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Plusquellec, Y., Lafuste, J. & Webb, G. E. 1990 10 15: Organisation de type tétracoralliaire des rides septales de Palaeacis (Cnidaria, Carbonifére). Lethaia, Vol. 23, pp. 385–397. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164. Precedemment signalée chez Kerforneidictyum (Pleurodictyforme dévonien), la rare disposition des rides septales suivant un mode tétracoralliaire est décrite chez un Palaeack sp. du Viséen d'Algérie et chez P. cuneiformis subsp. A du Viseen d'Australie. Chez Palaeacis sp. sont mises en evidence une ride septale cardinale forte en position externe opposée à une ride antipode déterminant un plan de symétrie bilatérale; de part et d'autre une zone systématiquement confuse marque l'emplacement des rides alaires. La reconnaissance des périantipodes prête à discussion et ce secteur présente une originalité certaine par rapport à celui des Tétracoralliaires. Chez P. cuneiformis subsp. A, une coupe transversale montre la présence de quatre rides proéminentes qui fusionnent dans I'axe du corallite et I'existence d'une symétrie bilatérale. La position systématique du genre Palaeacis est discutée: son attribution aux Tétracoralliaires est exclue, ancun caractére n'est incompatible avec le statut de Tabulé, la création d'une unité taxon-omique nouvelle regroupant Palaeacis, Trachypsammia et les Pleurodictyformes est envisageable mais actuellement prématurée. ? Palaeacis, Tabulata, Rugosa, rides septales, systématique, relations deparenré, Viséen. The tetracoral pattern of septal ridges described in Kerforneidictyum (Devonian Pleurodictyum-like coral) is scar'ce in the Tabulata, but has been found in Palaeacis sp. from the Visean of Algeria and in P. cuneiformis subsp. A from the Visean of Australia. Palaeacis sp. shows a strong cardinal septal ridge in peripheral position, just opposite the counter ridge. thus creating a plane of bilateral symmetry: an area on both sides. which is always blurred, indicates the position of the alar ridges. counter-lateral ridges are not easily identified and yield differing interpretation. Compared with the Rugosa this area presents distinctive features. In P. cuneiformis subsp. A, a transverse section exhibits four well-developed septal ridges that coalesce in the axis of the corallite with obvious bilateral symmetry. The systematic position of the genus Palaeacis is questioned: Rugosa it is not; it may belong to Tabulata: however, erecting a new higher taxon for Palaeacis, Trachypsammia and other Pleurodictyum-like corals is premature at our present state of knowledge. ? Palaeacis, Tabulata, Rugosa, septal ridges, systematic. affinities, Visean.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of melatonin administration on ovariectomy-induced oxidative toxicity and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) subunits in the blood of rats. Thirty-two rats were studied in three groups. The first and second groups were control and ovariectomized rats. Melatonin was daily administrated to the ovariectomized rats in the third group for 30 days. Blood, brain cortical and hippocampal samples were taken from the three groups after 30 days. Brain cortical, erythrocyte and plasma lipid peroxidation (LP) levels were higher in the ovariectomized group than in controls, although the LP level was decreased in the ovariectomized group with melatonin treatment. Brain cortical and plasma concentrations of vitamins A, C and E as well as the NMDAR 2B subunit were lower in the ovariectomized group than in controls, although, except for plasma vitamin C, they were increased by the treatment. Brain cortical and erythrocyte reduced glutathione (GSH) levels were lower in the ovariectomized group than in controls, although erythrocyte GSH levels were higher in the melatonin group than in the ovariectomized group. Brain cortical and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity and NMDAR 2A subunit concentrations were not found to be different in all groups statistically. Oxidative stress has been proposed to explain the biological side effect of experimental menopause. Melatonin prevents experimental menopause–induced oxidative stress to strengthen antioxidant vitamin and NMDAR 2A subunit concentrations in ovariectomized rats.  相似文献   
P-glycoprotein (P-gp), an efflux transporter protein, is an ABC transporter encoded by the multidrug resistance 1 gene (MDR1, ABCB1). The common synonymous C3435T polymorphism in exon 26 is reported to associate with lower P-gp functional expression and drug uptake. Many extended pharmacogenomics, functional, and complex disease association studies focused mainly on this polymorphism. We investigated the association of exon 26 C3435T genetic variants of MDR1 gene with susceptibility to bipolar disorder and serum valproic acid concentration. Totally, 104 patients meeting DSM-IV criteria for bipolar disorder and 169 controls were admitted to the study. There was statistically significant difference between the genotypes of bipolar patients (CT 91.2%, TT 6.8%, and CC 2%) and controls (CT 52.7%, TT 26%, CC 21.3%) although their allelic distribution was similar. The serum valproic acid concentrations of the patients with CT, TT and CC genotypes were 72.92 ± 20.55, 80.47 ± 14.01 and 68.29 ± 12.17 μg/ml, respectively, and there was no significant difference between the C3435T genotypes.  相似文献   
