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Summary A new case of triploid-diploid mosaicism in the lymphocytes of a newborn with multiple malformations is reported, and the origin of the mosaicism is briefly discussed.N.I.H. International Post-doctoral Fellow.Bevoegd Navorser N.F.W.O.  相似文献   
Rapid Sulfonamide Disc Sensitivity Test for Meningococci   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 90 strains of Neisseria meningitidis were determined by a plate dilution technique that employed twofold changes in concentrations of sulfadiazine. The geometric mean of three MIC determinations on each strain was correlated with inhibition zones produced by a 300-mug sulfathiazole disc. The linear relationship between the logarithm of the geometric mean MIC values and the zone diameters was highly significant. Strains were separated into sensitive and resistant populations by both test procedures. Quantitative criteria for interpreting the sensitivity of a strain by the disc test were established.  相似文献   
In halt: 1. Einleitung und Aufgabenstellung.—2. Art und Ausmaß der Scnäden im Feld-versuch.—3. Wirkungen des Krankheitserregers auf Sommergetreide.—4. Bekämpfungsmöglichkeiten.—5. Besprechung der Ergebnisse.—Zusammenfassung.—Summary. —Literaturverzeichnis.  相似文献   
The role of the Rhizobium nod genes in the induction of nodulin gene expression was examined by analyzing nodules formed on vetch roots by bacterial strains containing only the nod region. Introduction of an 11-kb cloned nod region of the R. leguminosarum sym plasmid pRL1JI into sym plasmid-cured rhizobia conferred on the recipient strains the ability to induce nodules in which all nodulin genes were expressed. This proves that from the sym plasmid only the nod region is involved in the induction of nodulin gene expression. A transconjugant of Agrobacterium carrying the same nod region induces nodules in which only early nodulin gene expression is detected. Thus, the nod region is essential for the induction of early nodulin gene expression. In this case, nodule cytology may indicate that a defense response of the plant interferes with the induction of late nodulin gene expression. Indirect evidence is presented that indeed the Rhizobium nod genes are also in some way involved in the induction of the expression of late noduling genes. The combination between histological data and pattern of nodulin gene expression furthermore reveals a correlation between nodule structure and nodulin gene expression. This correlation may aid in speculations about the functions of nodulins.  相似文献   
The chitinolytic properties of a facultatively anaerobic bacterium isolated from the hindgut of plaice were compared with those of Clostridium sp. strain 9.1, a bacterium isolated from anoxic estuarine sediment. The chitinolytic enzyme systems of the gut isolate and strain 9.1 both released N,N'-diacetylchitobiose (NAG2) as the major hydrolysis end-product. During the hydrolysis of chitin, there was transient accumulation of a non-sedimentary chitin fraction which was not detectable by high-performance liquid chromatography. Growth on NAG2 repressed chitinase synthesis in the gut isolate but not in the Clostridium species. Thiol reagents were strongly inhibitory to the chitinase of the strict anaerobe but did not affect the hydrolytic enzymes of the gut isolate. When the two bacteria were cocultured with chitin as the sole carbon and energy source, Clostridium sp. strain 9.1 was always outcompeted. Experiments with batch and phauxostat cultures showed that the competitiveness of strain 9.1 could be improved dramatically by the inclusion in the cocultures of a non-chitinolytic bacterium capable of fermenting chitin oligomers. The cooperation between the oligomer-fermenting species and the Clostridium sp. is discussed in relation to the regulation of chitinolytic activity in the latter organism.  相似文献   
5S rRNA sequences were determined for the green sulphur bacteria Chlorobium limicola, Chlorobium phaeobacteroides and Prosthecochloris aestuarii, for Thermomicrobium roseum, which is a relative of the green non-sulphur bacteria, and for Cytophaga aquatilis, Cytophaga heparina, Cytophaga johnsonae, Flavobacterium breve, Flexibacter sp. and Saprospira grandis, organisms allotted to the phylum 'Bacteroides-Cytophaga-Flavobacterium' and relatives as determined by 16S rRNA analyses. By using a clustering algorithm a dendrogram was constructed from these sequences and from all other known eubacterial 5S RNA sequences. The dendrogram showed differences, as well as similarities, with respect to results obtained by 16S RNA analyses. The 5S RNA sequences of green sulphur bacteria were closely related to one another, and to a cluster containing 5S RNA sequences from Bacteroides and its relatives, including Cytophaga aquatilis. 5S RNA sequences of all other representatives of the 'Bacteroides-Cytophaga-Flavobacterium' phylum as distinguished by 16S RNA analysis failed to group with Bacteroides and related clusters. On the basis of 5S RNA sequences, Thermomicrobium roseum clustered with Chloroflexus aurantiacus, as was expected from 16S RNA analysis.  相似文献   
