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Physiological and electron microscope studies have shown that synapses are functionally and morphologically heterogeneous and that variations in size of synaptic junctions are related to characteristics such as release probability and density of postsynaptic AMPA receptors. The present article focuses on how these morphological variations impact synaptic transmission. We based our study on Monte Carlo computational simulations of simplified model synapses whose morphological features have been extracted from hundreds of actual synaptic junctions reconstructed by three-dimensional electron microscopy. We have examined the effects that parameters such as synaptic size or density of AMPA receptors have on the number of receptors that open after release of a single synaptic vesicle. Our results indicate that the maximum number of receptors that will open after the release of a single synaptic vesicle may show a ten-fold variation in the whole population of synapses. When individual synapses are considered, there is also a stochastical variability that is maximal in small synapses with low numbers of receptors. The number of postsynaptic receptors and the size of the synaptic junction are the most influential parameters, while the packing density of receptors or the concentration of extrasynaptic transporters have little or no influence on the opening of AMPA receptors.  相似文献   
What environmental variables determine riparian vegetation patterns? Are there differences between woody and herbaceous species? To answer these questions, we first explored the composition and richness patterns of both riparian woody and herbaceous species in a semi-arid mediterranean basin. Then, we assessed the environmental factors (climate, geology, topography, hydrogeomorphology and land use) that best explain these patterns. We used the following methodological approaches: clustering analyses, distance-based linear models, generalised linear models and hierarchical partitioning procedures. Valley shape, drought duration, river habitat heterogeneity, water conductivity and agricultural land use were the most important variables explaining variation in species composition for both groups. Woody riparian richness was mainly influenced by flow conditions and valley shape, whereas herbaceous one was more dependent on substrate features. Thus, although some differences in the importance of individual variables were observed, we found a notable congruence in the composition and species richness of both groups and also in the main types of variables explaining these patterns (hydrogeomorphology and land use, especially agriculture). Our results show that both communities could be treated in a holistic way, since they respond similarly to the strong natural and anthropogenic environmental gradients present in mediterranean basins.  相似文献   
Lutzomyia longipalpis s.l. is the primary vector of Leishmania (L.) infantum in the New World. In this study, male Lutzomyia longipalpis specimens from Posadas, Argentina were characterized for two polymorphic markers: the male sex pheromone and the period (per) gene. The male sex pheromone was identified as (S)-9-methylgermacrene-B, the same compound produced by Lu. longipalpis from Paraguay and many populations from Brazil. The analysis of per gene sequences revealed that the population from Argentina is significantly differentiated from previously studied Brazilian populations. Marker studies could contribute to the understanding of the distribution and spread of urban American visceral leishmaniasis, thus aiding in the design of regional surveillance and control strategies.  相似文献   


Studies on innate immunity have benefited from the introduction of zebrafish as a model system. Transgenic fish expressing fluorescent proteins in leukocyte populations allow direct, quantitative visualization of an inflammatory response in vivo. It has been proposed that this animal model can be used for high-throughput screens aimed at the identification of novel immunomodulatory lead compounds. However, current assays require invasive manipulation of fish individually, thus preventing high-content screening.  相似文献   
A number of unexpected reactions were observed during attempts to invert configuration at C16 in 16α,17α,22-triol 3a. The PDC oxidation of 3a produced the D-seco-aldehyde 4a. Analogous compound 4b was obtained by Swern oxidation of the 16α,17α-dihydroxy-22-O-TES-ether 3b in addition to the desired 16-ketone 7. The unprotected triol 3a yielded pentacyclic products 5 and 6 under similar conditions. The Mitsunobu reaction of the triol 3a afforded 16-ketone 8 with inverted configuration of the side chain. During heating of a solution of 3a in THF with NaH at reflux autoxidation to the 16-ketone cyclic hemiketal 5, identical to one of the Swern oxidation products, took place.  相似文献   
