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Aerobactin, a dihydroxamate siderophore produced by many strains of enteric bacteria, stimulated the growth of Neisseria gonorrhoeae FA19 and F62 in iron-limiting medium. However, gonococci did not produce detectable amounts of aerobactin in the Escherichia coli LG1522 aerobactin bioassay. We probed gonococcal genomic DNA with the cloned E. coli aerobactin biosynthesis (iucABCD), aerobactin receptor (iutA), and hydroxamate utilization (fhuCDB) genes. Hybridization was detected with fhuB sequences but not with the other genes under conditions which will detect 70% or greater homology. Similar results were obtained with 21 additional strains of gonococci by colony filter hybridization. A library of DNA from N. gonorrhoeae FA19 was constructed in the phasmid vector lambda SE4, and a clone was isolated that complemented the fhuB mutation in derivatives of E. coli BU736 and BN3307. These results suggest that fhuB is a conserved gene and may play a fundamental role in iron acquisition by N. gonorrhoeae.  相似文献   
Xanthomonas campestris produces copious amounts of a complex exopolysaccharide, xanthan gum. Nonmucoid mutants, defective in synthesis of xanthan polysaccharide, were isolated after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. To isolate genes essential for xanthan polysaccharide synthesis (xps), a genomic library of X. campestris DNA, partially digested with SalI and ligated into the broad-host-range cloning vector pRK293, was constructed in Escherichia coli. The pooled clone bank was conjugated en masse from E. coli into three nonmucoid mutants by using pRK2013, which provides plasmid transfer functions. Kanamycin-resistant exconjugants were then screened for the ability to form mucoid colonies. Analysis of plasmids from several mucoid exconjugants indicated that overlapping segments of DNA had been cloned. These plasmids were tested for complementation of eight additional nonmucoid mutants. A 22-kilobase (kb) region of DNA was defined physically by restriction enzyme analysis and genetically by ability to restore mucoid phenotype to 10 of the 11 nonmucoid mutants tested. This region was further defined by subcloning and by transposon mutagenesis with mini-Mu(Tetr), with subsequent analysis of genetic complementation of nonmucoid mutants. A region of 13.5 kb of DNA was determined to contain at least five complementation groups. The effect of plasmids containing cloned xps genes on xanthan gum synthesis was evaluated. One plasmid, pCHC3, containing a 12.4-kb insert and at least four linked xanthan biosynthetic genes, increased the production of xanthan gum by 10% and increased the extent of pyruvylation of the xanthan side chains by about 45%. This indicates that a gene affecting pyruvylation of xanthan gum is linked to this cluster of xps genes.  相似文献   
Erwinia chrysanthemi, a phytopathogenic enterobacterium, secretes three antigenically and structurally distinct proteases, A, B, and C and produces a protease inhibitor, a low-molecular-weight, heat-stable protein which remains mostly intracellular and which binds specifically to the A, B, and C proteases. The structural genes for proteases A, B, and C and for the inhibitor are clustered on a ca. 40-kilobase DNA fragment present in cosmid pEW4. Escherichia coli strains harboring pEW4 secrete the three proteases into the medium during the exponential phase of growth, without intracellular accumulation and in the absence of detectable cell lysis. An 8.5-kilobase EcoRI fragment derived from the cosmid encodes proteases B and C and the inhibitor as well as functions involved in the synthesis or secretion (or both) of the proteases. The inhibitor is not required for protease synthesis or secretion.  相似文献   
A 7.9-kilobase (kb) chromosomal fragment was cloned from a mercury-resistant Bacillus sp. In Escherichia coli, in the presence of a second plasmid carrying functional transport genes, resistance to HgCl2 and to phenylmercury acetate (PMA) was expressed. Shortening the cloned fragment to 3.8 kb abolished resistance to PMA but not to HgCl2. In Bacillus subtilis, the 3.8-kb fragment produced mercuric reductase constitutively but did not produce resistance to HgCl2 or to PMA.  相似文献   
