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In several asexual taxa, reproduction requires mating with related sexual species to stimulate egg development, even though genetic material is not incorporated from the sexuals (gynogenesis). In cases in which gynogens do not invest in male function, they can potentially have a twofold competitive advantage over sexuals because the asexuals avoid the cost of producing males. If unmitigated, however, the competitive success of the asexuals would ultimately lead to their own demise, following the extinction of the sexual species that stimulate egg development. We have studied a model of mate choice among sexual individuals and asexual gynogens, where males of the sexual species preferentially mate with sexual females over gynogenetic females, to determine if such mating preferences can stably maintain both gynogenetic and sexual individuals within a community. Our model shows that stable coexistence of gynogens and their sexual hosts can occur when there is variation among males in the degree of preference for mating with sexual females and when pickier males pay a higher cost of preference.  相似文献   
This paper presents an uncomplicated approach to improve estimates of groundwater nutrient load to a marine embayment. A two-dimensional chemical profile of shallow groundwater was analysed in a sandy beach in three seasons (early summer, late summer and mid winter) and an adjusted estimate of groundwater nutrient discharge was derived that accounts for a complex biogeochemical environment and non-conservative behaviour of nutrients in the pre-discharge beach groundwater. The study was conducted at Cockburn Sound, Western Australia, where there has been significant groundwater contamination and associated marine ecological degradation. Losses in nitrogen and increases in phosphorus were observed along the discharge pathway beyond that expected from mixing with marine water, and the changes were attributed to chemically and biologically mediated reactions. A slow groundwater velocity (0.14–0.18 m day?1), high organic carbon (TOC = 0.35–4.9 mmol l?1, DOC = 0.28–4.6 mmol l?1) and low to sub-oxic conditions (DO = 0.4–24% saturation) were deemed suitable for chemically and biologically mediated reactions to occur and subsequently alter regional estimates of groundwater nutrient concentration. Accounting for this environment, groundwater loads were calculated that were 1–2 orders of magnitude less than previous regional-based estimates: 0.4–13 kg NO x ?  day?1, 0.2–24 kg NH4 + day?1 and 0.004–0.8 kg FRP day?1. This paper applies knowledge of recent research and presents scope to marine managers or modellers to account for groundwater inputs to the marine environment.  相似文献   
Biological homogenization is defined as a process that occurs when native species are replaced by common and dominant exotic species or due to depletion and expansion of native species, reducing the beta diversity between areas or habitats. Islands are particularly vulnerable to plant invasion, and as a consequence, homogenization is a process that can become faster and more intense in islands than in continental areas. We recorded vascular plant species composition in roadside communities along a strong altitudinal gradient using plots beside the road and at two distances from the road (0–50 and 50–100 m). We analyzed the results separately for each group of plots with a Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) including and excluding exotic species. The results revealed that where exotic species were most abundant, i.e., at the road edge, they can create an effect of floristic homogenization where three similar roads are compared. At a distance of >50 m from the road, where exotic species are less frequent, this effect has already disappeared, indicating that it is a local phenomenon, closely related to the highly disturbed roadside environment. Furthermore, floristic homogenization seems to be more important at higher altitudes (>1000 m), probably related to higher diversity in native plant communities and lower levels of human disturbances. Roads allow humans to reach relatively remote and sometimes well-conserved areas, and, at the same time, facilitate the spread of exotic plants and the most common native species which can locally create floristic homogenization in roadside communities on this oceanic island. A deeper understanding of the effects of these anthropogenic corridors at the local and regional scales is therefore required to integrate road planning and management with the aim of conserving the value of the natural areas.  相似文献   
