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We analyzed the differences in species richness, community composition, population structure and within-tree location of epiphytic bromeliads in contiguous secondary and mature forests in a premontane area in Costa Rica. Diversity in the mature forest was highest, and the communities differed in their composition as well as in the recruitment rates of the dominant species. Guzmania monostachia and Catopsis nutans dominated the secondary forests, whereas Tillandsia fasciculata and T. tricolor were more abundant in the mature forest. The secondary forest species showed high rates of seedling recruitment while the opposite was found for the mature forest species. Species presence and abundance among and within habitats did not correlate with their physiological (i.e. CAM vs. C3 photosynthesis) or morphological attributes. The spatial distribution patterns were similar among habitats; bromeliads tended to aggregate on a few relatively large phorophytes. The species shared a similar vertical stratification within habitats, except for the two dominant species in the early and mid-successional stages, although its ecological implication is not clear. With some exceptions, conspecifics of different ages were located on similar substrate types (i.e. stems, primary, secondary, or tertiary branches) within the tree-crowns, which suggests limited within-tree dispersion. Differences in species composition and rates of seedling recruitment among secondary and mature forest may arise from ecophysiological differences among species; however, the combined effect of seed availability and dispersal differences may have a larger influence. Thus, epiphyte community assembly can only be understood when the differences in habitat conditions, the availability of propagules, their dispersal characteristics and requirements for seedling establishment are known.  相似文献   
Current strategies in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine development are often based on the production of different vaccine antigens according to particular genetic clades of HIV-1 variants. To determine if virus virulence or genetic distance had a greater impact on HIV-1 vaccine efficacy, we designed a series of heterologous chimeric simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) challenge experiments in HIV-1 subunit-vaccinated rhesus macaques. Of a total of 22 animals, 10 nonimmunized animals served as controls; the remainder were vaccinated with the CCR5 binding envelope of HIV-1(W6.1D). In the first study, heterologous challenge included two nonpathogenic SHIV chimeras encoding the envelopes of the divergent clade B HIV-1(han2) and HIV-1(sf13) strains. In the second study, all immunized animals were rechallenged with SHIV(89. 6p), a virus closely related to the vaccine strain but highly virulent. Protection from either of the divergent SHIV(sf13) or SHIV(han2) challenges was demonstrated in the majority of the vaccinated animals. In contrast, upon challenge with the more related but virulent SHIV(89.6p), protection was achieved in only one of the previously protected vaccinees. A secondary but beneficial effect of immunization on virus load and CD4(+) T-cell counts was observed despite failure to protect from infection. In addition to revealing different levels of protective immunity, these results suggest the importance of developing vaccine strategies capable of protecting from particularly virulent variants of HIV-1.  相似文献   
More than 50% of the lycaenid butterflies have an ant-associated lifestyle (myrmecophily) which may vary from coexistence to specific mutualistic or even parasitic interactions. Ant-related host-plant selection and oviposition has been observed in some myrmecophilous lycaenids. Therefore, it is remarkable that there is no evidence for this behaviour in the highly specialized, obligate myrmecophilous butterflies of the genus Maculinea. In contrast with previous findings, our results provide evidence for ant-related oviposition patterns in Maculinea alcon in relation to the distribution of specific host-ant nests (i.e. Myrmica ruginodis) based on repeated egg counts during the flight period in two populations. We also show that ant-related oviposition can be counterbalanced by intraspecific competition and oviposition deterrency when host plants already carry several eggs. Therefore, the absence of a correlation between egg load and the presence of host-ant nests at the end of the flight period should be interpreted carefully Whether ovipositional cues are obtained either directly (from ants or their nests) or indirectly (from vegetation structure), and whether alternative explanations based on the phenology and growth form of host plants are possible, is discussed.  相似文献   
