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We carried out a postrelease evaluation to determine predictors of habitat use and carrying capacity for the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli), which are critical for monitoring how the Ruma National Park sub-population may contribute to Kenya's meta-population strategy. We determined whether level of elevation, rockiness, shade, distance to fence, roads, and human settlements predict habitat use, differences in habitat and diet preference between female and male black rhinoceros, and the ecological carrying capacity (CC) of black rhinoceros in the park. We used standard ecological methods to collect data on predictors of habitat use, habitat preference and to estimate CC. Results show, first, that none of the environmental and anthropogenic factors evaluated predicted habitat use by black rhinoceros in the park. Second, although there was no significant difference in habitat preference between the sexes (U = 16.50, p = 0.306), there was a 60% difference in Jaccard's dissimilarity in diet selection between the sexes. Third, the park can support 65 black rhinoceros. Altogether, the findings suggest that the park has potential to support other sub-populations in Kenya. We recommend that future similar studies should incorporate population viability analysis and a community-based approach to forecast the species health and extinction risk.  相似文献   
The effect of temperature fluctuation is an important factor in bacterial growth especially for pathogens such as the staphylococci that have to remain viable during potentially harsh and prolonged transfer conditions between hosts. The aim of this study was to investigate the response of S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and S. lugdunensis when exposed to low temperature (4°C) for prolonged periods, and how this factor affected their subsequent growth, colony morphology, cellular ultra-structure, and amino acid composition in the non-cytoplasmic hydrolysate fraction. Clinical isolates were grown under optimal conditions and then subjected to 4°C conditions for a period of 8 wks. Cold-stressed and reference control samples were assessed under transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to identify potential ultra-structural changes. To determine changes in amino acid composition, cells were fractured to remove the lipid and cytoplasmic components and the remaining structural components were hydrolysed. Amino acid profiles for the hydrolysis fraction were then analysed for changes by using principal component analysis (PCA). Exposure of the three staphylococci to prolonged low temperature stress resulted in the formation of increasing proportions of small colony variant (SCV) phenotypes. TEM revealed that SCV cells had significantly thicker and more diffuse cell-walls than their corresponding WT samples for both S. aureus and S. epidermidis, but the changes were not significant for S. lugdunensis. Substantial species-specific alterations in the amino acid composition of the structural hydrolysate fraction were also observed in the cold-treated cells. The data indicated that the staphylococci responded over prolonged periods of cold-stress treatment by transforming into SCV populations. The observed ultra-structural and amino acid changes were proposed to represent response mechanisms for staphylococcal survival amidst hostile conditions, thus maintaining the viability of the species until favourable conditions arise again.  相似文献   
Brown JE  Onyango DJ  Dunmore SJ 《FEBS letters》2007,581(17):3273-3276
The adipokine resistin is known to induce insulin resistance in rodent tissues. Increases in adipose tissue mass are known to have a negative effect on pancreatic beta-cell function, although the mechanisms are poorly understood. This study investigated the effects of resistin on insulin secretion, insulin receptor expression and cell viability in pancreatic beta-cells. BTC-6 or BRIN-BD11 cells were treated for 24h with resistin, and insulin receptor expression, insulin secretion and cell viability were measured. Incubation with 40ng/ml resistin caused significant decreases in insulin receptor mRNA and protein expression, but did not affect insulin secretion. At low concentrations, resistin caused significant increases in cell viability. These data implicate resistin as a factor that may regulate beta-cell function/viability, and suggests a potential mechanism by which increased adiposity causes beta-cell dysfunction.  相似文献   
Changes in rainfall regime and grazing pressure affect vegetation composition and diversity with ecological implications for savannahs. The savannah in East Africa has experienced increased livestock grazing and rainfall variability but the impacts associated with those changes on the herbaceous layer have rarely been documented. We investigated the effect of livestock grazing, rainfall manipulation and their interaction on the composition and diversity of the herbaceous community in the savannah for two years in Lambwe, Kenya. Rainfall manipulation plots were set up for vegetation sampling;these plots received either 50% more or 50% less rainfall than control plots. Simpson’s diversity and Bergere Parker indices were used to determine diversity changes and dominance respectively. The frequency of species was used to compute their abundance and their life forms as determined from the literature. Grazing significantly increased species diversity through suppression of dominant species. Rainfall manipulation had no significant impact on plant diversity in fenced plots, but rainfall reduction significantly reduced diversity in grazed plots. In contrast, rainfall manipulation had no impact on dominance in either fenced or grazed plots. The interaction of grazing and rainfall manipulation is complex and will require additional survey campaigns to create a complete picture of the implications for savannah structure and composition.  相似文献   
