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Isogenic diploid and tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was studied with molecular markers to help understand why diploid performance and breeding behavior does not always predict that of tetraploids. In a previous study of partially heterozygous alfalfa genotypes, we detected a low correlation between yields of isogenic diploid (2x) and tetraploid (4x) single-cross progenies, and genetic distances were more highly correlated with yields of tetraploids than diploids. These differences may be related to the level of RFLP heterozygosity expected among progenies derived from heterozygous parents at the two ploidy levels. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationships among genetic distance, forage yield and heterozygosity in isogenic 2 x and 4 x alfalfa populations. Four diploid genotypes were chromosome doubled to produce corresponding isogenic autotetraploids, and these genotypes were mated in 4 × 4 diallels to produce 6 single-cross families at each ploidy level for field evaluation. Allele compositions of parents were determined at 33 RFLP loci by monitoring segregation of homologous restriction fragments among individuals within progenies, and these were used to estimate RFLP heterozygosity levels for all single-cross progenies at both ploidy levels. RFLP heterozygosity rankings were identical between progenies of isogenic diploid and tetraploid parents; but significant associations (P < 0.05) between estimated heterozygosity levels and forage yield were detected only at the tetraploid level. Since tetraploid families were nearly 25% more heterozygous than the corresponding diploid families, inconsistencies in the association between molecular marker diversity and forage yields of isogenic 2 x and 4 x single crosses may be due to recessive alleles that are expressed in diploids but masked in tetraploids. The gene action involved in heterosis may be the same at both ploidy levels; however, tetraploids benefit from greater complementary gene interactions than are possible for equivalent diploids. Present address: AgResearch Grasslands, New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute, Palmerston North, New Zealand  相似文献   
Annexin I is a member of a multigene family of Ca2+/phospholipid-binding proteins and a major substrate for the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor kinase, which has been implicated in membrane-related events along the endocytotic pathway, in particular in the sorting of internalized EGF receptors occurring in the multivesicular body. We analyzed in detail the intracellular distribution of this annexin by cell fractionation and immunoelectron microscopy. These studies used polyclonal as well as a set of species-specific monoclonal antibodies, whose epitopes were mapped to the lateral surface of the molecule next to a region thought to be involved in vesicle aggregation. Unexpectedly, the majority of annexin I was identified on early and not on multivesicular endosomes in a form that required micromolar levels of Ca2+ for the association. The specific cofractionation with early endosomes was also observed in transfected baby hamster kidney cells when the intracellular fate of ectopically expressed porcine annexin I was analyzed by using the species-specific monoclonal antibodies in Western blots of subcellular fractions. Interestingly, a truncation of the N-terminal 26, but not the N-terminal 13 residues of annexin I altered its intracellular distribution, shifting it from fractions containing early to those containing late and multivesicular endosomes. These findings underscore the regulatory importance of the N-terminal domain and provide evidence for an involvement of annexin I in early endocytotic processes.  相似文献   
Formation of planar phospholipid bilayers on solid and porous substrates by Langmuir-Blodgett transfer of monolayers from the air-water interface could be of much greater utility if the process were not irreproducible and poorly understood. To that end the energetics of transferring two phospholipid monolayers to a hydrophilic surface has been examined. An approximate mathematical relationship is formulated that relates the surface pressure of the precursor monolayers to the tension within the bilayer created. Data are presented that demonstrate that bilayer transfer can be carried out reproducibly even with refractory phospholipids such as phosphatidylcholine, but only over a very narrow range of precursor monolayer surface pressures. This range is related to the lysis tension of the bilayer. The morphology of films formed within and below the successful range of surface pressures are examined by fluorescence microscopy, and the observed features are discussed in terms of the relationship above. These results provide practical guidelines for successful formation of lipid bilayers on hydrophilic surfaces; these guidelines should prove useful for research into the properties of biomembranes and for development of bilayer-based biosensors.  相似文献   
The Coccinellidae is an economically important family within the Coleoptera. Some members are phytophagous pests, but many are beneficial predators and valuable biocontrol agents. This study investigates the morphology of the mandibles of adult Coccinellidae in relation to diet. Using scanning electron microscopy on 86 species of Coccinellidae, it was found that the morphology of the mandibles was dictated by the general feeding method, and could only be used to indicate a phytophagous, mycophagous or carnivorous diet. Phytophagous Coccinellidae of the subfamily Epilachninae had mandibles with denticulate apical teeth and setae for feeding on leaf material. The mandibles of the mycophagous Psylloborini had secondary teeth on the ventral apical tooth for collecting fungal spores. The mandibles of carnivorous Coccinellidae and Scymninae had either a bifid or unidentate apex. The unidentate mandible seemed to be restricted to coccidophagous species. Many species also had a mandibular groove along which prey body juices were conducted. Although mandible morphology could be related to the overall feeding method, there was no relationship between specific diet or food taxon and mandible shape. Mandible shape does not appear to be especially restricting for changes in diet either in the ecological sense or over evolutionary time. Mandible morphology is of limited use in determining diet and host specificity in Coccinellidae that are being selected as potential biocontrol agents.  相似文献   
