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Ugur O  Onaran HO  Jones TL 《Biochemistry》2003,42(9):2607-2615
Most heterotrimeric G-protein alpha subunits are posttranslationally modified by palmitoylation, a reversible process that is dynamically regulated. We analyzed the effects of Galpha(s) palmitoylation for its intracellular distribution and ability to couple to the beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) and stimulate adenylyl cyclase. Subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence microscopy of stably transfected cyc(-) cells, which lack endogenous Galpha(s), showed that wild-type Galpha(s) was predominantly localized at the plasma membrane, but the mutant C3A-Galpha(s), which does not incorporate [(3)H]palmitate, was mostly associated with intracellular membranes. In agreement with this mislocalization, C3A-Galpha(s) showed neither isoproterenol- or GTPgammaS-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activation nor GTPgammaS-sensitive high-affinity agonist binding, all of which were present in the wild-type Galpha(s) expressing cells. Fusion of C3A-Galpha(s) with the betaAR [betaAR-(C3A)Galpha(s)] partially rescued its ability to induce high-affinity agonist binding and to stimulate adenylyl cyclase activity after isoproterenol or GTPgammaS treatment. In comparison to results with the WT-Galpha(s) and betaAR (betaAR-Galpha(s)) fusion protein, the betaAR-(C3A)Galpha(s) fusion protein was about half as efficient at coupling to the receptor and effector. Chemical depalmitoylation by hydroxylamine of membranes expressing betaAR-Galpha(s) reduced the high-affinity agonist binding and adenylyl cyclase activation to a similar degree as that observed in betaAR-(C3A)Galpha(s) expressing membranes. Altogether, these findings indicate that palmitoylation ensured proper localization of Galpha(s) and facilitated bimolecular interactions of Galpha(s) with the betaAR and adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   
This numerical study evaluates the momentum and mass transfer in an immobilized enzyme reactor. The simulation is based on the solution of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation and a scalar transport equation with a sink term for the transport and the conversion of substrate to product. The reactor consists of a container filled with 20 spherical enzyme carriers. Each of these carriers is covered with an active enzyme layer where the conversion takes place. To account for the biochemical activity, the sink term in the scalar transport equation is represented by a standard Michaelis-Menten approach. The simulation gives detailed information of the local substrate and product concentrations with respect to external and internal transport limitations. A major focus is set on the influence of the substrate transport velocity on the catalytic process. For reactor performance analysis the overall and the local transport processes are described by a complete set of dimensionless variables. The interaction between substrate concentration, velocity, and efficiency of the process can be studied with the help of these variables. The effect of different substrate inflow concentrations on the process can be seen in relation to velocity variations. The flow field characterization of the system makes it possible to understand fluid mechanical properties and its importance to transport processes. The distribution of fluid motion through the void volume has different properties in different parts of the reactor. This phenomenon has strong effects on the arrangement of significantly different mass transport areas as well as on process effectiveness. With the given data it is also possible to detect zones of high, low, and latent enzymatic activity and to determine whether the conversion is limited due to mass transfer or reaction resistances.  相似文献   
Molecular fluctuations of the native conformation of c-AMP dependent protein kinase (cAPK) have been investigated with three different approaches. The first approach is the full atomic normal mode analysis (NMA) with empirical force fields. The second and third approaches are based on a coarse-grained model with a single single-parameter- harmonic potential between close residues in the crystal structure of the molecule without any residue specificity. The second method calculates only the magnitude of fluctuations whereas the third method is developed to find the directionality of the fluctuations which are essential to understand the functional importance of biological molecules. The aim, in this study, is to determine whether using such coarse-grained models are appropriate for elucidating the global dynamic characteristics of large proteins which reduces the size of the system at least by a factor of ten. The mean-square fluctuations of C(alpha) atoms and the residue cross-correlations are obtained by three approaches. These results are then compared to test the results of coarse grained models on the overall collective motions. All three of the approaches show that highly flexible regions correspond to the activation and solvent exposed loops, whereas the conserved residues (especially in substrate binding regions) exhibit almost no flexibility, adding stability to the structure. The anti-correlated motions of the two lobes of the catalytic core provide flexibility to the molecule. High similarities among the results of these methods indicate that the slowest modes governing the most global motions are preserved in the coarse grained models for proteins. This finding may suggest that the general shapes of the structures are representative of their dynamic characteristics and the dominant motions of protein structures are robust at coarse-grained levels.  相似文献   
MEI-9 is the Drosophila homolog of the human structure-specific DNA endonuclease XPF. Like XPF, MEI-9 functions in nucleotide excision repair and interstrand crosslink repair. MEI-9 is also required to generate meiotic crossovers, in a function thought to be associated with resolution of Holliday junction intermediates. We report here the identification of MUS312, a protein that physically interacts with MEI-9. We show that mutations in mus312 elicit a meiotic phenotype identical to that of mei-9 mutants. A missense mutation in mei-9 that disrupts the MEI-9-MUS312 interaction abolishes the meiotic function of mei-9 but does not affect the DNA repair functions of mei-9. We propose that MUS312 facilitates resolution of meiotic Holliday junction intermediates by MEI-9.  相似文献   
