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What governs the concentrations of metabolites within living cells? Beyond specific metabolic and enzymatic considerations, are there global trends that affect their values? We hypothesize that the physico-chemical properties of metabolites considerably affect their in-vivo concentrations. The recently achieved experimental capability to measure the concentrations of many metabolites simultaneously has made the testing of this hypothesis possible. Here, we analyze such recently available data sets of metabolite concentrations within E. coli, S. cerevisiae, B. subtilis and human. Overall, these data sets encompass more than twenty conditions, each containing dozens (28-108) of simultaneously measured metabolites. We test for correlations with various physico-chemical properties and find that the number of charged atoms, non-polar surface area, lipophilicity and solubility consistently correlate with concentration. In most data sets, a change in one of these properties elicits a ∼100 fold increase in metabolite concentrations. We find that the non-polar surface area and number of charged atoms account for almost half of the variation in concentrations in the most reliable and comprehensive data set. Analyzing specific groups of metabolites, such as amino-acids or phosphorylated nucleotides, reveals even a higher dependence of concentration on hydrophobicity. We suggest that these findings can be explained by evolutionary constraints imposed on metabolite concentrations and discuss possible selective pressures that can account for them. These include the reduction of solute leakage through the lipid membrane, avoidance of deleterious aggregates and reduction of non-specific hydrophobic binding. By highlighting the global constraints imposed on metabolic pathways, future research could shed light onto aspects of biochemical evolution and the chemical constraints that bound metabolic engineering efforts.  相似文献   
During gastrulation in Drosophila melanogaster, coordinated apical constriction of the cellular surface drives invagination of the mesoderm anlage. Forces generated by the cortical cytoskeletal network have a pivotal role in this cellular shape change. Here, we show that the organisation of cortical actin is essential for stabilisation of the cellular surface against contraction. We found that mutation of genes related to heterotrimeric G protein (HGP) signaling, such as Gβ13F, Gγ1, and ric-8, results in formation of blebs on the ventral cellular surface. The formation of blebs is caused by perturbation of cortical actin and induced by local surface contraction. HGP signaling mediated by two Gα subunits, Concertina and G-iα65A, constitutively regulates actin organisation. We propose that the organisation of cortical actin by HGP is required to reinforce the cortex so that the cells can endure hydrostatic stress during tissue folding.  相似文献   
Utilisation of microbial enzymes may represent an alternative strategy to the use of conventional pancreatin obtained from pig pancreas for the treatment of severe pancreatic insufficiency. In this study, we focused on the capacity of two microbial preparations for their capacity to digest alimentary proteins (caseins and soya proteins) in comparison with pancreatin. These microbial enzymatic preparations were found to be able to generate small, medium-size and larger polypeptides from caseins and soya proteins but were inactivated at pH 3.0. As determined by Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry analysis, microbial enzymes generated very different peptides from caseins when compared with peptides generated through pancreatin action. These microbial preparations were characterised by relatively low trypsin- and low carboxypeptidase-like activities but high chymotrypsin-like activities and strong capacity for cleavage of caseins at the methionine sites. Although the efficiency of these microbial preparations to increase the rate of absorption of nitrogen-containing compounds in severe pancreatic insufficiency remains to be tested in vivo, our in vitro data indicate proteolytic capacities of such preparations for alimentary protein digestion.  相似文献   
The heterogeneous collection of nucleosome remodelling and deacetylation (NuRD) complexes can be grouped into the MBD2- or MBD3-containing complexes MBD2–NuRD and MBD3–NuRD. MBD2 is known to bind to methylated CpG sequences in vitro in contrast to MBD3. Although functional differences have been described, a direct comparison of MBD2 and MBD3 in respect to genome-wide binding and function has been lacking. Here, we show that MBD2–NuRD, in contrast to MBD3–NuRD, converts open chromatin with euchromatic histone modifications into tightly compacted chromatin with repressive histone marks. Genome-wide, a strong enrichment for MBD2 at methylated CpG sequences is found, whereas CpGs bound by MBD3 are devoid of methylation. MBD2-bound genes are generally lower expressed as compared with MBD3-bound genes. When depleting cells for MBD2, the MBD2-bound genes increase their activity, whereas MBD2 plus MBD3-bound genes reduce their activity. Most strikingly, MBD3 is enriched at active promoters, whereas MBD2 is bound at methylated promoters and enriched at exon sequences of active genes.  相似文献   
