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转基因抗虫玉米的商业化种植,成为大幅提高农业生产力的主要推进器之一。近年来,转基因抗虫玉米产业化规模不断扩大,有效控制了靶标害虫的发生危害,降低了化学杀虫剂的施用,为粮食安全与农民增收提供了重要保障。介绍了全球转基因抗虫玉米的发展现状,分析了与转基因抗虫玉米种植相关的生态问题,并提出了推进转基因抗虫玉米在我国产业化的相关建议。  相似文献   
目的:为提高CRISPR/Cas9(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9)靶向性奠定基础,同时证明酵母杂交系统在研究CRISPR/Cas9脱靶效应中的应用价值。方法:以实验室前期构建成功的activase基因编辑水稻株为研究对象,先采用T7核酸内切酶Ⅰ法初步预测30株基因编辑水稻株的脱靶率。随后以酵母杂交系统进一步预测脱靶率以及研究sgRNA结构对脱靶率的影响。首先,将activase靶向基因的标准sgRNA(standard sgRNA)和短sgRNA(truncated sgRNA)分别克隆至CRISPR/Cas9系统表达载体pDW3769中,构建对应的重组载体pHZ2和pHZ4,转化至YPH499酵母单倍体形成重组酵母YpHZ2和YpHZ4;其次,根据脱靶位点预测选择7组脱靶序列A、B、C、D、E、F、G以及靶向序列,分别克隆至包含报告基因mCherry的高拷贝载体pDW3133和低拷贝载体pDW3134,构建相应的高拷贝重组载体pHZ5、pHZ7、pHZ9、pHZ11、pHZ13、pHZ15、pHZ17和pHZ19,以及对应的低拷贝重组载体pHZ6、pHZ8、pHZ10、pHZ12、pHZ14、pHZ16、pHZ18和pHZ20,转化至YPH500酵母单倍体,构建重组酵母YpHZ5-20。随后,重组酵母YpHZ2和YpHZ4与重组酵母YpHZ5-20分别杂交,挑取双倍体酵母菌落,在不同的时间段下检测荧光数值,根据荧光值定量预测脱靶率。结果:酵母培养144~192 h时荧光最为显著,脱靶序列sgRNA与靶向基因sgRNA同源性越高,越易造成脱靶,但短sgRNA较标准sgRNA脱靶率低。根据水稻植株的脱靶检测显示脱靶率约20%,基于酵母杂交的检测结果显示脱靶率为20%~28%。结论:酵母细胞进入稳定期时荧光值最为显著,且与载体的拷贝数量成正比。sgRNA序列以及长短结构可影响CRISPR/Cas9的基因靶向性。两种方法的脱靶率预测结果相当,表明酵母杂交系统在评价CRISPR/Cas9系统的脱靶率以及研究脱靶影响因素中具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   
选择云丘山景区为研究区域,以该区域的主要植被为研究对象,采用样方法对旅游干扰对云丘山景区内植被的影响进行了研究,共设置了40个乔木样方,并利用TWINSPAN聚类分析以及旅游干扰程度(TDD)对所取样方进行分析。结果表明:TWINSPAN聚类分类将景区内的植物群落划分为5个群系,其中、群系Ⅱ中伴人植物的优势度明显高于其它。干扰程度分析表明,在景区的40个乔木样方中,只有4个样方基本没有受到干扰,有3个样方受到中度干扰,其余的33个样方均为轻度干扰。TWINSPAN聚类分析科学合理地对旅游活动作用下植被景观的类型特征进行了分析。旅游干扰程度(TDD)直观地反映出各个样方所在地植被被干扰的程度,该研究结果可为旅游管理者提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
历山自然保护区秃山白树天然种群生命表   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秃山白树是中国特有单种属植物山白树的变种,为国家二级保护植物,仅分布于山西历山自然保护区.为更好地了解其种群数量动态,保护该种群持续稳定发展,在历山自然保护区,采用样地与样方调查相结合的方法,调查了秃山白树的种群结构,编制了秃山白树静态生命表,绘制了其年龄结构图、存活曲线、死亡曲线、消失率曲线、生存函数曲线、累积死亡率函数曲线、危险率函数曲线和死亡密度函数曲线.结果表明:秃山白树种群幼龄级个体数量较多,老龄个体数量较少,表明现阶段秃山白树整体为增长型种群;种群死亡率生长前期高于后期,在Ⅱ和Ⅳ龄级的年龄阶段出现死亡率高峰,种群存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅱ型;生存率曲线单调下降,累积死亡率曲线单调上升,其下降或增加的幅度是前期高于后期;种群死亡密度函数曲线较为平缓,在Ⅲ龄级死亡密度较大;危险率函数随着龄级的增加不断增大.  相似文献   
不同生态型摩西球囊霉菌株对蜈蚣草砷吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砷超富集植物——蜈蚣草无论是在野外或是在室内均能被丛枝菌根真菌(AM真菌)侵染,但其对蜈蚣草砷吸收及转运的机理尚不清晰.本研究将分离于湖南省郴州市金川塘某铅锌尾矿蜈蚣草根际土壤(Glomus mosseae BGC GD01,简称污染菌株)和云南省未污染土壤(G.mosseae BGC YN05,简称非污染菌株)的2种摩西球囊霉菌株分别接种于非污染生态型和污染生态型蜈蚣草根际,8周后利用菌根化蜈蚣草幼苗在浓度为100 μmol·L-1砷(Na2HAsO4·7H2O)营养液中进行为期24 h的水培试验.结果表明,2种生态型摩西球囊霉菌株分别与蜈蚣草形成中等程度侵染,侵染率为25.2% ~31.3%.无论是接种污染菌株或是非污染菌株,均明显促进了蜈蚣草根部对磷的吸收.在24 h水培试验期间,接种非污染菌株显著促进了蜈蚣草根部砷的吸收,但接种污染菌株对蜈蚣草根部砷吸收的促进作用有限,说明AM真菌对蜈蚣草砷吸收存在种内差异.  相似文献   
目的:探讨小切口微创手术治疗新鲜跟腱断裂的一晦床价值。方法:选取我院新鲜闭合性跟腱断裂患者50例,随机分为实验组和对照组各25例。实验组行小切口手术,对照组行常规切口手术。术后对患者进行随访,采用美国足踝协会(AOFAS)推荐的评分标准对患者术后功能恢复情况进行评价,观察并记录完全恢复患者例数、完全恢复时间、小腿最大周长差和术后并发症发生情况。结果:实验组AOFAS评分为(98.6±9.7)分,痊愈率96.00%,痊愈时间(20.2±3.2)周,两侧小腿最大周长差为(0.79+0.68)cm,共有1例患者出现并发症,并发症发生率8%;而对照组的AOFAS评分为(91.4±11.5)分,痊愈率92.00%,痊愈时间(22.4±3.8)周,两侧小腿最大周长差为(0.91~0.76)cm;共有6例患者出现并发症,并发症的发生率为24%。两组患者的痊愈率、两侧小腿最大周长差比较差异无统计学意义(痊愈率:x2=-0.355,P=0.552;侧小腿最大周长差:t=O.588,P=0.559);而与对照组比较,实验组AOFAS评分明显升高,完全恢复时间明显缩短,术后并发症的发生率显著降低,差异均有统计学意义(AOFAS评:t=2.393,P=0.021;恢复时间:t=2.150,P=0.037;并发症发生率:xⅫ.153,P=0.042)。结论:小切口手术与常规切口手术治疗新鲜跟腱断裂的疗效相当,但小切口手术术后恢童时间曼短.并发症更少.临床价值相对更高.  相似文献   
