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Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) is an acylated protein which contains approximately 2 mol of ester-bound fatty acids. In this study, the amount and composition of fatty acids covalently bound to human myelin PLP were determined during development and in peroxisomal disorders. Palmitic, oleic, and stearic acids accounted for most of the PLP acyl chains. However, in contrast to PLP in other species, human PLP contains relatively more very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA). The fatty acid composition remained essentially unchanged between 1 day and 74 years of age. The total amount of fatty acid bound to PLP was not altered in any of the pathological cases examined. However, in the peroxisomal disorder adrenoleukodystrophy, the proportions of saturated and, to a lesser extent, monounsaturated VLCFA bound to PLP were increased at the expense of oleic acid. Smaller, but significant, changes were observed in adrenomyeloneuropathy. The reduction in the levels of oleic acid was also observed in two other peroxisomal disorders, the cerebrohepatorenal (Zellweger) syndrome and neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, as well as in the lysosomal disorder Krabbe globoid cell leukodystrophy. However, in these disorders, the decrease in oleic acid occurred at the expense of stearic acid, and not VLCFA. The results indicate that, although a characteristic PLP fatty acid pattern is normally maintained, changes in the acyl chain pool can ultimately be reflected in the fatty acid composition of the protein. The altered PLP-acyl chain pattern in peroxisomal disorders may contribute to the pathophysiology of these devastating disorders.  相似文献   
Extraction of whole lobes of normal rat liver with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) under N2 gives extracts which contain 5—10 μmol/l·O?2 (50-100 nmol·O?2 per 10 ml extract per 4 g liver; 1.25-2.50 nmol·O?2 per millilitre per gram liver). Evidence for ·O?2 in the extracts is given by: (1) electron spin resonance signals (ESR), (2) differential pulse polarography (DPP), (3) chemiluminescence (CL), and (4) nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT). All tests yield results identical with those obtained with authentic ·O?2. Extraction of ·O?2 is enhanced by tetrabutyl ammonium ion, and is maximal at 1-3 min. These results raise the possibility that substantial amounts of ·O?2 are normally sequestered in protective membranous sites in vivo.  相似文献   
Permanent preparations of air dried synovial fluids were prepared by staining calcium compounds with alizarin red S stain; each slide was coverslipped with Permount. Variables studied were: (a) concentration of the solution of alizarin red S, (b) pH of staining solution, (c) time of incubation in staining solution and aqueous and ethanolic content of staining solution. The staining effect of each solution was tested on calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate, calcium oxalate, apatite and monosodium urate (MSU). Of all the solutions, best results were obtained with 0.25% alizarin red S in 50% ethanol at pH 7.0 for 30 min. With this solution, the calcium-containing compounds were well stained. MSU did not stain and still preserved negative birefringence on polarizaton. Fixation of smears with ethanol served a double purpose: It fixed the slides without dissolving or removing MSU or the calcium compounds, yet it did dissolve five corticosteroids commonly used for intra-articular injection which may interfere with interpretation of compensated polarized light microscopy of synovial fluids.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of ovule position within the ovary on the probability of seed maturation, on seed weight, and on progeny performance in the outbreeding legume Phaseolus coccineus. Ovaries of P. coccineus possess six linearly arranged ovules (ovule position one = stylar end). We found that in both 1987 and 1988, ovule position had a significant effect on the probability of seed maturation under field conditions. In 1987, ovule positions one. two, and three had a higher probability of maturing seeds than the three most basal ovule positions. In 1988, the probability of producing a mature seed in ovule position one was more similar to the three most basal ovule positions than to ovule positions two and three. The position of the ovule in the ovary had no significant effect on seed weight in 1987, but it had a significant effect in 1988. Overall, seeds from ovule positions one, two, and three tended to produce heavier seeds than the three most basal ovule positions. The effects of ovule position on progeny performance were determined in a greenhouse and a field study. In the greenhouse study, we found no significant overall effect of the position of the ovule that produced the seed on progeny performance. In the field study, we did find a significant ovule position effect on several measures of reproductive performance as well as an overall effect on reproductive performance. In addition, we found a significant interaction between ovule position and number of seeds per fruit. Progeny from the stylar end of the fruit outperformed the progeny from the peduncular end in fruits containing many seeds, whereas there were no significant differences between progeny produced in the stylar and peduncular ends of fruits containing few seeds. Causes of position effects are unknown but hypotheses abound.  相似文献   
We have defined a new autosomal recessive disorder in patients stemming from a small community in northern Mexico. Diagnosable at birth, its major symptoms include brittle hair, mental retardation, and nail dysplasia. Structural hair abnormalities are seen by both light and electron microscopy. Hair cystine content is reduced while the copper/zinc ratio in hair is increased.  相似文献   
Intermediate Filaments of Schwann Cells   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
