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Microsatellites are widely distributed throughout nearly all genomes which have been extensively exploited as powerful genetic markers for diverse applications due to their high polymorphisms. Their length variations are involved in gene regulation and implicated in numerous genetic diseases even in cancers. Although much effort has been devoted in microsatellite database construction, the existing microsatellite databases still had some drawbacks, such as limited number of species, unfriendly export format, missing marker development, lack of compound microsatellites and absence of gene annotation, which seriously restricted researchers to perform downstream analysis. In order to overcome the above limitations, we developed PSMD (Pan‐Species Microsatellite Database, http://big.cdu.edu.cn/psmd/ ) as a web‐based database to facilitate researchers to easily identify microsatellites, exploit reliable molecular markers and compare microsatellite distribution pattern on genome‐wide scale. In current release, PSMD comprises 678,106,741 perfect microsatellites and 43,848,943 compound microsatellites from 18,408 organisms, which covered almost all species with available genomic data. In addition to interactive browse interface, PSMD also offers a flexible filter function for users to quickly gain desired microsatellites from large data sets. PSMD allows users to export GFF3 formatted file and CSV formatted statistical file for downstream analysis. We also implemented an online tool for analysing occurrence of microsatellites with user‐defined parameters. Furthermore, Primer3 was embedded to help users to design high‐quality primers with customizable settings. To our knowledge, PSMD is the most extensive resource which is likely to be adopted by scientists engaged in biological, medical, environmental and agricultural research.  相似文献   
41只兔,用戊巴比妥钠(25mm/kg)静脉内麻醉。在10min内,动脉失血至平均动脉压(MAP)40mmHg,维持在这个水平30min,然后给予7.5%NaCl溶液或生理盐水,其量为失血量的1/10。静脉注射(n=6)和肱动脉注射(n=5)高张NaCl都引起MAP,脉压(PP)显著升高,心率(HR)加快。所有兔存活。静脉注射生理盐水(n=6),循环功能不能恢复,5只兔死于失血后的1—3h,另1只兔死于10h。两侧颈部迷走神经切断(n=12)不影响静脉注射高张NaCl溶液(n=6)的有益作用。所有兔存活。但静脉注射生理盐水(n=6),所有免死于失血后1—3h。肾上腺素α、β阻断剂不能阻断高张NaCl溶液升高MAP和PP的作用。这些结果表明,高张NaCl溶液对重度失血性休克兔有良好作用。这种作用与迷走神经完整与否无关。肾上腺素α、β阻断剂不影响这种良好作用。  相似文献   
马立克氏病病毒超强毒感染鸡羽髓蛋白质组分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】羽毛是细胞游离马立克氏病病毒(Marek’s disease virus,MDV)释放的部位,为了解感染MDV后鸡羽中宿主基因表达的变化及对病毒感染的应答,进行了MDV感染鸡的羽髓蛋白质组学分析。【方法】1日龄无特定病原体(specific pathogen free,SPF)鸡人工感染MDV超强毒RB1B株(1000PFU),感染后21d采集鸡羽毛,提取羽髓蛋白,以17cm,pH5-8的IPG胶条进行二维电泳,以未感染病毒的SPF鸡羽髓蛋白为对照,使用PDQuest软件对二维电泳图谱进行差异蛋白分析,并选取部分差异斑点进行质谱鉴定。【结果】PDQuest软件分析发现攻毒组和对照组表达差异大于两倍的蛋白点有41个,其中攻毒组表达上调的蛋白点25个,下调的蛋白点7个,新出现的蛋白点有9个。质谱分析共成功鉴定了21个斑点,对应于20个蛋白。如载脂蛋白AI(apolipoprotein AI)、14-3-3 sigma(两个斑点均为该蛋白)、癌蛋白18(stathmin)等。【结论】功能预测表明这些蛋白涉及到宿主的抗病毒应答、物质代谢、细胞骨架成分、细胞增殖相关等方面。  相似文献   
塔里木河上游土地利用变化中的生态价值损益分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1990和2000年2期TM影像,对塔里木河上游典型绿洲的土地利用面积变化进行了研究,在土地利用变化背景下,通过货币化生态服务功能,揭示塔里木河上游典型绿洲生态价值的变化。研究表明,1990~2000年研究区土地利用变化显著。农田、居民点、盐碱地大面积增加,草地、林地、水域、湿地都有不同程度的减少;10年间研究区生态价值为负增长,减少了1.055×109元,由于土地利用变化而造成的生态价值损失巨大,而国民生产总值增加了3.652×109元。不顾生态环境的损失,盲目追求经济的增长,最终无法实现经济与社会的最大效益。评估区域生态价值,并将其纳入区域环境与经济综合核算体系意义重大。  相似文献   
泥鳅与大鳞副泥鳅正反交子代遗传变异的RAPD分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