We compared the kinetics of activation and antimicrobial activities of MAPK-p38 and MAPK-ERK in bovine monocytes infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (Maa). Monocytes were incubated with MAP or Maa organisms with or without a specific inhibitor of the MAPK-p38 pathway (SB203580), and MAPK phosphorylation and antimicrobial functions of monocytes were evaluated. At early time points MAPK-p38 phosphorylation was greater in MAP-infected bovine monocytes than in Maa-infected monocytes. At later time points MAPK-p38 phosphorylation by both organisms was similar. MAPKp38 phosphorylation in MAP-infected monocytes was similar to negative control cells, whereas in Maa-infected this activation remained greater than negative control cells. Increase phosphorylation MAPK-ERK was similar at all time points for both organisms. Bovine monocytes had minimal capacity to kill MAP organisms, to acidify MAP-containing phagosomes, or to form phagolysosome. Alternatively, bovine monocytes were able to kill Maa organisms. Addition of SB203580 to monocyte cultures increased phagosome acidification, phagolysosome formation, and killing of MAP and Maa organisms. Taken together these data indicate that early transient activation of MAPK-p38 in bovine mononuclear phagocytes by MAP organisms may be a key mechanism involved in the capacity of MAP to survive in bovine monocytes.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two different frequencies of whole-body vibration (WBV) training on knee extensors muscle strength in healthy young volunteers. Twenty-two eligible healthy untrained young women aged 22-31 years were allocated randomly to the 30-Hz (n=11) and 50-Hz (n=11) groups. They participated in a supervised WBV training program that consisted of 24 sessions on a synchronous vertical vibration platform (peak-to-peak displacement: 2-4 mm; type of exercises: semi-squat, one-legged squat, and lunge positions on right leg; set numbers: 2-24) three times per week for 8 weeks. Isometric and dynamic strength of the knee extensors were measured prior to and at the end of the 8-week training. In the 30-Hz group, there was a significant increase in the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (p=0.039) and the concentric peak torque (p=0.018) of knee extensors and these changes were significant (p<0.05) compared with the 50-Hz group. In addition, the eccentric peak torque of knee extensors was increased significantly in both groups (p<0.05); however, there was no significant difference between the two groups (p=0.873). We concluded that 8 weeks WBV training in 30 Hz was more effective than 50 Hz to increase the isometric contraction and dynamic strength of knee extensors as measured using peak concentric torque and equally effective with 50 Hz in improving eccentric torque of knee extensors in healthy young untrained women.  相似文献   
The Janus kinases (Jaks)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jaglin, J.-C. & Paris, F. 1992 04 IS: Exemples de tératologie chez les Chitinozoaires du Pridoli de Libye et implications sur la signification biologique du groupe. [Teratologic cases among Pridolian chitinozoans from Libya and implications on the biological interpretation of the group.] Lethaia , Vol. 25, pp. 151–164. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Fairly numerous chitinozoans displaying morphological anomalies are recorded in Late Silurian subsurface material from Western Libya. The individuals described and illustrated in our paper range exclusively in a short interval at the top of the investigated sequence. These abnormal vesicles are interpreted as teratologic cases related lo an event of unknown origin. From our conclusions, the hypothesis of vegetative reproduction stages stated by previous authors seems unlikely. Therefore we still interpret the chitinozoan vesicles as eggs (or to a lesser extent as spores) of marine organisms. * Libya, Chitinozoans, Silurian, teratology, chitinozoan affinities .  相似文献   
Yi  D; Lee  RT; Longo  P; Boger  ET; Lee  YC; Petri  WA  Jr; Schnaar  RL 《Glycobiology》1998,8(10):1037-1043
Both the Entamoeba histolytica lectin, a virulence factor for the causative agent of amebiasis, and the mammalian hepatic lectin bind to N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and galactose (Gal) nonreducing termini on oligosaccharides, with preference for GalNAc. Polyvalent GalNAc- derivatized neoglycoproteins have >1000-fold enhanced binding affinity for both lectins (Adler,P., Wood,S.J., Lee,Y.C., Lee,R.T., Petri,W.A.,Jr. and Schnaar,R.L.,1995, J. Biol. Chem ., 270, 5164-5171). Substructural specificity studies revealed that the 3-OH and 4-OH groups of GalNAc were required for binding to both lectins, whereas only the E.histolytica lectin required the 6-OH group. Whereas GalNAc binds with 4-fold lower affinity to the E.histolytica lectin than to the mammalian hepatic lectin, galactosamine and N-benzoyl galactosamine bind with higher affinity to the E. histolytica lectin. Therefore, a synthetic scheme for converting polyamine carriers to poly-N-acyl galactosamine derivatives (linked through the galactosamine primary amino group) was developed to test whether such ligands would bind the E.histolytica lectin with high specificity and high affinity. Contrary to expectations, polyvalent derivatives including GalN6lys5, GalN4desmosine, GalN4StarburstTMdendrimer, and GalN8StarburstTMdendrimer demonstrated highly enhanced binding to the mammalian hepatic lectin but little or no enhancement of binding to the E.histolytica lectin. We propose that the mammalian hepatic lectin binds with greatest affinity to GalNAc "miniclusters," which mimic branched termini of N-linked oligosaccharides, whereas the E.histolytica lectin binds most effectively to "maxiclusters," which may mimic more widely spaced GalNAc residues on intestinal mucins.   相似文献   
Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism contributing to cell survival under stress conditions including nutrient and growth factor deprivation. Connections and cross-talk between cell death mechanisms and autophagy is under investigation. Here, we describe Atg3, an essential regulatory component of autophagosome biogenesis, as a new substrate of caspase-8 during receptor-mediated cell death. Both, tumor necrosis factor α and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand induced cell death was accompanied by Atg3 cleavage and this event was inhibited by a pan-caspase inhibitor (zVAD) or a caspase-8-specific inhibitor (zIETD). Indeed, caspase-8 overexpression led to Atg3 degradation and this event depended on caspase-8 enzymatic activity. Mutation of the caspase-8 cleavage site on Atg3 abolished its cleavage both in vitro and in vivo, demonstrating that Atg3 was a direct target of caspase-8. Autophagy was inactive during apoptosis and blockage of caspases or overexpression of a non-cleavable Atg3 protein reestablished autophagic activity upon death receptor stimulation. In this system, autophagy was important for cell survival since inhibition of autophagy increased cell death. Therefore, Atg3 provides a novel link between apoptosis and autophagy during receptor-activated cell death.  相似文献   
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