Immunofluorescence microscopy using antibody against actin has been used to study the expression of microfilamentous material in cells of a cloned mouse 3T3 line during cytochalasin A (CA) induced cell contraction. A conspicuous modification of the structure of the microfilament bundles is observed. Actin containing rod-like elements can be visualized both by phase contrast and immunofluorescence microscopy. These actin containing rods are of rather defined length (approximate length 5 μm) and seem to be derived as subunits from the original microfilament bundles. In some cells the rods were in the same orientation as the microfilament bundles in control cells, whereas other cells showed scattered arrangements. The phenomenon suggests intrafibrillar periodical heterogeneity in the microfilament bundles.  相似文献   
Incubation of intact cells of Salmonella typhimurium with bilayer phospholipid vesicles results in significant transfer of vesicle lipids to the cells. The transfer requires Ca2+ or spermine, and is dependent on time, temperature, the concentration and composition of the vesicles, and the nature of the cellular lipopolysaccharide. The process results in bulk transfer of vesicle lipids to the cells rather than reciprocal molecular exchange between vesicles and the outer membrane. All components of mixed lipid vesicles, including cholesteryl oleate and lipopolysaccharide, are transferred to the cells in a ratio similar to that of the donor vesicles. The properties of the transfer process are consistent with direct fusion of vesicles with the outer membrane of the cell.  相似文献   
Measurements made on contraction latencies in Spirostomun suggest that mechanical stimulation causes contractions to be initiated by the release of small amounts of calcium from a store tightly coupled to the contractile apparatus. Contraction to electrical stimulation appears to result from the gross electrophoretic mobilization of large amounts of calcium from a loosely coupled store. Contraction latencies to mechanical stimulation were three milliseconds and were independent of stimulus strength, previous stimulation, and contraction probability. For 0.5-millisecond biphasic electrical stimulation the contraction latencies varied widely. Latencies to initial contractions were dependent on stimulus strength: from 1.0 milliseconds for a stimulus that caused a 100% probability of contraction to 2.0 milliseconds for a stimulus that caused a 10% probability of contraction. Latencies of contraction to electrical stimulation were also dependent upon previous stimulation, lengthening to over 300 milliseconds after ten minutes of stimulation. Initial contraction latencies were not affected by previous stimulation to the other (electrical or mechanical) stimulus modality. Repeated electrical stimulation also reduced the animal's resting length and slowed the rate of post contraction re-extension, whereas mechanical stimulation did not have these effects.  相似文献   
Treatment of stage 5 Xenopus embryos with the ionophore A23187 for only 10 min, in the absence of extracellular Mg2+ and Ca2+, causes cortical contractions and a high incidence of abnormal embryos during subsequent development. Cation analysis shows that divalent ions are not lost from the embryos, but that Ca2+ is redistributed within the subcellular fractions. Ca2+ is probably released from yolk platelets and/or pigment granules by the action of A23187, [Ca2+] rises in the cytosol, and the mitochondria attempt to take up this free Ca2+. The mitochondria concomitantly undergo characteristic ultrastructural transformations, changing towards energized-twisted and energized-zigzag conformations. A23187 allows these changes to be demonstrated in situ. Extracellular divalent cations (10(-4) M) interfere with this intracellular action of A23187. Intracellular accumulation of Na+ (by treatment with ouabain) or Li+ also causes abnormal development, probably by promoting a release of Ca2+ from the mitochondria. It is suggested (a) that all these treatments cause a rise in [Ca2+]i which interferes with normal, integrated cell division, so causing, in turn, abnormal embryogenesis, (b) that levels of [Ca2+]i are of importance in regulating cleavage, (c) that the mitochondria could well have a function in regulating [Ca2+]i during embryogenesis in Xenopus, and (d) that vegetalizing agents may well act by promoting a rise in [Ca2+]i in specific cells in the amphibian embryo.  相似文献   
Antibodies to different intermediate filament proteins can be used to distinguish cells of epithelial, mesenchymal, muscle, glial and neuronal origin. Antibodies to prekeratin which characterize cells of epithelial origin, and antibodies to vimentin which recognize cells of mesenchymal origin have been used to study twenty cases of breast carcinoma (sixteen infiltrating ductal carcinomas and four infiltrating intraductal carcinomas), two cases of cystic breast disease, two fibroadenomas and one case of benign cystosarcoma phylloides. The prekeratin and vimentin were detected using specific antibodies to these proteins by immunofluorescence microscopy using alcohol fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. In eighteen out of the twenty carcinomas the tumor cells were strongly and specifically stained by antibodies to prekeratin. DIfferent tumors gave different patterns of prekeratin staining. In contrast, when the same specimens were tested with the vimentin antibody, the tumor cells were unstained, and instead only the usual strong staining to fibroblasts and blood vessels in the stroma was observed. In cystic breast disease, fibroadenomas, and benign cystosarcoma phylloides, cells of epithelial origin were strongly stained by the prekeratin but not by the vimentin antibody.  相似文献   
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