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Mukherjee J  Ow SY  Noirel J  Biggs CA 《Proteomics》2011,11(3):339-351
Cell surface physicochemical characterization techniques were combined with quantitative changes in protein expression, to investigate the biological and biophysical changes of Escherichia coli MG1655 cells when grown as a biofilm (BIO). The overall surface charge of BIO cells was found to be less negative, highlighting the need for a lower electrophoretic mobility for attachment to occur. Comparison of the chemical functional groups on the cell surface showed similar profiles, with the absorbance intensity higher for proteins and carbohydrates in the BIO cells. Quantitative proteomic analysis demonstrated that 3 proteins were significantly increased, and 9 proteins significantly decreased in abundance, in cells grown as a BIO compared to their planktonic counterparts, with 7 of these total 12 proteins unique to this study. Proteins showing significant increased or decreased abundance include proteins involved in acid resistance, DNA protection and binding and ABC transporters. Further predictive analysis of the metabolic pathways showed an increased abundance of the amino acid metabolism and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, with a decrease in expression within the pentose phosphate and glycolysis pathways. It is therefore hypothesized that cells grown as a BIO are still energetically viable potentially using amino acids as an indirect carbon backbone source into the TCA cycle.  相似文献   
Saw Yen Ow 《FEBS letters》2009,583(11):1744-5912
Advancements in genome sequencing and high throughput proteomics of cyanobacterial strains led to 13 published reports, from a small number of laboratories. These successful studies focused on Synechocystis, Nostoc and Anabaena strains, prochlorococcus, and halotolerant Euhalothece. The implications of emerging quantitative aspects developed and applied in these large-scale studies are assessed in the wake of advanced cyanobacterial research. Furthermore, contributions from traditional and early high throughput analysis of cyanobacterial proteomics are compared and summarised. Finally, opinions are provided to link both the trends and the future challenges. This review aims to push the synergy between proteomics and cyanobacterial research to improve both the technical and biological significance.  相似文献   
We have tested the CinH-RS2 and ParA-MRS site-specific deletion systems in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The ParA-MRS system is derived from the broad-host-range plasmid RK2, where the 222 aa ParA recombinase recognizes a 133 bp multimer resolution site (MRS). The CinH-RS2 system is derived from Acinetobacter plasmids pKLH2 and pKLH204, where the 188 amino acid CinH recombinase recognizes a 113-bp recombination site known as RS2. In this study, target lines containing a DNA segment flanked by recombination sites were crossed to recombinase-expressing lines producing CinH or ParA recombinase. CinH-mediated recombination of RS2 substrates was detected in 2 of 3 F1 plants that harbor both the target and recombinase loci. On the other hand, recombination mediated by ParA was not detected among F1 plants, but was found among 13 of 47 F2 plants. These data show that both systems can mediate site-specific DNA deletion in the tomato genome, and, upon further refinement, can provide additional molecular tools for tomato improvement through precise genome manipulation. As the target construct also contains additional recombination sites for site-specific integration by other recombination systems, these tomato lines could be used for future testing of gene stacking through site-specific integration.  相似文献   
Plasma volume (PV) is an important determinant of cardiovascular function and organ perfusion, and it is the target of infusion and diuretic therapies in daily clinical practice. Despite its fundamental importance PV is not commonly measured because available methods of tracer dilution are reliant on dye substances that suffer from numerous drawbacks including binding plasma proteins, spectral changes, and clearance kinetics that complicate analysis and interpretation. To address these issues, we have tested the utility of fluorescent nanoparticles comprised of a dye-rich silica core and polyethylene glycol-coated shell. Photophysical and visual analysis showed discrete size-gradated nanoparticle populations could be synthesized within a distribution tolerance of ±4 nm, which were optically unaffected in the presence of plasma/albumin. In normal mice, the cutoff for renal filtration of nanoparticles from blood into urine was ≤11 nm. A linear relationship between body weight and PV was readily determined in mice administered far red fluorescent nanoparticles sized either 20 or 30 nm. PV measurements using nanoparticles were correlated to values obtained with Evans blue dye. Induced expansion or contraction of PV was demonstrated with albumin or furosemide administration, respectively, in mice. Longitudinal experiments >30 min required matched untreated control mice to correct for nanoparticle loss (≈30%) putatively to the reticuloendothelial/phagocyte system. Collectively, the findings support a nanotechnology-based solution to methodological problems in measure of PV, notably in clinical settings where information on hemodynamic changes may improve treatment of injury and disease.  相似文献   
The right chemistry for marker gene removal?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Ow DW 《Nature biotechnology》2001,19(2):115-116
