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In the present study, antiproliferative, apoptotic and especially neurotoxic effects of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea dry and wet extracts on mouse neuroblastoma cell line, NA2B were investigated by neurotoxicity screening test (NST). C. racemosa var. cylindracea wet and dry extracts were obtained by methanol (MT) extraction. The effect of the extracts on viability and proliferation was measured by MTT. NA2B cells were induced to differentiate using 1 μM dcAMP and the amount of inhibition of growing neurites in different dilutions (50, 35, 25, 15, 10 and 5 μl/ml) by extracts was measured. The number of apoptotic cells was computed by TUNEL method using cells in culture. It was found that majority of the cells died with dry extract above the level of 15 μl/ml due to the MT effect. Below this level, on the other hand, presence of cell death and antiproliferative effect was noted due to the toxic effects of C. racemosa var. cylindracea which was independent of MT. In all doses of wet extracts, similar but less prominent dose-dependent effects were observed. Below the level of 15 μl/ml, mild toxic effect presented itself with neurite inhibition. In addition to the toxic, apoptotic and antiproliferative effects of C. racemosa var. cylindracea, its neurotoxic effects possessing property at low concentrations which manifesting itself by neurite inhibition was also showed. This species offers a potential for developing new drugs due to its antiproliferative, toxic and apoptotic effects. Nevertheless, its neurotoxic effect is a factor to be considered as multifunctional agents especially in neuronal metabolism.  相似文献   
We report on the investigation of the parental origin and mode of formation of the two isochromosomes, i(2p) and i(2q), detected in a healthy adult male. Conventional cytogenetic analysis revealed the proband's lack of structurally normal chromosomes 2, these being replaced by an i(2p) and an i(2q). Investigation of the parental origin of the isochromosomes revealed a paternal origin of the i(2p) chromosome and a maternal origin of the i(2q) chromosome. Thus, the formation of both isochromosomes, or at least of the paternal i(2p), appears to have occurred postzygotically. Interestingly, whilst a paternal isodisomy was observed for the entire 2p, maternal heterodisomy was detected for two segments of 2q, separated by a segment showing isodisomy. The results are indicative of an initial error (non-disjunction or i(2q) formation) concerning the maternal chromosomes 2 during meiosis I, which likely favored the subsequent mitotic recombination event resulting in the presence of two isochromosomes. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case of an initial meiotic error, followed by postzygotic trisomy rescue through the formation of isochromosomes, resulting in a normal phenotype. A prenatal detection, by cytogenetic and molecular analysis, of such chromosome abnormality would have led to the incorrect conclusion of a most likely poor prognosis for the fetus.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional (3D) cancer tumor models are becoming vital approaches for high-throughput drug screening, drug targeting, development of novel theranostic systems, and personalized medicine. Yet, it is becoming more evident that the tumor progression and metastasis is fueled by a subpopulation of stem-like cells within the tumor that are also called cancer stem cells (CSCs). This study aimed to develop a tumoroid model using CSCs. For this purpose CD133+ cells were isolated from SaOS-2 osteosarcoma cell line with magnetic-activated cell sorting. To evaluate tumoroid formation ability, the cells were incubated in different cell numbers in agar gels produced by 3D Petri Dish® method. Subsequently, CD133+ cells and CD133 cells were co-cultured to investigate CD133+ cell localization in tumoroids. The characterization of tumoroids was performed using Live&Dead staining, immunohistochemistry, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis. The results showed that, CD133+, CD133 and SaOS-2 cells were all able to form 3D tumoroids regardless of the initial cell number, but, while 72 hr were needed for CD133+ cells to self-assemble, 24 hr were enough for CD133 and SaOS-2 cells. CD133+ cells were located within tumoroids randomly with high cell viability. Finally, when compared to two-dimensional (2D) cultures, there were 5.88, 4.14, 6.95, and 1.68-fold higher messenger RNA expressions for Sox2, OCT3/4, Nanog, and Nestin, respectively, in CD133+ cells that were cultured within 3D tumoroids, showing longer maintenance of stem cell phenotype in 3D, that can allow more relevant screening and targeting efficiency in pharmaceutical testing. It was concluded that CSC-based tumoroids are propitious as 3D tumor models to fill the gap between conventional 2D in vitro culture and in vivo animal experiments for cancer research.  相似文献   


