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Forty-five populations of Pentanema corresponding to seven species included in the Pentanema conyzae clade have been studied using AFLP fingerprinting. The results show that allopolyploidization could have been involved in the diversification of this group, specifically in species P. langeanum and P. maletii. Molecular data confirm the presence of P. britannicum in the Iberian Peninsula and key steps are provided to identify the species that are morphologically the most challenging.  相似文献   
The taxonomic diversity (TD) of tropical flora and fauna tends to increase during secondary succession. This increase may be accompanied by changes in functional diversity (FD), although the relationship between TD and FD is not well understood. To explore this relationship, we examined the correlations between the TD and FD of ants and forest age in secondary forests at the α‐ and β‐diversity levels using single‐ and multi‐trait‐based approaches. Our objectives were to understand ant diversity patterns and to evaluate the role of secondary forests in the conservation of biodiversity and in the resilience of tropical forests. Ant assemblages were sampled across a chronosequence in the Lacandon region, Mexico. All species were characterized according to 12 functional ecomorphological traits relevant to their feeding behavior. We found that TD and FD were related to forest age at the alpha level, but not at the beta level. α‐functional richness and divergence increased linearly with species richness and diversity, respectively. Also, the relationship between taxonomic and functional turnover was linear and positive. Our results indicated that functional traits were complementary across the chronosequence. The increase in FD was mainly driven by the addition of rare species with relevant traits. The older secondary forests did not recover all of the functions of old growth forest but did show a tendency to recovery. Because older successional stages support more TD and FD, we suggest developing agriculture and forestry management practices that facilitate rapid post‐agricultural succession and thereby better preserve the functionality of tropical forests.  相似文献   
The KEGG Orthology (KO) database was tested as a source for automated annotation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs). We used a control experiment where every EST was assigned to its cognate protein, and an annotation experiment where the ESTs were annotated by proteins from other organisms. Analyzing the results, we could assign classes to the annotation: correct, changed and speculated. The correct annotation ranged from 57 (Caenorhabditis elegans) to 81% (Homo sapiens). In spite of the changed annotation being low (1 in H. sapiens to 9% in Arabidopsis thaliana), the speculation was very high (18 in H. sapiens to 38% in C. elegans). We propose eliminating part of the speculated annotation using the KEGG Genes database to enrich KO clusters, decreasing the speculation from 38 to 2% in C. elegans. Thus, the KO database still demands some effort for moving sequences from Kegg GENES to KO, to complement the annotation performance.  相似文献   
Increases in seawater temperature are expected to have negative consequences for marine organisms. Beyond individual effects, species‐specific differences in thermal tolerance are predicted to modify species interactions and increase the strength of top‐down effects, particularly in plant–herbivore interactions. Shifts in trophic interactions will be especially important when affecting habitat‐forming species such as seagrasses, as the consequences on their abundance will cascade throughout the food web. Seagrasses are a major component of coastal ecosystems offering important ecosystem services, but are threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors, including warming. The mechanistic understanding of seagrass responses to warming at multiple scales of organization remains largely unexplored, especially in early‐life stages such as seedlings. Yet, these early‐life stages are critical for seagrass expansion processes and adaptation to climate change. In this study, we determined the effects of a 3 month experimental exposure to present and predicted mean summer SST of the Mediterranean Sea (25°C, 27°C, and 29°C) on the photophysiology, size, and ecology (i.e., plant‐herbivore interactions) of seedlings of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Warming resulted in increased mortality, leaf necrosis, and respiration as well as lower carbohydrate reserves in the seed, the main storage organ in seedlings. Aboveground biomass and root growth were also limited with warming, which could hamper seedling establishment success. Furthermore, warming increased the susceptibility to consumption by grazers, likely due to lower leaf fiber content and thickness. Our results indicate that warming will negatively affect seagrass seedlings through multiple direct and indirect pathways: increased stress, reduced establishment potential, lower storage of carbohydrate reserves, and increased susceptibly to consumption. This work provides a significant step forward in understanding the major mechanisms that will drive the capacity of seagrass seedlings to adapt and survive to warming, highlighting the potential additive effects that herbivory will have on ultimately determining seedling success.  相似文献   
Molecular drift of the bride of sevenless (boss) gene in Drosophila   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
DNA sequences were determined for three to five alleles of the bride-of- sevenless (boss) gene in each of four species of Drosophila. The product of boss is a transmembrane receptor for a ligand coded by the sevenless gene that triggers differentiation of the R7 photoreceptor cell in the compound eye. Population parameters affecting the rate and pattern of molecular evolution of boss were estimated from the multinomial configurations of nucleotide polymorphisms of synonymous codons. The time of divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans was estimated as approximately 1 Myr, that between D. teissieri and D. yakuba as approximately 0.75 Myr, and that between the two pairs of sibling species as approximately 2 Myr. (The boss genes themselves have estimated divergence times approximately 50% greater than the species divergence times.) The effective size of the species was estimated as approximately 5 x 10(6), and the average mutation rate was estimated as 1-2 x 10(-9)/nucleotide/generation. The ratio of amino acid polymorphisms within species to fixed differences between species suggests that approximately 25% of all possible single-step amino acid replacements in the boss gene product may be selectively neutral or nearly neutral. The data also imply that random genetic drift has been responsible for virtually all of the observed differences in the portion of the boss gene analyzed among the four species.   相似文献   

Background and aims

Tacrolimus (Tac) is an immunosuppressive drug widely used to avoid organ rejection. New-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) is a major complication among transplanted patients who receive Tac. The increased risk for NODAT could be partly mediated by the effect of Tac on mitochondria from pancreatic beta-cells. Common and rare mitochondrial DNA variants have been linked to the risk of diabetes. Our aim was to determine whether mtDNA polymorphisms/haplogroups were associated with NODAT in Tac-treated kidney transplanted.


