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During its life cycle, the protozoan parasite Leishmania experiences oxidative stress when interacting with macrophages. Reduced pterins are known scavengers of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates. Leishmania has a pteridine reductase, PTR1, whose main function is to provide reduced pterins. We investigated the role of PTR1 in resistance to oxidative and nitrosative stress in Leishmania tarentolae, Leishmania infantum, and Leishmania major PTR1?/? mutants. The PTR1?/? cells of the three species were more sensitive to H2O2- and NO-induced stress. Using a fluorescent probe allowing ROI quantification, we demonstrated an increase in intracellular oxidant molecules in the PTR1?/? mutants. The disruption of PTR1 increased metacyclogenesis in L. infantum and L. major. We purified metacyclic parasites from PTR1?/? mutants and control cells and tested their intracellular survival in the J774 mouse cell line and in human monocyte-derived macrophages. Our results showed that PTR1?/? null mutants survived less in both macrophage models compared to control cells and this decrease was more pronounced in macrophages activated for oxidant production. This study demonstrates that one physiological role of reduced pterins in Leishmania is to deal with oxidative and nitrosative species, and a decreased ability to provide reduced pterins leads to decreased intracellular survival.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal reactions of V2O5, 1,4-phenyldiphosphonic acid and an appropriate organoamine, in the presence of HF as solubilizer, were exploited to prepare a series of materials of the general type [organoammonium cation]n[VxOy(HmO3PC6H4PO3Hp)3]. Compound 1, [H3N(CH2)4NH3][V2O4(O3PC6H4PO3)], exhibits a one-dimensional V-P-O substructure, linked through the phenyl tethers of the ligand into a layer. Compound 1 is a unique example of a V(V)-diphosphonate phase. Compounds 2 and 3, [H3N(CH2)2NH3][V2O2(O3PC6H4PO3H)2] and [H2pip][V2O2(O3PC6H4PO3H)2] (H2pip = piperazinium), exhibit identical two dimensional substructures, constructed from ribbons connected through the phenyl tethers of the ligands. The three-dimensional framework of [H3N(CH2)7NH3]2[V3O4(O3PC6H4PO3)2] (4) consists of V-P-O layers characterized by trinuclear V(IV)-oxide subunits and 9 and 12 polyhedral connect rings; the layers are buttressed by the phenyl spacers to provide the typical “pillared” layer structure common to metal diphosphonate materials. Compound 5, [H2dabco][V2F3O2(O3PC6H4PO3H)]·H2O, is also three-dimensional with oxyfluoro-vanadium(IV) chains linked through the diphosphonate ligands into a framework structure with void spacers to accommodate the {H2dabco}2+ cations (dabco = diamino bicyclo octane). The magnetic properties of 2-5 reflect the structural characteristics of the materials.  相似文献   
For many years, the ant subfamily Ponerinae was hypothesized to contain the basal (early branching) lineages of ants. Recently the Ponerinae were reclassified into six poneromorph subfamilies based on morphological analysis. We evaluate this new poneromorph classification using 1240 base pairs of DNA sequence data obtained from 28S rRNA gene sequences of 68 terminal taxa. The molecular tree supported the monophyly of the ant family Formicidae, with 100% parsimony bootstrap (PB) support and posterior probabilities (PP) of 1.00, with the ant subfamily Leptanillinae as a sister group to all other ants (PB=62, PP=93). However, our analyses strongly support the polyphyly of the Poneromorph subfamilies (sensu Bolton). The Ectatomminae and Heteroponerinae are more closely related to the Formicoid subfamilies than to the rest of the poneromophs (PB=96, PP=100). The Amblyoponinae (PB=52, PP=96), Paraponerinae (PB=100, PP=100), Ponerinae (PB<50, PP=71), and Proceratiinae (PB=98, PP=100) appear as distinct lineages at the base of the tree and are identified as a poneroid grade. Monophyletic origins for the poneroid subfamilies Amblyoponinae, Paraponerinae, Ponerinae and Proceratiinae are supported in our analysis. However, the genus Platythyrea forms a distinct sister group to the Ponerini within the Ponerinae. The Heteroponerinae, based on our sample of Heteroponera, are associated with the subfamily Ectatomminae (PB=98, PP=100). Furthermore, our data indicate the genus Probolomyrmex belongs to the Proceratiinae as suggested by recent morphological analysis (PB=98, PP=100).  相似文献   