我国利用远缘杂交方法在鱼类杂交优势利用上已经取得了不少成果1.不仅如此,不少学者还通过胚胎发育形态学、染色体组型、同工酶等生化表型的研究对远缘杂交中的核质关系、基因表达、不亲和性原理进行了广泛探索2-5.    相似文献   
Currently, three predominant subtypes of influenza virus are prevalent in pig populations worldwide: H1N1, H3N2, and H1N2. European avian-like H1N1 viruses, which were initially detected in European pig populations in 1979, have been circulating in pigs in eastern China since 2007. In this study, six influenza A viruses were isolated from 60 swine lung samples collected from January to April 2011 in eastern China. Based on whole genome sequencing, molecular characteristics of two isolates were determined. Phylogenetic analysis showed the eight genes of the two isolates were closely related to those of the avian-like H1N1 viruses circulating in pig populations, especially similar to those found in China. Four potential glycosylation sites were observed at positions 13, 26, 198, 277 in the HA1 proteins of the two isolates. Due to the presence of a stop codon at codon 12, the isolates contained truncated PB1-F2 proteins. In this study, the isolates contained 591Q, 627E and 701N in the polymerase subunit PB2, which had been shown to be determinants of virulence and host adaptation. The isolates also had a D rather than E at position 92 of the NS1, a marker of mammalian adaptation. Both isolates contained the GPKV motif at the PDZ ligand domain of the 3′ end of the NS1, a characteristic marker of the European avian-like swine viruses since about 1999, which is distinct from those of avian, human and classical swine viruses. The M2 proteins of the isolates have the mutation (S31N), a characteristic marker of the European avian-like swine viruses since about 1987, which may confer resistance to amantadine and rimantadine antivirals. Our findings further emphasize the importance of surveillance on the genetic diversity of influenza A viruses in pigs, and raise more concerns about the occurrence of cross-species transmission events.  相似文献   
喀斯特关键带植被时空变化及其驱动因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国南方喀斯特地区广泛面临着生态问题,植被的保护与恢复倍受关注,对这一区域植被覆盖的进行监测和预测是非常必要的。以MODIS-NDVI为数据源,分析2000—2016年间,研究区不同地质背景,多种土地覆被类型的NDVI时空变化特征及驱动因素。结果表明:(1)从2000—2016年间,研究区植被覆盖整体呈增长趋势;其中喀斯特区域增长情况略优于非喀斯特区域。植被覆盖在空间上呈现东高西低;其中林地的NDVI值最高,耕地次之,依次草地,居民用地,水域,未利用地最低;在林地和耕地中,非喀斯特区域的NDVI值比喀斯特高,其余的土地覆被类型中都比喀斯特区域低。(2)研究区植被覆盖改善的地区占60.19%,退化地区占17.06%;草地,耕地区改善明显,退化主要在水域和建设用地; Hurst指数显示在研究区持续性改善的NDVI大于持续性退化;相比非喀斯特区域,喀斯特区域改善及持续性改善情况更佳。(3)整体而言,海拔对NDVI的空间分布影响力最大,温度次之,依次为降雨,夜间灯光指数;相比而言,非喀斯特区域NDVI空间分布更易受地形因子影响;喀斯特区域NDVI空间分布更易受气候差异及人类活动影响。(4)研究区分别有49%,45%,61%的NDVI与气温,降雨,日照的相关系数通过a=0.05的显著性检验;相比非喀斯特而言,喀斯特区域植被生长更易受气候变化的影响。  相似文献   
人工受精技术已成为当代畜牧业重要技术手段之一,它能最大限度地发挥公畜种用价值,提高繁殖率,加速育种工作的速度,增殖和改良畜种,愈来愈受到世界各国的普遍重视.  相似文献   
铁皮石斛茎段诱导丛生芽的研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
以铁皮石斛Dendrobium candidum Wall.ex Lindl.的茎段作外植体,比较不同的培养基、激素等因素对茎段分化丛生芽的影响,以及不同浓度的香蕉汁和活性炭对试管苗生根的影响。结果表明:1/2MS较好,BA作用优于KT、ZT,最适浓度为2.0mg/L;丛生芽培养于1/2MS 10%香蕉汁 0.5%AC的培养基上,生根效果最好。  相似文献   
不动杆菌CGMCC 0789的海藻酸凝胶包埋固定化细胞可高对映选择性地水解拆分环戊烯酮(简称HMPC)乙酸酯.异丙醇对固定化细胞的活力和对映选择性有显著提高.反应体系中异丙醇浓度为10%(体积分数,全文同)时,固定化细胞的活力最高,为6.22 mmol/(L·min·g)细胞干重,是未添加异丙醇的对照组的150%.此时E值为94±6,是对照组的1.7倍.以光学纯环戊烯酮乙酸酯为底物,对部分纯化的不动杆菌酯酶进行了动力学考察.通过动力学参数推算,10%异丙醇存在时,酯酶的对映选择性(E值)为36.5,是空白的2.3倍.10%异丙醇存在下,固定化细胞仍具有良好的操作稳定性.连续反应10批,固定化细胞的活力保持良好.  相似文献   
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