite forest and creosotebush. Seed trays were offered to ants, birds and rodents. Two types of commercial seeds (sunflower and millet) were used. We found that seed removal rate was significantly different among plant communities, among taxa (birds, ants and murid rodents), and among seasons, and that removal rate was higher for sunflower. Seed removal rates by murid rodents were higher than by birds or ants, and occasionally as high as those found in other deserts. The heterogeneity of seed removal patterns at the local level was as strong as that found between continents. Further studies may show similar local heterogeneity in other deserts of the world.  相似文献   
The hybrid origin of the western Mediterranean orchid Dactylorhiza insularis was demonstrated by genetic markers. Allozyme data showed that throughout its range D. insularis has an allotriploid constitution and reproduces apomictically. The parental species of D. insularis were identified as D. romana andD. sambucina; they contributed 2 alleles and 1 allele, respectively, at the allozyme loci studied. The maternal species of D. insularis was D. romana , as inferred from cpDNA ( trn L(UAA) intron). High genetic similarities were found when comparing present populations of D. romana and D. sambucina with their respective genomes 'frozen' in D. insularis. Dactylorhiza insularis showed fixed (or nearly fixed) heterozygosity at 11 out of the 19 loci studied, and poor genetic variation: eight multilocus genotypes were detected at allozyme level. No multilocus genotype differs from the most similar one by more than one allele substitution. All D. insularis individuals showed the same cpDNA haplotype (I) , regardless of their geographic origin and multilocus genotype. The I haplotype is similar, but not identical to that found in D. romana (R). No recurrent formation of D. insularis was observed in hybrid zones between D. romana and D. sambucina , where diploid sexual hybrids (F1; Fn, backcrosses) were detected. Available data agree with a single origin for D. insularis , which possibly occurred in the present postglacial, when D. romana and D. sambucina , expanding from their glacial refugia, came into contact. The genetic homogeneity found between D. romana and D. markusii , both from their locus classicus , indicates that the latter is a junior synonym of D. romana; on the other hand, D. romana and D. sambucina are well differentiated species ( DNei = 0.59).  相似文献   
During their symbiotic phase, white truffles are barely distinguishable morphologically, and molecular probes are needed for their identification. Here we report the design of species-specific primers for two white truffles ( Tuber magnatum and T. borchii ) on the basis of their ITS sequence. Their efficiency has been successfully tested on fruit bodies of the same species, many related and unrelated fungal species, as well as mycorrhizal roots in direct, nested and multiplex PCR experiments. They have allowed us to identify T. magnatum mycorrhizas for the first time.  相似文献   
Ochromonas danica, a freshwater, planktonic chrysophyte, is capable of sensing the light conditions of its environment. This biflagellate alga has a swelling near the base of the short flagellum and a chloroplastidic stigma in close association with it. A procedure is described for the isolation of this three dimensional flagellar swelling, the presumed photoreceptor. In contrast to an earlier method developed for the isolation of the paraflagellar swelling from Euglena gracilis, the protocol reported here for Ochromonas results in higher yields that should facilitate future biochemical investigations and could open avenues of investigation for the isolation and purification of the presumptive receptor protein. To verify the hypothesis that a rhodopsin-like protein might be present in this alga, we applied a standard extraction procedure successfully used in the identification of retinal. We here report the purification and identification of all-trans retinal in Ochromonas cells by column chromatography, HPLC and GC-MS. Since retinal is the chromophore of rhodopsin-like proteins, this finding may suggest that in these unicellular algae, too, a rhodopsin-like protein could be the photoreceptor pigment.  相似文献   
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