Bacterial cell division predominantly occurs by a highly conserved process, termed binary fission, that requires the bacterial homologue of tubulin, FtsZ. Other mechanisms of bacterial cell division that are independent of FtsZ are rare. Although the obligate intracellular human pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis, the leading bacterial cause of sexually transmitted infections and trachoma, lacks FtsZ, it has been assumed to divide by binary fission. We show here that Chlamydia divides by a polarized cell division process similar to the budding process of a subset of the Planctomycetes that also lack FtsZ. Prior to cell division, the major outer-membrane protein of Chlamydia is restricted to one pole of the cell, and the nascent daughter cell emerges from this pole by an asymmetric expansion of the membrane. Components of the chlamydial cell division machinery accumulate at the site of polar growth prior to the initiation of asymmetric membrane expansion and inhibitors that disrupt the polarity of C. trachomatis prevent cell division. The polarized cell division of C. trachomatis is the result of the unipolar growth and FtsZ-independent fission of this coccoid organism. This mechanism of cell division has not been documented in other human bacterial pathogens suggesting the potential for developing Chlamydia-specific therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   
The enteric pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) encounters a variety of anti-microbial peptides during the course of infection. We report here that the extracytoplasmic sigma factor sigma(E) (RpoE) is required for Salmonella resistance to killing by the bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI)-derived peptide P2 and the murine alpha-defensin cryptdin-4 (Crp4). Moreover, sigma(E)-deficient S. Typhimurium is attenuated for virulence after oral infection of immunocompromised gp91phox(-/-) mice that lack a functional NADPH phagocyte oxidase, suggesting that sigma(E) plays an important role in resistance to non-oxidative mucosal host defences such as anti-microbial peptides. Although both P2 and Crp4 target the cell envelope, bacterial killing by these peptides appears to occur by distinct mechanisms. Formate enhances bacterial resistance to P2, as previously demonstrated, but not to Crp4. Both sigma(E) and cytoplasmic membrane-associated formate dehydrogenase are required for the protective effect of formate against P2. In contrast to P2, Crp4 does not inhibit bacterial respiration at lethal concentrations. However, both peptides induce expression of rpoE, suggesting that they trigger a common mechanism for sensing extracytoplasmic stress.  相似文献   
We developed Ulysses as a user-oriented system that uses a process called Interolog Analysis for the parallel analysis and display of protein interactions detected in various species. Ulysses was designed to perform such Interolog Analysis by the projection of model organism interaction data onto homologous human proteins, and thus serves as an accelerator for the analysis of uncharacterized human proteins. The relevance of projections was assessed and validated against published reference collections. All source code is freely available, and the Ulysses system can be accessed via a web interface .  相似文献   
Normal human cells in culture become senescent after a limited number of population doublings. Senescent cells display characteristic changes in gene expression, among which is a repression of the ability to induce the c-fos gene. We have proposed a two-stage model for cellular senescence in which the mortality stage 1 (M1) mechanism can be overcome by agents that bind both the product of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (pRB)-like pocket proteins and p53. In this study we determined whether the repression of c-fos at M1 was downstream of the p53 or pRB-like "arms" of the M1 mechanism. We examined c-fos expression during the entire lifespan of normal human fibroblasts carrying E6 (which binds p53), E7 (which binds pRB), or both E6 and E7 of human papilloma virus type 16. The results indicate a dramatic change in cellular