Background: Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) can be used to detect, image and treat cancers. This study aimed to characterise the binding of BLCA-38 MAbs to human prostate cancer cell lines, human prostate cancer biopsy samples and normal tissues to enable future targeted studies. Methods: BLCA-38 antigen expression on cancer lines was determined by flow cytometry; that on patient specimens from normal tissues and cancers was tested by immunohistochemistry using fresh frozen tissues or paraffin-embedded tissues that had undergone antigen retrieval. Results: Cell surface BLCA-38 antigen expression was seen on DU-145, PC-3, PC-3 M and PC-3 M-MM2 prostate cancer lines, but LNCaP, MDA PCa 2a or MDA PCa 2b lines were negative. Other human lines, including 8/12 bladder cancer and A431 vulval epidermoid cells, but not breast cancer lines, expressed BLCA-38 antigen. Staining occurred in glandular epithelial cells in the majority of frozen, and paraffin-embedded prostate cancer tissues and was occasionally seen in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). No staining was observed in normal cadaver tissues or in benign areas from various other cancer tissues. Conclusions: The BLCA-38 antibody binds to the majority of human prostate cancers but not to normal cells, and has potential for targeting novel therapies in patients with this disease.  相似文献   
With current plant transformation methods ( Agrobacterium, biolistics and protoplast fusion), insertion of DNA into the genome occurs randomly and in many instances at multiple sites. Associated position effects, copy number differences and multigene interactions can make gene expression experiments difficult to interpret and plant phenotypes less predictable. An alternative approach to random integration of large DNA fragments into plants is to utilize one of several site-specific recombination (SSR) systems, such as Cre/ lox. Cre has been shown in numerous instances to mediate lox site-specific recombination in animal and plant cells. By incorporating the Cre/ lox SSR system into a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector, a more precise evaluation of large DNA inserts for genetic complementation should be possible. Site-specific insertion of DNA into predefined sites in the genome may eliminate unwanted 'position effects' caused by the random integration of exogenously introduced DNA. In an effort to make the Cre/ lox system an effective tool for site-directed integration of large DNAs, we constructed and tested a new vector potentially capable of integrating large DNA inserts into plant and fungal genomes. In this study, we present the construction of a new BAC vector, pBACwich, for the system and the use of this vector to demonstrate SSR of large DNA inserts (up to 230 kb) into plant and fungal genomes.  相似文献   
Dynein 1 was extracted from sperm flagella of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla with 0.6 M NaCl and dialyzed against 0.5 mM EDTA, 14 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 5 mM imidazole/HCl buffer, pH 7.0, for 24-48 h. In some cases, fractions containing the alpha heavy chain and the beta/intermediate chain 1 complex (beta/IC1) were separated by density gradient centrifugation in the same solution. Treatment of the samples at a trypsin:protein ratio of 1:10 w/w for 32 min at room temperature yields a crude digest from which Fragment A is purified by density gradient centrifugation. The purified Fragment A consists of two principal peptides (Mr = 195,000 and 130,000) that cosediment with the peak of ATPase activity at 12.5 S, which is slightly faster than the 11 S of the original beta/IC1 complex. When digests of the separated alpha chain and of the beta/IC1 complex are followed as a function of time, the early cleavages of the two heavy chains (Mr = 428,000) resemble each other in that both lead to similarly sized peptides of Mr 316,000 and 296,000, but only in the beta/IC1 fraction does the digestion proceed to form Fragment A. The remainder of the beta chain, termed Fragment B, occurs as an Mr 110,000 peptide sedimenting at 5.7 S with no associated ATPase activity. Fragment A has a specific ATPase activity of 4.3 mumol Pi X min-1 X mg-1, with a Km of 29 microM in 0.1 M NaCl medium, and an apparent Ki for inhibition by vanadate of 1.2 microM in the absence of salt, and 22 microM in 0.6 M NaCl. Photoaffinity labeling with [alpha-32P]8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate indicates that the ATP binding site on the beta chain of dynein 1 is located on the Mr 195,000 peptide of Fragment A. The possibility that Fragments A and B of the beta/IC1 complex may correspond to the head and tail regions of the tadpole-shaped particle seen by electron microscopy is discussed.  相似文献   
Phytochelatins are metal-binding peptides produced by higher plants and some fungi in response to heavy metal exposure. Established methods for analyzing cell-free extracts for the presence of phytochelatins include gel-filtration chromatography and HPLC. We have developed a nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis assay for phytochelatins that combines a small sample size with detection via metal binding. This assay can be used for the measurement of the relative affinity of phytochelatins for a variety of metal and semimetal ions.  相似文献   
Summary A set of plasmids that contain fragments of the bacteriophage P4 genome has been constructed by deleting portions of a P4-ColE1 hybrid. A P4 genetic map has been established and related to the physical map by examining the ability of these plasmids to rescue various P4 mutations. The P4 vir1 mutation and P4 genes involved in DNA replication (), activation of P2 helper genes ( and ), polarity suppression (psu) and head size determination (sid) have been mapped, as has the region responsible for synthesis of a nonessential P4 protein.One of the deleted plasmids contains only 5900 base pairs (52%) of P4 but will form plaques if additional DNA is added to increase its total size to near that of P4. This plasmid is also unique in that it will not form stable associations with P2 lysogens of E. coli which are recA +. P4 mutants can be suppressed as a result of replication under control of the ColE1 part of the hybrid.  相似文献   
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