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Background. Repeated measurements in a single subject are generally more similar than unrepeated measurements in different subjects. Unrepeated analyses of repeated data cause underestimation of the treatment effects. Objective. To review methods adequate for the analysis of cardiovascular studies with repeated measures. Results. (1) For between-subjects comparisons, summary measures and random-effects mixedlinear models are possible. Examples of summary measures include the area under the curve of drug time-concentration and time-efficacy curves, maximal values, mean values, and changes from baseline. A problem is that precision is lost because averages, rather than individual data, are applied. Random-effects mixed-linear models, available in SPSS statistical software and other software programmes, provide better precision for that purpose. (2) For within-subjects comparisons, repeated-measures ANOVAs are available in SPSS and other software programmes. Subgroup factors such as gender differences and age class can be included. Discussion. For non-Gaussian data, Wilcoxon's and Friedman's tests are available, for binary data McNemar's tests can be used in case of two repeated observations. No standard methods are available for repeated binary measures with more than two observations. The purpose of this review was not to present a complete report but, rather, to underline that ample efforts should be made to account for the special nature of repeated measures. (Neth Heart J 2009;17:429–33.)  相似文献   
A GFP excision assay was developed to monitor the excision of Ac introduced into rice by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The presence of a strong double enhancer element of the CaMV 35S promoter adjacent to the Ac promoter induced very early excision, directly after transformation into the plant cell, exemplified by the absence of Ac in the T-DNA loci. Excision fingerprint analysis and characterization of transposition events from related regenerants revealed an inverse correlation between the number of excision events and transposed Ac copies, with single early excisions after transformation generating Ac amplification. New transpositions were generated at a frequency of 15–50% in different lines, yielding genotypes bearing multiple insertions, many of which were inherited in the progeny. The sequence of DNA flanking Ac in three representative lines provided a database of insertion tagged sites suitable for the identification of mutants of sequenced genes that can be examined for phenotypes in a reverse genetics strategy to elucidate gene function. Remarkably, two-thirds of Ac tagged sites showing homology to sequences in public databases were in predicted genes. A clear preference of transposon insertions in genes that are either predicted by protein coding capacity or by similarity to ESTs suggests that the efficiency of recovering knockout mutants of genes could be about three times higher than random. Linked Ac transposition, suitable for targeted tagging, was documented by segregation analysis of a crippled Ac element and by recovery of a set of six insertions in a contiguous sequence of 70 kb from chromosome 6 of rice.  相似文献   
AIM: To determine the culturable biodiversity of anaerobic bacteria isolated from the forestomach contents of an eastern grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus, using phenotypic characterization and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacteria from forestomach contents of an eastern grey kangaroo were isolated using anaerobic media containing milled curly Mitchell grass (Astrebla lappacea). DNA was extracted and the 16S rDNA sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. Forty bacterial isolates were obtained and placed in 17 groups based on phenotypic characteristics and restriction enzyme digestion of 16S rDNA PCR products. DNA sequencing revealed that the 17 groups comprised five known species (Clostridium butyricum, Streptococcus bovis, Clostridium sporogenes, Clostridium paraputrificum and Enterococcus avium) and 12 groups apparently representing new species, all within the phylum Firmicutes. CONCLUSIONS: Foregut contents from Australian macropod marsupials contain a microbial ecosystem with a novel bacterial biodiversity comprising a high percentage of previously unrecognized species. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study adds to knowledge of Australia's unique biodiversity, which may provide a future bioresource of genetic information and bacterial species of benefit to agriculture.  相似文献   
A genetic transformation system with similarities to those reported for gram-negative bacteria was found to be associated with membrane vesicles of the ruminal cellulolytic genus Ruminococcus. Double-stranded DNA was recovered from the subcellular particulate fraction of all the cellulolytic ruminococci examined. Electron microscopy revealed that the only particles present resembled membrane vesicles. The likelihood that the DNA was associated with membrane vesicles (also known to contain cellulosomes) was further supported by the adherence of the particles associated with the subcellular DNA to cellulose powder added to culture filtrates. The particle-associated DNA comprised a population of linear molecules ranging in size from <20 kb to 49 kb (Ruminococcus sp. strain YE73) and from 23 kb to 90 kb (Ruminococcus albus AR67). Particle-associated DNA from R. albus AR67 represented DNA derived from genomic DNA of the host bacterium having an almost identical HindIII digestion pattern and an identical 16S rRNA gene. Paradoxically, particle-associated DNA was refractory to digestion with EcoRI, while the genomic DNA was susceptible to extensive digestion, suggesting that there is differential restriction modification of genomic DNA and DNA exported from the cell. Transformation using the vesicle-containing fraction of culture supernatant of Ruminococcus sp. strain YE71 was able to restore the ability to degrade crystalline cellulose to two mutants that were otherwise unable to do so. The ability was heritable and transferred to subsequent generations. It appears that membrane-associated transformation plays a role in lateral gene transfer in complex microbial ecosystems, such as the rumen.  相似文献   