Abstract: Intermediate filaments were prepared from distal stumps of rabbit sciatic nerve 5 weeks after nerve section, at which time Schwann cells account for 85–90% of the cell area. A polypeptide of molecular weight 58,000 was the main component of this fraction. An antiserum raised in guinea pig against this polypeptide stained all cells present in the distal stump, as well as Schwann cells and 3T3 cells in culture. The identity of the molecular weight 58,000 polypeptide obtained from distal stumps with vimentin was proved with one and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate pol yacrylamide gel electrophoresis and with immunoautoradiography. It is concluded that the intermediate filament subunit of undifferentiated Schwann cells is vimentin. The possibility that Schwann cells in normal nerve may have another type of intermediate filament besides vimentin cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
Summary Transepithelial Li+ influx was studied in the isolated epithelium from abdominal skin ofRana catesbeiana. With Na+-Ringer's as inside medium and Li+-Ringer's as outside medium, the Li+ influx across the epithelium was 15.6 A/cm2. This influx was considerably reduced by removal of either Na+ or K+ from the inside bath or by the addition of ouabain or amiloride. Epithelial K+ or Na+ concentration was respectively lower in epithelia bathed in K+-free Ringer's or Na+-free Ringer's. In conditions of negligible Na+ transport, a 20mm Li+ gradient (outin) produced across the short-circuited epithelium a Li+ influx of 11.8 A/cm2 and a mean short-circuit current of 10.2 A/cm2. The same Li+ gradient in the opposite direction produced a Li+ outflux of only 1.9 A/cm2. With equal Li+ concentration (10.3 and 20.6mm) on both sides of the epithelium, plus Na+ in the inside solution only, a stable Li+-dependent short-circuit current was observed. Net Li+ movement (outin) was also indirectly determined in the presence of an opposing Li+ gradient. Although Li+ does not substitute for Na+ as an activator of the (Na++K+)-ATPase from frog skin epithelium, Li+ influx appears to be related to Na+–K+ pump activity. It is proposed that the permeability of the outer barrier to Na+ and Li+ is regulated by the electrical gradient produced by electrogenic Na+–K+ pumps located in the membrane of the deeper epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of core histones are important epigenetic determinants that correlate with functional chromatin states. However, despite multiple linker histone H1s PTMs have been identified, little is known about their genomic distribution and contribution to the epigenetic regulation of chromatin. Here, we address this question in Drosophila that encodes a single somatic linker histone, dH1. We previously reported that dH1 is dimethylated at K27 (dH1K27me2). Here, we show that dH1K27me2 is a major PTM of Drosophila heterochromatin. At mitosis, dH1K27me2 accumulates at pericentromeric heterochromatin, while, in interphase, it is also detected at intercalary heterochromatin. ChIPseq experiments show that >98% of dH1K27me2 enriched regions map to heterochromatic repetitive DNA elements, including transposable elements, simple DNA repeats and satellite DNAs. Moreover, expression of a mutated dH1K27A form, which impairs dH1K27me2, alters heterochromatin organization, upregulates expression of heterochromatic transposable elements and results in the accumulation of RNA:DNA hybrids (R-loops) in heterochromatin, without affecting H3K9 methylation and HP1a binding. The pattern of dH1K27me2 is H3K9 methylation independent, as it is equally detected in flies carrying a H3K9R mutation, and is not affected by depletion of Su(var)3–9, HP1a or Su(var)4–20. Altogether these results suggest that dH1K27me2 contributes to heterochromatin organization independently of H3K9 methylation.  相似文献   
The life cycles of plants and animals are changing around the world in line with the predictions originated from hypotheses concerning the impact of global warming and climate change on biological systems. Commonly, the search for ecological mechanisms behind the observed changes in bird phenology has focused on the analysis of climatic patterns from the species breeding grounds. However, the ecology of bird migration suggests that the spring arrival of long‐distance migrants (such as trans‐Saharan birds) is more likely to be influenced by climate conditions in wintering areas given their direct impact on the onset of migration and its progression. We tested this hypothesis by analysing the first arrival dates (FADs) of six trans‐Saharan migrants (cuckoo Cuculus canorus, swift Apus apus, hoopoe Upupa epops, swallow Hirundo rustica, house martin Delichon urbica and nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos), in a western Mediterranean area since from 1952 to 2003. By means of multiple regression analyses, FADs were analysed in relation to the monthly temperature and precipitation patterns of five African climatic regions south of the Sahara where species are thought to overwinter and from the European site from where FADs were collected. We obtained significant models for five species explaining 9–41% of the variation in FADs. The interpretation of the models suggests that: (1) The climate in wintering quarters, especially the precipitation, has a stronger influence on FADs than that in the species' potential European breeding grounds. (2) The accumulative effects of climate patterns prior to migration onset may be of considerable importance since those climate variables that served to summarize climate patterns 12 months prior to the onset of migration were selected by final models. (3) Temperature and precipitation in African regions are likely to affect departure decision in the species studied through their indirect effects on food availability and the build‐up of reserves for migration. Our results concerning the factors that affect the arrival times of trans‐Saharan migrants indicate that the effects of climate change are more complex than previously suggested, and that these effects might have an interacting impact on species ecology, for example by reversing ecological pressures during species' life cycles.  相似文献   
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