Oceanic islands have long been considered to be particularly vulnerable to biotic invasions, and much research has focused on invasive plants on oceanic islands. However, findings from individual islands have rarely been compared between islands within or between biogeographic regions. We present in this study the most comprehensive, standardized dataset to date on the global distribution of invasive plant species in natural areas of oceanic islands. We compiled lists of moderate (5–25% cover) and dominant (>25% cover) invasive plant species for 30 island groups from four oceanic regions (Atlantic, Caribbean, Pacific, and Western Indian Ocean). To assess consistency of plant behaviour across island groups, we also recorded present but not invasive species in each island group.We tested the importance of different factors discussed in the literature in predicting the number of invasive plant species per island group, including island area and isolation, habitat diversity, native species diversity, and human development. Further we investigated whether particular invasive species are consistently and predictably invasive across island archipelagos or whether island-specific factors are more important than species traits in explaining the invasion success of particular species.We found in total 383 non-native spermatophyte plants that were invasive in natural areas on at least one of the 30 studied island groups, with between 3 and 74 invaders per island group. Of these invaders about 50% (181 species) were dominants or co-dominants of a habitat in at least one island group. An extrapolation from species accumulation curves across the 30 island groups indicates that the total current flora of invasive plants on oceanic islands at latitudes between c. 35°N and 35°S may eventually consist of 500–800 spermatophyte species, with 250–350 of these being dominant invaders in at least one island group. The number of invaders per island group was well predicted by a combination of human development (measured by the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita), habitat diversity (number of habitat types), island age, and oceanic region (87% of variation explained). Island area, latitude, isolation from continents, number of present, non-native species with a known invasion history, and native species richness were not retained as significant factors in the multivariate models.Among 259 invaders present in at least five island groups, only 9 species were dominant invaders in at least 50% of island groups where they were present. Most species were invasive only in one to a few island groups although they were typically present in many more island groups. Consequently, similarity between island groups was low for invader floras but considerably higher for introduced (but not necessarily invasive) species – especially in pairs of island groups that are spatially close or similar in latitude. Hence, for invasive plants of natural areas, biotic homogenization among oceanic islands may be driven by the recurrent deliberate human introduction of the same species to different islands, while post-introduction processes during establishment and spread in natural areas tend to reduce similarity in invader composition between oceanic islands. We discuss a number of possible mechanisms, including time lags, propagule pressure, local biotic and abiotic factors, invader community assembly history, and genotypic differences that may explain the inconsistent performance of particular invasive species in different island groups.  相似文献   
Homologous recombination (HR) plays a critical role in facilitating replication fork progression when the polymerase complex encounters a blocking DNA lesion, and it also serves as the primary mechanism for error-free repair of DNA double strand breaks. Rad51 is the central catalyst of HR in all eukaryotes, and to this point studies of human Rad51 have focused exclusively on events occurring within the nucleus. However, substantial amounts of HR proteins exist in the cytoplasm, yet the function of these protein pools has not been addressed. Here, we provide the first demonstration that Rad51 and the related HR proteins Rad51C and Xrcc3 exist in human mitochondria. We show stress-induced increases in both the mitochondrial levels of each protein and, importantly, the physical interaction between Rad51 and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Depletion of Rad51, Rad51C, or Xrcc3 results in a dramatic decrease in mtDNA copy number as well as the complete suppression of a characteristic oxidative stress-induced copy number increase. Our results identify human mtDNA as a novel Rad51 substrate and reveal an important role for HR proteins in the maintenance of the human mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   