Summary The maintenance of a proper distribution of charged amino acid residues might be expected to be an important factor in protein evolution. We therefore compared the inferred changes in charge during the evolution of 43 protein families with the changes expected on the basis of random base substitutions. It was found that certain proteins, like the eye lens crystallins and most histones, display an extreme avoidance of changes in charge. Other proteins, like phospholipase A2 and ferredoxin, apparently have sustained more charged replacements than expected, suggesting a positive selection for changes in charge. Depending on function and structure of a protein, charged residues apparently can be important targets for selective forces in protein evolution. It appears that actual biased codon usage tends to decrease the proportion of charged amino acid replacements. The influence of nonrandomness of mutations is more equivocal. Genes that use the mitochondrial instead of the universal code lower the probability that charge changes will occur in the encoded proteins.  相似文献   
The locus DXS269 (P20) defines a deletion hotspot in the distal part of the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy gene. We have cloned over 90 kilobase-pairs of genomic DNA from this region in overlapping cosmids. The use of whole cosmids as probes in a competitive DNA hybridization analysis proves a fast and convenient method for identifying rearrangements in this region. A rapid survey of P20-deletion patients is carried out to elucidate the nature of the propensity to deletions in this region. Using this technique, deletion breakpoints are pinpointed to individual restriction fragments in patient DNAs without the need for tedious isolation of single copy sequences. Simultaneously, the deletion data yield a consistent restriction map of the region and permit detection of several RFLPs. A 176 bp exon was identified within the cloned DNA, located 3' of an intron exceeding 150 Kb in length. Its deletion causes a frameshift in the dystrophin reading frame and produces the DMD phenotype. This exon is one of the most frequently deleted exons in BMD/DMD patients and its sequence is applied in a pilot study for diagnostic deletion screening using Polymerase Chain Reaction amplification.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies against rat liver mitochondrial phospholipase A2 were used to develop a rapid immunoaffinity chromatography for enzyme purification. The purified enzyme showed a single band upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The sequence of the N-terminal 24 amino acids was determined. This part of the sequence showed only 25% homology with that of rat pancreatic phospholipase A2 but was 96% identical to that of rat platelet and rat spleen membrane-associated phospholipase A2. These enzymes are distinguished from pancreatic phospholipases A2 by the absence of Cys-11. In rat liver phospholipase A2 activity has been reported in various subcellular fractions. All of these require Ca2+ and have a pH optimum in the alkaline region, but little is known about the structural relationship and quantitative distribution of these enzymes. We have investigated these points after solubilization of the phospholipase A2 activity from total homogenates and crude subcellular fractions by extraction with 1 M potassium chloride. Essentially all of the homogenate activity could be solubilized by this procedure indicating that the enzymes occurred in soluble or peripherally membrane-associated form. Gel filtration and immunological cross-reactivity studies indicated that phospholipases A2 solubilized from membrane fractions shared a common epitope with the mitochondrial enzyme. The quantitative distribution of the immunopurified enzyme activity among subcellular fractions followed closely that of the mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase. Rat liver cytosol contained additional Ca2+-dependent and -independent phospholipase activities.  相似文献   
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