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Porcine diazepam-binding inhibitor (pDBI) is a novel peptide that has been isolated from the small bowel of the pig, and that occurs also in the islet D-cells. We have studied its effects on hormone release in vitro from the endocrine pancreas of the rat. In isolated islets, pDBI (10(-9)-10(-6)M) did not affect basal insulin release at 3.3 mM glucose, whereas stimulated release at 8.3 mM glucose was dose-dependently suppressed by 32-69% (P less than 0.01). Furthermore, insulin secretion stimulated by either 16.7 mM glucose or 1 mM IBMX (3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine) or 1 micrograms/ml glibenclamide was suppressed by pDBI at 10(-8) M (by 28-30%, P less than 0.05) and 10(-7) M (by 43-47%, P less than 0.01). In contrast, islet insulin secretion induced by 20 mM arginine was unaffected by these concentrations of pDBI. In the perfused rat pancreas, pDBI (10(-8) M) enhanced by 30% (P less than 0.05) the first phase (0-5 min) of arginine-stimulated insulin release, whereas the second phase (5-20 min) was unchanged. Moreover, pDBI suppressed by 28% (P less than 0.05) the second phase of arginine-induced glucagon release. Arginine-induced somatostatin release was not significantly affected by the peptide. Since pDBI immunoreactivity has been localized also to islet D-cells, the present results suggest that pDBI may act as a local modulator of islet hormone release.  相似文献   
The regulatory role of protons in hyphal tip growth was investigated by using membrane-permeant weak acids to acidify cytoplasm of the oomycete Saprolegnia ferax. Acetic acid decreased cytoplasmic pH from approximately pH 7.2 to 6.8, as shown by SNARF-1 measurements of cytoplasmic pH. Inhibition of growth in a dose-dependent manner by acetic, propionic, and isobutyric acid was accompanied by changes in positioning and morphology of mitochondria and nuclei, condensation of chromatin, disruptions in peripheral actin, and increases in hyphal diameter. These cellular alterations were fully reversible, and during recovery, major cytoplasmic movements and extensive apical vacuolations were observed. The results are consistent with proton regulation of the cytoskeleton, nuclear matrix, and/or chromosomes. However, a macroscopic cytoplasmic gradient of H+ in hyphae was not revealed by SNARF-1, indicating that if such a H+ gradient were required, it must occur at a finer level than we detected.  相似文献   
The presence of muscarinic receptors in islets of Langerhans was assessed by measurement of specific binding of [3H]methylscopolamine. Specific binding was defined as total binding minus binding obtained in the presence of 1000-fold or higher excess of unlabeled methylscopolamine. At 37 degrees C specific binding was significant after 1 min and plateaued after 10 min of incubation. Displacement of label by increasing concentrations of unlabeled methylscopolamine indicated a dissociation constant of 1.5 x 10(-12) M. Effects of methylscopolamine on insulin release were evaluated from the inhibitions of cholinergic-induced insulin release. 4 x 10(-10) M methylscopolamine inhibited acetylcholine (20 microM)-induced insulin release more than 60%. Binding was not influenced by the following variations during binding incubations: changing the glucose concentration from 0 to 8.3 mM, adding rotenon (1 microM) or omitting calcium from the incubation medium. Islets kept in tissue culture exhibited higher binding when cultured at 11.1 than at 3.3 mM glucose for 96 h. It is concluded that islets contain muscarinic receptors, the binding to which can be subject to alteration by the long-term glucose environment.  相似文献   
A subclone of rat pheochromocytoma cells expresses high affinity receptors for tetanus toxin on differentiation with NGF [Walton, K.M., Sandberg, K., Rogers, T.B. and Schnaar, R.L. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 2055–2063]. In the presence of protein cross-linking agents, [125I]tetanus toxin, bound to these cells at 0°C, forms a cross-linked product with apparent molecular weight of 120 kDa. The formation of [125I]tetanus toxin conjugate involves the heavy chain of the toxin, is prevented by cold toxin and it is largely reduced by pretreating cells with proteases, The cross-linked product is formed only upon incubation of the toxin with NGF-differentiated cells. These results suggest that a protein with apparent molecular weight of 20 kDa is involved in the neurospecific binding of tetanus toxin.  相似文献   


Stanniocalcins (STCs) represent small glycoprotein hormones, found in all vertebrates, which have been functionally implicated in Calcium homeostasis. However, recent data from mammalian systems indicated that they may be also involved in embryogenesis, tumorigenesis and in the context of the latter especially in angiogenesis. Human STC1 is a 247 amino acids protein with a predicted molecular mass of 27 kDa, but preliminary data suggested its di- or multimerization. The latter in conjunction with alternative splicing and/or post-translational modification gives rise to forms described as STC50 and "big STC", which molecular weights range from 56 to 135 kDa.  相似文献   
Abstract: The palaeohistological study of the calcified internal organ of Axelrodichthys araripensis Maisey, 1986, a coelacanthiform from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil (Crato (Aptian) and Santana (Albian) formations of the Araripe Basin), shows that the walls of this organ consist of osseous blades of variable thickness separated from each other by the matrix. This indicates that, in the living individuals, the walls were reinforced by ossified plates, probably separated by conjunctive tissue. This calcified sheath present in Axelrodichthys, as well as in other fossil coelacanths, lies in ventral position relative to the gut and its single anterior opening is located under the opercle, suggesting a direct connection with the pharynx or the oesophagus. The calcified organ of Axelrodichthys, like that of other fossil coelacanths, is here regarded as an ‘ossified lung’ and compared with the ‘fatty lung’ of the extant coelacanth Latimeria. The reinforcement of the pulmonary walls by the overlying osseous blades could be interpreted as a means of adapting volumetric changes in the manner of bellows, a necessary function for ventilation in pulmonary respiration. Other functional hypotheses such as hydrostatic and/or acoustic functions are also discussed.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation may strongly reduce individuals’ dispersal among resource patches and hence influence population distribution and persistence. We studied the impact of landscape heterogeneity on the dispersal of the golden‐crowned sifaka (Propithecus tattersalli), an endangered social lemur species living in a restricted and highly fragmented landscape. We combined spatial analysis and population genetics methods to describe population units and identify the environmental factors which best predict the rates and patterns of genetic differentiation within and between populations. We used non‐invasive methods to genotype 230 individuals at 13 microsatellites in all the main forest fragments of its entire distribution area. Our analyses suggest that the Manankolana River and geographical distance are the primary structuring factors, while a national road crossing the region does not seem to impede gene flow. Altogether, our results are in agreement with a limited influence of forest habitat connectivity on gene flow patterns (except for North of the species’ range), suggesting that dispersal is still possible today among most forest patches for this species. Within forest patches, we find that dispersal is mainly among neighbouring social groups, hence confirming previous behavioural observations.  相似文献   
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