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Antibodies to different intermediate filament proteins can be used to distinguish cells of epithelial, mesenchymal, muscle, glial and neuronal origin. Antibodies to prekeratin which characterize cells of epithelial origin, and antibodies to vimentin which recognize cells of mesenchymal origin have been used to study twenty cases of breast carcinoma (sixteen infiltrating ductal carcinomas and four infiltrating intraductal carcinomas), two cases of cystic breast disease, two fibroadenomas and one case of benign cystosarcoma phylloides. The prekeratin and vimentin were detected using specific antibodies to these proteins by immunofluorescence microscopy using alcohol fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. In eighteen out of the twenty carcinomas the tumor cells were strongly and specifically stained by antibodies to prekeratin. DIfferent tumors gave different patterns of prekeratin staining. In contrast, when the same specimens were tested with the vimentin antibody, the tumor cells were unstained, and instead only the usual strong staining to fibroblasts and blood vessels in the stroma was observed. In cystic breast disease, fibroadenomas, and benign cystosarcoma phylloides, cells of epithelial origin were strongly stained by the prekeratin but not by the vimentin antibody.  相似文献   
A collection of antibodies specific to different intermediate filament proteins were applied to frozen sections of adult rat brains. The relative distribution of these proteins was then studied using double label immunofluorescence microscopy. Antibodies specific to each of the neurofilament "triplet" proteins (of approximate molecular weight 68 K, 145 K and 200 K) stained exclusively neuronal structures. The distribution of these three antigens was in general identical, except that certain neurofilament populations such as those in the dendrites and cell bodies of pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, contained relatively little if any 200 K protein. Some neurone populations, such as the granule cells of the cerebellar cortex, could not be visualized by neurofilament antibodies, indicating that neurofilaments may not be essential for function of all neurones in vitro. Antibodies to GFA and vimentin stained an entirely different population of processes, none of which stained with any of the neurofilament antibodies. Vimentin antibody stained sheath material around the brain, a monolayer of ependymal cell bodies lining the ventricles, fibrous material associated within the choroid plexus, the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and the processes of cells in certain regions. GFA antibody stained a second layer of sheath material under the vimentin layer, and numerous processes visible throughout the brain. Some specific populations of GFA-positive processes proved to stain also with vimentin. These included the processes of Golgi "epithelial" cells (Bergmann glial fibres), those of certain astrocytes in bundles of myelinated fibers. In addition, some processes apparently derived from ependymal cells proved to stain for both vimentin and GFA, whilst other could only be reliably visualized by vimentin alone. These results are discussed in terms of the previously described morphological characteristics of the various cell types of the brain.  相似文献   
The display of the two distinct intermediate filament proteins, desmin and vimentin, in rat vascular smooth muscle tissue was studied by immunofluorescence microscopy on frozen sections of aorta and other blood vessels. Vascular smooth muscle cells present in these vessels always appeared rich in vimentin. However, staining of sections covering six distinct but contiguous parts of the aorta showed that the number of desmin containing cells was low distal to the truncus brachiocephalicus, but increases until in distal parts of the aorta and in the arteria iliaca communis almost all cells appear positive for desmin. Thus blood vessels show heterogeneity of intermediate filament expression not only in cross-section but can also display heterogeneity along their length. Muscular arteries such as the renal artery and the arteria femoralis, as well as arterioles and veins including the vena jugularis and the vena cava also contain desmin. Thus it may be that low numbers of desmin-positive cells are typical of elastic arteries, while muscular arteries and other blood vessels are characterized by large numbers of desmin-positive cells. We discuss whether desmin-positive and desmin-negative vascular smooth muscle cells may perform different functions and raise the possibility that desmin expression may coincide with the turn on of a specially regulated contractility program.  相似文献   
Loading and activity assays of the enzymes alpha-chymotrypsin, alpha-chymotrypsinogen, and glucose oxidase covalently bound to an activated carbon support are presented. The activated carbon support material was pretreated using either a radio-frequency oxygen plasma or an electrochemical oxidation to maximize the enzyme attachment. Cyanuric chloride or water-soluble carbodiimide linking reactions were used to covalently attach the enzymes to the carbon support. Discussion of the relative merits of each reaction scheme is presented.  相似文献   
