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Pyrazinamide (PZA), an essential component of short-course anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy, was shown by Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR methods to act as a competitive inhibitor of NADPH binding to purified Mycobacterium tuberculosis fatty acid synthase I (FAS I). Both PZA and pyrazinoic acid (POA) reversibly bind to FAS I but at different binding sites. The competitive binding of PZA and NADPH suggests potential FAS I binding sites. POA was not previously known to have any specific binding interactions. The STD NMR of NADPH bound to the mycobacterial FAS I was consistent with the orientation reported in published single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of fungal FAS I. Overall the differences in binding between PZA and POA are consistent with previous recognition of the importance of intracellular accumulation of POA for anti-mycobacterial activity.  相似文献   
Scleractinian coral skeletons are made mainly of calcium carbonate in the form of aragonite. The mineral deposition occurs in a biological confined environment, but it is still a theme of discussion to what extent the calcification occurs under biological or environmental control. Hence, the shape, size and organization of skeletal crystals from the cellular level through the colony architecture, were attributed to factors as diverse as mineral supersaturation levels and organic mediation of crystal growth. The skeleton contains an intra-skeletal organic matrix (OM) of which only the water soluble component was chemically and physically characterized. In this work that OM from the skeleton of the Balanophyllia europaea, a solitary scleractinian coral endemic to the Mediterranean Sea, is studied in vitro with the aim of understanding its role in the mineralization of calcium carbonate. Mineralization of calcium carbonate was conducted by overgrowth experiments on coral skeleton and in calcium chloride solutions containing different ratios of water soluble and/or insoluble OM and of magnesium ions. The precipitates were characterized by diffractometric, spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. The results showed that both soluble and insoluble OM components influence calcium carbonate precipitation and that the effect is enhanced by their co-presence. The role of magnesium ions is also affected by the presence of the OM components. Thus, in vitro, OM influences calcium carbonate crystal morphology, aggregation and polymorphism as a function of its composition and of the content of magnesium ions in the precipitation media. This research, although does not resolve the controversy between environmental or biological control on the deposition of calcium carbonate in corals, sheds a light on the role of OM, which appears mediated by the presence of magnesium ions.  相似文献   
Increased meteorological drought intensity with rising atmospheric demand for water (hereafter vapor pressure deficit [VPD]) increases the risk of tree mortality and ecosystem dysfunction worldwide. Ecosystem-scale water-use strategy is increasingly recognized as a key factor in regulating drought-related ecosystem responses. However, the link between water-use strategy and ecosystem vulnerability to meteorological droughts is poorly established. Using the global flux observations, historic hydroclimatic data, remote-sensing products, and plant functional-trait archive, we identified potentially vulnerable ecosystems, examining how ecosystem water-use strategy, quantified by the percentage bias (δ) of the empirical canopy conductance sensitivity to VPD relative to the theoretical value, mediated ecosystem responses to droughts. We found that prevailing soil water availability substantially impacted δ in dryland regions where ecosystems with insufficient soil moisture usually showed conservative water-use strategy, while ecosystems in humid regions exhibited more pronounced climatic adaptability. Hyposensitive and hypersensitive ecosystems, classified based on δ falling below or above the theoretical sensitivity, respectively, achieved similar net ecosystem productivity during droughts, employing different structural and functional strategies. However, hyposensitive ecosystems, risking their hydraulic system with a permissive water-use strategy, were unable to recover from droughts as quickly as hypersensitive ones. Our findings highlight that processed-based models predicting current functions and future performance of vegetation should account for the greater vulnerability of hyposensitive ecosystems to intensifying atmospheric and soil droughts.  相似文献   
