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As a prerequisite to examining mRNA metabolism in compensatory renal hypertrophy, polyadenylated RNA has been purified from normal mouse kidney polysomal RNA by selection on oligo(dT)-cellulose. Poly(A)-containing RNA dissociated from polysomes by treatment with 10 mM EDTA and sedimented heterogeneously in dodecyl sulfate-containing sucrose density gradients with a mean sedimentation coefficient of 20 S. Poly(A) derived from this RNA migrated at the rate of 6-7 S RNA in dodecyl sulfate-containing 10% polyacrylamide gels. Coelectrophoresis of poly(A) labeled for 90 min with poly(A) labeled for 24 h indicated the long-term labeled poly(A) migrated faster than pulse-labeled material. Twenty percent of the cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing mRNA was not associated with the polysomes, but sedimented in the 40-80 S region (post-polysomal). Messenger RNA from the post-polysomal region had sedimentation properties similar to those of mRNA prepared from polysomes indicating post-polysomal mRNA was not degraded polysomal mRNA. Preliminary labeling experiments indicated a rapid equilibration of radioactivity between the polysomal and post-polysomal mRNA populations, suggesting the post-polysomal mRNA may consist of mRNA in transit to the polysomes.  相似文献   
Cells expressing the neuronal stem cell marker Nestin are present in the human pancreas but the biological role of these cells has yet to be resolved. We report here the establishment with the catalytic subunit of human telomerase (hTERT) of a line of normal human cells representing this cell type. Primary human cells derived from the ducts of the pancreas were transduced with an hTERT cDNA. The infected cells became positive for telomerase, failed to senesce, and were still proliferating after more than 150 doublings. The immortalized cells were positive for the expression of Nestin (at both the mRNA and protein levels) and were found to be free of cancer-associated changes: diploid and expressing wild type p16(INK4a), p53, and K-Ras. An established line of normal human cells representing this cell type should be of great value to help define the biological properties of this novel cell type.  相似文献   
Arsenicals and antimonials are first line drugs for the treatment of trypanosomal and leishmanial diseases. To create the active form of the drug, Sb(V) must be reduced to Sb(III). Because arsenic and antimony are related metalloids, and arsenical resistant Leishmania strains are frequently cross-resistant to antimonials, we considered the possibility that Sb(V) is reduced by a leishmanial As(V) reductase. The sequence for the arsenate reductase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ScAcr2p, was used to clone the gene for a homologue, LmACR2, from Leishmania major. LmACR2 was able to complement the arsenate-sensitive phenotype of an arsC deletion strain of Escherichia coli or an ScACR2 deletion strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Transfection of Leishmania infantum with LmACR2 augmented Pentostam sensitivity in intracellular amastigotes. LmACR2 was purified and shown to reduce both As(V) and Sb(V). This is the first report of an enzyme that confers Pentostam sensitivity in intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania. We propose that LmACR2 is responsible for reduction of the pentavalent antimony in Pentostam to the active trivalent form of the drug in Leishmania.  相似文献   


The human protozoan parasites Leishmania are prototrophic for pyrimidines with the ability of both de novo biosynthesis and uptake of pyrimidines.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Five independent L. infantum mutants were selected for resistance to the pyrimidine analogue 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in the hope to better understand the metabolism of pyrimidine in Leishmania. Analysis of the 5-FU mutants by comparative genomic hybridization and whole genome sequencing revealed in selected mutants the amplification of DHFR-TS and a deletion of part of chromosome 10. Point mutations in uracil phosphorybosyl transferase (UPRT), thymidine kinase (TK) and uridine phosphorylase (UP) were also observed in three individual resistant mutants. Transfection experiments confirmed that these point mutations were responsible for 5-FU resistance. Transport studies revealed that one resistant mutant was defective for uracil and 5-FU import.


