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Summary Poly--hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) and similar bacterial polyesters are promising candidates for the development of environment-friendly, totally biodegradable plastics. The use of methanol, one of the cheapest noble substrates available, may help to reduce the cost of producing such bioplastics. As a first step, a culture collection of 118 putative methylotrophic microorganisms was obtained from various soil samples without any laboratory enrichment step to favour culture diversity. The most promising culture was selected based on rapidity of growth and PHB accumulation and later identified as Methylobacterium extorquens. This isolate was obtained from soml contaminated regularly with used oil products for some 40 years. Concentrations of methanol greater than 8 g/l affected growth significantly and the methanol concentration was optimal at 1.7 g/l. PHB concentrations averaged 25–30% (w/v) of dry weight under non-optimized conditions. Controlling methanol concentration, using an open-loop configuration, led to biomass levels of 9–10 g/l containing 30–33% PHB while preventing methanol accumulation. The new isolate was also able to produce the co-polymer PHB/poly--hydroxyvalerate (PHV) using the mixture methanol + valerate. The PHV-to-PHB ratio was about 0.2 at the end of the fermentation. An average molecular mass varying between 2 and 3 × 105 Da was obtained for three PHB samples using two different measurement methods.Publication number NRCC No. 33672 Offprint requests to: D. Groleau  相似文献   
The nature of the wall layers observed in suberized tyloses was studied in Populus basalmifera L., Ulmus americana L. and Quercus rubra L. As the suberin layers were present only in tyloses that had completed their expansion, most of the results concern mature tyloses. The cyto- and immunocytochemical tests were conducted, respectively, with an exoglucanase having a binding affinity for β(1→4)-D-glucans, the subunits of cellulose, and with two monoclonal antibodies specific for un-esterified and esterified pectic molecules. In the three species, labelling for pectic compounds was intense over the external layer of tyloses but usually more dispersed or nearly absent over the layer corresponding to a primary wall that was, however, intensely labelled for β(1→4)-D-glucans. The outer wall layer, comparable to a middle lamella in mature tyloses, was continuous with similar material that appeared to be secreted by the tylosis. This material was particularly abundant in pit chambers, in void spaces between the tylosis and the vessel wall, particularly at the junction of the vessel and two adjacent cells, and close to the rim of vessel perforation plates. In P. balsamifera, a single suberized layer or occasionally a succession of suberized and cellulose-containing layers was observed internal to the tylosis primary wall. In U. americana, the wall of tylosis was similar to that of P. balsamifera except that, at times, a secondary-wall-like layer was formed and only a single suberized layer was observed. In Q. rubra, the suberized layer was always observed internal to the tylosis secondary wall. Simple pits were also constantly noted in Q. rubra tyloses. The occasional occurrence of a cellulosic layer internally to the suberized layer was observed in the three species. Histochemical tests revealed that lignin was also an important component of the tylosis wall. The tyloses frequently contained phenolic compounds in close association with the suberized layers. The significance of the formation of suberized tyloses in trees is discussed.  相似文献   
Normal human cells in culture become senescent after a limited number of population doublings. Senescent cells display characteristic changes in gene expression, among which is a repression of the ability to induce the c-fos gene. We have proposed a two-stage model for cellular senescence in which the mortality stage 1 (M1) mechanism can be overcome by agents that bind both the product of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (pRB)-like pocket proteins and p53. In this study we determined whether the repression of c-fos at M1 was downstream of the p53 or pRB-like "arms" of the M1 mechanism. We examined c-fos expression during the entire lifespan of normal human fibroblasts carrying E6 (which binds p53), E7 (which binds pRB), or both E6 and E7 of human papilloma virus type 16. The results indicate a dramatic change in cellular physiology at M1. Before M1, c-fos inducibility is controlled by an E6-independent mechanism that is blocked by E7. After M1, c-fos inducibility becomes dependent on E6 whereas E7 has no effect. In addition, a novel oscillation of c-fos expression with an approximately 2-h periodicity appears in E6-expressing fibroblasts post-M1. Accompanying this shift at M1 is a dramatic change in the ability to divide in low serum. Before M1, E6-expressing fibroblasts growth arrest in 0.3% serum, although they continue dividing under those conditions post-M1. These results demonstrate the unique physiology of fibroblasts during the extended lifespan between M1 and M2 and suggest that p53 might participate in the process that represses the c-fos gene at the onset of cellular senescence.  相似文献   
Resistance to the oxyanion arsenite in the parasite Leishmania is multifactorial. We have described previously the frequent amplification of the ABC transporter gene pgpA, the presence of a non-PgpA thiol-metal efflux pump and increased levels of glutathione and trypanothione in resistant cells. Other loci are also amplified, although their role in resistance is unknown. By gene transfection, we have characterized one of these novel genes. It corresponds to gsh1, which encodes gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, an enzyme involved in the rate-limiting step of glutathione biosynthesis. Transfection of gsh1 in wild-type cells increased the levels of glutathione and trypanothione to levels found in resistant mutants. These transfectants were not resistant to metals. However, when gsh1 was transfected in partial revertants, it conferred resistance. As pgpA is frequently co-amplified with gsh1, we co-transfected the two genes into both wild-type and partial revertants. Arsenite resistance levels in wild-type cells could be accounted for by the contribution of PgpA alone. In the partial revertant, the gsh1 and pgpA gene product acted synergistically. These results support our previous suggestion that PgpA recognizes metals conjugated to thiols. Furthermore, amplification of gsh1 overcomes the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of trypanothione, contributing to resistance. In addition, the results suggest that at least one more factor acts synergistically with the gsh1 gene product.  相似文献   