TCRs mediate CTL specificity, but TCRs recognizing the same epitope often differ between persons due to their stochastic derivation. The role of this variability in the pathogenesis of virus infections and malignancies has been technically difficult to study. We apply an adaptation of TCR spectratyping to study HIV-specific CTLs, defining the clonal breadth and sequences of epitope-specific TCRs from PBMCs without cellular sorting or molecular cloning. Examining 48 CTL responses in 12 persons reveals a mean of 4.5 ± 2.7 clones per response, of both public and private clonotypes. The number of identified epitope-specific TCRs correlates with CTL frequency across epitopes, suggesting that clonal breadth limits the magnitude of the CTL response against HIV-1 in vivo. HLA A- and B-restricted CTLs are similar in their TCR breadth in this small cohort, preliminarily suggesting that qualitative differences may account for their disparate impacts on pathogenesis. Overall, these findings demonstrate that the magnitude of the CTL response in chronic HIV-1 infection is constrained by TCR clonal breadth, suggesting maximal expansion of CTLs in response to chronic antigenic stimulation.  相似文献   
From bacteria to multicellular animals, most organisms exhibit declines in survivorship or reproductive performance with increasing age (“senescence”) [1],[2]. Evidence for senescence in clonal plants, however, is scant [3],[4]. During asexual growth, we expect that somatic mutations, which negatively impact sexual fitness, should accumulate and contribute to senescence, especially among long-lived clonal plants [5],[6]. We tested whether older clones of Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen) from natural stands in British Columbia exhibited significantly reduced reproductive performance. Coupling molecular-based estimates of clone age with male fertility data, we observed a significant decline in the average number of viable pollen grains per catkin per ramet with increasing clone age in trembling aspen. We found that mutations reduced relative male fertility in clonal aspen populations by about 5.8×10−5 to 1.6×10−3 per year, leading to an 8% reduction in the number of viable pollen grains, on average, among the clones studied. The probability that an aspen lineage ultimately goes extinct rises as its male sexual fitness declines, suggesting that even long-lived clonal organisms are vulnerable to senescence.  相似文献   
The first genome wide association study (GWAS) for childhood asthma identified a novel major susceptibility locus on chromosome 17q21 harboring the ORMDL3 gene, but the role of previous asthma candidate genes was not specifically analyzed in this GWAS. We systematically identified 89 SNPs in 14 candidate genes previously associated with asthma in >3 independent study populations. We re-genotyped 39 SNPs in these genes not covered by GWAS performed in 703 asthmatics and 658 reference children. Genotyping data were compared to imputation data derived from Illumina HumanHap300 chip genotyping. Results were combined to analyze 566 SNPs covering all 14 candidate gene loci. Genotyped polymorphisms in ADAM33, GSTP1 and VDR showed effects with p-values <0.0035 (corrected for multiple testing). Combining genotyping and imputation, polymorphisms in DPP10, EDN1, IL12B, IL13, IL4, IL4R and TNF showed associations at a significance level between p = 0.05 and p = 0.0035. These data indicate that (a) GWAS coverage is insufficient for many asthma candidate genes, (b) imputation based on these data is reliable but incomplete, and (c) SNPs in three previously identified asthma candidate genes replicate in our GWAS population with significance after correction for multiple testing in 14 genes.  相似文献   
Neurodegenerative diseases are often associated with misfolding and deposition of specific proteins in the nervous system. The prion protein, which is associated with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), is one of them. The normal function of the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) is mediated through specific signal transduction pathways and is linked to resistance to oxidative stress, neuronal outgrowth and cell survival. In TSEs, PrPC is converted into an abnormally folded isoform, called PrPSc, that may impair the normal function of the protein and/or generate toxic aggregates. To investigate these molecular events we performed a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis comparison of neuroblastoma N2a cells expressing different amounts of PrPC and eventually infected with the 22L prion strain. Mass spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprint analysis identified a series of proteins with modified expression. They included the chaperones Grp78/BiP, protein disulfide-isomerase A6, Grp75 and Hsp60 which had an opposite expression upon PrPC expression and PrPSc production. The detection of these proteins was coherent with the idea that protein misfolding plays an important role in TSEs. Other proteins, such as calreticulin, tubulin, vimentin or the laminin receptor had their expression modified in infected cells, which was reminiscent of previous results. Altogether our data provide molecular information linking PrP expression and misfolding, which could be the basis of further therapeutic and pathophysiological research in this field.Key words: chaperones, neuroblastoma, prion, proteomics  相似文献   
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