Orthologs (genes that have diverged after a speciation event) tend to have similar function, and so their prediction has become an important component of comparative genomics and genome annotation. The gold standard phylogenetic analysis approach of comparing available organismal phylogeny to gene phylogeny is not easily automated for genome-wide analysis; therefore, ortholog prediction for large genome-scale datasets is typically performed using a reciprocal-best-BLAST-hits (RBH) approach. One problem with RBH is that it will incorrectly predict a paralog as an ortholog when incomplete genome sequences or gene loss is involved. In addition, there is an increasing interest in identifying orthologs most likely to have retained similar function.  相似文献   
Allium species are widely consumed as food all over the world. The phenolic profile of ethanol extracts of aerial parts and roots of 12 Allium species, collected from five different Eastern Anatolia regions, were studied using LC-MS/MS. In vitro antioxidant, anticholinesterase, cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities were also tested. The multivariate analyses were performed using principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses. Seventeen of 27 standard compounds were detected in all Allium species. The major components were mainly identified as quinic acid, malic acid, vanillin, and p-coumaric acid. The aerial parts possessed better antioxidant activity than roots. Aerial parts of A. atroviolaceum, A. chrysantherum, A. kharputense, and A. shirnakiense exhibited high cytotoxic activity against DLD-1 colon cancer cell lines (IC50 12.5 μg/mL). A. shatakiense and A. vineale demonstrated good antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and E. coli (MIC 75 μg/mL). According to chemometric analysis, differences were detected between aerial parts and the roots. The aerial parts of A. atroviolaceum, A. chrysantherum, A. kharputense, and A. shirnakiense could be potent in the pharmaceutical industry while A. shatakiense and A. vineale in the food industry after further investigations.  相似文献   
The circadian timing system controls many biological functions in mammals including xenobiotic metabolism, detoxification, cell proliferation, apoptosis and immune functions. Everolimus is a mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor, whose immunosuppressant properties are both desired in transplant patients and unwanted in cancer patients, where it is indicated for its antiproliferative efficacy. Here we sought whether everolimus circadian timing would predictably modify its immunosuppressive effects so as to optimize this drug through timing. C57BL/6J mice were synchronized with light-dark 12h:12h, with L onset at Zeitgeber Time (ZT) 0. Everolimus was administered orally to male (5 mg/kg/day) and female mice (15 mg/kg/day) at ZT1, during early rest span or at ZT13, during early activity span for 4 weeks. Body weight loss, as well as hematological, immunological and biochemical toxicities, were determined. Spleen and thymus were examined histologically. Everolimus toxicity was less severe following dosing at ZT13, as compared to ZT1, as shown with least body weight inhibition in both genders; least reductions in thymus weight both in males (p < 0.01) and females (p < 0.001), least reduction in female spleen weight (p < 0.05), and less severe thymic medullar atrophy both in males (p < 0.001) and females (p < 0.001). The mean circulating counts in total leukocytes, total lymphocytes, T-helper and B lymphocytes displayed minor and non-significant changes following dosing at ZT13, while they were decreased by 56.9% (p < 0.01), 45.5% (p < 0.01), 43.1% (p < 0.05) and 48.7% (p < 0.01) after everolimus at ZT1, respectively, in only male mice. Chronotherapy of everolimus is an effective way to increase the general tolerability and decrease toxicity on the immune system.  相似文献   