Bacterial cell division predominantly occurs by a highly conserved process, termed binary fission, that requires the bacterial homologue of tubulin, FtsZ. Other mechanisms of bacterial cell division that are independent of FtsZ are rare. Although the obligate intracellular human pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis, the leading bacterial cause of sexually transmitted infections and trachoma, lacks FtsZ, it has been assumed to divide by binary fission. We show here that Chlamydia divides by a polarized cell division process similar to the budding process of a subset of the Planctomycetes that also lack FtsZ. Prior to cell division, the major outer-membrane protein of Chlamydia is restricted to one pole of the cell, and the nascent daughter cell emerges from this pole by an asymmetric expansion of the membrane. Components of the chlamydial cell division machinery accumulate at the site of polar growth prior to the initiation of asymmetric membrane expansion and inhibitors that disrupt the polarity of C. trachomatis prevent cell division. The polarized cell division of C. trachomatis is the result of the unipolar growth and FtsZ-independent fission of this coccoid organism. This mechanism of cell division has not been documented in other human bacterial pathogens suggesting the potential for developing Chlamydia-specific therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   
Type II procollagen messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was isolated from chick sternum and rat chondrosarcoma cells and translated in a reticulocyte lysate cell-free system. A high molecular weight band was identified as type II procollagen by gel electrophoresis, collagenase digestion, and specific immunoprecipitation. The translation of type II mRNA was specifically inhibited by addition of type I procollagen amino-terminal extension peptide. When this peptide was added to the media of cultured fetal calf chondrocytes, chick sternal chondrocytes, or chick tendon fibroblasts, no inhibition of collagen synthesis was evident. These data suggest a general regulation of collagen biosynthesis by these peptides in the cell-free translation system. However, as indicated by the cell culture experiments, cellular characteristics and evolutionary divergence of animal species seem to restrict the effect of the peptides.  相似文献   
Functional and structural similarities among a wide variety of endomembrane H+-ATPases suggest that they form a distinct class with a common origin. Immunological studies (Manolson, M. F., Percy, J. M., Apps, D. K., Xie, X. S., Stone, D. K., and Poole, R. J. (1987) in Proceedings of the Membrane Protein Symposium (Goheen, S. C., ed) pp. 427-434, Bio-Rad, Richmond, CA, and M. F. Manolson, J. M. Percy, D. K. Apps, X. S. Xie, D. K. Stone, M. Harrison, D. J. Clarke, R. J. Poole, unpublished data) support this idea and suggest an evolutionary relationship between the endomembrane and F0F1 ATPases. Further examination of relationships necessitates comparison of protein/nucleic acid sequence data. To this end, we have cloned and sequenced the cDNA encoding the 57-kDa polypeptide of the Arabidopsis vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the sequence of a "57-kDa" subunit for plant or animal endomembrane H+-ATPase. This cDNA encodes a hydrophilic polypeptide containing a putative ATP binding site. Lack of a secretion signal sequence suggests it is not processed through the endoplasmic reticulum but translated on cytosolic ribosomes. Comparison of protein sequences shows the 57-kDa subunit from Arabidopsis to be nearly identical with the corresponding subunit in Neurospora vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase, very similar to the beta subunit of the archaebacterium Sulfolobus, and slightly, but nevertheless significantly, homologous to the alpha and beta subunits of the F0F1-ATPases. These results suggest that these different classes of ATPases have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
ABC proteins were first characterized in the protozoan parasite Leishmania while studying mechanisms of drug resistance. PGPA is involved in resistance to arsenite and antimonite and it most likely confers resistance by sequestering metal–thiol conjugates into an intracellular vesicle. PGPA is part of gene family with at least four more members which are in search of a function. Leishmania also contains a P-glycoprotein, homologous to the mammalian MDR1, that is involved in multidrug resistance. The ongoing genome project of Leishmania has pinpointed several novel ABC transporters and experiments are carried out to study the function of the ABC proteins in drug resistance and in host–pathogen interactions.  相似文献   
During the past decade, algae blooms, which include the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis, have reoccurred in the Laurentian Great Lakes, most commonly in the western basin of Lake Erie. Whereas the western basin is the most impacted by toxic Microcystis in Lake Erie, there has historically been little effort focused on identifying the spatial distribution of Microcystis throughout this lake. To address this lack of knowledge, we have employed a polymerase-chain-reaction-based detection of genes required for synthesis of the toxin microcystin (mcyD and mcyB), as well as 16S rDNA fragments specific to either all Microcystis or all cyanobacteria. Using a multiplex approach, we tested 21 samples from 13 field stations and found that toxigenic Microcystis were present in the western and eastern basins in the summers of 1999, 2000, and 2002 and the central basin in 1999 and 2002. This is the most extensive distribution of Microcystis reported in Lake Erie. Clone libraries (16S rDNA) of these cyanobacterial communities were generated from 7 of the 13 field stations (representing all three basins) to partially characterize this microbial community. These libraries were shown to be dominated by sequences assigned to the Synechococcus and Cyanobium phylogenetic cluster, indicating the importance of picoplankton in this large lake system.  相似文献   
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