Seven polymorphisms that define the common European haplogroups were determined in 115 NODAT and 197 no-NODAT patients.


Haplogroup H was significantly more frequent in the NODAT group (50% vs. 35%; p = 0.01, OR = 1.82). There was no difference between patients without and with (n = 106) D2M prior to the transplant.


Mitochondrial haplogroup H was associated with the risk for NODAT among Tac-treated transplanted patients. The reported differences between the mtDNA variants could explain the increased NODAT-risk among H-patients.  相似文献   
Oligomeric forms of the acetylcholine receptor are directly visualized by electron microscopy in receptor-rich membranes from torpedo marmorata. The receptor structures are quantitatively correlated with the molecular species so far identified only after detergent solubilization, and further related to the polypeptide composition of the membranes and changes thereof. The structural identification is made possibly by the increased fragility of the membranes after extraction of nonreceptor peptides and their subsequent disruption upon drying onto hydrophilic carbon supports. Receptor particles in native membranes depleted of nonreceptor peptides appear as single units of 7-8 nm, and double and multiple aggregates thereof. Particle doublets having a main-axis diameter of 19 +/- 3 nm predominate in these membranes. Linear aggregates of particles similar to those observed in rotary replicas of quick-frozen fresh electrolytes (Heuser, J.E. and S. R. Salpeter. 1979, J. Cell Biol. 82: 150-173) are also present in the alkaline-extracted membranes. Chemical modifications of the thiol groups shift the distribution of structural species. Dithiothreitol reduction, which renders almost exclusively the 9S, monomeric receptor form, results in the observation of the 7-8 nm particle in isolated form. The proportion of doublets increases in membranes alkylated with N-ethylmaleimide. Treatment with 5,5’-dithiobis-(nitrobenzoic acid) increases the proportion of higher oligomeric species, and particle aggregates (n=oligo) predominate. The nonreceptor v-peptide (doublet of M(r) 43,000) appears to play a role in the receptor monomer-polymer equilibria. Receptor protein and v-peptide co-aggregate upon reduction and reoxidation of native membranes. In membranes protected ab initio with N- ethylmaleimide, only the receptor appears to self-aggregate. The v-peptide cannot be extracted from these alkylated membranes, though it is easily released from normal, subsequently alkylated or reduced membranes. A stabilization of the dimeric species by the nonreceptor v-peptide is suggested by these experiments. Monospecific antibodies against the v-peptide are used in conjunction with rhodamine- labeled anti-bodies in an indirect immunoflourescence assay to map the vectorial exposure of the v-peptide. When intact membranes, v-peptide depleted and “holey” native membranes (treated with 0.3 percent saponin) are compared, maximal labeling is obtained with the latter type of membranes, suggesting a predominantly cytoplasmic exposure of the antigenic determinants of the v-peptide in the membrane. The influence of the v-peptide in the thiol-dependent interconversions of the receptor protein and the putative topography of the peptide are analyzed in the light of the present results.  相似文献   
Glutamate is involved in gene expression regulation in neurons and glial cells through the activation of a diverse array of signaling cascades. In Bergmann glia, Ca2+-permeable α-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors become tyrosine phosphorylated after ligand binding and by these means form multiprotein signaling complexes. Of the various proteins that associate to these receptors, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K) deserves special attention since D3-phosphorylated phosphoinositides are docking molecules for signaling proteins with a pleckstrin homology domain. In order to characterize the role of PI-3K in AMPA receptors signaling, in the present report we analyze the involvement of the serine/threonine protein kinase B in this process. Our results demonstrate an augmentation in protein kinase B phosphorylation and activity after glutamate exposure. Interestingly, the effect is independent of Ca2+ influx, but sensitive to Src blockers. Our present findings broaden our current knowledge of glial glutamate receptors signaling and their involvement glutamatergic neurotransmission.Special issue dedicated to Miklós Palkovits.  相似文献   
Compared to other organisms, such as vascular plants or mosses, lichen‐forming fungi have a high number of species occurring in both northern and southern hemispheres but are largely absent from intermediate, tropical latitudes. For instance, ca. 160 Antarctic species also occur in polar areas or mountainous temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Early interpretations of this particular distribution pattern were made in terms of vicariance or long‐distance dispersal. However, it was not until the emergence of phylogenetics and the possibility of dating past diversification and colonization events that these initial hypotheses started to be evaluated. The premise of a relatively recent colonization of the southern hemisphere by boreal lichens through long‐distance dispersal has gained support in recent studies based on either the comparison of genetic affinities (i.e., tree topology) or more robust, statistical migratory models. Still, the scarcity of such studies and a concern that taxonomic concepts for bipolar lichens are often too broad preclude the generation of sound explanations on the mechanisms and origin of such fascinating disjunct distributions. This review provides an up‐to‐date overview of bipolar distributions in lichen‐forming fungi and their photobionts. Evidence provided by recent, molecular‐based studies as well as data on the type of lichen reproduction, dispersal ability, photobiont identity and availability, and habitat preferences are brought together to discuss how and when these distributions originated and their genetic footprints. Ideas for future prospects and research are also discussed.  相似文献   
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