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Birds – particularly long-lived species – have special adaptations for preventing tissue damage caused by reactive oxygen species. The objective of the present study was to analyse the fatty acid composition and non-enzymatic lipid peroxidation of mitochondria and microsomes obtained from liver, heart and brain of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), a short-lived bird. Fatty acids located in total lipids of rat liver, heart and brain mitochondria and microsomes were determined using gas chromatography and lipid peroxidation was evaluated using a chemiluminescence assay. The unsaturated fatty acid content found in mitochondria and microsomes of all tissue examined was approximately 50 and 40%, respectively with a prevalence of C18:1 n9. The C18:2 n6 content in brain mitochondria was significantly lower as compared to liver and heart mitochondria. Whereas the C20:4 n6 content in mitochondria from all tissues examined and brain microsomes was approximately 6%, liver and heart microsomes exhibited lower values. C22:6 n3 was absent in liver mitochondria, very low content in liver microsomes and heart organelles (between 0.5 and 1%) and high content in brain organelles, with mitochondria having the highest value (11%). Whereas liver and heart organelles were not affected when subjected to lipid peroxidation, brain mitochondria were highly affected, as indicated by the increase in chemiluminescence and a considerable decrease of C20:4 n6 and C22:6 n3. These results indicate that a low degree of fatty acid unsaturation in liver and heart organelles of quail, a short-lived bird, may confer advantage by decreasing their sensitivity to lipid peroxidation process.  相似文献   
Rhizomatosae is a taxonomic section of the South American genus Arachis, whose diagnostic character is the presence of rhizomes in all its species. This section is of particular evolutionary interest because it has three polyploid (A. pseudovillosa, A. nitida and A. glabrata, 2n?=?4x?=?40) and only one diploid (A. burkartii, 2n?=?2x?=?20) species. The phylogenetic relationships of these species as well as the polyploidy nature and the origin of the tetraploids are still controversial. The present study provides an exhaustive analysis of the karyotypes of all rhizomatous species and six closely related diploid species of the sections Erectoides and Procumbentes by cytogenetic mapping of DAPI/CMA heterochromatin bands and 5S and 18–26S rDNA loci. Chromosome banding showed variation in the DAPI heterochromatin distribution pattern, which, together with the number and distribution of rDNA loci, allowed the characterization of all species studied here. The bulk of chromosomal markers suggest that the three rhizomatous tetraploid species constitute a natural group and may have at least one common diploid ancestor. The cytogenetic data of the diploid species analyzed evidenced that the only rhizomatous diploid species—A. burkartii—has a karyotype pattern different from those of the rhizomatous tetraploids, showing that it is not likely the genome donor of the tetraploids and the non-monophyletic nature of the section Rhizomatosae. Thus, the tetraploid species should be excluded from the R genome, which should remain exclusively for A. burkartii. Instead, the karyotype features of these tetraploids are compatible with those of different species of the sections Erectoides and Procumbentes (E genome species), suggesting the hypothesis of multiple origins of these tetraploids. In addition, the polyploid nature and the group of diploid species closer to the tetraploids are discussed.  相似文献   
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified thousands of genetic variants that are associated with complex traits. However, a stringent significance threshold is required to identify robust genetic associations. Leveraging relevant auxiliary covariates has the potential to boost statistical power to exceed the significance threshold. Particularly, abundant pleiotropy and the non-random distribution of SNPs across various functional categories suggests that leveraging GWAS test statistics from related traits and/or functional genomic data may boost GWAS discovery. While type 1 error rate control has become standard in GWAS, control of the false discovery rate can be a more powerful approach. The conditional false discovery rate (cFDR) extends the standard FDR framework by conditioning on auxiliary data to call significant associations, but current implementations are restricted to auxiliary data satisfying specific parametric distributions, typically GWAS p-values for related traits. We relax these distributional assumptions, enabling an extension of the cFDR framework that supports auxiliary covariates from arbitrary continuous distributions (“Flexible cFDR”). Our method can be applied iteratively, thereby supporting multi-dimensional covariate data. Through simulations we show that Flexible cFDR increases sensitivity whilst controlling FDR after one or several iterations. We further demonstrate its practical potential through application to an asthma GWAS, leveraging various functional genomic data to find additional genetic associations for asthma, which we validate in the larger, independent, UK Biobank data resource.  相似文献   
Urbanization is a severe form of habitat fragmentation that can cause many species to be locally extirpated and many others to become trapped and isolated within an urban matrix. The role of drift in reducing genetic diversity and increasing genetic differentiation is well recognized in urban populations. However, explicit incorporation and analysis of the demographic and temporal factors promoting drift in urban environments are poorly studied. Here, we genotyped 15 microsatellites in 320 fire salamanders from the historical city of Oviedo (Est. 8th century) to assess the effects of time since isolation, demographic history (historical effective population size; Ne) and patch size on genetic diversity, population structure and contemporary Ne. Our results indicate that urban populations of fire salamanders are highly differentiated, most likely due to the recent Ne declines, as calculated in coalescence analyses, concomitant with the urban development of Oviedo. However, urbanization only caused a small loss of genetic diversity. Regression modelling showed that patch size was positively associated with contemporary Ne, while we found only moderate support for the effects of demographic history when excluding populations with unresolved history. This highlights the interplay between different factors in determining current genetic diversity and structure. Overall, the results of our study on urban populations of fire salamanders provide some of the very first insights into the mechanisms affecting changes in genetic diversity and population differentiation via drift in urban environments, a crucial subject in a world where increasing urbanization is forecasted.  相似文献   