Secondary structure models are an important step for aligning sequences, understanding probabilities of nucleotide substitutions, and evaluating the reliability of phylogenetic reconstructions. A set of conserved sequence motifs is derived from comparative sequence analysis of 184 invertebrate and vertebrate taxa (including many taxa from the same genera, families, and orders) with reference to a secondary structure model for domain III of animal mitochondrial small subunit (12S) ribosomal RNA. A template is presented to assist with secondary structure drawing. Our model is similar to previous models but is more specific to mitochondrial DNA, fitting both invertebrate and vertebrate groups, including taxa with markedly different nucleotide compositions. The second half of the domain III sequence can be difficult to align precisely, even when secondary structure information is considered. This is especially true for comparisons of anciently diverged taxa, but well-conserved motifs assist in determining biologically meaningful alignments. Patterns of conservation and variability in both paired and unpaired regions make differential phylogenetic weighting in terms of "stems" and "loops" unsatisfactory. We emphasize looking carefully at the sequence data before and during analyses, and advocate the use of conserved motifs and other secondary structure information for assessing sequencing fidelity.   相似文献   
A common challenge encountered during development of high concentration monoclonal antibody formulations is preventing self-association. Depending on the antibody and its formulation, self-association can be seen as aggregation, precipitation, opalescence or phase separation. Here we report on an unusual manifestation of self-association, formation of a semi-solid gel or “gelation." Therapeutic monoclonal antibody C4 was isolated from human B cells based on its strong potency in neutralizing bacterial toxin in animal models. The purified antibody possessed the unusual property of forming a firm, opaque white gel when it was formulated at concentrations >30 mg/mL and the temperature was <6°C. Gel formation was reversible with temperature. Gelation was affected by salt concentration or pH, suggesting an electrostatic interaction between IgG monomers. A comparison of the C4 amino acid sequences to consensus germline sequences revealed differences in framework regions. A C4 variant in which the framework sequence was restored to the consensus germline sequence did not gel at 100 mg/mL at temperatures as low as 1°C. Additional genetic analysis was used to predict the key residue(s) involved in the gelation. Strikingly, a single substitution in the native antibody, replacing heavy chain glutamate 23 with lysine (E23K), was sufficient to prevent gelation. These results indicate that the framework region is involved in intermolecular interactions. The temperature dependence of gelation may be related to conformational changes near glutamate 23 or the regions it interacts with. Molecular engineering of the framework can be an effective approach to resolve the solubility issues of therapeutic antibodies.  相似文献   
Gundelia species are known as “Kenger-kereng dikeni” in Anatolia, and their aerial parts are consumed as food. Also, roots and seeds (disseminules) of the Gundelia species are used to prepare gum and coffee. The chemical contents of ethanol and hexane extracts of disseminules of 17 Gundelia species, 13 of them are endemic, were studied using LC/MS/MS and GC/MS. Additionally, their antioxidant potential and enzyme inhibitory capacity against acetyl- and butyryl-cholinesterase, urease, and tyrosinase were determined. The unsaturated fatty acid ratios of Gundelia species were higher than their saturated fatty acid ratio. The highest sum of oleic and linoleic acid was detected in G. tournefortii var. tenuisecta (70.42 %). β-Sitosterol, α-amyrin, 3-acetyllupeol were identified in 17 Gundelia species by GC/MS, while chlorogenic acid and luteolin by LC/MS/MS as major compounds. The ethanol and hexane extracts of G. siirtica, G. rosea, and G. mesopotamica indicated good cholinesterase inhibitory activity. Among all species, ethanol extract of G. colemerikensis exhibited the best activity in ABTS (IC50: 32.30±0.98 μg/mL), DPPH (IC50: 59.91±0.89 μg/mL), and CUPRAC (A0.5: 57.41±1.03 μg/mL) assays. Ethanol extract of G. colemerikensis also displayed the highest inhibitory activity against butyrylcholinesterase (51.14±0.25 % at 200 μg/mL), urease (51.71±1.75 % at 200 μg/mL), and tyrosinase (39.50±0.85 % at 200 μg/mL) enzymes. According to the chemometric analysis of fatty acids, four groups were observed. Therefore, it is suggested that G. colemerikensis can be used in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industries due to its antioxidant and enzyme inhibition properties.  相似文献   
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