Transthyretin (TTR) is a visceral protein, which facilitates the transport of thyroid hormones in blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The homotetrameric structure of TTR enables the simultaneous binding of two thyroid hormones per molecule. Each TTR subunit provides a single cysteine residue (Cys10), which is frequently affected by oxidative post‐translational modifications. As Cys10 is part of the thyroid hormone‐binding channel within the TTR molecule, PTM of Cys10 may influence the binding of thyroid hormones. Therefore, we analysed the effects of Cys10 modification with sulphonic acid, cysteine, cysteinylglycine and glutathione on binding of triiodothyronine (T3) by molecular modelling. Furthermore, we determined the PTM pattern of TTR in serum of patients with thyroid disease by immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry to evaluate this association in vivo. The in silico assays demonstrated that oxidative PTM of TTR resulted in substantial reorganization of the intramolecular interactions and also affected the binding of T3 in a chemotype‐ and site‐specific manner with S‐glutathionylation as the most potent modulator of T3 binding. These findings were supported by the in vivo results, which indicated thyroid function‐specific patterns of TTR with a substantial decrease in S‐sulphonated, S‐cysteinylglycinated and S‐glutathionylated TTR in hypothyroid patients. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that oxidative modifications of Cys10 seem to affect binding of T3 to TTR probably because of the introduction of a sterical hindrance and induction of conformational changes. As oxidative modifications can be dynamically regulated, this may represent a sensitive mechanism to adjust thyroid hormone availability.  相似文献   
Two lichen metabolites, rhizonaldehyde ( 1 ) and rhizonyl alcohol ( 2 ), were isolated from the acetone extract of Lobaria pulmonaria by chromatographic methods, and their chemical structures were determined by UV/VIS, IR, and 1D‐ and 2D‐NMR spectroscopic methods. The gastroprotective and in vivo antioxidant activities of extracts of L. pulmonaria and its metabolites, 1 and 2 , were investigated in indomethacin‐induced ulcer models in rats. The gastric lesions were significantly reduced by acetone, hexane, and CHCl3 extracts, with 75.3–41.5% inhibition. Rhizonyl alcohol ( 2 ) significantly reduced the gastric lesions with an inhibition rate of 84.6–42.8%, whereas rhizonaldehyde ( 1 ) significantly increased the gastric lesions. Antioxidant parameters and myeloperoxidase activities were also evaluated in the gastric tissues of the rats. Indomethacin caused oxidative stress, which resulted in lipid peroxidation in gastric tissues by decreasing the levels of the antioxidants as compared to healthy rat tissues. In contrast to indomethacin, all extracts and rhizonyl alcohol ( 2 ) caused a significant decrease in lipid peroxidation levels and an increase in antioxidant parameters, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione‐S‐transferase, and reduced glutathione in gastric tissues. The administration of rhizonyl alcohol ( 2 ) also resulted in a decrease in gastric myeloperoxidase activity increased by indomethacin. The gastroprotective effect of rhizonyl alcohol ( 2 ) can be attributed to its antioxidant properties and its suppressing effect on neutrophil infiltration into gastric tissues.  相似文献   
Migalastat HCl (AT1001, 1-Deoxygalactonojirimycin) is an investigational pharmacological chaperone for the treatment of α-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) deficiency, which leads to Fabry disease, an X-linked, lysosomal storage disorder. The currently approved, biologics-based therapy for Fabry disease is enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with either agalsidase alfa (Replagal) or agalsidase beta (Fabrazyme). Based on preclinical data, migalastat HCl in combination with agalsidase is expected to result in the pharmacokinetic (PK) enhancement of agalsidase in plasma by increasing the systemic exposure of active agalsidase, thereby leading to increased cellular levels in disease-relevant tissues. This Phase 2a study design consisted of an open-label, fixed-treatment sequence that evaluated the effects of single oral doses of 150 mg or 450 mg migalastat HCl on the PK and tissue levels of intravenously infused agalsidase (0.2, 0.5, or 1.0 mg/kg) in male Fabry patients. As expected, intravenous administration of agalsidase alone resulted in increased α-Gal A activity in plasma, skin, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) compared to baseline. Following co-administration of migalastat HCl and agalsidase, α-Gal A activity in plasma was further significantly increased 1.2- to 5.1-fold compared to agalsidase administration alone, in 22 of 23 patients (95.6%). Importantly, similar increases in skin and PBMC α-Gal A activity were seen following co-administration of migalastat HCl and agalsidase. The effects were not related to the administered migalastat HCl dose, as the 150 mg dose of migalastat HCl increased α-Gal A activity to the same extent as the 450 mg dose. Conversely, agalsidase had no effect on the plasma PK of migalastat. No migalastat HCl-related adverse events or drug-related tolerability issues were identified.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01196871  相似文献   
Systemic cladosporiosis is described in 25 merino sheep from a flock consisting 250 animals. The fungal pneumonia appeared after an intensive antibiotic treatment, because of a respiratory system disorder. The pen of the flock was humid and crowded, and animals had signs of respiratory distress, coughing, fever and anorexia. All of the ill animals died, and necropsy was performed on 10 sheep. The lesions were characterized by a multifocal pyogranulomatous pneumonia and an abomasitis. Severe hemorrhages were observed in the lungs. At the histopathological examination, severe vasculitis with thrombosis was observed in various organs, especially in the lungs and abomasums, suggestive for a hematogenous dissemination of the infection in these organs. Numerous PAS-positive fungal elements were seen in the pyogranulomatous foci. Dark green fungal colonies were seen in the blood agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar that were identified as Cladosporium cladosporioides. This report highlights that phaeohyphomycosis can cause a severe systemic and fatal disease in merino sheep under insufficient management conditions.  相似文献   
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