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Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in the pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. The effects of aminoguanidine and erdosteine on the bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis were evaluated in rats. The animals were placed into five groups: Vehicle + vehicle, vehicle + bleomycin (2.5 U/kg), bleomycin + aminoguanidine (200 mg/kg), bleomycin + erdosteine (10 mg/kg), and bleomycin + erdosteine + aminoguanidine. Bleomycin administration resulted in prominent lung fibrosis as measured by lung hydroxyproline content and lung histology, which is completely prevented by erdosteine and aminoguanidine. A strong staining for nitro tyrosine antibody in lung tissue and increased levels of lung NO were found in bleomycin group, that were significantly reduced by aminoguanidine and erdosteine. Aminoguanidine and erdosteine significantly prevented depletion of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase and elevated myeloperoxidase activities, malondialdehyde level in lung tissue produced by bleomycin. Data presented here indicate that aminoguanidine and erdosteine prevented bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis and that nitric oxide mediated tyrosine nitration of proteins plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. Also our data suggest that antifibrotic affect of antioxidants may be due to their inhibitory effect on nitric oxide generation in this model.  相似文献   
The level of trace elements such as Zn, Cu and Fe in testicular tissue is an indication of the condition of the tissue as these elements take over important tasks. Zinc and copper are the prosthetic groups of several metalloenzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD) which is an important antioxidant enzyme in the cellular protection from reactive oxygen species. If concentrations of these trace elements decrease significantly, SOD cannot detoxify harmful oxygen species. In this study, adult male rats (wistar-albino) were exposed to formaldehyde at different periods (subacute and subchronic) and concentrations (0; 12.2; 24.4 mg.L-1). Body and testis weights were recorded and compared with control groups. The metals described above were determined in rat testicular tissue by atomic absorption spectrometry by using wet ashing. We conclude that subacute or subchronic exposure to formaldehyde have caused growth retardation and altered levels of trace elements, including copper, zinc and iron, in testicular tissue, and may induce further oxidative damage on testicular tissue leading to spermatozoal abnormalities.  相似文献   
Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to change three amino acid residues involved in the binding of inhibitors (Asn67Ile; Gln92Val and Leu204Ser) within the active site of human carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC II (hCA II). Residues 67, 92 and 204 were changed from hydrophobic to hydrophilic ones, and vice versa. The Asn67Ile and Leu204Ser mutants showed similar k(cat)/K(M) values compared to the wild type (wt) enzyme, whereas the Gln92Val mutant was around 30% less active as a catalyst for CO(2) hydration to bicarbonate compared to the wt protein. Affinity for sulfonamides/sulfamates was decreased in all three mutants compared to wt hCA II. The effect was stronger for the Asn67Ile mutant (the closest residue to the zinc ion), followed by the Gln92Val mutant (residue situated in the middle of the active site) and weakest for the Leu204Ser mutant, an amino acid situated far away from the catalytic metal ion, at the entrance of the cavity. This study shows that small perturbations within the active site architecture have influences on the catalytic efficiency but dramatically change affinity for inhibitors among the CA enzymes, especially when the mutated amino acid residues are nearby the catalytic metal ion.  相似文献   
The purification of red blood cell carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC from ostrich (scCA) blood is reported, as well as an inhibition study of this enzyme with a series of aromatic and heterocylic sulfonamides. The ostrich enzyme showed a high activity, comparable to that of the human isozyme II, with kcat, of 1.2 x 10(6) s(-1) and kcat/KM of 1.8 x 10(7) M(-1)s(-1), and an inhibition profile quite different from that of the human red blood cell cytosolic isozymes hCA I and II. scCA has generally a lower affinity for sulfonamide inhibitors as compared to hCA I and II. The only sulfonamide which behaved as a very potent inhibitor of this enzyme was ethoxzolamide (KI = 3.9 nM) whereas acetazolamide and sulfanilamide behaved as weaker inhibitors (inhibition constants in the range 303-570 nM). Several other aromatic and heterocyclic sulfonamides, mostly derivatives of sulfanilamide, homosulfanilamide, 4-aminoethylbenzenesulfonamide or 5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide, showed good affinities for the ostrich enzyme, with KI values in the range 25-72 nM.  相似文献   