Transposable elements of the mariner family are widespread among insects and other invertebrates, and initial analyses of their relationships indicated frequent occurrence of horizontal transfers between hosts. A specific PCR assay was used to screen for additional members of the irritans subfamily of mariners in more than 400 arthropod species. Phylogenetic analysis of cloned PCR fragments indicated that relatively recent horizontal transfers had occurred into the lineages of a fruit fly Drosophila ananassae, the horn fly Haematobia irritans, the African malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae, and a green lacewing Chrysoperla plorabunda. Genomic dot-blot analysis revealed that the copy number in these species varies widely, from about 17,000 copies in the horn fly to three copies in D. ananassae. Multiple copies were sequenced from genomic clones from each of these species and four others with related elements. These sequences confirmed the PCR results, revealing extremely similar elements in each of these four species (greater than 88% DNA and 95% amino acid identity). In particular, the consensus sequence of the transposase gene of the horn fly elements differs by just two base pairs out of 1,044 from that of the lacewing elements. The mosquito lineage has diverged from the other Diptera for over 200 Myr, and the neuropteran last shared a common ancestor with them more than 265 Myr ago, so this high similarity implies that these transposons recently transferred horizontally into each lineage. Their presence in only the closest relatives in at least the lacewing lineage supports this hypothesis. Such horizontal transfers provide an explanation for the evolutionary persistence and widespread distribution of mariner transposons. We propose that the ability to transfer horizontally to new hosts before extinction by mutation in the current host constitutes the primary selective constraint maintaining the sequence conservation of mariners and perhaps other DNA-mediated elements.   相似文献   
The effects of selective ibotenate lesions of the complete hippocampus (CHip), the hippocampal ventral pole (VP), or the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in male rats were assessed on several measures related to energy regulation (i.e., body weight gain, food intake, body adiposity, metabolic activity, general behavioral activity, conditioned appetitive responding). The testing conditions were designed to minimize the nonspecific debilitating effects of these surgeries on intake and body weight. Rats with CHip and VP lesions exhibited significantly greater weight gain and food intake compared with controls. Furthermore, CHip-lesioned rats, but not rats with VP lesions, showed elevated metabolic activity, general activity in the dark phase of the light-dark cycle, and greater conditioned appetitive behavior, compared with control rats without these brain lesions. In contrast, rats with mPFC lesions were not different from controls on any of these measures. These results indicate that hippocampal damage interferes with energy and body weight regulation, perhaps by disrupting higher-order learning and memory processes that contribute to the control of appetitive and consummatory behavior.  相似文献   
Raw cassava starch, having 74.94 and 0.44 g/100 g resistant starch type II and III (RS II and RS III), respectively, was autoclaved at 121 °C in water, 1, 10 or 100 mmol/L lactic acid. The formation of RS III was evaluated in relation to variable incubation temperature (−20 to 100 °C), incubation time (6–48 h) and autoclaving time (15–90 min). Negligible to low quantities of RS III (0.59–2.42 g/100 g) were formed from autoclaved starch suspended in 100 mmol/L lactic acid, whereas intermediate to high quantities (2.68–9.97 g/100 g) were formed from autoclaved starch suspended in water, 1 or 10 mmol/L lactic acid, except for treatments with water or 10 mmol/L lactic acid incubated at 100 °C for 6 h (1.74 g/100 g). Autoclaving times corresponding to maximum RS III contents were 15 and 45 min for water and 10 mmol/L lactic acid, respectively. Whereas, the RS III fractions from cassava starch suspended in water had melt transitions between 158 and 175 °C with low endothermic enthalpies (0.2–1.6 J/g), the thermal transitions of the acid treated samples were indistinct.  相似文献   
The effects of 18-crown-6 on the synthesis of peptides catalyzed by alpha-chymotrypsin are reported. Lyophilization of the enzyme in the presence of 50 equivalents of 18-crown-6 results in a 425-fold enhanced activity when the reaction between the 2-chloroethylester of N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine and L-phenylalaninamide is carried out in acetonitrile. Addition of crown ether renders the dipeptide synthesis in nonaqueous solvents catalyzed by alpha-chymotrypsin possible on a preparative scale. The acceleration is observed in different solvents and for various peptide precursors. Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We report here the structural determination of N-linked oligosaccharides found on extracellular hemoglobins of the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila. Structures were elucidated by a combination of electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, matrix- assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, normal-phase high performance liquid chromatography, and exoglycosidase digestion. The sugar chains were found to consist mainly of high-mannose-type glycans with some structures partially capped by one or two terminal glucose residues. The present study represents the first report of the occurrence of glucose capping of N-linked carbohydrates in a secreted glycoprotein of a metazoan. Previously, glucose capping has only been described for a membrane-bound surface glycoprotein from the unicellular parasite Leishmania mexicana amazonensis.   相似文献   
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