Human mitochondrial glutaredoxin 2 (GLRX2), which controls intracellular redox balance and apoptosis, exists in a dynamic equilibrium of enzymatically active monomers and quiescent dimers. Crystal structures of both monomeric and dimeric forms of human GLRX2 reveal a distinct glutathione binding mode and show a 2Fe-2S-bridged dimer. The iron-sulfur cluster is coordinated through the N-terminal active site cysteine, Cys-37, and reduced glutathione. The structures indicate that the enzyme can be inhibited by a high GSH/GSSG ratio either by forming a 2Fe-2S-bridged dimer that locks away the N-terminal active site cysteine or by binding non-covalently and blocking the active site as seen in the monomer. The properties that permit GLRX2, and not other glutaredoxins, to form an iron-sulfur-containing dimer are likely due to the proline-to-serine substitution in the active site motif, allowing the main chain more flexibility in this area and providing polar interaction with the stabilizing glutathione. This appears to be a novel use of an iron-sulfur cluster in which binding of the cluster inactivates the protein by sequestering active site residues and where loss of the cluster through changes in subcellular redox status creates a catalytically active protein. Under oxidizing conditions, the dimers would readily separate into iron-free active monomers, providing a structural explanation for glutaredoxin activation under oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Agonist binding to the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) induces the phosphorylation of four distinct serine residues that are located in the CCR5 C terminus. We established a series of clonal RBL-2H3 cell lines expressing CCR5 with alanine mutations of Ser(336), Ser(337), Ser(342), and Ser(349) in various combinations and explored the significance of phosphorylation sites for the ability of the receptor to interact with beta-arrestins and to undergo desensitization and internalization upon ligand binding. Receptor mutants that lack any two phosphorylation sites retained their ability to recruit endogenous beta-arrestins to the cell membrane and were normally sequestered, whereas alanine mutation of any three C-terminal serine residues abolished both beta-arrestin binding and rapid agonist-induced internalization. In contrast, RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted) stimulation of a S336A/S349A mutant triggered a sustained calcium response and enhanced granular enzyme release. This mutational analysis implies that CCR5 internalization largely depends on a beta-arrestin-mediated mechanism that requires the presence of any two phosphorylation sites, whereas receptor desensitization is independently regulated by the phosphorylation of distinct serine residues. Surface plasmon resonance analysis further demonstrated that purified beta-arrestin 1 binds to phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated C-tail peptides with similar affinities, suggesting that beta-arrestins use additional receptor sites to discriminate between nonactivated and activated receptors. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed beta-arrestin 1 binding to the second intracellular loop of CCR5, which required an intact Asp-Arg-Tyr triplet. These results suggest that a conserved sequence motif within the second intracellular loop of CCR5 that is known to be involved in G protein activation plays a significant role in beta-arrestin binding to CCR5.  相似文献   