The H3'-C3'-C4'-H4' torsional angles of two microcrystalline 2'-deoxynucleosides, thymidine and 2'-deoxycytidine.HCl, doubly (13)C-labeled at the C3' and C4' positions of the sugar ring, have been measured by solid-state magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). A double-quantum heteronuclear local field experiment with frequency-switched Lee-Goldberg homonuclear decoupling was used. The H3'-C3'-C4'-H4' torsional angles were obtained by comparing the experimental curves with numerical simulations, including the two (13)C nuclei, the directly bonded (1)H nuclei, and five remote protons. The H3'-C3'-C4'-H4' angles were converted into sugar pucker angles and compared with crystallographic data. The delta torsional angles determined by solid-state NMR and x-ray crystallography agree within experimental error. Evidence is also obtained that the proton positions may be unreliable in the x-ray structures. This work confirms that double-quantum solid-state NMR is a feasible tool for studying sugar pucker conformations in macromolecular complexes that are unsuitable for solution NMR or crystallography.  相似文献   
AIMS: To develop a real-time Taq nuclease assay (TNA) to enable the in vivo enumeration of Megasphaera elsdenii. METHODS AND RESULTS: Megasphaera elsdenii YE34 was phenotypically characteristic of the species and had 16S rDNA sequence similarity of 98% to previously described isolates. Calibration of the number of cells of M. elsdenii against the cycle threshold of fluorescent dye release gave a straight-line relationship with a correlation coefficient approximating unity. The specificity of the assay for M. elsdenii was confirmed by performing it against a panel of 24 heterogeneous, mainly ruminal bacteria. Megasphaera elsdenii was not detected in ruminal contents from a pasture-fed steer but was readily detected 2 and 50 h after the probiotic introduction of the bacterium into the rumen. CONCLUSIONS: Real-time TNA has provided a sensitive and specific means of enumerating the M. elsdenii population in rumen contents. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Megasphaera elsdenii is an important lactate-degrading ruminal bacterium that has been selected for probiotic use to prevent acidosis and enhance starch utilization in grain-fed cattle. The assay developed in this study provides a tool for determining the ability of probiotically-introduced M. elsdenii to establish useful populations in the rumen.  相似文献   
A statistical analysis of the nucleotide sequence variability in 14 published hepatitis B virus (HBV) genomes was carried out using parametric and nonparametric methods. A parametric statistical model revealed that the different regions of the genome differed significantly in their variability. The conclusion was supported by a nonparametric kernel-density model of the HBV genome. Genes S, C, and P, region X, the precore region, and the pre-S2/pre-S1 regions were ranked in order of increasing variability. In many instances, conserved regions of the genome identified with sequences of known function in HBV biology. However, other characterized regions (such as pre-S) showed much variability despite the involvement of their encoded peptides in specific functions. Point mutations that may result in the formation of stop codons and amino acid changes may affect the clinical picture of HBV infection and may be reflected in atypical serological patterns.   相似文献   
Several animal viruses were treated with gamma radiation from a 60Co source under conditions which might be found in effluent from an animal disease laboratory. Swine vesicular disease virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, and blue-tongue virus were irradiated in tissues from experimentally infected animals. Pseudorabies virus, fowl plague virus, swine vesicular disease virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus were irradiated in liquid animal feces. All were tested in animals and in vitro. The D10 values, that is, the doses required to reduce infectivity by 1 log10, were not apparently different from those expected from predictions based on other data and theoretical considerations. The existence of the viruses in pieces of tissue or in liquid feces made no difference in the efficacy of the gamma radiation for inactivating them. Under the "worst case" conditions (most protective for virus) simulated in this study, no infectious agents would survive 4.0 Mrads.  相似文献   
A rapid, sensitive and specific method was developed and validated using LC/MS/MS for determination of sunitinib in human plasma. Sample preparation involved a liquid-liquid extraction by the addition of 0.2mL of plasma with 4.0mL tert-butyl-methyl-ether extraction solution containing 25ng/mL of the internal standard clozapine. Separation of compounds was achieved on a C18 (50mmx2.1mm i.d., 3.5microm) analytical column using a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile/H20 (65:35, v/v) containing 0.1% formic acid and isocratic flow at 0.150mL/min for 3min. The analytes were monitored by tandem-mass spectrometry with electrospray positive ionization. Linear calibration curves in human plasma were generated over the range of 0.2-500ng/mL with values for the coefficient of determination of >0.9950. Within- and between day precision and accuracy were < or =10%. The method was applied to the quantitation of sunitinib in plasma samples from a patient receiving daily oral therapy with sunitinib.  相似文献   
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