Leukotriene D4 (LTD4) administered intravenously to anesthetized, spontaneously breathing guinea pigs elicited decreases in dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) and airway conductance (GAW) with a maximal response achieved at 0.5 min. Simultaneously, plasma levels of thromboxane metabolite, TxB2, and the prostacyclin metabolite, 6-keto-PGF, increased 10-fold over pre-LTD4 levels. Pretreatment of the guinea pigs with meclofenamic acid delayed the onset of the LTD4-induced bronchoconstriction, antagonized the magnitude of the decreases in Cdyn and GAW, and blocked the increase in plasma TxB2 and 6-keto-PGF levels. The thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, UK 37,248, suppressed the LTD4-induced bronchoconstriction, while it completely blocked TxB2 production without significantly affecting 6-keto-PGF. The SRS-A end organ antagonist, FPL 55712, blocked both the LTD4-induced bronchoconstriction and the production of the arachidonic acid metabolites. These results suggest that thromboxane A2 plays an important role in mediating part of the bronchoconstriction elicited by intravenously administered LTD4 in the guinea pig.  相似文献   
The rRNA N-glycosidase activities of the catalytically active A chains of the heterodimeric ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) ricin and abrin, the single-chain RIPs dianthin 30, dianthin 32, and the leaf and seed forms of pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) were assayed on E. coli ribosomes. All of the single-chain RIPs were active on E. coli ribosomes as judged by the release of a 243 nucleotide fragment from the 3′ end of 23S rRNA following aniline treatment of the RNA. In contrast, E. coli ribosomes were refractory to the A chains of ricin and abrin. The position of the modification of 23S rRNA by dianthin 32 was determined by primer extension and found to be A2660, which lies in a sequence that is highly conserved in all species.  相似文献   
Dynamics of the cytoskeleton of epidermal cells in situ and in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The cytoskeleton of primary tissue-culture cells from the epidermis of Xenopus laevis tadpoles was investigated by phase-contrast, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. The connection between the arrangement of different types of filaments and the mechanical properties of the epidermis is discussed. The bilayered epidermis attains stability from thick bundles of tonofilaments interconnecting the basal desmosomes. Twisting of tonofilaments around each other can explain the occurrence of elastic filamentous curls forming a meshwork braced between rows of small desmosomes in the apical region of the epidermis. Actin is arranged as a diffuse meshwork and sometimes forms bundles intermingling with tonofilament bundles. Surface membranes and rows of small desmosomes are delineated by actin and contain -actinin. Actin raises the tension for rounding and spreading of cells. Microtubules stabilize already well-developed lamellae.  相似文献   
Bean lectins     
Summary Single seeds of over 100 bean cultivars were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The cultivars could be classified into eight groups by virtue of their G2/albumin electrophoretic patterns: TG2, SG2, VG2, PrG2, BG2, MG2, PG2, and PiG2, The polypeptide compositions of these types were largely inter-related having particular polypeptides in common. It was possible to correlate the G2/albumin patterns with agglutinating activity of cow and rabbit blood cells as measured by the agglutination ratio (minimum concentration of extract required to agglutinate cow blood cells: minimum concentration of extract required to agglutinate rabbit blood cells). The active lectin polypeptides were identified by extracting lectins from agglutinated erythrocytes and by comparing the qualitative similarities and differences of the G2/albumin patterns and their agglutination activities. A reference catalogue of over 100 bean cultivars giving their phaseolin and G2/albumin electrophoretic patterns, and agglutination ratios is presented.  相似文献   
The developmental capacity of sheep oocytes cultured outside the follicle was greatly increased by the presence of high concentrations of gonadotrophins (10 micrograms/ml) in the medium. However, even under these conditions, the developmental capacity of the oocytes was only half that of oocytes cultured within the intact follicle. The presence of the cumulus was essential for development; nearly all denuded oocytes failed to undergo cleavage. Maturational changes in the oocyte involving increased amino acid uptake increased incorporation and specific changes in protein synthesis were inhibited by the follicle cells; this suppression was alleviated by gonadotrophic hormones. The cumulus cells suppressed amino acid incorporation and, to some extent, the changes in protein synthesis. However, the suppression of amino acid uptake required the presence of the whole follicle. Patterns of protein synthesis by oocytes cultured outside the follicle differed from those in oocytes cultured within the follicle, irrespective of the presence of the cumulus or gonadotrophins. Analysis of single oocytes cultured outside the follicle showed that the protein profiles varied markedly even under identical culture conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Rhododendrons were grown in containers for a period of six and a half years (six growth cycles) in soil mixes which contained liberal amounts of either CaCO3, Ca(OH)2 or CaSO4.No evidence was obtained to suggest that the plants were sensitive to liming of the soil or to excessive applications of calcium. The only reaction observed was a leaf chlorosis and veinal necrosis which developed for a brief period following the heavy application of CaSO4 in the fifth season. The application of Ca(OH)2 raised the pH throughout the soil profile to over 7, and CaSO4 induced a consistent increase in leaf calcium.  相似文献   
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