Energy liberation rate (E) during steady muscle shortening is a monotonic increasing or biphasic function of the shortening velocity (V). The study examines three plausible hypotheses for explaining the biphasic E-V relationship (EVR): 1) the cross-bridge (XB) turnover rate from non-force-generating (weak) to force-generating (strong) conformation decreases as V increases; 2) XB kinetics is determined by the number of strong XBs (XB-XB cooperativity); and 3) the affinity of troponin for calcium is modulated by the number of strong XBs (XB-Ca cooperativity). The relative role of the various energy-regulating mechanisms is not well defined. The hypotheses were tested by coupling calcium kinetics with XB cycling. All three hypotheses yield identical steady-state characteristics: 1) hyperbolic force-velocity relationship; 2) quasi-linear stiffness-force relationship; and 3) biphasic EVR, where E declines at high V due to decrease in the number of cycling XBs or in the weak-to-strong transition rate. The hypotheses differ in the ability to describe the existence of both monotonic and biphasic EVRs and in the effect of intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) on the EVR peak. Monotonic and biphasic EVRs with a shift in EVR peak to higher velocity at higher [Ca2+]i are obtained only by XB-Ca cooperativity. XB-XB cooperativity provides only biphasic EVRs. A direct effect of V on XB kinetics predicts that EVR peak is obtained at the same velocity independently of [Ca2+]i. The study predicts that measuring the dependence of the EVR on [Ca2+]i allows us to test the hypotheses and to identify the dominant energy-regulating mechanism. The established XB-XB and XB-Ca mechanisms provide alternative explanations to the various reported EVRs.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to elucidate death pathways in macrophages resulting from exposure to triacylglycerols (TG), mechanisms which may be relevant to the development of atherosclerosis. A commercial TG emulsion (lipid emulsion, LE; 0.1-1.5 mg lipids/ml) was added to J774.2 cells in culture. Within the first 24 h after TG treatment, cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were strongly elevated and basal caspase-3 activity was attenuated. In contrast, after 48 h, ROS production was arrested. TG-mediated ROS production was demonstrated to be via mitochondrial complex 1 of the electron-transfer chain since the inhibitor of complex 1 rotenone significantly attenuated the cellular ROS levels in TG-treated cells. The TG effect culminated in cell death, with no caspase-3 activation. We therefore evaluated the effect of TG on apoptotic cells showing high caspase activity. TG induced elevated ROS levels and suppressed caspase-3 in apoptotic cells pretreated for 24 h with cycloheximide. Dual staining with propidium iodide and Annexin V followed by flow cytometric analysis showed that TG facilitated cell death with clear necrotic characteristics. To elucidate whether the necrotic cell death process is indeed oxidant dependent, antioxidant protection was studied. Treatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) (0.5 mM), ascorbic acid (0.5 mM), and resveratrol (0.2 mM) protected against the TG lipotoxic effect, while, surprisingly, lipophilic antioxidants did not. The combination of NAC, ascorbic acid, and resveratrol, each at much lower concentrations, had a synergistic protective effect. In conclusion, we show here for the first time that exposure to TG can directly regulate lipotoxicity in macrophages by inducing mitochondria-mediated prolonged oxidative stress; this, in turn, can inactivate the apoptotic caspase system, resulting in necrotic cell death which can be prevented by specific antioxidants.  相似文献   


Possession of gas vesicles is generally considered to be advantageous to halophilic archaea: the vesicles are assumed to enable the cells to float, and thus reach high oxygen concentrations at the surface of the brine.


We studied the possible ecological advantage of gas vesicles in a dense community of flat square extremely halophilic archaea in the saltern crystallizer ponds of Eilat, Israel. We found that in this environment, the cells' content of gas vesicles was insufficient to provide positive buoyancy. Instead, sinking/floating velocities were too low to permit vertical redistribution.


The hypothesis that the gas vesicles enable the square archaea to float to the surface of the brines in which they live was not supported by experimental evidence. Presence of the vesicles, which are mainly located close to the cell periphery, may provide an advantage as they may aid the cells to position themselves parallel to the surface, thereby increasing the efficiency of light harvesting by the retinal pigments in the membrane.  相似文献   
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