MicroRNA (miRNA)-induced silencing complexes (miRISCs) repress translation and promote degradation of miRNA targets. Target degradation occurs through the 5′-to-3′ messenger RNA (mRNA) decay pathway, wherein, after shortening of the mRNA poly(A) tail, the removal of the 5′ cap structure by decapping triggers irreversible decay of the mRNA body. Here, we demonstrate that miRISC enhances the association of the decapping activators DCP1, Me31B and HPat with deadenylated miRNA targets that accumulate when decapping is blocked. DCP1 and Me31B recruitment by miRISC occurs before the completion of deadenylation. Remarkably, miRISC recruits DCP1, Me31B and HPat to engineered miRNA targets transcribed by RNA polymerase III, which lack a cap structure, a protein-coding region and a poly(A) tail. Furthermore, miRISC can trigger decapping and the subsequent degradation of mRNA targets independently of ongoing deadenylation. Thus, miRISC increases the local concentration of the decapping machinery on miRNA targets to facilitate decapping and irreversibly shut down their translation.  相似文献   
Acetophenones are phenolic metabolites of plant species. A metabolic route for the biosynthesis and release of 2 defence‐related hydroxyacetophenones in white spruce (Picea glauca) was recently proposed to involve 3 phases: (a) biosynthesis of the acetophenone aglycons catalysed by a currently unknown set of enzymes, (b) formation and accumulation of the corresponding glycosides catalysed by a glucosyltransferase, and (c) release of the aglycons catalysed by a glucosylhydrolase (PgβGLU‐1). We tested if this biosynthetic model is conserved across Pinaceae and land plant species. We assayed and surveyed the literature and sequence databases for possible patterns of the presence of the acetophenone aglycons piceol and pungenol and their glucosides, as well as sequences and expression of Pgβglu‐1 orthologues. In the Pinaceae, the 3 phases of the biosynthetic model are present and differences in expression of Pgβglu‐1 gene orthologues explain some of the interspecific variation in hydroxyacetophenones. The phylogenetic signal in the metabolite phenotypes was low across species of 6 plant divisions. Putative orthologues of PgβGLU‐1 do not form a monophyletic group in species producing hydroxyacetophenones. The biosynthetic model for acetophenones appears to be conserved across Pinaceae, whereas convergent evolution has led to the production of acetophenone glucosides across land plants.  相似文献   
Many animals respond to threats by releasing alarm pheromones (APs) that warn conspecifics. In mice, detection of the AP 2‐sec‐butyl‐4,5‐dihydrothiazole (SBT) is mediated by chemosensory neurons residing in the Grueneberg ganglion (GG) of the anterior nasal region. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying activation of GG neurons by SBT and other substances are still unclear, recent studies have reported an involvement of the transmembrane guanylyl cyclase (GC) subtype GC‐G in chemosensory signaling in the GG. Here, we show that SBT directly binds with high affinity to the extracellular domain of GC‐G and elicits an enhanced enzymatic activity of this protein. In line with this finding, heterologous expression of GC‐G renders cells responsive to SBT while activation by SBT was strongly attenuated in GG neurons from GC‐G‐deficient mice. Consistently, SBT‐induced fear‐associated behaviors, SBT‐evoked elevated blood pressure, and increased serum levels of the stress hormone corticosterone were clearly reduced in GC‐G‐knockout animals compared to wild‐type mice. These observations suggest that GC‐G serves as an unusual receptor in GG neurons mediating the detection of the volatile AP substance SBT.  相似文献   
The reduction of CO2 emissions is a global effort which is not only supported by the society and politicians but also by the industry. Chemical producers worldwide follow the strategic goal to reduce CO2 emissions by replacing existing fossil‐based production routes with sustainable alternatives. The smart use of CO and CO2/H2 mixtures even allows to produce important chemical building blocks consuming the said gases as substrates in carboxydotrophic fermentations with acetogenic bacteria. However, existing industrial infrastructure and market demands impose constraints on microbes, bioprocesses and products that require careful consideration to ensure technical and economic success. The mini review provides scientific and industrial facets finally to enable the successful implementation of gas fermentation technologies in the industrial scale.  相似文献   
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