The biflavanone chamaejasmin has been isolated from the wood of Diphysa robinioides and its structure established by the spectral data of the biflavanone and its hexaacetyl derivative.  相似文献   
This work sets out to establish ecomorphological and phenomorphological patterns in the constituent flora of an Iberian Maytenus senegalensis plant community in order to relate it with or separate it from other types of Mediterranean vegetation. This plant community contains tall shrubs, scrubs, palms and vines of a variety of families. Typical ecomorphological adaptations to the Mediterranean climate were observed in the community studied: an abundance of thorny species or species with tomentose leaves and photosynthetic stems, small leaves and a high presence of species with organs capable of post-fire regeneration. However, the community also showed hybrid characteristics between scrubland (predominantly malacophyllous leaves lasting 9 months on average and low biomass) and tall shrubland communities (predominance of phanerophytes up to 3 m in height, predominantly smooth bark, periodical reposition of leaves, mean lifespan of plants 25 years and mainly fleshy fruit). The community also presents an outstanding quantity of amphiphytes (29%). From a phenological point of view, the formation of buds in winter, flowering in spring, summer–autumn seed dispersal and leaf shedding in summer are typical of other Mediterranean communities, while fructification and growth lasting three seasons, as in the case of Maytenus shrubland, is not. The RVA phenophasic index (balance between reproductive and vegetative phenophases) with values of 0.4–2 shows an intermediate value between typical shrubland (0.3–1) and forest community (1–2) values. The APC index (period of phenophasic activity of the community) differentiates it from others, since it remains at 100% for seven months, three of which are winter months. Phenophasic patterns (overlapping, or not, of flower bud formation, flowering and growth) show how similar M. senegalensis shrubland is to forests because of the absence of phenophase pattern type A (characteristic in open-scrublands); in addition, we have detected a new pattern (type G), still regarded as exclusive to M. senegalensis. As regards the existence of coenomorphs (group of species with similar morpho-functional strategies), the studied community showed much greater diversity than other communities studied to date, with an Strategies Richness index (SRi) of 0.79 (11 groups covering the 14 species existing), pointing to the co-existence of a great variety of eco-phenomorphological strategies, each with a successful response to the same ecological conditions. Finally, some of the species in the community, e.g. Asparagus horridus, Chamaerops humilis and M. senegalensis, stand out because of their unique ecomorphological and phenological characteristics.  相似文献   
Roost switching is a common occurrence in bats, yet the causes and consequences of such behavior are poorly understood. In this study we explore the ecological correlates of roost fidelity in the tent‐making bat Artibeus watsoni, particularly focusing on the effect of sex, reproductive status, and roost availability using a three‐factor general linear model (GLM). We estimated roost fidelity of radio‐tracked individuals and found that the GLM was significant (R2 = 0.72, F10,34 = 8.91, p < 0.001). Significant interaction terms were observed for relative roost availability and sex (F4,34 = 16.96, p < 0.001), and relative roost availability and reproductive status (F6,34 = 7.62, p < 0.001), indicating that variation in roost fidelity among males and females, and among individuals under different breeding conditions, depended on relative roost availability at the site where they were radio‐tracked. Individuals in areas of high roost availability exhibited lower roost fidelity than those sampled in areas of lower roost availability. Females exhibited less roost fidelity than males for all roost availability categories, but the difference between males and females was only significant at high roost availability. The general pattern of decreased roost fidelity as roost availability increased was also prevalent among individuals in different breeding conditions. Additionally, satellite males exhibited higher roost fidelity than resident males in areas of low roost availability, and lactating females had higher roost fidelity than non‐breeding females in areas of medium roost availability. Our study thus demonstrates that sex, reproductive status, and roost availability all affect roost fidelity in the tent‐making bat A. watsoni, and also suggests that roost availability is the most important factor influencing roost fidelity in this bat, providing the first quantitative evidence that roost fidelity is correlated with roost abundance in a single species.  相似文献   
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