physiology at M1. Before M1, c-fos inducibility is controlled by an E6-independent mechanism that is blocked by E7. After M1, c-fos inducibility becomes dependent on E6 whereas E7 has no effect. In addition, a novel oscillation of c-fos expression with an approximately 2-h periodicity appears in E6-expressing fibroblasts post-M1. Accompanying this shift at M1 is a dramatic change in the ability to divide in low serum. Before M1, E6-expressing fibroblasts growth arrest in 0.3% serum, although they continue dividing under those conditions post-M1. These results demonstrate the unique physiology of fibroblasts during the extended lifespan between M1 and M2 and suggest that p53 might participate in the process that represses the c-fos gene at the onset of cellular senescence.  相似文献   
The protozoan parasite Leishmania is a folate and pterin auxotroph. The main biopterin transporter (BT1) and pterin reductase (PTR1) have already been characterized in Leishmania. In this study, we have succeeded in generating a BT1 and PTR1 null mutant in the same Leishmania tarentolae strain. These cells are viable with growth properties indistinguishable from wildtype cells. However, in response to the inactivation of BT1 and PTR1, at least one of the folate transporter genes was deleted, and the level of the folylpolyglutamate synthetase activity was increased, leading to increased polyglutamylation of both folate and methotrexate (MTX). Secondary events following gene inactivation should be considered when analyzing a phenotype in Leishmania. The BT1/PTR1 null mutant is hypersensitive to MTX, but in a step-by-step fashion, we could induce resistance to MTX in these cells. Several resistance mechanisms were found to co-exist including a reduced folate and MTX accumulation, demonstrating that cells with no measurable biopterin uptake but also greatly reduced folate uptake are viable, despite their auxotrophy for each of these substrates. The resistant cells have also amplified the gene coding for the MTX target dihydrofolate reductase. Finally, we found a marked reduction in MTX polyglutamylation in resistant cells. These studies further highlight the formidable ability of Leishmania cells to bypass the blockage of key metabolic pathways.  相似文献   
Ovarian granulosa cells arecoupled via gap junctions containing connexin43 (Cx43 or -1connexin). In the absence of Cx43, granulosa cells stop growing in anearly preantral stage. However, the fact that granulosa cells of maturefollicles express multiple connexins complicated interpretation of thisfinding. The present experiments were designed to clarify the role ofCx43 vs. these other connexins in the earliest stages offolliculogenesis. Dye injection experiments revealed that granulosacells from Cx43 knockout follicles are not coupled, and this wasconfirmed by ionic current injections. Furthermore, electron microscopyrevealed that gap junctions are extremely rare in mutant granulosacells. In contrast, mutant granulosa cells were able to form gapjunctions with wild-type granulosa cells in a dye preloading assay. Itwas concluded that mutant granulosa cells contain a population of connexons, composed of an unidentified connexin, that do not normally contribute to gap junctions. Therefore, although Cx43 is not the onlygap junction protein present in granulosa cells of early preantralfollicles, it is the only one that makes a significant contribution tointercellular coupling.

Paneth cells secrete alpha-defensins into the lumen from the base of small intestinal crypts, and cryptdin-4 (Crp4) is the most potent mouse alpha-defensin in vitro. Purified recombinant Crp4 and Crp4 variants with (des-Gly)-, (Gly1Val)-, (Gly1Asp)-, and (Gly1Arg)-substitutions were all bactericidal with Crp4 and (Gly1Arg)-Crp4 being slightly more active than other variants. Bactericidal activities correlated directly with permeabilization of live Escherichia coli, with equilibrium binding to E. coli membrane phospholipid bilayers and vesicles, and with induced graded fluorophore leakage from phospholipid vesicles. The Crp4 peptide N-terminus affects bactericidal activity modestly, apparently by influencing peptide binding to phospholipid bilayers and subsequent permeabilization of target cell membranes.  相似文献   
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