Information on genetic variation and its distribution in tropical plant populations relies mainly on studies of ground‐rooted species, while genetic information of epiphytic plants is still limited. Particularly, the effect of forest successional condition on genetic diversity and structure of epiphytes is scanty in the literature. We evaluated the genetic variation and spatial genetic structure of the epiphytic bromeliad Guzmania monostachia (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) in montane secondary forest patches in Costa Rica. The sampling design included plants on the same trees (i.e., populations), populations within forest patches and patches within secondary forest at two different successional stages (early vs. mid‐succession). Six microsatellites revealed low levels of population genetic variation (A = 2.06, AE = 1.61, HE = 0.348), a marked deficiency of heterozygotes (HO = 0.031) and high inbreeding (f = 0.908). Genetic differentiation was negligible among populations within the same forest patch, but moderate (GST = 0.123 ± 0.043) among forest patches. Genetic relatedness between individuals was significantly higher for plants located within the same forest patch and separated by <60 m and decreased as distance between plants increased, becoming significantly negative at distances >400 m. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed significant genetic variation between forest patches, but non‐significant variation between successional stages. The selfing breeding system and limited seed dispersal capabilities in G. monostachia could explain the observed levels and partitioning of genetic diversity at this geographic scale. However, these results also suggest that forest fragmentation is likely to influence the degree of local genetic structuring of epiphytic plants by limiting gene flow.  相似文献   
The mosquito-borne West Nile virus (WNV) causes human and animal disease with outbreaks in several parts of the world including North America, the Mediterranean countries, Central and East Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Particularly in elderly people and individuals with an impaired immune system, infection with WNV can progress into a serious neuroinvasive disease. Currently, no treatment or vaccine is available to protect humans against infection or disease. The goal of this study was to develop a WNV-vaccine that is safe to use in these high-risk human target populations. We performed a vaccine efficacy study in non-human primates using the contemporary, pathogenic European WNV genotype 1a challenge strain, WNV-Ita09. Two vaccine strategies were evaluated in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) using recombinant soluble WNV envelope (E) ectodomain adjuvanted with Matrix-M, either with or without DNA priming. The DNA priming immunization was performed with WNV-DermaVir nanoparticles. Both vaccination strategies successfully induced humoral and cellular immune responses that completely protected the macaques against the development of viremia. In addition, the vaccine was well tolerated by all animals. Overall, The WNV E protein adjuvanted with Matrix-M is a promising vaccine candidate for a non-infectious WNV vaccine for use in humans, including at-risk populations.  相似文献   
Plant community composition is the combined result of species-specific competitive abilities and the availability of propagules. For epiphytic plants, current hypotheses consider that dispersal-related factors are most important. By controlling seed dispersal constraints, we experimentally examined whether the community composition of epiphytic bromeliads in a tropical premontane area is determined during early phases of seedling recruitment. Also, we tested whether establishment success was related to eco-physiological traits of the species. A total of 7200 seeds were artificially affixed on several host trees in two secondary forest patches and in a mature forest stand. Four bromeliad species with differing physiological characteristics (CAM, C3-CAM, and C3) and habitat preference (secondary vs. primary forest) were selected. We found that differences in seed germination probability among habitats and species were not likely to influence community assembly. After 2 yr, seedling survival and plant development were relatively higher in the early-successional forest. Seedling establishment success was not associated with specific physiological and morphological adaptations or habitat preference of the studied species. Our results were not consistent with the described community composition and rates of population recruitment of the studied species in the same successional habitats. The results support the hypothesis that chance and historic events related to seed dispersal have an important influence on community assembly of epiphytic plants. In addition, differences in growth rates and reproductive turnover among species are expected to influence the relative abundance and recruitment rates in a particular habitat.  相似文献   