Short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases form a large, evolutionarily old family of NAD(P)(H)-dependent enzymes with over 60 genes found in the human genome. Despite low levels of sequence identity (often 10-30%), the three-dimensional structures display a highly similar alpha/beta folding pattern. We have analyzed the role of several conserved residues regarding folding, stability, steady-state kinetics, and coenzyme binding using bacterial 3beta/17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and selected mutants. Structure determination of the wild-type enzyme at 1.2-A resolution by x-ray crystallography and docking analysis was used to interpret the biochemical data. Enzyme kinetic data from mutagenetic replacements emphasize the critical role of residues Thr-12, Asp-60, Asn-86, Asn-87, and Ala-88 in coenzyme binding and catalysis. The data also demonstrate essential interactions of Asn-111 with active site residues. A general role of its side chain interactions for maintenance of the active site configuration to build up a proton relay system is proposed. This extends the previously recognized catalytic triad of Ser-Tyr-Lys residues to form a tetrad of Asn-Ser-Tyr-Lys in the majority of characterized short-chain dehydrogenases/reductase enzymes.  相似文献   
In this study, we compared two gene fusion expression strategies using two rare codon genes (Ssh10b and MtGrxM) from archaea as a model system. Both genes can be highly expressed as N- or C-terminal fusion partners to GST or the intein/chitin-binding tag. However, the fusion protein with intein tag could not be cleaved, even under stringent conditions, possibly due to steric hindrance, thus preventing further purification. In contrast, the GST fusion system could increase protein expression level and the corresponding fusion protein could be easily cleaved by thrombin. After binding to glutathione sepharose, the fusion protein was cleaved on column, and a roughly purified protein fraction was eluted. This fraction was purified by heating at 80 degrees C for 10 min, followed by centrifugation. The correct total mass and N-terminal primary structure were confirmed by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. Both constructs were used for in vitro expression, and similar results were obtained, indicating higher expression levels of the GST tag vs. intein/chitin tag. Taken together, our results suggest that the GST fusion system can be used as a considerable alternative to synthetic genes for the expression of rare codon genes. The affinity chromatography purification followed by a heating step is an efficient and convenient method for thermostable protein purification.  相似文献   
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