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There is no methodology for the estimation of the dynamic features of large-molecular-weight RNAs in homogeneous physiological media. In this report, a luminescence anisotropy-based method using a long-lifetime luminescent oligonucleotide probe for the estimation of the dynamic features of large-molecular-weight RNA is described. As a luminescent probe, Ru(II) complex-labeled oligonucleotides, which have a complementary sequence to the single-stranded regions of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA, were synthesized. After the hybridization of the probe to single-stranded regions of 16S rRNA, the segmental motions of the regions were evaluated by time-resolved luminescence anisotropy analysis. In 16S rRNA, the L2 site (323-332 nt) was found to be the most flexible among the seven sites chosen. From a comparison between the hybridization kinetics of oligonucleotides to these single-stranded regions and the rotational correlation times, it was suggested that the flexibility of the single-stranded region was closely correlated with the hybridization kinetics. Furthermore, results of the luminescence lifetime measurement and luminescence quenching experiments suggested that the highly flexible region was located on the surface of the 16S rRNA and that the less flexible region was located in the depths of 16S rRNA.  相似文献   
A halophilic archaeon, Haloarcula sp. strain S-1, produced extracellular organic solvent-tolerant -amylase. Molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 70 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This amylase exhibited maximal activity at 50°C in buffer containing 4.3 M NaCl, pH 7.0. Moreover, the enzyme was active and stable in various organic solvents (benzene, toluene, and chloroform, etc.). Activity was not detected at low ionic strengths, but it was detected in the presence of chloroform at low salt concentrations. On the other hand, no activity was detected in the presence of ethyl alcohol and acetone.  相似文献   
To understand the immunomodulatory roles of neutrophils in Leishmania major infection, we examined the expression of cytokine and chemokine mRNAs from neutrophils of the infected resistant C3H/HeJ and susceptible BALB/c mice. We also examined the effects of neutrophil depletion on the expression of cytokine by peritoneal macrophages and draining lymph node cells and on the footpad lesions and parasite burdens in these mice. Neutrophils from resistant C3H/HeJ but not from susceptible BALB/c mice expressed mRNAs for IL-12p40, IFN-gamma,TNF-alpha and monokine induced by IFN-gamma(MIG). Neutrophil depletion of the resistant mice reduced the expression of IFN-gammaandTNF-alpha in peritoneal macrophages but did not affect the expression of IL-12p40 and IFN-gamma in draining lymph node cells and the growth of footpad lesions. On the other hand, neutrophil depletion of susceptible BALB/c mice did not affect the expression of TNF-alpha and monocyte-derived chemokine (MDC) in peritoneal macrophages but induced the early stage expression of IL-4 in draining lymph node cells and exacerbated the footpad lesions and increased the parasite burden. The exacerbation of footpad lesions induced by neutrophil depletion was abolished by rIL-12 treatment. Our results suggest that even in susceptible BALB/c but not in C3H/HeJ mice there is a certain resistance requiring neutrophils at the early stage of infection.  相似文献   
The polarity of polymer-actin complexes obtained by mixing F-actin with synthetic polymers carrying positive charges such as poly(L-lysine), x,y-ionene bromide polymers, and poly(N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]acrylamide) (PDMAPAA-Q) have been investigated. Actin complexes formed with poly(L-lysine) and PDMAPAA-Q, which carry charges on their side chains, show a higher polarity than those formed with x,y-ionene bromide polymers, which have charges on their chain backbones. All these polymer-actin complex gels show motility on the surfaces coated with myosin by coupling to adenosine 5'-triphosphate hydrolysis. A linear correlation between the polarity of polymer-actin complex gels and the motility is observed.  相似文献   
F-actins are semi-flexible polyelectrolytes and can be assembled into a large polymer-actin complex with polymorphism through electrostatic interaction with polycations. This study investigates the structural phase behavior and the growth of polymer-actin complexes in terms of its longitudinal and lateral sizes in various polycation and KCl concentrations for a constant actin concentration. Our results show that the longitudinal growth and lateral growth of polymer-actin complexes, initiated by a common nucleation process, are dominated by different factors in subsequent growth process. This induces the structural polymorphism of polymer-actin complexes. Major factors to influence the polymorphism of polymer-actin complexes in polyelectrolyte systems have been discussed. Our results indicate that the semiflexible polyelectrolyte nature of F-actins is important for controlling the morphology and growth of actin architectures in cells.  相似文献   
We synthesized analogues of spermine and studied the effects of chemical structure, ionic strength, and temperature on lambda-DNA nanoparticle formation. Effective concentration of polyamines for DNA condensation (EC50) was lowest for hexamines (0.2 microM) and highest for spermine (tetramine, 4.2 microM). The EC50 value increased with [Na+]. Dynamic light scattering showed nanoparticles with hydrodynamic radii (R(h)) of 40-50 nm. Effect of temperature on R(h) was measured between 20 and 70 degrees C. For spermine, R(h) remained relatively stable until 50 degrees C and increased significantly at >60 degrees C. In contrast, the hexa- and penta-valent analogues exhibited a gradual increase in R(h) between 20 and 70 degrees C. The nanoparticles were mainly toroidal, as revealed by electron microscopy (EM). EM studies showed changes in morphology and size of condensed structures with an increase in temperature. A possible mechanism for the differential effects of temperature on DNA nanoparticles might involve different modes of DNA-polyamine interactions.  相似文献   