We measured morphological characters and relative DNA contents to assess variation and phylogenetic relationships among Serapias species in three populations of each of the 10 putative taxa that occur in Southwest Europe. DNA contents indicated diploidy for most species, except for tetraploid S. lingua and hexaploid S. olbia. Multivariate (discriminant) analyses yielded two main groups: a small-flowered S. parviflora group and a large-flowered S. vomeracea group. Within the S. parviflora group, S. elsae should be considered a large-flowered variation of S. strictiflora. The geographically disjunct S. gregaria and S. strictiflora are probably different taxa. In the S. vomeracea group, analyses suggest that S. neglecta and S. cordigera are closely related. Serapias cordigera from the southwestern coast of the Iberian Peninsula is probably a subspecies, S. perez-chiscanoi was separated from all other species and S. occidentalis was morphologically intermediate between S. cordigera and S. vomeracea, suggesting a hybrid origin, with the latter two taxa as parents.  相似文献   
Summary Seed dispersal by ants in Polygala vulgaris, Luzula campestris and Viola curtisii was studied in a primary dune valley on the island of Terschelling, The Netherlands. Normally developed seeds of all three species are taken by the ants into their nests. The ants show a distinct preference for the seeds of the specialized myrmecochore Polygala vulgaris, as compared with the two diplochorous species. It could be demonstrated that the elaiosome is the attractive part of the seed. Mapping studies demonstrate that the dispersal of the seeds by ants has a marked effect on the distribution pattern of the standing population of Polygala and Viola. Adult plants are often found on or close to the active nest mounds of all ant species present, while the growing sites of juvenile individuals and seedlings are practically restricted to the nest environment. The nests of two of the seed-dispersing ant species, viz., those of Lasius niger and Tetramorium caespitum, show differences in soil chemistry with the surroundings. The ant nests are significantly richer in some essential plant macronutrients, such as phosphate, potassium and nitrate. The advantage of myrmecochory in the dune area of Terschelling is discussed.  相似文献   
The pollination ecology of Gentianella uliginosa , a rare annual in The Netherlands, was studied in three relatively small coastal dune populations. In all populations, the species was fully self-compatible: manual self pollination resulted in a seed set of 92–94%. Autofertility was also high (seed set of caged, unhandled flowers 80–85%). The homogamous flowers were visited by Bombus pascuorum , which collected nectar and transported pollen sternotribically. Differences among populations in bumblebee visitation rate did not affect natural seed set. In one plot, seed set following natural pollination was lower than after manual selñng, and as high as after spontaneous selñng. As flowers here were also visited frequently, this might be due to pollen limitation through heterospecific pollen competition. Support for this hypothesis was derived from another population, where seed set after natural pollination was lower in a plot dominated by co-flowering Mentha aquatica than in a plot with few Mentha. However, differences in water availability might also have caused this. In one population, seed sets of the cross pollination and spontaneous selfing treatments were lower than those of the manual selñng and natural pollination treatments. Whether the low outcrossing success can be attributed to small differences in the treatment of the experimental plants or to outcrossing depression remains unclear. We conclude that this annual species is most likely a predominant selfer. Its high autofertility is probably an adaptation to its wet dune slack habitat, where reproductive assurance may be important to cope with unpredictable fluctuations in water table, summer droughts and pollinator service.  相似文献   
Flower predation or florivory may alter the sexual expression, floral display, and reduce the reproductive success in plants. In this article, we estimated the effect of florivory on the reproductive success of the epiphytic bromeliad Werauhia gladioliflora during 2001–2003 in a premontane area in Costa Rica. Floral buds of W. gladioliflora are attacked by the wasp Eurytoma werauhia (Eurytomidae), which inhibits flower anthesis. Nearly, a quarter of the sampled population flowers were lost due to wasp infection and it accounted for nearly 70% of the reduction in fruit set. Flowers located on the inflorescence upper segment had a higher attack incidence. In the studied population, florivory has a major role in the reproductive success of Wgladioliflora. Florivory on epiphytic plants is scarcely reported in the literature, but evidence suggests that this phenomenon is more spread in the epiphytic community. Whether florivory in W. gladioliflora is a selective pressure influencing the reproductive success or a localized factor operating at the studied population is a subject requiring additional data.  相似文献   
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