Chemical modification and inactivation of aminoglycosides by many different enzymes expressed in pathogenic bacteria are the main mechanisms of bacterial resistance to these antibiotics. In this work, we designed inhibitors that contain the 1,3-diamine pharmacophore shared by all aminoglycoside antibiotics that contain the 2-deoxystreptamine ring. A discovery library of molecules was prepared by attaching different side chains to both sides of the 1,3-diamine motif. Several of these diamines showed inhibitory activity toward two or three different representative aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes (AGMEs). These studies yielded the first non-carbohydrate inhibitor N-cyclohexyl-N'-(3-dimethylamino-propyl)-propane-1,3-diamine (Compound G,H) that is competitive with respect to the aminoglycoside binding to the enzyme aminoglycoside-2'-nucleotidyltransferase-Ia (ANT2'). Another diamine molecule N-[2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-ethyl]-N'-(3-dimethylamino-propyl)-propane-1,3-diamine (Compound H,I) was shown to be a competitive inhibitor of two separate enzymes (aminoglycoside-3'-phosphotransferase-IIIa (APH3') and ANT2') with respect to metal-ATP. Thermodynamic and structural-binding properties of the complexes of APH3' with substrates and inhibitor were shown to be similar to each other, as determined by isothermal titration calorimetry and NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC catalyze the fundamental reaction of CO2 hydration in all living organisms, being actively involved in the regulation of a plethora of patho/physiological conditions. A series of benzothiazole-based sulfonamides were synthesized and tested as possible CA inhibitors. Their inhibitory activity was assessed against the cytosolic human isoforms hCA I and hCA II and the transmembrane hCA IX and hCA XII. Several of the investigated derivatives showed interesting inhibition activity and selectivities for inhibiting hCA IX and hCA XII over the off-target ones hCA I and hCA II. Furthermore, computational procedures were used to investigate the binding mode of this class of compounds, within the active site of hCA IX.  相似文献   
K39 is a repetitive immunodominant epitope in a kinesin-related protein expressed predominantly in the amastigotes of visceral Leishmania spp. Enzyme immunoassays of patient's sera with recombinant K39 (rK39) proved to be highly specific and sensitive for diagnosis of active visceral leishmaniasis (VL, kala-azar). The same assays in dipstick format were also found effective for diagnosis of both human VL (HVL) and canine VL (CanVL) in most endemic areas of these diseases. Fifty-eight human patients and 22 dogs, clinically suspected of kala-azar, were screened with rK39 dipstick in comparison with the conventional methods of diagnosis, i.e., microscopic examinations of bone marrow and lymph node aspirates and immunofluorescent antibody tests (IFAT), respectively. Sixteen patients and 12 dogs were found to be rK39 dipstick positive. The results were corroborated with those of parasitological examinations, except 1, rK39-positive but smear-negative, case in each group. IFAT of the 2 discordant cases gave positive results. The rK39 dipstick is thus reliable for diagnosis of both HVL and canVL cases in Turkey.  相似文献   
The nature of cytosolic factors which modulate the activity of rat liver phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) methyltransferase was investigated. The combined additions of cytosol, Mg X ATP, and NaF to incubations with rat liver microsomes produced a 1.6-fold activation of the methyltransferase at pH 9.2 and a 1.3-fold stimulation at pH 7.0. Nonhydrolyzable 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate could not substitute for ATP, although GTP could. The activation was time dependent, stable to reisolation of the microsomes by ultracentrifugation, and partially preventable by other cytosolic components. Despite these indications that PE methyltransferase might be a substrate for cytosolic protein kinases, cAMP and Ca2+-calmodulin exerted little influence on the activation reaction. Furthermore, microsomal PE methyltransferase activity was unaffected by purified preparations of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, and casein kinase II, nor was methyltransferase activity influenced by the purified catalytic subunits of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A. Cytosol also contained inhibitors of PE methyltransferase which could overcome the Mg X ATP X NaF-mediated activation of the enzyme, but were not affected by the thermostable phosphatase inhibitors 1 and 2. Part of this inhibitory activity (apparent molecular mass of 15 X 10(3) daltons) was insensitive to trypsin and chymotrypsin, stimulated by Mn2+, and partly inhibited by NaF. Therefore, regulation of methyltransferase by reversible phosphorylation, while still a tenable hypothesis, is apparently more complex than previously proposed.  相似文献   
The polyphenol oxidase (LsPPO) from a wild edible mushroom Lactarius salmonicolor was purified using a Sepharose 4B-L-tyrosine-p-amino benzoic acid affinity column. At the optimum pH and temperature, the K(M) and V(Max) values of LsPPO towards catechol, 4-methylcatechol and pyrogallol were determined as 0.025 M & 0.748 EU/mL, 1.809 x 10(- 3) M & 0.723 EU/mL and 9.465 x 10(- 3) M & 0.722 EU/mL, respectively. Optimum pH and temperature values of LsPPO for the three substrates above ranged between the pH 4.5-11.0 and 5-50 degrees C. Enzyme activity decreased due to heat denaturation with increasing temperature. Effects of a variety of classical PPO inhibitors were investigated opon the activity of LsPPO using catechol as the substrate. IC(50) values for glutathione, p-aminobenzenesulfonamide, L-cysteine, L-tyrosine, oxalic acid, beta-mercaptoethanol and syringic acid were determined as 9.1 x 10(- 4), 2.3 x 10(- 4) M, 1.5 x 10(- 4) M, 3.8 x 10(- 7) M, 1.2 x 10(- 4) M, 4.9 x 10(- 4) M, and 4 x 10(- 4) M respectively. Thus L-tyrosine was by far the most effective inhibitor. Interestingly, sulfosalicylic acid behaved as an activator of LsPPO in this study.  相似文献   
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