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We have previously shown that CD36 is a membrane protein that facilitates long chain fatty acid (FA) transport by muscle tissues. We also documented the significant impact of muscle CD36 expression on heart function, skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity as well as on overall metabolism. To identify a comprehensive set of genes that are differentially regulated by CD36 expression in the heart, we used two microarray technologies (Affymetrix and Agilent) to compare gene expression in heart tissues from CD36 KnocK-Out (KO-CD36) versus wild type (WT-CD36) mice. The obtained results using the two technologies were similar with around 35 genes differentially expressed using both technologies. Absence of CD36 led to down-regulation of the expression of three groups of genes involved in pathways of FA metabolism, angiogenesis/apoptosis and structure. These data are consistent with the fact that the CD36 protein binds FA and thrombospondin 1 invoved respectively in lipid metabolism and anti-angiogenic activities. In conclusion, our findings led to validate our data analysis workflow and identify specific pathways, possibly underlying the phenotypic abnormalities in CD36 Knock -Out hearts.  相似文献   
The alkali extractable and water-soluble cell wall polysaccharides F1SS from Aspergillus wentii and Chaetosartorya chrysella have been studied by methylation analysis, 1D- and 2D-NMR, and MALDI-TOF analysis. Their structures are almost identical, corresponding to the following repeating unit: [--> 3)-beta-D-Gal f -(1 --> 5)-beta-D-Gal f-(1 -->]n --> mannan core. The structure of this galactofuranose side chain differs from that found in the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, in other Aspergillii and members of Trichocomaceae: [--> 5)-beta-D-Gal f-(1 -->]n --> mannan core. The mannan cores have also been investigated, and are constituted by a (1 --> 6)-alpha-mannan backbone, substituted at positions 2 by chains from 1 to 7 residues of (1 --> 2) linked alpha-mannopyranoses.  相似文献   
Plasmonics - All-optical logic gates OR, XOR, AND, and NOT based on two-dimensional (2D) plasmonic metal-insulator-metal (MIM) coupled with an elliptical ring resonator (ERR) are presented,...  相似文献   
Abstract: In Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome neurotransmitter release is reduced by an autoimmune response directed against the calcium channel complex of the nerve terminal. Autoantibodies were detected by immunoprecipitation assays using solubilized receptors labeled with ligands selective for N-type (125I-ω conotoxin GVIA) and L-type ([3H]PN200-110) calcium channels. Sera with a high antibody titer (>3 n M ) against rat brain N-type channels contained autoantibodies that immunoprecipitated neuronal and muscle L-type channels. These IgG fractions stained a 55-kDa protein in immunoblots of purified skeletal muscle dihydropyridine receptor, suggesting that they contain autoantibodies against the β subunit of the calcium channel. A distinct antibody population in the same fractions reacted with a nerve terminal 65-kDa protein that is unrelated to the β subunit and displays properties similar to those of synaptotagmin.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro antifungal activity (AA) of the essential oil (EO) of lemon (Citrus limon L.) against three pathogenic fungi attacking grapevine wood. The composition of the EO was also studied. Ten volatile components were identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The results showed that the EO consists of volatile components where monoterpene hydrocarbons are the most abundant ones. Four major components were identified, which represent 99.9% of the total EO (limonene, neral, ß-pinene, and ?-terpinene). The AA of the EO was evaluated against three pathogenic fungi attacking grapevine wood (Eutypa sp., Botryosphaeria dothidea, and Fomitiporia mediterranea). The results showed that the EO exerts AA against all tested fungi and significantly inhibits their growth. Eutypa sp. is the most sensitive fungus. These results show, for the first time, a new use for the EO of lemon (C. limon L.) to control fungal diseases of grapevine wood.  相似文献   
Postcopulatory sexual selection affects the evolution of numerous features ranging from mating behavior to seminal fluid toxicity to the size of gametes. In an earlier study of the effect of sperm competition risk on sperm size evolution, experimental populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans were maintained either by outcrossing (sperm competition present) or by selfing (no sperm competition), and after 60 generations, significantly larger sperm had evolved in the outcrossing populations. To determine the effects of this selection on population genetic variation, we assessed genetic diversity in a large number of loci using random amplification of polymorphic DNA-PCR. Nearly 80% of the alleles present in parental strain populations persisted in the 6 experimental populations after the 60 generations and, despite a 2.2-fold difference in expected heterozygosity, the resulting levels of genetic variation were equivalent between the outcrossing and selfing experimental populations. By inference, we conclude that genetic hitchhiking due to sexual selection in the experimental populations dramatically reduced genetic diversity. We use the levels of variation in the selfing populations as a control for the effects of drift, and estimate the strength of sexual selection to be strong in obligatorily outcrossing populations. Although sequential hermaphrodites like C. elegans probably experience little sexual selection in nature, these data suggest that sexual selection can profoundly affect diversity in outcrossing taxa.  相似文献   


Adult rats exposed to methylazoxymethanol (MAM) at embryonic day 17 (E17) consistently display behavioral characteristics similar to that observed in patients with schizophrenia and replicate neuropathological findings from the prefrontal cortex of psychotic individuals. However, a systematic neuropathological analysis of the hippocampal formation and the thalamus in these rats is lacking. It is also unclear if reelin, a protein consistently associated with schizophrenia and potentially involved in the mechanism of action of MAM, participates in the neuropathological effects of this compound. Therefore, a thorough assessment including cytoarchitectural and neuromorphometric measurements of eleven brain regions was conducted. Numbers of reelin positive cells and reelin expression and methylation levels were also studied.

Principal Findings

Compared to untreated rats, MAM-exposed animals showed a reduction in the volume of entorhinal cortex, hippocampus and mediodorsal thalamus associated with decreased neuronal soma. The entorhinal cortex also showed laminar disorganization and neuronal clusters. Reelin methylation in the hippocampus was decreased whereas reelin positive neurons and reelin expression were unchanged.


Our results indicate that E17-MAM exposure reproduces findings from the hippocampal formation and the mediodorsal thalamus of patients with schizophrenia while providing little support for reelin''s involvement. Moreover, these results strongly suggest MAM-treated animals have a diminished neuropil, which likely arises from abnormal neurite formation; this supports a recently proposed pathophysiological hypothesis for schizophrenia.  相似文献   
The alkali-extracted water-soluble galactomannan F1SS isolated from the cell wall of two species each of Geotrichum, Galactomyces, and Dipodascus have been studied by methylation analysis and NMR spectroscopy, and their structure is established as the following: [carbohydrate structure: see text]  相似文献   
Calmodulin (CaM) binds in a Ca2+-dependent manner to the intracellular C-terminal domains of most group III metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Here we combined mutational and biophysical approaches to define the structural basis of CaM binding to mGluR 7A. Ca2+/CaM was found to interact with mGluR 7A primarily via its C-lobe at a 1:1 CaM:C-tail stoichiometry. Pulldown experiments with mutant CaM and mGluR 7A C-tail constructs and high resolution NMR with peptides corresponding to the CaM binding region of mGluR 7A allowed us to define hydrophobic and ionic interactions required for Ca2+/CaM binding and identified a 1-8-14 CaM-binding motif. The Ca2+/CaM.mGluR 7A peptide complex displays a classical wraparound structure that closely resembles that formed by Ca2+/CaM upon binding to smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase. Our data provide insight into how Ca2+/CaM regulates group III mGluR signaling via competition with intracellular proteins for receptor-binding sites.  相似文献   
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