Culture filtrates of virulent Nocardia asteroides GUH-2 after growth in acetate minimal medium displayed an absorbance maximum at 320 nm. After isolation by polyamide extraction and anion chromatography, a UV-active compound with this absorbance was shown to be 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) by nuclear magnetic resonance, gas chromatographic, and mass spectrometric techniques. DHB production under several culture conditions was quantified by a standard high-pressure liquid chromatography assay. Under iron deficiency conditions, N. asteroides GUH-2 excreted up to 11 mg of DHB per liter into the culture medium. No DHB was detected when N. asteroides GUH-2 was grown in an iron-rich medium. With the less virulent strain N. asteroides 10905, DHB was not found under any condition tested.  相似文献   
The survival of Salmonella montevideo during serum treatment depends on the presence of an O antigen (O-Ag) associated with the lipopolysaccharide molecule. In this organism, the O antigen is a polysaccharide composed of 0 to more than 55 subunits, each containing 4 mannose residues together with glucose and n-acetylglucosamine. We used a mutant strain of S. montevideo that requires exogenous mannose for the synthesis of O-Ag. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was prepared from these cells grown under three different conditions where the availability of exogenous mannose was regulated such that the average number of O-Ag units per LPS molecule, the percentage of LPS molecules bearing long O-Ag side chains, and the percentage of lipid A cores bearing O-Ag were all varied. These changes in LPS profiles were monitored on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, and cells with different LPS profiles were tested for their ability to survive treatment with pooled normal human serum. Survival in serum was associated with LPS that contained an average of 4 to 5 O-Ag units per LPS molecule, and 20 to 23% of the LPS molecules had more than 14 O-Ag units per LPS molecule. Serum survival was less clearly associated with the percentage of lipid A cores covered with O-Ag. We propose, based on these data and on previous work, that the O-Ag polysaccharide provides the cell protection from serum killing by sterically hindering access of the C5b-9 complex to the outer membrane and that a critical density of long O-Ag polysaccharide is necessary to provide protection.  相似文献   
All known small staphylococcal plasmids possess one or two recombination sites at which site-specific cointegrate formation occurs. One of these sites, RSA, is present on two small multicopy plasmids, pT181 and pE194; it consists of 24 base pairs of identity in the two plasmids, the "core," flanked by some 50 base pairs of decreasing homology. Here we show that recombination at RSA is recA independent and is mediated by a plasmid-encoded, trans-acting protein, Pre (plasmid recombination). Pre-mediated recombination is site specific in that it occurs within the core sequence of RSA in a recA1 host. Recombination also occurs between two intramolecular RSA sites. Unlike site-specific recombination systems encoded by other plasmids, Pre-RSA is not involved in plasmid maintenance.  相似文献   
In Streptococcus lactis ML3, the lactose plasmid (pSK08) forms cointegrates with a conjugal plasmid (pRS01). It has been proposed that cointegration is mediated by insertion sequences (IS) present on pSK08 (D. G. Anderson and L.L. McKay, J. Bacteriol. 158:954-962, 1984). We examined the junction regions of the cointegrate pPW2 and the corresponding regions of pSK08 (donor) and pRS01 (target) and identified a new IS element on pSK08 (ISS1S) which was involved in and duplicated during formation of pPW2. ISS1S was 808 base pairs (bp) in size, had 18-bp inverted repeats (GGTTCTGTTGCAAAGTTT) at its ends, contained a single long open reading frame encoding a putative protein of 226 amino acids, and generated 8-bp direct repeats of target DNA during cointegrate formation. An iso-IS element, ISS1T, which is duplicated in some other cointegrate plasmids, was also found on pSK08. ISS1T was also 808 bp in size and was identical to ISS1S in sequence except for 4 bp, none of which altered the inverted repeats or amino acid sequence of the open reading frame. Comparison of ISS1 with gram-negative IS26 revealed strong homologies in size (820 bp), sequence of inverted repeats (GGCACTGTTGCAAA), size of direct repeats generated after cointegration (8 bp), and number, size, and amino acid sequence (44.5% identical) of the open reading of frame.  相似文献   
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