This study provided further insights in pyrimidine metabolism in Leishmania and confirmed that multiple mutations can co-exist and lead to resistance in Leishmania.  相似文献   
Deamidation of asparagine residues, a post-translational modification observed in proteins, is a common degradation pathway in monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The kinetics of deamidation is influenced by primary sequence as well as secondary and tertiary folding. Analytical hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is used to evaluate hydrophobicity of candidate mAbs and uncover post-translational modifications. Using HIC, we discovered atypical heterogeneity in a highly hydrophobic molecule (mAb-1). Characterization of the different HIC fractions using LC/MS/MS revealed a stable succinimide intermediate species localized to an asparagine-glycine motif in the heavy chain binding region. The succinimide intermediate was stable in vitro at pH 7 and below and increased on storage at 25°C and 40°C. Biacore evaluation showed a decrease in binding affinity of the succinimide intermediate compared with the native asparagine molecule. In vivo studies of mAb-1 recovered from a pharmacokinetic study in cynomolgus monkeys revealed an unstable succinimide species and rapid conversion to aspartic/iso-aspartic acid. Mutation from asparagine to aspartic acid led to little loss in affinity. This study illustrates the importance of evaluating modifications of therapeutic mAbs both in vitro and in serum, the intended environment of the molecule. Potential mechanisms that stabilize the succinimide intermediate in vitro are discussed.  相似文献   
Drug resistance is a major public health challenge in leishmaniasis chemotherapy, particularly in the case of emerging Leishmania/HIV‐1 co‐infections. We have delineated the mechanism of cell death induced by the HIV‐1 protease inhibitor, Nelfinavir, in the Leishmania parasite. In order to further study Nelfinavir–Leishmania interactions, we selected Nelfinavir‐resistant axenic amastigotes in vitro and characterized them. RNA expression profiling analyses and comparative genomic hybridizations of closely related Leishmania species were used as a screening tool to compare Nelfinavir‐resistant and ‐sensitive parasites in order to identify candidate genes involved in drug resistance. Microarray analyses of Nelfinavir‐resistant and ‐sensitive Leishmania amastigotes suggest that parasites regulate mRNA levels either by modulating gene copy numbers through chromosome aneuploidy, or gene deletion/duplication by homologous recombination. Interestingly, supernumerary chromosomes 6 and 11 in the resistant parasites lead to upregulation of the ABC class of transporters. Transporter assays using radiolabelled Nelfinavir suggest a greater drug accumulation in the resistant parasites and in a time‐dependent manner. Furthermore, high‐resolution electron microscopy and measurements of intracellular polyphosphate levels showed an increased number of cytoplasmic vesicular compartments known as acidocalcisomes in Nelfinavir‐resistant parasites. Together these results suggest that Nelfinavir is rapidly and dramatically sequestered in drug‐induced intracellular vesicles.  相似文献   
Many patients with Alzheimer's dementia (AD) also exhibit noncognitive symptoms such as sensorimotor deficits, which can precede the hallmark cognitive deficits and significantly impact daily activities and an individual's ability to live independently. However, the mechanisms underlying sensorimotor dysfunction in AD and their relationship with cognitive decline remains poorly understood, due in part to a lack of translationally relevant animal models. To address this, we recently developed a novel model of genetic diversity in Alzheimer's disease, the AD‐BXD genetic reference panel. In this study, we investigated sensorimotor deficits in the AD‐BXDs and the relationship to cognitive decline in these mice. We found that age‐ and AD‐related declines in coordination, balance and vestibular function vary significantly across the panel, indicating genetic background strongly influences the expressivity of the familial AD mutations used in the AD‐BXD panel and their impact on motor function. Although young males and females perform comparably regardless of genotype on narrow beam and inclined screen tasks, there were significant sex differences in aging‐ and AD‐related decline, with females exhibiting worse decline than males of the same age and transgene status. Finally, we found that AD motor decline is not correlated with cognitive decline, suggesting that sensorimotor deficits in AD may occur through distinct mechanisms. Overall, our results suggest that AD‐related sensorimotor decline is strongly dependent on background genetics and is independent of dementia and cognitive deficits, suggesting that effective therapeutics for the entire spectrum of AD symptoms will likely require interventions targeting each distinct domain involved in the disease.  相似文献   
Vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA) strains tend to develop during glycopeptide treatment of infections caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Rapid and effective detection methods for VISA strains are lacking, and mechanisms of resistance are unclear. Here, global comparative proteomic approaches have been used to identify potential biomarkers of intermediate vancomycin resistance. With the use of high-resolution two-dimensional gels and iTRAQ mass tagging, numerous proteins were found to be differentially expressed between clinical MRSA and VISA isolates of the same multilocus sequence type. One of these, the predicted lytic transglycosylase SAV2095 (SceD-like protein), was selected for further study based on both its high level of induction in Mu50 and its predicted role in modeling the cell wall, which is the target of vancomycin. Relative SAV2095 mRNA expression levels were compared between 25 MRSA and VISA/heterogeneous VISA clinical isolates by real-time RT-PCR. The SAV2095 mRNA was significantly induced in all VISA isolates relative to all MRSA strains ( p < 0.001), and significant induction of SAV2095 was also seen for several potential heterogeneous VISA strains that appear vancomycin-sensitive by standard minimum inhibitory concentration-determining methods. Furthermore, strains selected in vitro for increasing levels of resistance from four unrelated clinical MRSA isolates displayed concomitant increases in levels of SAV2095 expression. Together, these results suggest that SAV2095 expression level could serve as a molecular diagnostic marker for the rapid detection of VISA.  相似文献   
Two Leishmania tarentolae cells were selected step by step for resistance to the polyene antibiotic amphotericin B, a second-line drug against the parasite Leishmania. One of the mutants was cross-resistant to ketoconazole. DNA amplification was observed in both mutants. The amplicons were extrachromosomal circles and were derived from different chromosomes. In one mutant the circle was unusually stable as it remained within the cell despite numerous passages in the absence of the drug. A circumstantial link between the copy number of amplicons and the resistance levels was established. Gene transfection experiments indicated that the link between the locus amplified and the resistance levels was not straightforward and possibly several mutations act together to lead to amphotericin B resistance.  相似文献   
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