Viral contamination of mammalian cell cultures in GMP manufacturing facility represents a serious safety threat to biopharmaceutical industry. Such adverse events usually require facility shutdown for cleaning/decontamination, and thus result in significant loss of production and/or delay of product development. High temperature short time (HTST) treatment of culture media has been considered as an effective method to protect GMP facilities from viral contaminations. Log reduction factor (LRF) has been commonly used to measure the effectiveness of HTST treatment for viral inactivation. However, in order to prevent viral contaminations, HTST treatment must inactivate all infectious viruses (100%) in the medium batch since a single virus is sufficient to cause contamination. Therefore, LRF may not be the most appropriate indicator for measuring the effectiveness of HTST in preventing viral contaminations. We report here the use of the probability to achieve complete (100%) virus inactivation to assess the effectiveness of HTST treatment. By using mouse minute virus (MMV) as a model virus, we have demonstrated that the effectiveness of HTST treatment highly depends upon the level of viral contaminants in addition to treatment temperature and duration. We believe that the statistical method described in this report can provide more accurate information about the power and potential limitation of technologies such as HTST in our shared quest to mitigate the risk of viral contamination in manufacturing facilities.  相似文献   
We have purified and characterized pig and bovine milk lactadherins. Studies by circular dichroism spectroscopy indicate that the two proteins present a similar folding pattern. Results have been discussed in terms of their affinity for pig zona pellucida in order to use these proteins as analogs of pig sperm lactadherin in gamete studies.  相似文献   
Because large species ingest proportionally less food than small ones, it may be predicted that they should incorporate relatively fewer carotenoids to a proportionally equal volume of blood. However, some species may increase their levels of circulating carotenoids by ingesting unusual food. We tested whether the plasma concentration of carotenoids scales to the three‐quarter power of mass in nine predatory and scavenger raptor species. No significant allometric relationships were found due to the unusually high concentrations of carotenoids in the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus and the Andean condor Vultur gryphus. To assess whether these two species deviate from the allometric rule through the exploitation of unusual sources of carotenoids, or due to a physiological adaptation to improve the uptake of carotenoids, we determined allometric patterns in individuals of these two species kept in captivity with an exclusive diet of flesh. Our results provided support for the allometric rule because the slope of the allometric equation did not differ from a three‐quarter exponent when carotenoid levels of the two outliers were replaced by those of captive birds. This adjustment to the allometric rule suggests a lack of any physiological adaptation to improve the uptake of the low concentrations of carotenoids contained in flesh. Differences between species in carotenoid incorporation into the bloodstream may be ultimately due to contrasting evolutionary history, physiology and associated colour‐signalling strategies, but proximately due to the acquisition of these micronutrients from both usual and unusual dietary sources.  相似文献   
Porolithon is one of the most ecologically important genera of tropical and subtropical crustose (non-geniculate) coralline algae growing abundantly along the shallow margins of coral reefs and functioning to cement reef frameworks. Thalli of branched, fruticose Porolithon specimens from the Indo-Pacific Ocean traditionally have been called P. gardineri, while massive, columnar forms have been called P. craspedium. Sequence comparisons of the rbcL gene both from type specimens of P. gardineri and P. craspedium and from field-collected specimens demonstrate that neither species is present in east Australia and instead resolve into four unique genetic lineages. Porolithon howensis sp. nov. forms columnar protuberances and loosely attached margins and occurs predominantly at Lord Howe Island; P. lobulatum sp. nov. has fruticose to clavate forms and free margins that are lobed and occurs in the Coral Sea and on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR); P. parvulum sp. nov. has short (<2 cm), unbranched protuberances and attached margins and is restricted to the central and southern GBR; and P. pinnaculum sp. nov. has a mountain-like, columnar morphology and occurs on oceanic Coral Sea reefs. A rbcL gene sequence of the isotype of P. castellum demonstrates it is a different species from other columnar species. In addition to the diagnostic rbcL and psbA marker sequences, the four new species may be distinguished by a combination of features including thallus growth form, margin shape (attached or unattached), and medullary system (coaxial or plumose). Porolithon species, because of their ecological importance and sensitivity to ocean acidification, need urgent documentation of their taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, the uptake and phosphorylation of glucose is carried out mainly by the phosphotransferase system (PTS). Despite the efficiency of glucose transport by PTS, the required consumption of 1 mol of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) for each mol of internalized glucose represents a drawback for some biotechnological applications where PEP is a precursor of the desired product. For this reason, there is considerable interest in the generation of strains that can transport glucose efficiently by a non-PTS mechanism. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of different gene expression levels, of galactose permease (GalP) and glucokinase (Glk), on glucose internalization and phosphorylation in a E. coli PTS(-) strain. The W3110 PTS(-), designated VH32, showed limited growth on glucose with a specific growth rate (mu) of 0.03 h(-1). A low copy plasmid family was constructed containing E. coli galP and glk genes, individually or combined, under the control of a trc-derived promoter set. This plasmid family was used to transform the VH32 strain, each plasmid having different levels of expression of galP and glk. Experiments in minimal medium with glucose showed that expression of only galP under the control of a wild-type trc promoter resulted in a mu of 0.55 h(-1), corresponding to 89% of the mu measured for W3110 (0.62 h(-1)). In contrast, no increase in specific growth rate (mu) was observed in VH32 with a plasmid expressing only glk from the same promoter. Strains transformed with part of the plasmid family, containing both galP and glk genes, showed a mu value similar to that of W3110. Fermentor experiments with the VH32 strain harboring plasmids pv1Glk1GalP, pv4Glk5GalP, and pv5Glk5GalP showed that specific acetate productivity was twofold higher than in W3110. Introduction of plasmid pLOI1594, coding for pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase from Zymomonas mobilis, to strain VH32 carrying one of the plasmids with galP and glk caused a twofold increase in ethanol productivity over strain W3110, also containing pLOI1594.  相似文献   
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