Large-scale analysis of the human ubiquitin-related proteome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein ubiquitylation contributes to the regulation of many cellular processes including protein degradation, receptor internalization, and repair of DNA damage. We now present a comprehensive characterization of ubiquitin-conjugated and ubiquitin-associated proteins in human cells. The proteins were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography under denaturing or native conditions. They were then digested with trypsin, and the resulting peptides were analyzed by 2-D LC and MS/MS. A total of 670 distinct proteins were identified; 345 proteins (51%) were classified as Urp-D (ubiquitin-related proteome under the denaturing condition) and comprised ubiquitin-conjugated molecules, whereas 325 proteins (49%) were classified as Urp-N (ubiquitin-related proteome only under the native condition) and included molecules that associated with ubiquitylated proteins. The proportions of proteins in various functional categories differed substantially between Urp-D and Urp-N. Many ribosomal subunits were detected in the Urp-D group of proteins and several of these subunits were directly shown to be ubiquitylated by mass spectrometric analysis, suggesting that ubiquitylation might play an important role in the regulation and/or quality control of ribosomal proteins. Our results demonstrate the potential of proteomics analysis of protein ubiquitylation to provide important insight into the regulation of protein stability and other ubiquitin-related cellular functions.  相似文献   
To understand the differences between the rat intestinal alkaline phosphatase isozymes rIAP-I and rIAP-II, we constructed structural models based on the previously determined crystal structure for human placental alkaline phosphatase (hPLAP). Our models of rIAP-I and rIAP-II displayed a typical alpha/beta topology, but the crown domain of rIAP-I contained an additional beta-sheet, while the embracing arm region of rIAP-II lacked the alpha-helix, when each model was compared to hPLAP. The representations of surface potential in the rIAPs were predominantly positive at the base of the active site. The coordinated metal at the active site was predicted to be a zinc triad in rIAP-I, whereas the typical combination of two zinc atoms and one magnesium atom was proposed for rIAP-II. Using metal-depleted extracts from rat duodenum or jejunum and hPLAP, we performed enzyme assays under restricted metal conditions. With the duodenal and jejunal extract, but not with hPLAP, enzyme activity was restored by the addition of zinc, whereas in nonchelated extracts, the addition of zinc inhibited duodenal IAP and hPLAP, but not jejunal IAP. Western blotting revealed that nearly all of the rIAP in the jejunum extracts was rIAP-I, whereas in duodenum the percentage of rIAP-I (55%) correlated with the degree of AP activation (60% relative to that seen with jejunal extracts). These data are consistent with the presence of a triad of zinc atoms at the active site of rIAP-I, but not rIAP-II or hPLAP. Although no differences in amino acid alignment in the vicinity of metal-binding site 3 were predicted between the rIAPs and hPLAP, the His153 residue of both rIAPs was closer to the metal position than that in hPLAP. Between the rIAPs, a difference was observed at amino acid position 317 that is indirectly related to the coordination of the metal at metal-binding site 3 and water molecules. These findings suggest that the side-chain position of His153, and the alignment of Q317, might be the major determinants for activation of the zinc triad in rIAP-I.  相似文献   
Recently, a novel plaque-associated protein, collagenous Alzheimer amyloid plaque component (CLAC), was identified in brains from patients with Alzheimer's disease. CLAC is derived from a type II transmembrane collagen precursor protein, termed CLAC-P (collagen XXV). The biological function and the contribution of CLAC to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and plaque formation are unknown. In vitro studies indicate that CLAC binds to fibrillar, but not to monomeric, amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta). Here, we examined the effects of CLAC on Abeta fibrils using assays based on turbidity, thioflavin T binding, sedimentation analysis, and electron microscopy. The incubation of CLAC with preformed Abeta fibrils led to increased turbidity, indicating that larger aggregates were formed. In support of this contention, more Abeta was sedimented in the presence of CLAC, as determined by gel electrophoresis. Moreover, electron microscopy revealed an increased amount of Abeta fibril bundles in samples incubated with CLAC. Importantly, the frequently used thioflavin T-binding assay failed to reveal these effects of CLAC. Digestion with proteinase K or trypsin showed that Abeta fibrils, incubated together with CLAC, were more resistant to proteolytic degradation. Therefore, CLAC assembles Abeta fibrils into fibril bundles that have an increased resistance to proteases. We suggest that CLAC may act in a similar way in vivo.  相似文献   
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